4 papers:
ASE-2014-YeXZC #ranking #retrieval- Interrogative-guided re-ranking for question-oriented software text retrieval (TY, BX, YZ, XC), pp. 115–120.
OCSC-2011-TsaiHT #network #social- An Investigation into the Social Network between Three Generations in a Household: Bridging the Interrogational Gaps between the Senior and the Youth (THT, YLH, KCT), pp. 277–286.
KMIS-2011-AouichaFTH #automation #query- Structure-based Interrogation and Automatic Query Reformulation (MBA, IKF, MT, ABH), pp. 123–128.
CIKM-1994-LamirelC #approach #database #design #interactive #learning #online- Application of a Symbolico-Connectionist Approach for the Design of a Highly Interactive Documentary Database Interrogation System with On-Line Learning Capabilities (JCL, MC), pp. 155–163.