411 papers:
- DATE-2015-WeiDLW #metaprogramming
- A universal macro block mapping scheme for arithmetic circuits (XW, YD, TKL, YLW), pp. 1629–1634.
- VLDB-2015-ChodpathumwanAT #graph #independence #named #representation #towards
- Universal-DB: Towards Representation Independent Graph Analytics (YC, AA, AT, YS), pp. 2016–2027.
- ITiCSE-2015-Cukierman #learning #predict #process #student
- Predicting Success in University First Year Computing Science Courses: The Role of Student Participation in Reflective Learning Activities and in I-clicker Activities (DC), pp. 248–253.
- STOC-2015-AlstrupKTZ #graph
- Adjacency Labeling Schemes and Induced-Universal Graphs (SA, HK, MT, UZ), pp. 625–634.
- ICALP-v2-2015-Ghaffari #distributed #towards
- Distributed Broadcast Revisited: Towards Universal Optimality (MG), pp. 638–649.
- FM-2015-SchneiderLW #modelling #problem #validation
- Model-Based Problem Solving for University Timetable Validation and Improvement (DS, ML, TW), pp. 487–495.
- ICFP-2015-ZilianiS #algorithm #coq #morphism #polymorphism #unification
- A unification algorithm for Coq featuring universe polymorphism and overloading (BZ, MS), pp. 179–191.
- CSCW-2015-AhnWB #education
- Open Education in the Wild: The Dynamics of Course Production in the Peer 2 Peer University (JA, SAW, BSB), pp. 1896–1905.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-AljohaniB #evaluation #heuristic #repository
- Heuristic Evaluation of University Institutional Repositories Based on DSpace (MA, JB), pp. 119–130.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-Alomran #architecture #web
- Building Information Architecture Criteria for Assessing and Evaluating Universities’ Web Portals (HIA), pp. 131–141.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-Moldenhauer #design #how #student
- How Do I Get to Room 3106? — Student Wayfinding Designs for Old Main at Wayne State University (JAM), pp. 390–399.
- HCI-UC-2015-Hankiewicz #interface #multi
- Compatibility of Information and Interface of Universities’ Multilingual Websites (KH), pp. 73–81.
- ICEIS-v2-2015-ZhomartkyzyB #development #information management #monitoring
- Monitoring the Development of University Scientific Schools in University Knowledge Management (GZ, TB), pp. 222–230.
- ICML-2015-SchaulHGS #approximate
- Universal Value Function Approximators (TS, DH, KG, DS), pp. 1312–1320.
- SEKE-2015-ChenZWLPW #mining #probability #specification
- Mining Universal Specification Based on Probabilistic Model (DC, YZ, RW, XL, LP, WW), pp. 471–476.
- Onward-2015-Petricek
- Against a universal definition of “Type” (TP), pp. 254–266.
- SAC-2015-ChaCBCYBC #framework #online #topic
- A universal topic framework (UniZ) and its application in online search (YC, KhC, HB, YC, TWY, BB, JC), pp. 1078–1085.
- ICSE-v1-2015-VakilianPEJ #named
- Cascade: A Universal Programmer-Assisted Type Qualifier Inference Tool (MV, AP, MDE, REJ), pp. 234–245.
- ICSE-v2-2015-Mead #collaboration #education #industrial #re-engineering
- Industry/University Collaboration in Software Engineering Education: Refreshing and Retuning Our Strategies (NRM), pp. 273–275.
- ICSE-v2-2015-WermelingerHRBR #education
- Teaching Software Systems Thinking at The Open University (MW, JGH, LR, LB, MR, AKB), pp. 307–310.
- CAV-2015-KarbyshevBIRS #invariant #proving
- Property-Directed Inference of Universal Invariants or Proving Their Absence (AK, NB, SI, NR, SS), pp. 583–602.
- LICS-2015-KrebsV #bound #logic #refinement
- Universal Covers, Color Refinement, and Two-Variable Counting Logic: Lower Bounds for the Depth (AK, OV), pp. 689–700.
- DATE-2014-Maurer #algorithm #detection #symmetry
- A universal symmetry detection algorithm (PMM), pp. 1–4.
- CSEET-2014-Dagnino #education #effectiveness #industrial #re-engineering
- Increasing the effectiveness of teaching software engineering: A University and industry partnership (AD), pp. 49–54.
- CSEET-2014-HannaJJSA #case study #re-engineering
- Enhancing the software engineering curriculums: A case study of the Jordanian Universities (SH, HJ, FAJ, TAS, AA), pp. 84–93.
