5 papers:
HCI-AS-2013-Sampanthar #question- The Motivational GPS: Would a Rat Press a Lever to Get a Badge? (KS), pp. 292–298.
SPLC-2008-Krueger #framework #product line- The BigLever Software Gears Unified Software Product Line Engineering Framework (CWK), p. 353.
CHI-2007-ByrneGE #usability- Usability of voting systems: baseline data for paper, punch cards, and lever machines (MDB, KKG, SPE), pp. 171–180.
LDTA-2006-JuergensP #tool support- The Language Evolver Lever — Tool Demonstration — (EJ, MP), pp. 55–60.
CAV-2006-VardhanV #learning #named #verification- LEVER: A Tool for Learning Based Verification (AV, MV), pp. 471–474.