238 papers:
FASE-2015-BurdekLBHRA015 #generative #multi #product line #reuse #testing- Facilitating Reuse in Multi-goal Test-Suite Generation for Software Product Lines (JB, ML, SB, AH, AvR, SA, DB), pp. 84–99.
SANER-2015-KochharTL #debugging #effectiveness #empirical #scalability #test coverage #testing- Code coverage and test suite effectiveness: Empirical study with real bugs in large systems (PSK, FT, DL), pp. 560–564.
CSCW-2015-RedaelliC #coordination- Coordination-Artifacts Suiting: When Plans are in the Midst of Ordering Systems (IR, AC), pp. 165–178.
ESEC-FSE-2015-MatinnejadNBB #effectiveness #testing- Effective test suites for mixed discrete-continuous stateflow controllers (RM, SN, LCB, TB), pp. 84–95.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Prasetya #generative #java #named #query #testing- T3i: a tool for generating and querying test suites for Java (ISWBP), pp. 950–953.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ShiYGM #reduction #testing- Comparing and combining test-suite reduction and regression test selection (AS, TY, AG, DM), pp. 237–247.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Yu #concurrent #named #source code #testing- TACO: test suite augmentation for concurrent programs (TY), pp. 918–921.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ZhangM #correlation #effectiveness #testing- Assertions are strongly correlated with test suite effectiveness (YZ, AM), pp. 214–224.
ICST-2015-Felbinger #assessment #model inference #quality #testing #using- Test Suite Quality Assessment Using Model Inference Techniques (HF), pp. 1–2.
ICST-2015-MondalHD #multi #test coverage #testing- Exploring Test Suite Diversification and Code Coverage in Multi-Objective Test Case Selection (DM, HH, SD), pp. 1–10.
ISSTA-2015-AdamsenMM #android #execution #testing- Systematic execution of Android test suites in adverse conditions (CQA, GM, AM), pp. 83–93.
TAP-2015-BirchFP #fault #locality #modelling #performance #testing- Fast Model-Based Fault Localisation with Test Suites (GB, BF, MRP), pp. 38–57.
ASE-2014-MakhdoomKS #automation #execution #incremental #maintenance #symbolic computation #testing- Incremental symbolic execution for automated test suite maintenance (SM, MAK, JHS), pp. 271–276.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-VidacsBTSG #approach #detection #fault #locality #reduction #testing- Test suite reduction for fault detection and localization: A combined approach (LV, ÁB, DT, IS, TG), pp. 204–213.
MSR-2014-AndersonSD #effectiveness #mining #testing- Improving the effectiveness of test suite through mining historical data (JA, SS, HD), pp. 142–151.
SCAM-2014-TengeriBHG #analysis #repository #test coverage #testing #tool support- Toolset and Program Repository for Code Coverage-Based Test Suite Analysis and Manipulation (DT, ÁB, DH, TG), pp. 47–52.
SEFM-2014-BonifacioM #modelling #testing- Test Suite Completeness and Partial Models (ALB, AVM), pp. 96–110.
DUXU-DI-2014-NeidlingerJ #quantum- Sound Bending — Talking Bodies Quantum Sound Suits (KN, WJ), pp. 598–605.
ICEIS-v3-2014-RavasanRH #approach #framework #fuzzy #process #using- A Practical Framework for Business Process Management Suites Selection Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach (AZR, SR, HH), pp. 295–302.
SEKE-2014-HuangCWC #how #interactive #question #testing- How to Do Tie-breaking in Prioritization of Interaction Test Suites? (RH, JC, RW, DC), pp. 121–125.
SEKE-2014-ToureBL #metric #testing #towards- Towards a Unified Metrics Suite for JUnit Test Cases (FT, MB, LL), pp. 115–120.
SAC-2014-BonifacioM #on the #testing- On the completeness of test suites (ALB, AVM), pp. 1287–1292.
SAC-2014-HuangCLWL #adaptation #interactive #random #testing- Adaptive random prioritization for interaction test suites (RH, JC, ZL, RW, YL), pp. 1058–1063.
FSE-2014-DziwokGBTHP #cyber-physical #modelling #re-engineering- A tool suite for the model-driven software engineering of cyber-physical systems (SD, CG, SB, ST, CH, UP), pp. 715–718.
FSE-2014-ShiGGZM #reduction #testing #trade-off- Balancing trade-offs in test-suite reduction (AS, AG, MG, AZ, DM), pp. 246–256.
ICSE-2014-GopinathJG #developer #evaluation #test coverage- Code coverage for suite evaluation by developers (RG, CJ, AG), pp. 72–82.
ICSE-2014-InozemtsevaH #correlation #effectiveness #testing- Coverage is not strongly correlated with test suite effectiveness (LI, RH), pp. 435–445.
HPCA-2014-WangZLZYHGJSZZLZLQ #benchmark #big data #internet #metric #named- BigDataBench: A big data benchmark suite from internet services (LW, JZ, CL, YZ, QY, YH, WG, ZJ, YS, SZ, CZ, GL, KZ, XL, BQ), pp. 488–499.
ICST-2014-BallerLLS #incremental #multi #optimisation #product line #testing- Multi-objective Test Suite Optimization for Incremental Product Family Testing (HB, SL, ML, IS), pp. 303–312.
