7 papers:
ASPLOS-2014-RuanVLS #case study #experience #legacy #transaction #using- Transactionalizing legacy code: an experience report using GCC and Memcached (WR, TV, YL, MFS), pp. 399–412.
DATE-2010-KrekuTV #automation #compilation #generative- Automatic workload generation for system-level exploration based on modified GCC compiler (JK, KT, GV), pp. 369–374.
SAC-2009-MetivierBL- Softening Gcc and Regular with preferences (JPM, PB, SL), pp. 1392–1396.
SAC-2005-DAgostiniF #aspect-oriented #metalanguage #preprocessor- Bridging AOP to SMP: turning GCC into a metalanguage preprocessor (TSD, AAF), pp. 1563–1564.
IWPC-2003-HennessyMP #comprehension #named #tool support #xml- gccXfront: Exploiting gcc as a Front End for Program Comprehension Tools via XML/XSLT (MH, BAM, JFP), p. 298–?.
SCAM-2003-AntoniolPMV #abstract syntax tree #analysis #named #xml- XOgastan: XML-Oriented gcc AST Analysis and Transformations (GA, MDP, GM, UV), pp. 173–182.
TRI-Ada-1994-Kenner- Integrating GNAT and GCC (RK), pp. 84–92.