15 papers:
KDIR-2014-DeglInnocentiNT #approach #knowledge base #multi- A New Multi-lingual Knowledge-base Approach to Keyphrase Extraction for the Italian Language (DD, DDN, CT), pp. 78–85.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-NartTF #automation #personalisation #recommendation #using- Personalized Recommendation and Explanation by using Keyphrases Automatically extracted from Scientific Literature (DDN, CT, FF), pp. 96–103.
CIKM-2012-HoffartSNTW #ambiguity #named- KORE: keyphrase overlap relatedness for entity disambiguation (JH, SS, DBN, MT, GW), pp. 545–554.
KDIR-2012-FerraraT #approach #social- A Keyphrase Extraction Approach for Social Tagging Systems (FF, CT), pp. 362–365.
CIKM-2011-WangL #framework #learning #named #rank- CoRankBayes: bayesian learning to rank under the co-training framework and its application in keyphrase extraction (CW, SL), pp. 2241–2244.
HT-2010-KondoTU #exclamation #web- Search your interests everywhere!: wikipedia-based keyphrase extraction from web browsing history (MK, AT, TU), pp. 295–296.
CIKM-2009-HofmannTMR #documentation- The impact of document structure on keyphrase extraction (KH, MT, EM, MdR), pp. 1725–1728.
SIGIR-2009-JiangHL #approach #ranking- A ranking approach to keyphrase extraction (XJ, YH, HL), pp. 756–757.
DocEng-2008-KumarS #automation #documentation #n-gram #using- Automatic keyphrase extraction from scientific documents using N-gram filtration technique (NK, KS), pp. 199–208.
CIKM-2008-QuMG #network #semantics #using- Using tag semantic network for keyphrase extraction in blogs (LQ, CM, IG), pp. 1381–1382.
CIKM-2005-ChenSZL #web- A practical system of keyphrase extraction for web pages (MC, JTS, HJZ, KYL), pp. 277–278.
CIKM-2005-WuLBC- Domain-specific keyphrase extraction (YfBW, QL, RSB, XC), pp. 283–284.
MLDM-2005-HammoudaMK #clustering #documentation #named- CorePhrase: Keyphrase Extraction for Document Clustering (KMH, DNM, MSK), pp. 265–274.
SIGIR-2002-Zha #clustering #summary #using- Generic summarization and keyphrase extraction using mutual reinforcement principle and sentence clustering (HZ), pp. 113–120.
SIGIR-1999-JonesS #documentation #interactive #named #retrieval #using- Phrasier: A System for Interactive Document Retrieval Using Keyphrases (SJ, MSS), pp. 160–167.