ICST-2014-KimXKCR #framework #hybrid #testing- Hybrid Directed Test Suite Augmentation: An Interleaving Framework (YK, ZX, MK, MBC, GR), pp. 263–272.
ICTSS-2014-El-FakihSY #assessment #automaton #on the #test coverage #testing- On Code Coverage of Extended FSM Based Test Suites: An Initial Assessment (KEF, TS, NY), pp. 198–204.
ISSTA-2014-ArltPW #slicing #testing #user interface- Reducing GUI test suites via program slicing (SA, AP, MW), pp. 270–281.
ISSTA-2014-GotliebM #named #network #reduction #testing- FLOWER: optimal test suite reduction as a network maximum flow (AG, DM), pp. 171–180.
ISSTA-2014-LiJSCH #energy #optimisation #testing- Integrated energy-directed test suite optimization (DL, YJ, CS, JC, WGJH), pp. 339–350.
VLDB-2013-Franceschini #approach #big data #how #open source- How to maximize the value of big data with the open source SpagoBI suite through a comprehensive approach (MF), pp. 1170–1171.
VLDB-2013-NagendraC #framework #named- SkySuite: A Framework of Skyline-Join Operators for Static and Stream Environments (MN, KSC), pp. 1266–1269.
ICSM-2013-Lopez-HerrejonCFEA #multi #product line #testing- Multi-objective Optimal Test Suite Computation for Software Product Line Pairwise Testing (RELH, JFC, JF, AE, EA), pp. 404–407.
MSR-2013-Gousios #dataset- The GHTorent dataset and tool suite (GG), pp. 233–236.
ESEC-FSE-2013-GambiFD #refinement #testing- Iterative test suites refinement for elastic computing systems (AG, AF, SD), pp. 635–638.
ICSE-2013-BlueSTZ #testing- Interaction-based test-suite minimization (DB, IS, RTB, AZ), pp. 182–191.
ICSE-2013-PhamSS #commit #social #testing- Building test suites in social coding sites by leveraging drive-by commits (RP, LS, KS), pp. 1209–1212.
ICSE-2013-PintoSO #evolution #named #testing- TestEvol: a tool for analyzing test-suite evolution (LSP, SS, AO), pp. 1303–1306.
SPLC-2013-XuCMR #product line #testing- Continuous test suite augmentation in software product lines (ZX, MBC, WM, GR), pp. 52–61.
ICST-2013-AlegrothFO #automation #case study #industrial #testing- Transitioning Manual System Test Suites to Automated Testing: An Industrial Case Study (EA, RF, HHO), pp. 56–65.
ICST-2013-FraserA #challenge #generative #named #testing- EvoSuite: On the Challenges of Test Case Generation in the Real World (GF, AA), pp. 362–369.
ICST-2013-LuchscheiderHG #named #testing- CDM-Suite: An Attributed Test Selection Tool (PL, TH, RG), pp. 398–407.
ICTSS-2013-BadriBF #case study #empirical #predict #testing- Predicting the Size of Test Suites from Use Cases: An Empirical Exploration (MB, LB, WF), pp. 114–132.
ICTSS-2013-GuttingerKKW #reduction #testing- Variations over Test Suite Reduction (DG, VK, DK, SW), pp. 149–163.
ISSTA-2013-GligoricGZSAM #test coverage #testing #using- Comparing non-adequate test suites using coverage criteria (MG, AG, CZ, RS, MAA, DM), pp. 302–313.
TAP-2013-JamrozikFTH #execution #generative #symbolic computation #testing- Generating Test Suites with Augmented Dynamic Symbolic Execution (KJ, GF, NT, JdH), pp. 152–167.
ASE-2012-LedruVTB #testing #traceability- Test suite selection based on traceability annotations (YL, GV, TT, LdB), pp. 342–345.
DAC-2012-ViswanathanASLW #benchmark #contest #metric- The DAC 2012 routability-driven placement contest and benchmark suite (NV, CJA, CCNS, ZL, YW), pp. 774–782.
FASE-2012-TrikiLBDB #combinator #modelling #testing- Model-Based Filtering of Combinatorial Test Suites (TT, YL, LdB, FD, JB), pp. 439–454.
FASE-2012-UsaolaML #reduction #testing #using- Reduction of Test Suites Using Mutation (MPU, PRM, BPL), pp. 425–438.
ICEIS-v2-2012-RenardCR #documentation #fault #process- A Tool to Evaluate Error Correction Resources and Processes Suited for Documents Improvement (AR, SC, BR), pp. 27–35.
CIKM-2012-ChoiLKLM #named #parallel #query #xml- HadoopXML: a suite for parallel processing of massive XML data with multiple twig pattern queries (HC, KHL, SHK, YJL, BM), pp. 2737–2739.
SEKE-2012-ZhangCGZSC #named #reduction #requirements #testing- CATESR: Change-aware Test Suite Reduction Based on Partial Coverage of Test Requirements (LZ, XC, QG, HZ, XS, DC), pp. 217–224.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-GreilerDZ #comprehension #similarity #testing- Measuring Test Case Similarity to Support Test Suite Understanding (MG, AvD, AZ), pp. 91–107.
FSE-2012-PintoSO #comprehension #evolution #testing- Understanding myths and realities of test-suite evolution (LSP, SS, AO), p. 33.
