30 papers:
SANER-2015-CadariuBVD #security- Tracking known security vulnerabilities in proprietary software systems (MC, EB, JV, AvD), pp. 516–519.
CHI-2015-MejovaBW #personalisation- Bridges into the Unknown: Personalizing Connections to Little-known Countries (YM, JBH, IW), pp. 2633–2642.
CHI-2015-NguyenNIO #personalisation #topic- The Known Stranger: Supporting Conversations between Strangers with Personalized Topic Suggestions (TTN, DTN, STI, EO), pp. 555–564.
ECIR-2015-HagenWS #corpus #topic #web- A Corpus of Realistic Known-Item Topics with Associated Web Pages in the ClueWeb09 (MH, DW, BS), pp. 513–525.
ICPR-2014-PaudelDHV #2d #3d #locality #using- Localization of 2D Cameras in a Known Environment Using Direct 2D-3D Registration (DPP, CD, AH, PV), pp. 196–201.
KDIR-2014-DomeniconiMMP #ontology #random- Discovering New Gene Functionalities from Random Perturbations of Known Gene Ontological Annotations (GD, MM, GM, PP), pp. 107–116.
FSE-2014-ElbaumR #nondeterminism #testing- Known unknowns: testing in the presence of uncertainty (SGE, DSR), pp. 833–836.
SFM-2012-Selic #uml- The Less Well Known UML — A Short User Guide (BS), pp. 1–20.
HT-2011-Gayo-Avello- All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us (DGA), pp. 171–180.
MSR-2011-Zhou #debugging #detection #problem- Connecting technology with real-world problems — from copy-paste detection to detecting known bugs: (keynote abstract) (YZ), p. 2.
CAiSE-2011-TranM #evolution #game studies #requirements #towards- Dealing with Known Unknowns: Towards a Game-Theoretic Foundation for Software Requirement Evolution (LMST, FM), pp. 62–76.
RE-2011-SawyerGN #information management #requirements- Unknown knowns: Tacit knowledge in requirements engineering (PS, VG, BN), p. 329.
SIGAda-2010-JemliR #compilation #problem #static analysis #using- A methodology for avoiding known compiler problems using static analysis (MJ, JPR), pp. 23–30.
CIKM-2010-SpringmannKS #image #memory management #retrieval #sketching- Image retrieval at memory’s edge: known image search based on user-drawn sketches (MS, IAK, HS), pp. 1465–1468.
ICPR-2010-ReinbacherRB #estimation #performance- Pose Estimation of Known Objects by Efficient Silhouette Matching (CR, MR, HB), pp. 1080–1083.
ECIR-2008-YahyaeiM #email #retrieval- Applying Maximum Entropy to Known-Item Email Retrieval (SY, CM), pp. 406–413.
DATE-2007-MoonBP #approach #composition #equivalence- A compositional approach to the combination of combinational and sequential equivalence checking of circuits without known reset states (IHM, PB, CP), pp. 1170–1175.
SIGIR-2007-AzzopardiRB #analysis #query #topic #using- Building simulated queries for known-item topics: an analysis using six european languages (LA, MdR, KB), pp. 455–462.
ICPR-v1-2006-PupilliC #3d #modelling #realtime #using- Real-Time Camera Tracking Using Known 3D Models and a Particle Filter (MP, AC), pp. 199–203.
SIGIR-2006-AzzopardiR #automation- Automatic construction of known-item finding test beds (LA, MdR), pp. 603–604.
SIGIR-2006-MacdonaldO #email- Combining fields in known-item email search (CM, IO), pp. 675–676.
SAC-2006-ShapiraTM- Study of the usefulness of known and new implicit indicators and their optimal combination for accurate inference of users interests (BS, MTM, AM), pp. 1118–1119.
ICPR-v3-2004-SolemH #using- Estimating Surface Shape and Extending Known Structure using Specular Reflections (JES, AH), pp. 173–176.
SIGIR-2003-BeitzelJCGF #automation #evaluation #retrieval #using #web- Using manually-built web directories for automatic evaluation of known-item retrieval (SMB, ECJ, AC, DAG, OF), pp. 373–374.
SIGIR-2003-OgilvieC #documentation- Combining document representations for known-item search (PO, JPC), pp. 143–150.
ICPR-1996-StarkF #3d- A method for tracking the pose of known 3-D objects based on an active contour model (KS, SF), pp. 905–909.
ICDAR-v2-1995-CesariniGMS- A system for data extraction from forms of known class (FC, MG, SM, GS), pp. 1136–1140.
WSA-1992-GenglerR #analysis- A Polyvariant Binding Time Analysis Handling Partially Known Values (MG, MR), pp. 322–330.
ICALP-1991-RanjanCR- Improving Known Solutions is Hard (DR, SC, PR), pp. 381–392.
STOC-1983-Bach #how #integer #random- How to Generate Random Integers with Known Factorization (EB), pp. 184–188.