8 papers:
DRR-2015-NagyEKS #category theory #clustering #web- Clustering header categories extracted from web tables (GN, DWE, MSK, SCS).
ICDAR-2013-SethN- Segmenting Tables via Indexing of Value Cells by Table Headers (SCS, GN), pp. 887–891.
DRR-2004-TaghvaBNCY #proximity- The impact of running headers and footers on proximity searching (KT, JB, TAN, JSC, RY), pp. 1–5.
DRR-2003-Lin- Header and footer extraction by page association (XL), pp. 164–171.
WCRE-2001-GannodG #dependence #graph- An Investigation into the Connectivity Properties of Source-Header Dependency Graphs (GCG, BDG), pp. 115–126.
ICALP-2000-AdlerFGP #bound- Tight Size Bounds for Packet Headers in Narrow Meshes (MA, FEF, LAG, MP), pp. 756–767.
ICDAR-v2-1995-DeforgesB #detection #documentation #image #multi #performance #robust #segmentation- Segmentation of Complex Documents Multilevel Images: A Robust and Fast Text Bodies-Headers Detection and Extraction Scheme 770 (OD, DB), pp. 770–773.
HPDC-1994-MoralesA #design #implementation #logic #protocol- Design of a Header Processor for the PSi Implementation of the Logical Link Control Protocol in LANs (FAM, HAA), pp. 270–277.