ICSE-2012-AlshahwanH #effectiveness #testing- Augmenting test suites effectiveness by increasing output diversity (NA, MH), pp. 1345–1348.
ICSE-2012-HaoZWMR #on-demand #reduction #testing- On-demand test suite reduction (DH, LZ, XW, HM, GR), pp. 738–748.
ICSE-2012-RubinovW #automation #testing- Augmenting test suites automatically (KR, JW), pp. 1433–1434.
ICST-2012-GeronimoFMS #algorithm #automation #generative #parallel #pipes and filters #search-based #testing- A Parallel Genetic Algorithm Based on Hadoop MapReduce for the Automatic Generation of JUnit Test Suites (LDG, FF, AM, FS), pp. 785–793.
ICST-2012-Kapfhammer #database #testing #towards- Towards a Method for Reducing the Test Suites of Database Applications (GMK), pp. 964–965.
ICST-2012-MirzaAghaeiPP #adaptation #evolution #testing- Supporting Test Suite Evolution through Test Case Adaptation (MM, FP, MP), pp. 231–240.
ISSTA-2012-AlshahwanH #detection #fault #testing #web- State aware test case regeneration for improving web application test suite coverage and fault detection (NA, MH), pp. 45–55.
TAP-2012-BengoleaAMF #bound #test coverage #testing #using- Using Coverage Criteria on RepOK to Reduce Bounded-Exhaustive Test Suites (VSB, NA, DM, MFF), pp. 19–34.
ICSM-2011-BiggersEKE #metric #source code #towards- Toward a metrics suite for source code lexicons (LRB, BPE, NAK, LHE), pp. 492–495.
ICSM-2011-NogueraRKJ #query- Program querying with a SOUL: The BARISTA tool suite (CN, CDR, AK, VJ), pp. 582–585.
ICSM-2011-SampathBJM #reduction #testing- A tool for combination-based prioritization and reduction of user-session-based test suites (SS, RCB, SJ, SM), pp. 574–577.
PEPM-2011-Consel #approach #development #named- DiaSuite: a paradigm-oriented software development approach (CC), pp. 77–78.
DUXU-v1-2011-RiceTW #enterprise #scalability #testing #usability- ISO 25062 Usability Test Planning for a Large Enterprise Applications Suite (SR, JT, AMW), pp. 185–192.
HCI-ITE-2011-ByerD- VOSS -A Voice Operated Suite for the Barbadian Vernacular (DB, CD), pp. 325–330.
SIGIR-2011-HuggettR #generative- The Meta-Dex Suite: generating and analyzing indexes and meta-indexes (MH, ER), pp. 1285–1286.
MoDELS-2011-CichosOLS #generative #modelling #product line #testing- Model-Based Coverage-Driven Test Suite Generation for Software Product Lines (HC, SO, ML, AS), pp. 425–439.
MoDELS-2011-CichosOLS #generative #modelling #product line #testing- Model-Based Coverage-Driven Test Suite Generation for Software Product Lines (HC, SO, ML, AS), pp. 425–439.
OOPSLA-2011-SeweMSB #analysis #benchmark #design #java #metric #scala #virtual machine- Da capo con scala: design and analysis of a scala benchmark suite for the java virtual machine (AS, MM, AS, WB), pp. 657–676.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BauerKE #model transformation #quality #testing- Test Suite Quality for Model Transformation Chains (EB, JMK, GE), pp. 3–19.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-CianconeFDMG #analysis #component #modelling #named #performance #reliability- KlaperSuite: An Integrated Model-Driven Environment for Reliability and Performance Analysis of Component-Based Systems (AC, AF, MLD, RM, VG), pp. 99–114.
SAC-2011-ChenZGZWSC #approach #interactive #reduction #requirements #testing- A test suite reduction approach based on pairwise interaction of requirements (XC, LZ, QG, HZ, ZW, XS, DC), pp. 1390–1397.
ESEC-FSE-2011-FraserA #automation #generative #named #object-oriented #testing- EvoSuite: automatic test suite generation for object-oriented software (GF, AA), pp. 416–419.
ESEC-FSE-2011-MirzaAghaei #automation #evolution #testing- Automatic test suite evolution (MM), pp. 396–399.
ICSE-2011-ChenZ #combinator #metric #testing #tuple- Tuple density: a new metric for combinatorial test suites (BC, JZ), pp. 876–879.
ICSE-2011-Xu #testing- Directed test suite augmentation (ZX), pp. 1110–1113.
ICST-2011-HemmatiAB #empirical #similarity #testing- Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Test Suite Properties on Similarity-Based Test Case Selection (HH, AA, LCB), pp. 327–336.
ASE-2010-HolzerTVS #how #testing- How did you specify your test suite (AH, CS, MT, HV), pp. 407–416.
VLDB-2010-MiddelfartP #using- Using Sentinel Technology in the TARGIT BI Suite (MM, TBP), pp. 1629–1632.
CSMR-2010-SchrettnerHFFB #architecture #development #re-engineering- Development of a Methodology, Software — Suite and Service for Supporting Software Architecture Reconstruction (LS, PH, RF, LJF, TB), pp. 190–193.
WCRE-2010-GreilerGD #comprehension #perspective #plugin #testing- Understanding Plug-in Test Suites from an Extensibility Perspective (MG, HGG, AvD), pp. 67–76.