- ITiCSE-2014-GibsonM #collaboration #tool support
- A small scale project to investigate the current and potential use of collaborative tools at sheffield hallam university (TMG, CM), p. 342.
- ITiCSE-2014-PirkerRG #education #learning #student
- Motivational active learning: engaging university students in computer science education (JP, MRS, CG), pp. 297–302.
- MSR-2014-0001MKZ #fault #predict #towards
- Towards building a universal defect prediction model (FZ, AM, IK, YZ), pp. 182–191.
- PEPM-2014-Scholz #case study #compilation #experience #partial evaluation
- Partial evaluation as universal compiler tool: experiences from the SAC Eco system (SBS), pp. 95–96.
- DLT-J-2013-CarninoL14 #automaton
- Factorizations and Universal Automaton of ω-Languages (VC, SL), pp. 1111–1126.
- ICALP-v1-2014-DemaineDFPSWW #assembly #simulation
- One Tile to Rule Them All: Simulating Any Tile Assembly System with a Single Universal Tile (EDD, MLD, SPF, MJP, RTS, AW, DW), pp. 368–379.
- DUXU-DP-2014-ChangDCCR #experience
- Mood Boards as a Universal Tool for Investigating Emotional Experience (HMC, MD, AC, WC, MR), pp. 220–231.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-Alexandris #word
- Accessing Cause-Result Relation and Diplomatic Information in Ancient “Journalistic” Texts with Universal Words (CA), pp. 351–361.
- HCI-TMT-2014-AraujoJ #human-computer #interactive #modelling
- Psychological Personas for Universal User Modeling in Human-Computer Interaction (CFdA, PTAJ), pp. 3–13.
- HCI-TMT-2014-MatsumotoKKA #adaptation #automation #learning #student #word
- Evaluating an Automatic Adaptive Delivery Method of English Words Learning Contents for University Students in Science and Technology (SM, TK, TK, MA), pp. 510–520.
- HCI-TMT-2014-TombergL #case study #design #education #modelling
- Teaching Design for All Through Empathic Modeling: A Case Study in Tallinn University (VT, ML), pp. 259–269.
- LCT-TRE-2014-IshikawaAKSTD #learning #process #self #student
- Sustaining Outside-of-Class CALL Activities by Means of a Student Self-Evaluation System in a University Blended Learning EFL Course (YI, RAY, MK, CS, YT, MD), pp. 146–154.
- LCT-TRE-2014-Schulz #internet
- Creating Universal Designed and Trustworthy Objects for the Internet of Things (TS), pp. 206–214.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-SkoumpopoulouW #case study #implementation
- The Organisational Impact of Implementing Integrated IS in HE Institutions — A Case Study from a UK University (DS, TSW), pp. 119–127.
- ICEIS-v2-2014-GulnazMT #information management
- University’s Scientific Resources Processing in Knowledge Management Systems (GZ, MM, TB), pp. 225–232.
- CIKM-2014-LiuLYDZZT #named #people
- AMiner-mini: A People Search Engine for University (JL, DL, XY, LD, TZ, YZ, JT), pp. 2069–2071.
- ICML-c2-2014-Bhojanapalli0 #matrix
- Universal Matrix Completion (SB, PJ), pp. 1881–1889.
- RecSys-2014-Zhang #recommendation
- Browser-oriented universal cross-site recommendation and explanation based on user browsing logs (YZ), pp. 433–436.
- ISMM-2014-Joisha #performance #scalability
- Sticky tries: fast insertions, fast lookups, no deletions for large key universes (PGJ), pp. 35–46.
- CASE-2013-ZhongLEHF #analysis #modelling #process #testing
- Modeling and analysis of mammography testing process at a breast imaging center of University of Wisconsin medical foundation (XZ, JL, SME, CH, LF), pp. 611–616.
- DocEng-2013-Barabucci
- Introduction to the universal delta model (GB), pp. 47–56.
- DocEng-2013-TorabiDT #using
- Early modern OCR project (eMOP) at Texas A&M University: using Aletheia to train Tesseract (KT, JD, BT), pp. 23–26.
- VLDB-2013-Bartos #modelling #similarity
- Universal Indexing of Arbitrary Similarity Models (TB), pp. 1392–1397.
- CSEET-2013-DebGG #case study #experience #re-engineering #social
- Software engineering projects with social significance: An experience report at a minority university (DD, LG, MG), pp. 314–318.
- CSEET-2013-KroppM #agile #development #education
- Teaching agile software development at university level: Values, management, and craftsmanship (MK, AM), pp. 179–188.
