77 papers:
CASE-2015-LeeKK #online #parametricity #using- Control of an aerial manipulator using on-line parameter estimator for an unknown payload (HL, SK, HJK), pp. 316–321.
CASE-2015-NakhaeiniaPHK #architecture #hybrid #mobile #navigation- A hybrid control architecture for autonomous mobile robot navigation in unknown dynamic environment (DN, PP, TSH, BK), pp. 1274–1281.
ICALP-v1-2015-BeiCZ #constraints #linear #programming- Solving Linear Programming with Constraints Unknown (XB, NC, SZ), pp. 129–142.
ICALP-v2-2015-DaniMSY #communication #interactive- Interactive Communication with Unknown Noise Rate (VD, MM, JS, MY), pp. 575–587.
CHI-2015-MejovaBW #personalisation- Bridges into the Unknown: Personalizing Connections to Little-known Countries (YM, JBH, IW), pp. 2633–2642.
DHM-HM-2015-KlugeKZ #energy #risk management- Inside the User’s Mind — Perception of Risks and Benefits of Unknown Technologies, Exemplified by Geothermal Energy (JK, SK, MZ), pp. 324–334.
ICML-2015-HallakSMM #learning #modelling- Off-policy Model-based Learning under Unknown Factored Dynamics (AH, FS, TAM, SM), pp. 711–719.
ICML-2015-Hernandez-Lobato15a #constraints #optimisation #predict- Predictive Entropy Search for Bayesian Optimization with Unknown Constraints (JMHL, MAG, MWH, RPA, ZG), pp. 1699–1707.
KDD-2015-DevooghtKM #matrix- Dynamic Matrix Factorization with Priors on Unknown Values (RD, NK, AM), pp. 189–198.
SAC-2015-TudorAP #framework- Harnessing the unknown in advanced metering infrastructure traffic (VT, MA, MP), pp. 2204–2211.
CAV-2015-DasLLL #precise #verification- Angelic Verification: Precise Verification Modulo Unknowns (AD, SKL, AL, YL), pp. 324–342.
CASE-2014-LinWF #using- Grasping unknown objects using depth gradient feature with eye-in-hand RGB-D sensor (YCL, STW, LCF), pp. 1258–1263.
ICML-c1-2014-LuoS #learning #online #towards- Towards Minimax Online Learning with Unknown Time Horizon (HL, RES), pp. 226–234.
ICPR-2014-HuynhR #image- Recovery of Spectral Sensitivity Functions from a Colour Chart Image under Unknown Spectrally Smooth Illumination (CPH, ARK), pp. 708–713.
ICPR-2014-MannanTTNMY- Light Transport Refocusing for Unknown Scattering Medium (MAM, ST, TT, HN, YM, YY), pp. 4382–4387.
ICPR-2014-NishimuraOAN #image #modelling #speech #using #web- Selection of Unknown Objects Specified by Speech Using Models Constructed from Web Images (HN, YO, YA, MN), pp. 477–482.
RecSys-2014-NeidhardtSSW #elicitation- Eliciting the users’ unknown preferences (JN, RS, LS, HW), pp. 309–312.
FSE-2014-ElbaumR #nondeterminism #testing- Known unknowns: testing in the presence of uncertainty (SGE, DSR), pp. 833–836.
ICSE-2014-NegaraCDJ #detection #fine-grained #mining- Mining fine-grained code changes to detect unknown change patterns (SN, MC, DD, REJ), pp. 803–813.
DATE-2013-HillebrechtKEWB #generative- Accurate QBF-based test pattern generation in presence of unknown values (SH, MAK, DE, HJW, BB), pp. 436–441.
ICALP-v2-2013-BokerKKS #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism in the Presence of a Diverse or Unknown Future (UB, DK, OK, MS), pp. 89–100.
DUXU-NTE-2013-SamsonA #named- Tassophonics: Nanotechnology as the Magical Unknown (AS, KA), pp. 548–557.
ICML-c3-2013-Lopes- Estimating Unknown Sparsity in Compressed Sensing (ML), pp. 217–225.
RE-2013-SutcliffeS #elicitation #requirements #towards- Requirements elicitation: Towards the unknown unknowns (AS, PS), pp. 92–104.
DAC-2012-ChangB #simulation- Improving gate-level simulation accuracy when unknowns exist (KHC, CB), pp. 936–940.
