10 papers:
CHI-2004-KierasS #lessons learnt #modelling- Computational GOMS modeling of a complex team task: lessons learned (DEK, TPS), pp. 97–104.
CHI-2002-JohnVMFR #automation- Automating CPM-GOMS (BEJ, AHV, MM, MF, RWR), pp. 147–154.
CHI-2000-BaumeisterJB #comparison #modelling #tool support- A comparison of tools for building GOMS models (LKB, BEJ, MDB), pp. 502–509.
CHI-1994-GongK94a #development #validation- A validation of the GOMS model methodology in the development of a specialized, commercial software application (RG, DEK), pp. 351–357.
CHI-1994-IrvingPI94a #analysis #automation- A GOMS analysis of the advanced automated cockpit (SI, PGP, JEI), pp. 344–350.
HCI-SHI-1993-KatoO #analysis #using- Task Analysis Method using the GOMS Model with Grouping (KK, KO), pp. 891–896.
CHI-1992-GrayJA #bibliography #validation- The precis of Project Ernestine or an overview of a validation of GOMS (WDG, BEJ, MEA), pp. 307–312.
CHI-1992-JohnV #analysis #interactive- A GOMS Analysis of a Graphic Machine-Paced, Highly Interactive Task (BEJ, AHV), pp. 251–258.
CHI-1990-GongE #approach #design #documentation #evaluation #usability #using- Designing minimal documentation using a GOMS model: a usability evaluation of an engineering approach (RG, JE), pp. 99–107.
CHI-1990-John #analysis #performance #visual notation- Extensions of GOMS analyses to expert performance requiring perception of dynamic visual and auditory information (BEJ), pp. 107–116.