- CSEET-2013-PenzenstadlerMH #industrial
- University meets industry: Calling in real stakeholders (BP, MM, PH), pp. 1–10.
- ITiCSE-2013-LakanenI #student
- High school students’ perspective to university CS1 (AJL, VI), pp. 261–266.
- SAS-2013-BjornerMR #horn clause #on the #quantifier
- On Solving Universally Quantified Horn Clauses (NB, KLM, AR), pp. 105–125.
- CIAA-2013-BrzozowskiL #complexity
- Universal Witnesses for State Complexity of Basic Operations Combined with Reversal (JAB, DL), pp. 72–83.
- DLT-2013-CarninoL #automaton
- Factorizations and Universal Automaton of ω Languages (VC, SL), pp. 338–349.
- ICALP-v1-2013-DemainePRSSW #assembly
- The Two-Handed Tile Assembly Model Is Not Intrinsically Universal (EDD, MJP, TAR, RTS, SMS, DW), pp. 400–412.
- LATA-2013-BjorklundFK #automaton #learning
- MAT Learning of Universal Automata (JB, HF, AK), pp. 141–152.
- LATA-2013-BruyereDG #anti #automaton
- Visibly Pushdown Automata: Universality and Inclusion via Antichains (VB, MD, OG), pp. 190–201.
- CHI-2013-ClearHMFB #case study #design #student
- Domestic food and sustainable design: a study of university student cooking and its impacts (AKC, MH, JM, AF, OB), pp. 2447–2456.
- CSCW-2013-BalesL #student
- Supporting a sense of connectedness: meaningful things in the lives of new university students (ESB, SEL), pp. 1137–1146.
- CSCW-2013-ParkPC #design #documentation #locality #named
- Local-universality: designing EMR to support localized informal documentation practices (SYP, KP, YC), pp. 55–66.
- DUXU-CXC-2013-LeraAVG #experience #user interface
- Improving User Experience in e-Learning, the Case of the Open University of Catalonia (EdL, MA, LV, MG), pp. 180–188.
- DUXU-CXC-2013-RosaGP #design #mobile
- Participatory Design for Mobile Application for Academic Management in a Brazilian University (JGSR, AG, MdOP), pp. 286–295.
- HCI-AS-2013-HuseyinovT #algebra #evaluation #fuzzy #using
- Evaluation of Computer Algebra Systems Using Fuzzy AHP at the Universities of Cyprus (IH, FST), pp. 391–397.
- HCI-AS-2013-TavaresMFM #case study #experience #network
- Experiences with Arthron for Live Surgery Transmission in Brazilian Telemedicine University Network (TAT, GHMBM, GLdSF, EM), pp. 197–206.
- HCI-UC-2013-KristensenBCJLBB #generative #online #towards
- Towards a Next Generation Universally Accessible “Online Shopping-for-Apparel” System (KK, NB, LGC, HWJ, JNTL, ALB, EPB), pp. 418–427.
- HIMI-D-2013-WuCLB #evaluation #usability
- Usability Evaluation of the Universal Computer Workstation under Supine, Sitting and Standing Postures (HCW, MCC, CLL, MYB), pp. 151–156.
- OCSC-2013-SookhanaphibarnK #empirical
- Empirical Study of Routine Structure in University Campus (KS, EK), pp. 201–209.
- KDD-2013-Schadt #mining #personalisation
- Mining the digital universe of data to develop personalized cancer therapies (EES), p. 1134.
- KDD-2013-UganderKBK #clustering #graph #multi #network
- Graph cluster randomization: network exposure to multiple universes (JU, BK, LB, JMK), pp. 329–337.
- KEOD-2013-AveiroP #adaptation #enterprise
- Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model (DA, DP), pp. 89–99.
- POPL-2013-StatonL #programming language
- Universal properties of impure programming languages (SS, PBL), pp. 179–192.
- ISMM-2013-AignerK #benchmark #metric #named #towards
- ACDC: towards a universal mutator for benchmarking heap management systems (MA, CMK), pp. 75–84.
- CAV-2013-0001LMN #data type #invariant #learning #linear #quantifier
- Learning Universally Quantified Invariants of Linear Data Structures (PG, CL, PM, DN), pp. 813–829.
- CSL-2013-Dershowitz
- Res Publica: The Universal Model of Computation (Invited Talk) (ND), pp. 5–10.
- LICS-2013-BirkedalM #fixpoint #recursion #type system
- Intensional Type Theory with Guarded Recursive Types qua Fixed Points on Universes (LB, REM), pp. 213–222.
