18 papers:
ECSA-2014-PlateniusBS #architecture- Integrating Service Matchers into a Service Market Architecture (MCP, SB, WS), pp. 210–217.
SIGMOD-2014-ZhangZCJC #named- CrowdMatcher: crowd-assisted schema matching (CJZ, ZZ, LC, HVJ, CCC), pp. 721–724.
ICEIS-J-2012-NikovskiEYST12a #automation #composition- Matcher Composition Methods for Automatic Schema Matching (DN, AE, XY, MS, ST), pp. 108–123.
ICEIS-v1-2012-NikovskiEYST #automation #composition #network- Bayesian Networks for Matcher Composition in Automatic Schema Matching (DN, AE, XY, MS, ST), pp. 48–55.
DATE-2011-WagnerL #distributed #framework #hardware- Distributed hardware matcher framework for SoC survivability (IW, SLL), pp. 305–310.
CIKM-2009-DuchateauCBM- (Not) yet another matcher (FD, RC, ZB, RJM), pp. 1537–1540.
CIKM-2009-DuchateauCBM09a #named- YAM: a schema matcher factory (FD, RC, ZB, RJM), pp. 2079–2080.
DATE-2006-ChaiK #detection #symmetry- Building a better Boolean matcher and symmetry detector (DC, AK), pp. 1079–1084.
WCRE-2002-PinzgerFGJ #architecture #named #pattern matching- Revealer: A Lexical Pattern Matcher for Architecture Recovery (MP, MF, HG, MJ), p. 170–?.
ASIA-PEPM-2002-AgerDR #on the #partial evaluation #string- On obtaining Knuth, Morris, and Pratt’s string matcher by partial evaluation (MSA, OD, HKR), pp. 32–46.
ICPR-v3-2002-RossJR #hybrid- A Hybrid Fingerprint Matcher (AR, AKJ, JR), pp. 795–798.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-HornsbyN #approach #migration #reuse- Migrating to Reuse: The DesignMatcher Approach (PH, IN), pp. 78–84.
RTA-1995-ChenA #commutative #named- STORM: A MAny-to-One Associative-Commutative Matcher (TC, SA), pp. 414–419.
KBSE-1994-Balmas #concept #pattern matching #source code- An Augmented Pattern Matcher as a Tool to Synthesize Conceptual Descriptions of Programs (FB), pp. 150–157.
CHI-1991-RossonCS #reuse #smalltalk- A view matcher for reusing Smalltalk classes (MBR, JMC, CS), pp. 277–283.
CHI-1991-RossonCS91a #reuse #smalltalk- Demonstrating a view matcher for reusing Smalltalk classes (MBR, JMC, CS), pp. 431–432.
CHI-1990-CarrollSBA #learning #smalltalk- A view matcher for learning Smalltalk (JMC, JAS, RKEB, SRA), pp. 431–437.
CCHSC-1988-WeisgerberW #pattern matching- Two Tree Pattern Matchers for Code Selection (BW, RW), pp. 215–229.