CHI-2010-ScupelliXFKG #aspect-oriented #coordination #physics- Supporting coordination in surgical suites: physical aspects of common information spaces (PS, YX, SRF, SBK, MDG), pp. 1777–1786.
SEKE-2010-AbuzeidHT #algorithm #performance #reduction #testing- FLAT A Fast Lattice-Based Algorithm for Test Suite Reduction (ARA, HSH, IAHT), p. 67.
SEKE-2010-ShewchukG #experience #functional #maintenance #testing #user interface #using- Experience with Maintenance of a Functional GUI Test Suite using IBM Rational Functional Tester (YS, VG), pp. 489–494.
SEKE-2010-Wang #black box #parametricity #testing #using- Reducing Black-box Test Suite Using Input Parameter Relationships (LW), pp. 180–185.
SAC-2010-Garcia-MagarinoCS #architecture #metric- A metrics suite for evaluating agent-oriented architectures (IGM, MC, VS), pp. 912–919.
SAC-2010-ZhangGCQC #case study #effectiveness #reduction #testing- A study of relative redundancy in test-suite reduction while retaining or improving fault-localization effectiveness (XZ, QG, XC, JQ, DC), pp. 2229–2236.
FSE-2010-XuKKRC #testing #trade-off- Directed test suite augmentation: techniques and tradeoffs (ZX, YK, MK, GR, MBC), pp. 257–266.
ICSE-2010-DettenMT #reverse engineering- Reverse engineering with the reclipse tool suite (MvD, MM, DT), pp. 299–300.
ICSE-2010-HenklerMSDN #component #integration #legacy #realtime- Legacy component integration by the Fujaba real-time tool suite (SH, JM, WS, MvD, UN), pp. 267–270.
ICSE-2010-LunaBGR #agile #development #flexibility #testing #web- A flexible tool suite for change-aware test-driven development of web applications (ERL, JB, JG, GR), pp. 297–298.
ICST-2010-HuangCM #algorithm #search-based #testing #user interface #using- Repairing GUI Test Suites Using a Genetic Algorithm (SH, MBC, AMM), pp. 245–254.
ICST-2010-MasriA #correctness #testing- Cleansing Test Suites from Coincidental Correctness to Enhance Fault-Localization (WM, RAA), pp. 165–174.
ASE-2009-GherbiKKHT #generative #validation- A Tool Suite for the Generation and Validation of Configurations for Software Availability (AG, AK, FK, AHL, MT), pp. 671–673.
ASE-2009-WangC #context-sensitive grammar #testing #weaving- Weaving Context Sensitivity into Test Suite Construction (HW, WKC), pp. 610–614.
ASE-2009-WegrzynowiczS #design pattern #detection #testing #towards- Towards a Comprehensive Test Suite for Detectors of Design Patterns (PW, KS), pp. 103–110.
TACAS-2009-LerouxP #named- TaPAS: The Talence Presburger Arithmetic Suite (JL, GP), pp. 182–185.
CSMR-2009-Lajios #metric- Software Metrics Suites for Project Landscapes (GL), pp. 317–318.
ICSM-2009-BrooksM #metric #similarity #testing- Introducing a test suite similarity metric for event sequence-based test cases (PAB, AMM), pp. 243–252.
MSR-2009-CaseboltKMKD #gnome- Author entropy vs. file size in the gnome suite of applications (JRC, JLK, ACM, CDK, DPD), pp. 91–94.
DHM-2009-BensonR #complexity- Complexity of Sizing for Space Suit Applications (EB, SR), pp. 599–607.
HCD-2009-AshleyD #case study #design #enterprise #maturity #usability- Usability Maturity: A Case Study in Planning and Designing an Enterprise Application Suite (JA, KD), pp. 579–584.
SAC-2009-SmithK #empirical #reduction #testing- An empirical study of incorporating cost into test suite reduction and prioritization (AMS, GMK), pp. 461–467.
ICSE-2009-HenklerGHSAEHLSG #behaviour #realtime #synthesis- Synthesis of timed behavior from scenarios in the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite (SH, JG, MH, WS, KA, TE, CH, RL, AS, HG), pp. 615–618.
ICSE-2009-HsuO #framework #named #testing- MINTS: A general framework and tool for supporting test-suite minimization (HYH, AO), pp. 419–429.
ISSTA-2009-NaminA #effectiveness #testing- The influence of size and coverage on test suite effectiveness (ASN, JHA), pp. 57–68.
TestCom-FATES-2009-ZeissG #consistency #nondeterminism #testing- Analyzing Response Inconsistencies in Test Suites (BZ, JG), pp. 195–210.
ASE-2008-GrunbacherRD #lessons learnt #product line #tool support- Product Line Tools are Product Lines Too: Lessons Learned from Developing a Tool Suite (PG, RR, DD), pp. 351–354.
ASE-2008-SantelicesCAOH #evolution #testing- Test-Suite Augmentation for Evolving Software (RAS, PKC, TA, AO, MJH), pp. 218–227.
ICSM-2008-KorelKT #modelling #testing- Application of system models in regression test suite prioritization (BK, GK, LHT), pp. 247–256.
ICPR-2008-KarlekarLF #grid- Tracking of articulated pose and motion with a markerized grid suit (JK, SNL, ACF), pp. 1–4.
