5 papers:
CSEET-2010-MansarQSW #development #experience #information management- Information Systems Application Development Courses: A Carnegie Mellon University Experience in Global Pedagogy (SLM, JLQ, RS, RW), pp. 129–135.
CSEE-1996-HooverSM #re-engineering- The Carnegie Mellon University Master of Software Engineering Specialization Tracks (CLH, MS, NRM), pp. 100–118.
CSEE-1996-Tomayko #development- Carnegie Mellon’s Software Development Studio: A Five Year Retrospectiv (JET), pp. 119–129.
INTERCHI-1993-JohnM #human-computer- HCI in the school of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University (BEJ, JHM), pp. 49–50.
CRAI-1986-Habermann #re-engineering- The Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University (ANH), pp. 233–248.