ICPR-2012-KawabataK #approach #multi #using- Plane based multi camera calibration under unknown correspondence using ICP-like approach (SK, YK), pp. 3700–3703.
ICPR-2012-MarieLM #invariant #locality #recognition #visual notation- Invariant signatures for omnidirectional visual place recognition and robot localization in unknown environments (RM, OLI, EMM), pp. 2537–2540.
ICPR-2012-NguyenPRPV #detection #multi #segmentation #video- Multi-modal abnormality detection in video with unknown data segmentation (TVN, DQP, SR, DSP, SV), pp. 1322–1325.
ICST-2012-PapadakisT #fault #using- Using Mutants to Locate “Unknown” Faults (MP, YLT), pp. 691–700.
CASE-2011-WanY #detection #fault- Fault detection of networked control systems utilizing limited possibilities of unknown packet transmission (YW, HY), pp. 619–624.
DATE-2011-KochteW #evaluation #fault #satisfiability- SAT-based fault coverage evaluation in the presence of unknown values (MAK, HJW), pp. 1303–1308.
STOC-2011-KarandeMT #online- Online bipartite matching with unknown distributions (CK, AM, PT), pp. 587–596.
DLT-J-2009-LaineP11 #equation #word- Word Equations with One Unknown (ML, WP), pp. 345–375.
CAiSE-2011-TranM #evolution #game studies #requirements #towards- Dealing with Known Unknowns: Towards a Game-Theoretic Foundation for Software Requirement Evolution (LMST, FM), pp. 62–76.
CIKM-2011-SelvarajBSS #classification #dataset- Semi-supervised SVMs for classification with unknown class proportions and a small labeled dataset (SKS, BB, SS, SKS), pp. 653–662.
KEOD-2011-FukumotoS #classification #clustering #graph #semantics #word- Semantic Classification of Unknown Words based on Graph-based Semi-supervised Clustering (FF, YS), pp. 37–46.
RE-2011-SawyerGN #information management #requirements- Unknown knowns: Tacit knowledge in requirements engineering (PS, VG, BN), p. 329.
CASE-2010-LiYG #learning- Learning compliance control of robot manipulators in contact with the unknown environment (YL, CY, SSG), pp. 644–649.
CASE-2010-MobediN #3d- An active light sensory system for 3D mapping of unknown cluttered environments (BM, GN), pp. 954–959.
ICPR-2010-ChenA- Human Shadow Removal with Unknown Light Source (CCC, JKA), pp. 2407–2410.
ICPR-2010-ZhangJ #geometry #multi- Visibility of Multiple Cameras in a Scene with Unknown Geometry (LZ, YJ), pp. 3619–3622.
ICDAR-2009-LicataPK #similarity #visual notation- Revealing the Visually Unknown in Ancient Manuscripts with a Similarity Measure for IR-Imaged Inks (AL, AP, VK), pp. 818–822.
DLT-2009-LaineP #equation #word- Word Equations with One Unknown (ML, WP), pp. 348–359.
DLT-2009-Saarela #complexity #equation #on the #satisfiability #theorem- On the Complexity of Hmelevskii’s Theorem and Satisfiability of Three Unknown Equations (AS), pp. 443–453.
ICML-2009-MarlinM #modelling #visual notation- Sparse Gaussian graphical models with unknown block structure (BMM, KPM), pp. 705–712.
KDD-2009-PanS #collaboration #scalability- Mind the gaps: weighting the unknown in large-scale one-class collaborative filtering (RP, MS), pp. 667–676.
CASE-2008-RichtsfeldZ- Grasping unknown objects based on 2½D range data (MR, MZ), pp. 691–696.
ICPR-2008-YamauchiSS- Calibration of a structured light system by observing planar object from unknown viewpoints (KY, HS, YS), pp. 1–4.
CASE-2007-FontanelliRS #algorithm #locality #metric #performance #using- A Fast RANSAC-Based Registration Algorithm for Accurate Localization in Unknown Environments using LIDAR Measurements (DF, LR, SS), pp. 597–602.
DATE-2007-WangWC- Unknown blocking scheme for low control data volume and high observability (SW, WW, STC), pp. 33–38.
