18 papers:
ICST-2015-BardinDDKPTM #detection #requirements- Sound and Quasi-Complete Detection of Infeasible Test Requirements (SB, MD, RD, NK, MP, YLT, JYM), pp. 1–10.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-DingZT #branch #detection- Detecting infeasible branches based on code patterns (SD, HZ, HBKT), pp. 74–83.
ICEIS-v3-2012-WangWZLW #detection #modelling #process- Detecting Infeasible Traces in Process Models (ZW, LW, XZ, YL, JW), pp. 212–217.
CAV-2012-ArltS #detection #java #named- Joogie: Infeasible Code Detection for Java (SA, MS), pp. 767–773.
DATE-2011-AndalamRG #analysis #source code- Pruning infeasible paths for tight WCRT analysis of synchronous programs (SA, PSR, AG), pp. 204–209.
ICST-2010-DelahayeBG- Explanation-Based Generalization of Infeasible Path (MD, BB, AG), pp. 215–224.
DAC-2009-ArbelER- Resurrecting infeasible clock-gating functions (EA, CE, OR), pp. 160–165.
SAS-2008-BalakrishnanSIWG #analysis #detection #named #refinement- SLR: Path-Sensitive Analysis through Infeasible-Path Detection and Syntactic Language Refinement (GB, SS, FI, OW, AG), pp. 238–254.
STOC-2008-FortnowS- Infeasibility of instance compression and succinct PCPs for NP (LF, RS), pp. 133–142.
ESEC-FSE-2007-NgoT #detection #scalability- Detecting large number of infeasible paths through recognizing their patterns (MNN, HBKT), pp. 215–224.
DAC-2006-SuhendraMRC #analysis #detection #performance- Efficient detection and exploitation of infeasible paths for software timing analysis (VS, TM, AR, TC), pp. 358–363.
SCAM-J-2001-SouterP02 #automation #identification- Characterization and automatic identification of type infeasible call chains (ALS, LLP), pp. 721–732.
SCAM-2001-SouterP- Type Infeasible Call Chains (ALS, LLP), pp. 196–205.
ASE-2000-BuenoJ #identification #monitoring #testing- Identification of Potentially Infeasible Program Paths by Monitoring the Search for Test Data (PMSB, MJ), pp. 209–218.
ESEC-FSE-1997-BodikGS #data flow #using- Refining Data Flow Information Using Infeasible Paths (RB, RG, MLS), pp. 361–377.
SAC-1993-SekharanW #algorithm #search-based- Manipulating Subpopulations of Feasible and Infeasible Solutions in Genetic Algorithms (DAS, RLW), pp. 118–125.
TAV-1989-YatesM #branch #testing- Reducing the Effects of Infeasible Paths in Branch Testing (DFY, NM), pp. 48–54.
ICSE-1985-HedleyH #source code- The Causes and Effects of Infeasible Paths in Computer Programs (DH, MAH), pp. 259–267.