5 papers:
SIGIR-2005-AzzopardiGC #probability- Probabilistic hyperspace analogue to language (LA, MG, MC), pp. 575–576.
HT-1999-KreutzES- No Longer Lost in WWW-Based Hyperspaces (RK, BE, KS), pp. 133–134.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KashiharaUT #learning #visualisation- Visualizing knowledge structure for exploratory learning in hyperspace (AK, HU, JT), pp. 667–671.
HCI-SHI-1993-Thiopoulous #interactive- An Interactive Information Filter or a Trip in Hyperspace (CT), pp. 214–219.
HT-1991-Gloor #named #navigation- CYBERMAP: Yet Another Way of Navigating in Hyperspace (PAG), pp. 107–121.