SEKE-2008-ChenZX #approach #reduction #testing- A Degraded ILP Approach for Test Suite Reduction (ZC, XZ, BX), pp. 494–499.
BX-2008-Laemmel1- A Suite for Coupled Grammar Transformations (RL), p. 39.
SAC-2008-ChenXZN #approach #novel #reduction #testing- A novel approach for test suite reduction based on requirement relation contraction (ZC, BX, XZ, CN), pp. 390–394.
ICSE-2008-BunyakiatiFSC #standard #testing #uml #using- Using JULE to generate a compliance test suite for the UML standard (PB, AF, JS, CC), pp. 827–830.
ICSE-2008-YuJH #empirical #fault #locality #reduction #testing- An empirical study of the effects of test-suite reduction on fault localization (YY, JAJ, MJH), pp. 201–210.
ICST-2008-StreckerM #detection #fault #testing #user interface- Relationships between Test Suites, Faults, and Fault Detection in GUI Testing (JS, AMM), pp. 12–21.
WICSA-2007-StaffordC #architecture #documentation- Producing Software Architecture Documentation to Suit Your Needs (JAS, PCC), p. 33.
ASE-2007-SmithGKS #reduction #testing- Test suite reduction and prioritization with call trees (AMS, JG, GMK, MLS), pp. 539–540.
VLDB-2007-KenscheQLL #model management #named- GeRoMeSuite: A System for Holistic Generic Model Management (DK, CQ, XL, YL), pp. 1322–1325.
FASE-2007-FraserW #reduction #testing- Redundancy Based Test-Suite Reduction (GF, FW), pp. 291–305.
ICSM-2007-Gueheneuc #flexibility #named #reverse engineering- Ptidej: A Flexible Reverse Engineering Tool Suite (YGG), pp. 529–530.
ICSM-2007-McMasterM #analysis #detection #fault #probability #reduction #testing- Fault Detection Probability Analysis for Coverage-Based Test Suite Reduction (SM, AMM), pp. 335–344.
AdaEurope-2007-WooCJ #approach #compilation #representation #testing- An Intermediate Representation Approach to Reducing Test Suites for Retargeted Compilers (GW, HSC, HJ), pp. 100–113.
RE-2007-RabiserDGLF #product line #requirements- Involving Non-Technicians in Product Derivation and Requirements Engineering: A Tool Suite for Product Line Engineering (RR, DD, PG, KL, CF), pp. 367–368.
ICSE-2007-BurmesterGHHTGMV #perspective #realtime #tool support- Tool Support for Developing Advanced Mechatronic Systems: Integrating the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite with CAMeL-View (SB, HG, SH, MH, MT, AG, EM, HV), pp. 801–804.
ICSE-2007-ZhuLBG #capacity #modelling #named- Revel8or: Model Driven Capacity Planning Tool Suite (LZ, YL, NBB, IG), pp. 797–800.
AMOST-2007-ChenPU #analysis #dependence #generative #modelling #testing #using- Model-based regression test suite generation using dependence analysis (YC, RLP, HU), pp. 54–62.
MBT-2007-DadeauLB #java #ml #specification #testing #using- Measuring a Java Test Suite Coverage Using JML Specifications (FD, YL, LdB), pp. 21–32.
MBT-2007-FraserAW #model checking #testing- Handling Model Changes: Regression Testing and Test-Suite Update with Model-Checkers (GF, BKA, FW), pp. 33–46.
MBT-2007-HesselP #algorithm #generative #modelling #testing- A Global Algorithm for Model-Based Test Suite Generation (AH, PP), pp. 47–59.
TestCom-FATES-2007-NeukirchenB #detection #problem #quality #smell #testing- Utilising Code Smells to Detect Quality Problems in TTCN-3 Test Suites (HN, MB), pp. 228–243.
ASE-2006-Rajan #black box #metric #testing- Coverage Metrics to Measure Adequacy of Black-Box Test Suites (AR), pp. 335–338.
VLDB-2006-YuanBWMH #integration #semantics- A Semantic Information Integration Tool Suite (JY, AB, CW, MOM, AH), pp. 1171–1174.
AdaEurope-2006-RazaVP #named #program analysis #reverse engineering- Bauhaus — A Tool Suite for Program Analysis and Reverse Engineering (AR, GV, EP), pp. 71–82.
SEKE-2006-NieXSW #generative #heuristic #testing- A New Heuristic for Test Suite Generation for Pair-wise Testing (CN, BX, LS, ZW), pp. 517–521.
ECOOP-2006-Xie #automation #testing- Augmenting Automatically Generated Unit-Test Suites with Regression Oracle Checking (TX), pp. 380–403.
SAC-2006-ChengCW #analysis #composition #named #scalability- ARCATS: a scalable compositional analysis tool suite (YPC, YRC, HYW), pp. 1852–1853.
ICSE-2006-BaudryFT #fault #locality #performance #testing- Improving test suites for efficient fault localization (BB, FF, YLT), pp. 82–91.
ICSE-2006-ZhongZM #comparison #reduction #testing- An experimental comparison of four test suite reduction techniques (HZ, LZ, HM), pp. 636–640.
ISSTA-2006-WalcottSKR #testing- TimeAware test suite prioritization (KRW, MLS, GMK, RSR), pp. 1–12.
