12 papers:
KMIS-2014-KimK #case study #contract #information management- A Study on the Improvement of Contract Information Management in Korea’s Public Construction Technology Service (NK, SJK), pp. 387–392.
KMIS-2014-KimKO #performance- System Improvement for the Management of Subcontracted Service Performance Information in Korea’s Public Construction (SJK, NK, HO), pp. 382–386.
CHI-2013-OdomZFHMCLNLLKRSSM #comprehension- Fragmentation and transition: understanding perceptions of virtual possessions among young adults in Spain, South Korea and the United States (WO, JZ, JF, ALH, MM, JC, YKL, TJN, MHL, YL, DjK, YKR, JS, BS, HM), pp. 1833–1842.
DUXU-CXC-2013-BlanklBH #development #human-computer #lessons learnt- Lessons Learned from Projects in Japan and Korea Relevant for Intercultural HCI Development (MB, PB, RH), pp. 20–27.
CASE-2012-AhnPR- The construction of a full-scale wheel/rail roller rig in Korea (KA, JP, SR), pp. 802–803.
DUXU-v2-2011-KimL11a #behaviour #mobile #research- Ethnographic Research of User Behavior of Mobile Devices of China, Korea, India, and The Netherlands (DK, KPL), pp. 294–302.
IDGD-2009-MarcusK #analysis #network #social- Cross-Cultural Analysis of Social Network Services in Japan, Korea, and the USA (AM, NK), pp. 59–68.
VLDB-2006-Song #policy- IT839 Policy Leading to u-Korea (JHS), p. 1103.
ITiCSE-2006-PakRC #industrial- Industrial demand-driven curriculums for computer-software field in Korea (SP, ER, JC), pp. 63–67.
ICSE-2006-LeeKC #development- A series of development methodologies for a variety of systems in Korea (JL, JSK, JHC), pp. 612–615.
HT-2001-Ryu #hypermedia #question- Is EOS the dawn of hypertext literature in Korea? (HR), pp. 139–140.
ITiCSE-2000-YooSLL #education- Present status and direction of information curriculum of Korea (IHY, SBS, CHL, TWL), p. 195.