9 papers:
ICSE-2010-HenklerMSDN #component #integration #legacy #realtime- Legacy component integration by the Fujaba real-time tool suite (SH, JM, WS, MvD, UN), pp. 267–270.
ICSE-2009-HenklerGHSAEHLSG #behaviour #realtime #synthesis- Synthesis of timed behavior from scenarios in the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite (SH, JG, MH, WS, KA, TE, CH, RL, AS, HG), pp. 615–618.
GT-VMT-2007-FussMRS #comparison- The Jury is still out: A Comparison of AGG, Fujaba, and PROGRES (CF, CM, UR, ES).
ICSE-2007-BurmesterGHHTGMV #perspective #realtime #tool support- Tool Support for Developing Advanced Mechatronic Systems: Integrating the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite with CAMeL-View (SB, HG, SH, MH, MT, AG, EM, HV), pp. 801–804.
GTTSE-2005-GeigerZ #tool support- Developing Tools with Fujaba XProM (LG, AZ), pp. 344–356.
ICSE-2005-BurmesterGHST #development #modelling #realtime #safety- The fujaba real-time tool suite: model-driven development of safety-critical, real-time systems (SB, HG, MH, DS, MT), pp. 670–671.
ICSE-2000-NickelNZ- The FUJABA environment (UN, JN, AZ), pp. 742–745.
AGTIVE-1999-NiereZ #development #using- Using FUJABA for the Development of Production Control Systems (JN, AZ), pp. 181–191.
AGTIVE-1999-NiereZ99a #simulation #testing #using- Testing and Simulating Production Control Systems Using the Fujaba Environment (JN, AZ), pp. 449–456.