ASE-2005-BryceC #algorithm #interactive #testing- Constructing interaction test suites with greedy algorithms (RCB, CJC), pp. 440–443.
ASE-2005-HennessyP #analysis #generative #grammarware #testing- An analysis of rule coverage as a criterion in generating minimal test suites for grammar-based software (MH, JFP), pp. 104–113.
ICDAR-2005-FanLS #image- A Comprehensive Image Processing Suite for Book Re-mastering (JF, XL, SJS), pp. 447–451.
SIGMOD-2005-JahangiriS #data analysis #named- ProDA: a suite of web-services for progressive data analysis (MJ, CS), pp. 894–896.
ICSM-2005-HaoZZMS #case study #fault #locality #reduction #testing #using- Eliminating Harmful Redundancy for Testing-Based Fault Localization Using Test Suite Reduction: An Experimental Study (DH, LZ, HZ, HM, JS), pp. 683–686.
ICSM-2005-JeffreyG #reduction #testing- Test Suite Reduction with Selective Redundancy (DJ, NG), pp. 549–558.
ICSM-2005-McMasterM #reduction #stack #testing- Call Stack Coverage for Test Suite Reduction (SM, AMM), pp. 539–548.
ICSM-2005-SprenkleSGPS #comparison #empirical #reduction #testing #web- An Empirical Comparison of Test Suite Reduction Techniques for User-Session-Based Testing of Web Applications (SS, SS, EG, LLP, ALS), pp. 587–596.
PASTE-2005-TallamG #algorithm #concept analysis #testing- A concept analysis inspired greedy algorithm for test suite minimization (ST, NG), pp. 35–42.
ICEIS-v3-2005-MenkhausA #analysis #embedded #metric- Metric Suite Directing the Failure Mode Analysis of Embedded Software Systems (GM, BA), pp. 266–273.
ECIR-2005-KlampanosPJD #evaluation #information retrieval #peer-to-peer- A Suite of Testbeds for the Realistic Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval Systems (IAK, VP, JMJ, PD), pp. 38–51.
SAC-2005-RummelKT #data flow #testing #towards- Towards the prioritization of regression test suites with data flow information (MJR, GMK, AT), pp. 1499–1504.
GTTSE-2005-Batory #programming #tutorial- A Tutorial on Feature Oriented Programming and the AHEAD Tool Suite (DSB), pp. 3–35.
GTTSE-2005-HeuzerothATK #aspect-oriented #composition #injection- The COMPOST, COMPASS, Inject/J and RECODER Tool Suite for Invasive Software Composition: Invasive Composition with COMPASS Aspect-Oriented Connectors (DH, UA, MT, VK), pp. 357–377.
ICSE-2005-BryceCC #framework #interactive #testing- A framework of greedy methods for constructing interaction test suites (RCB, CJC, MBC), pp. 146–155.
ICSE-2005-BurmesterGHST #development #modelling #realtime #safety- The fujaba real-time tool suite: model-driven development of safety-critical, real-time systems (SB, HG, MH, DS, MT), pp. 670–671.
CADE-2005-Benedetti #named- sKizzo: A Suite to Evaluate and Certify QBFs (MB), pp. 369–376.
ASE-2004-HeimdahlG #modelling #quality #reduction #testing- Test-Suite Reduction for Model Based Tests: Effects on Test Quality and Implications for Testing (MPEH, GD), pp. 176–185.
DAC-2004-FineUZ #functional #probability #verification- Probabilistic regression suites for functional verification (SF, SU, AZ), pp. 49–54.
DATE-v2-2004-HohenauerSKWKLAMBS #c #compilation #generative #modelling- A Methodology and Tool Suite for C Compiler Generation from ADL Processor Models (MH, HS, KK, OW, TK, RL, GA, HM, GB, HvS), pp. 1276–1283.
ITiCSE-2004-Ben-Ari #concurrent #education #tool support- A suite of tools for teaching concurrency (MBA), p. 251.
FASE-2004-LedruBMB #combinator #testing- Filtering TOBIAS Combinatorial Test Suites (YL, LdB, OM, PB), pp. 281–294.
TACAS-2004-NielsonNSBHPS- The Succinct Solver Suite (FN, HRN, HS, MB, RRH, HP, HS), pp. 251–265.
ICSM-2004-SkoglundR #case study #evolution #maintenance #testing- A Case Study on Regression Test Suite Maintenance in System Evolution (MS, PR), pp. 438–442.
SEKE-2004-JannachK #online- Building on-line sales assistance systems with ADVISOR SUITE (DJ, GK), pp. 110–116.
SIGIR-2004-MontgomerySCE #analysis #documentation #empirical #feedback- Effect of varying number of documents in blind feedback: analysis of the 2003 NRRC RIA workshop “bf_numdocs” experiment suite (JM, LS, JC, DAE), pp. 476–477.
SAC-J-2003-CavarraCD04 #automation #generative #modelling #testing- A method for the automatic generation of test suites from object models (AC, CC, JD), pp. 309–314.
ICSE-2004-Batory #feature model #programming- Feature-Oriented Programming and the AHEAD Tool Suite (DSB), pp. 702–703.
ICSE-2004-BlackMK #modelling #reduction #testing- Bi-Criteria Models for All-Uses Test Suite Reduction (JB, EM, DRK), pp. 106–115.