CIAA-J-2006-CzeizlerK07 #equation #independence #on the #word- On Non-Periodic Solutions of Independent Systems of Word Equations over Three Unknowns (EC, JK), pp. 873–897.
SAC-OOPS-J-2006-LagorioZ07 #java #named- Just: Safe Unknown Types in Java-like Languages (GL, EZ), pp. 69–98.
CASE-2006-LopatinY #algorithm #approximate #polynomial #using- Using the forward search and the polynomial approximation algorithms in the exact algorithm for manipulator’s control in an unknown environment (PKL, ASY), pp. 206–211.
DAC-2006-ChaoCWCW #analysis #using- Unknown-tolerance analysis and test-quality control for test response compaction using space compactors (MCTC, KTC, SW, STC, WW), pp. 1083–1088.
DATE-2006-ChaoWCWC #using- Coverage loss by using space compactors in presence of unknown values (MCTC, SW, STC, WW, KTC), pp. 1053–1054.
DATE-2006-WangBC #performance #using- Efficient unknown blocking using LFSR reseeding (SW, KJB, STC), pp. 1051–1052.
ICPR-v2-2006-WangLC #locality- Topological Localization Based on Salient Regions in Unknown Environments (LW, YL, ZC), pp. 369–372.
ICPR-v4-2006-WongN #classification- Blind Phase-Amplitude Modulation Classification with Unknown Phase Offset (MLDW, AKN), pp. 177–180.
SAC-2006-LagorioZ #java- Introducing safe unknown types in Java-like languages (GL, EZ), pp. 1429–1434.
DAC-2005-VolkerinkM #architecture #using- Response compaction with any number of unknowns using a new LFSR architecture (EHV, SM), pp. 117–122.
SIGMOD-2004-TaoFPL #predict- Prediction and Indexing of Moving Objects with Unknown Motion Patterns (YT, CF, DP, BL), pp. 611–622.
ICPR-v1-2004-HammarstedtKH- Affine Structure from Translational Motion with Varying and Unknown Focal Length (PH, FK, AH), pp. 120–123.
SIGIR-2004-ChengTCWLC #corpus #information retrieval #query #web- Translating unknown queries with web corpora for cross-language information retrieval (PJC, JWT, RCC, JHW, WHL, LFC), pp. 146–153.
DAC-2002-PomeranzKR #on the- On output response compression in the presence of unknown output values (IP, SK, SMR), pp. 255–258.
ICML-2002-Seewald #how #performance- How to Make Stacking Better and Faster While Also Taking Care of an Unknown Weakness (AKS), pp. 554–561.
ICPR-v2-2002-KarkkainenF #clustering- Dynamic Local Search for Clustering with Unknown Number of Clusters (IK, PF), pp. 240–243.
ICDAR-2001-TsuruokaTYST #image #segmentation- Region Segmentation for Table Image with Unknown Complex Structure (ST, TT, TY, TS, KT), pp. 709–715.
KDD-2001-ZadroznyE #learning- Learning and making decisions when costs and probabilities are both unknown (BZ, CE), pp. 204–213.
ICPR-v1-2000-KatoS #interface #visual notation- Visual Interface from Uncalibrated Camera for Unknown Displays (MK, JS), pp. 1428–1431.
ICPR-v1-2000-MalisC #self- Self-Calibration of Zooming Cameras Observing an Unknown Planar Structure (EM, RC), pp. 1085–1088.
ICDAR-1999-XingyuanGDO #analysis #robust- A Robust Method for Unknown Forms Analysis (XL, WG, DSD, WGO), pp. 531–534.
WIA-1999-Daciuk #word- Treatment of Unknown Words (JD), pp. 71–80.
ICPR-1998-ProcterIE #markov #modelling #recognition #string #using- The recognition of handwritten digit strings of unknown length using hidden Markov models (SP, JI, AJE), pp. 1515–1517.
STOC-1997-AlbersH- Exploring Unknown Environments (SA, MRH), pp. 416–425.
ICALP-1994-MeiI #navigation #performance- Efficient Strategies for Robot Navigation in Unknown Environment (AM, YI), pp. 630–641.
CIKM-1993-HouZZ #database #statistics- Statistical Inference of Unknown Attribute Values in Databases (WCH, ZZ, NZ), pp. 21–30.
ML-1989-Quinlan #induction- Unknown Attribute Values in Induction (JRQ), pp. 164–168.