5 papers:
DATE-2003-Pirola #hardware #memory management- A Solution for Hardware Emulation of Non Volatile Memory Macrocells (AP), pp. 20262–20267.
DATE-2001-MacchiaruloBM #generative #layout #on the fly- On-the-fly layout generation for PTL macrocells (LM, LB, EM), pp. 546–551.
DATE-1998-Montiel-NelsonASN #compilation #design- A Cell and Macrocell Compiler for GaAs VLSI Full-Custom Design (JAMN, VdA, RS, AN), pp. 947–948.
DAC-1984-HudsonWP #algorithm- Module positioning algorithms for rectilinear macrocell assemblies (JAH, JAW, RCP), pp. 672–675.
DAC-1984-WardleWWMN #approach #declarative #design- A declarative design approach for combining macrocells by directed placement and constructive routing (CLW, CRW, CAW, JCM, BJN), pp. 594–601.