ICSE-2004-Nagappan #metric #reliability #testing #towards- Toward a Software Testing and Reliability Early Warning Metric Suite (NN), pp. 60–62.
LCTES-2004-AntochiJVL #3d #benchmark #metric #mobile #named- GraalBench: a 3D graphics benchmark suite for mobile phones (IA, BHHJ, SV, PL), pp. 1–9.
ASE-2003-SturmerC #code generation #design #testing #tool support- Test Suite Design for Code Generation Tools (IS, MC), pp. 286–290.
FASE-2003-VanderperrenSWJ #component #composition #visual notation- PacoSuite and JAsCo: A Visual Component Composition Environment with Advanced Aspect Separation Features (WV, DS, BW, VJ), pp. 166–169.
IWPC-2003-LakhotiaLWY #benchmark #clone detection #detection #metric #towards- Towards a Clone Detection Benchmark Suite and Results Archive (AL, JL, AW, YY), pp. 285–287.
SAC-2003-DaviesCC #automation #generative #modelling #testing- A Method for the Automatic Generation of Test Suites from Object Models (JD, CC, AC), pp. 1104–1109.
ICSE-2003-CohenGMC #interactive #testing- Constructing Test Suites for Interaction Testing (MBC, PBG, WBM, CJC), pp. 38–48.
ICSE-2003-HarderME #abstraction #testing- Improving Test Suites via Operational Abstraction (MH, JM, MDE), pp. 60–73.
LDTA-2003-KalinovKPPS #automation #compilation #generative #testing- Coverage-driven Automated Compiler Test Suite Generation (AK, AK, AKP, MP, VS), pp. 500–514.
FME-2002-BourdonovKKP #architecture #testing- UniTesK Test Suite Architecture (IBB, AK, VVK, AKP), pp. 77–88.
UML-2002-BasanieriBM #approach #testing #uml- The Cow_Suite Approach to Planning and Deriving Test Suites in UML Projects (FB, AB, EM), pp. 383–397.
ICSE-2002-RothermelEMKD #effectiveness #testing- The impact of test suite granularity on the cost-effectiveness of regression testing (GR, SGE, AGM, PK, BD), pp. 130–140.
ISSTA-2002-VaysburgTK #analysis #dependence #reduction #testing- Dependence analysis in reduction of requirement based test suites (BV, LHT, BK), pp. 107–111.
TestCom-2002-Horvath #ad hoc #automation #generative #modelling #protocol #testing #validation- Ad-hoc Protocol Modelling, Validation and Automated Test Suite Generation (EH), p. 235–?.
FASE-2001-OlveczkyKMTZ #analysis #maude #network #protocol #realtime #specification- Specification and Analysis of the AER/NCA Active Network Protocol Suite in Real-Time Maude (PCÖ, MK, JM, CLT, SZ), pp. 333–348.
ICSM-2001-JonesH #reduction #testing- Test-Suite Reduction and Prioritization for Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (JAJ, MJH), p. 92–?.
IWPC-2001-GannodC #formal method #reverse engineering #tool support #using- A Suite of Tools for Facilitating Reverse Engineering Using Formal Methods (GCG, BHCC), pp. 221–232.
AdaEurope-2001-ChenL #detection #effectiveness #empirical #evaluation #fault #reduction #testing- Test Suite Reduction and Fault Detecting Effectiveness: An Empirical Evaluation (TYC, MFL), pp. 253–265.
SIGAda-2001-Pritchett #ada #metric #object-oriented- An object-oriented metrics suite for Ada 95 (WWP), pp. 117–126.
UML-2001-RoubtsovaGKJ #interface #specification- A Specification Model for Interface Suites (EER, LCMvG, RK, HBMJ), pp. 457–471.
ITiCSE-2000-Normark #tool support- A suite of WWW-based tools for advanced course management (KN), pp. 65–68.
WCRE-2000-MartinWWM #using- Analyzing xfig Using the Rigi Tool Suite (JM, KW, BW, HAM), pp. 207–209.
EDOC-2000-PressoRB #named #process #uml- PILOTE: A Tool Suite to Support UML-Based Engineering Processes (MJP, GR, MB), pp. 242–251.
ICPR-v3-2000-PagetL #analysis #markov #parametricity #random #testing- Nonparametric Markov Random Field Model Analysis of the MeasTex Test Suite (RP, IDL), pp. 3939–3942.
TOOLS-USA-2000-EtzkornD #design #metric #object-oriented #semantics #towards- Towards a Semantic Metrics Suite for Object-Oriented Design (LHE, HSD), p. 71–?.
ICSE-2000-Baker- The making of Orbix and the iPortal suite (SB), pp. 609–616.
TestCom-2000-CavalliPY #communication #detection #fault #power of #testing- Fault Detection Power of a Widely Used Test Suite for a System of Communicating FSMs (ARC, SP, NY), p. 35–?.
TestCom-2000-JardJM #testing #verification- Verification of Test Suites (CJ, TJ, PM), pp. 3–18.
TestCom-2000-RyuKKS #design #generative #testing #using- Interoperability Test Suite Generation for the TCP Data Part Using Experimental Design Techniques (JR, MK, SK, SS), pp. 127–142.
DAC-1999-FournierKL #architecture #validation- Developing an Architecture Validation Suite: Applicaiton to the PowerPC Architecture (LF, AK, ML), pp. 189–194.
