15 papers:
TACAS-2015-MullerPV #contest- Predator Hunting Party (Competition Contribution) (PM, PP, TV), pp. 443–446.
CSCW-2015-GonzalesFB #lessons learnt #towards- Towards an Appropriable CSCW Tool Ecology: Lessons from the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen (JAG, CF, AB), pp. 946–957.
LCT-2015-KimAKW #game studies #learning- H-Treasure Hunt: A Location and Object-Based Serious Game for Cultural Heritage Learning at a Historic Site (HK, SA, SK, WW), pp. 561–572.
ICSE-v2-2015-BishopHXTH #contest #experience #scalability- Code Hunt: Experience with Coding Contests at Scale (JB, RNH, TX, NT, JdH), pp. 398–407.
LICS-2015-GogaczM #decidability #query- The Hunt for a Red Spider: Conjunctive Query Determinacy Is Undecidable (TG, JM), pp. 281–292.
SAC-2014-ChenCWD #recommendation #scalability- Instant expert hunting: building an answerer recommender system for a large scale Q&A website (TC, JC, HW, YD), pp. 260–265.
ISSTA-2014-TillmannHXB- Constructing coding duels in Pex4Fun and code hunt (NT, JdH, TX, JB), pp. 445–448.
ICSE-2013-HauptmannJEHVB #natural language #smell #testing- Hunting for smells in natural language tests (BH, MJ, SE, LH, RV, PB), pp. 1217–1220.
ITiCSE-2011-WahbaFH #network #student- A technology-assisted scavenger hunt for introducing K-12 students to sensor networks (SKW, YF, JOH), pp. 73–77.
DLT-2011-BadkobehCC #string- Hunting Redundancies in Strings (GB, SC, MC), pp. 1–14.
SIGIR-2009-MaCQG #game studies #using- Page hunt: improving search engines using human computation games (HM, RC, CQ, AG), pp. 746–747.
VLDB-2008-MetwallyEAA #correlation #detection #named #using- SLEUTH: Single-pubLisher attack dEtection Using correlaTion Hunting (AM, FE, DA, AEA), pp. 1217–1228.
CSCW-2008-JuhlinW #collaboration- Hunting for fun: solitude and attentiveness in collaboration (OJ, AW), pp. 57–66.
IFM-2007-CalameIPS #debugging- Bug Hunting with False Negatives (JRC, NI, JvdP, NS), pp. 98–117.
ICSE-2007-ElbaumPDJ #debugging #testing- Bug Hunt: Making Early Software Testing Lessons Engaging and Affordable (SGE, SP, JD, MJ), pp. 688–697.