5 papers:
CAV-2015-GardnerSWW #javascript #specification- A Trusted Mechanised Specification of JavaScript: One Year On (PG, GS, CW, TW), pp. 3–10.
POPL-2014-BodinCFGMNSS #specification- A trusted mechanised JavaSript specification (MB, AC, DF, PG, SM, DN, AS, GS), pp. 87–100.
IFM-2009-ZeydaC #diagrams- Mechanised Translation of Control Law Diagrams into Circus (FZ, AC), pp. 151–166.
CAV-1998-BellaP #induction- Mechanising BAN Kerberos by the Inductive Method (GB, LCP), pp. 416–427.
ASE-1997-LamJ #analysis #requirements #reuse- Mechanising Requirements Engineering: Reuse and the Application of Domain Analysis Technology (WL, SJ), pp. 303–304.