FASE-1999-BlairJB #multi #specification- A Tool Suite for Multi-paradigm Specification (LB, TJ, GSB), pp. 234–238.
ICSM-1999-Rugaber #evolution #legacy- A Tool Suite for Evolving Legacy Software (SR), pp. 33–39.
FM-v1-1999-BurdonovKPG #automation #generative #named #specification #testing- KVEST: Automated Generation of Test Suites from Formal Specifications (IBB, AK, AP, DG), pp. 608–621.
HCI-CCAD-1999-BambaNF #agile #design- Human cognitive model for organizational design suited to task in agile manufacturing (EB, KN, TF), pp. 1231–1235.
SAC-1999-VeldhuizenL #algorithm #multi #testing- Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Test Suites (DAvV, GBL), pp. 351–357.
IWTCS-1999-YevtushenkoCA #embedded #finite #nondeterminism #state machine #testing- Test Suite Minimization for Embedded Nondeterministic Finite State Machines (NY, ARC, RA), pp. 237–250.
CSMR-1998-ZhaoCU98a #concurrent #logic programming #metric #source code- A Metrics Suite for Concurrent Logic Programs (JZ, JC, KU), pp. 172–178.
ICSM-1998-RothermelHOH #detection #empirical #fault #testing- An Empirical Study of the Effects of Minimization on the Fault Detection Capabilities of Test Suites (GR, MJH, JO, CH), pp. 34–43.
CAV-1998-Daws #model checking #named #realtime- Optikron: A Tool Suite for Enhancing Model-Checking of Real-Time Systems (CD), pp. 542–545.
IWTCS-1998-DesrochesLPRSV #case study #experience #migration #testing- Test Suite Migration Experiences for B-ISUP and B-MTP (CD, ML, SP, AR, IS, TVG), pp. 327–342.
IWTCS-1998-KahloucheVZ #automation #empirical #execution #generative #industrial #protocol #testing- An Industrial Experiment in Automatic Generation of Executable Test Suites for a Cache Coherency Protocol (HK, CV, MZ), pp. 211–226.
IWTCS-1998-ShinK #protocol #testing- Interoperability Test Suite Derivation for the ATM/B-ISDN Signaling Protocol (JS, SK), pp. 307–326.
IWTCS-1998-YevtushenkoCL #testing- Test Suite Minimization for Testing in Context (NY, ARC, LAPLJ), pp. 127–146.
HCI-SEC-1997-UenoSO #html #question- Book Based View and Scroll Based View: Which is Suited for HTML Viewers? (KU, KS, HO), pp. 795–798.
ICSM-1996-CiochPL #documentation #maintenance- A Documentation Suite for Maintenance Programmers (FAC, MP, SL), pp. 286–295.
CAV-1996-FernandezJJV #generative #on the fly #testing #using #verification- Using On-The-Fly Verification Techniques for the Generation of test Suites (JCF, CJ, TJ, CV), pp. 348–359.
CC-1994-CheathamGS #analysis #interpreter #tool support- A Suite of Analysis Tools Based on a General Purpose Abstract Interpreter (TC, HG, DCS), pp. 188–202.
ISSTA-1994-AvritzerW #generative #testing- Generating Test Suites for Software Load Testing (AA, EJW), pp. 44–57.
SAC-1993-Jimenez-CedenoV #approach #communication #network #predict #realtime- Centralized Packet Radio Network: A Communication Approach Suited for Data Collection in a Real-Time Flash Flood Prediction System (MJC, RVE), pp. 709–713.
IWPTS-1993-EkEW #case study #experience #generative #testing- Experiences with Computer Aided Test Suite Generation (AE, JE, AW), pp. 181–196.
IWPTS-1993-HennigerSB #generative #protocol #specification #testing- Test Suite Generation for Application Layer Protocols from Formal Specifications in Estelle (OH, BS, SB), pp. 67–85.
PEPM-1992-CheathamS #abstract interpretation- A Suite of Optimizers Based on Abstract Interpretation (TC, DCS), pp. 75–81.
SEKE-1992-LynchC #automation #development- The SEAR Tool Suite: CASE for Expert System Development in OPSS (PAL, TAC), pp. 545–550.
IWPTS-1992-RoblesMH #consistency #specification #testing- Specification and Derivation of OSI Conformance Test Suites (TR, JAM, GH), pp. 177–188.
OOPSLA-1991-ChidamberK #design #metric #object-oriented #towards- Towards a Metrics Suite for Object Oriented Design (SRC, CFK), pp. 197–211.
IWPTS-1991-CorbiS #embedded #protocol #testing- Common Abstract Test Suite for the Connection Oriented Presentation Protocol Embedded Under Different Application Contexts (CC, GS), pp. 143–149.
IWPTS-1991-Cowin #case study #documentation #experience #testing- Experiences in Developing a Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes Document for Open Systems (GWC), pp. 151–162.
IWPTS-1991-DubucDB #design #finite #incremental #modelling #named #testing- TESTL: An Environment for Incremental Test Suite Design Based on Finite-State Models (MD, RD, GvB), pp. 195–206.
IWPTS-1991-Marchese #development #testing- Session on Test Suite Development (PM), p. 283.
DAC-1990-ArmstrongCSK #validation- The VHDL Validation Suite (JA, CC, SS, CK), pp. 2–7.