- SIGMOD-2012-NeophytouGHLBLMC #comprehension #named #navigation #scalability
- AstroShelf: understanding the universe through scalable navigation of a galaxy of annotations (PN, RG, RH, TL, DB, AL, GEM, PKC), pp. 713–716.
- ESOP-2012-LengletW #quantifier
- Expansion for Universal Quantifiers (SL, JBW), pp. 456–475.
- ICALP-v1-2012-FeigeJ #graph
- Universal Factor Graphs (UF, SJ), pp. 339–350.
- ICEIS-v1-2012-LindK #generative #idea
- An Idea for Universal Generator of Hypotheses (GL, RK), pp. 169–174.
- KDIR-2012-GarciaGG #information management #performance #predict #validation
- Predicting the Efficiency with Knowledge Discovery of a Budgeted Company: A Cuban University — Validation through Three Semesters (LIG, IG, RG), pp. 315–318.
- KMIS-2012-SaadKAR #concept #information management
- Soft Systems Methodology — A Conceptual Model of Knowledge Management Systems Initiatives in Malaysian Public Universities (NHMS, HK, RAA, AAR), pp. 60–69.
- RecSys-2012-Wakeling #design #library #recommendation
- The user-centered design of a recommender system for a universal library catalogue (SW), pp. 337–340.
- CSL-2012-KieronskiM #logic #transitive
- Two-Variable Universal Logic with Transitive Closure (EK, JM), pp. 396–410.
- ISSTA-2012-TombF #analysis #consistency #detection #nondeterminism #reachability
- Detecting inconsistencies via universal reachability analysis (AT, CF), pp. 287–297.
- DAC-2011-ZukoskiYM #logic
- Universal logic modules based on double-gate carbon nanotube transistors (AZ, XY, KM), pp. 884–889.
- ICALP-v2-2011-BertrandBBS #automaton #problem
- Emptiness and Universality Problems in Timed Automata with Positive Frequency (NB, PB, TB, AS), pp. 246–257.
- LATA-2011-AxelsenG #performance #turing machine
- A Simple and Efficient Universal Reversible Turing Machine (HBA, RG), pp. 117–128.
- CSCW-2011-BardamBGP #interactive #research
- The global interaction research initiative at the IT university of Copenhagen, Denmark (JEB, PB, AJG, TP), pp. 489–496.
- CSCW-2011-HuZL #ubiquitous
- Ubiquitous awareness and intelligent solutions lab: Lanzhou University (BH, FZ, LL), pp. 151–158.
- DUXU-v2-2011-ErC #evaluation #internet
- User Evaluation of Internet Kiosks in University Setting (EE, KÇ), pp. 394–403.
- OCSC-2011-IizukaIY #realtime
- A Real-time Disaster Situation Mapping System for University Campuses (KI, YI, KY), pp. 40–49.
- ICEIS-v2-2011-Feng #case study #contract #research
- The Study on Member Incentive of Scientific Research Group in University based on Psychological Contracts (HF), pp. 423–431.
- ECOOP-2011-DietlEM #static analysis
- Tunable Static Inference for Generic Universe Types (WD, MDE, PM), pp. 333–357.
- PLATEAU-2011-KleinschmagerH #case study #how #programming #self
- How to rate programming skills in programming experiments?: a preliminary, exploratory, study based on university marks, pretests, and self-estimation (SK, SH), pp. 15–24.
- LICS-2011-BarrasJSW #decidability #first-order #higher-order #named #type system
- CoQMTU: A Higher-Order Type Theory with a Predicative Hierarchy of Universes Parametrized by a Decidable First-Order Theory (BB, JPJ, PYS, QW), pp. 143–151.
- DAC-2010-XiaoSH #algorithm
- A universal state-of-charge algorithm for batteries (BX, YS, LH), pp. 687–692.
- PODS-2010-GupteS #privacy
- Universally optimal privacy mechanisms for minimax agents (MG, MS), pp. 135–146.
- CSEET-2010-AlefP
- Building Organizational Competitive Advantages with Strategically Aligned Technical Degrees: Dividends from a Visionary Corporate-University Partnership (ERA, DCP), pp. 144–152.
- CSEET-2010-MansarQSW #development #experience #information management
- Information Systems Application Development Courses: A Carnegie Mellon University Experience in Global Pedagogy (SLM, JLQ, RS, RW), pp. 129–135.
- ITiCSE-2010-Ezel #assessment #education #how #student
- Assessment methods and how teachers and students view them in a computer science course at Uppsala University (MCE), p. 309.
- ITiCSE-2010-FerreGSS
- Starting out at university with team projects (XF, AG, MGST, MAS), p. 327.
- ITiCSE-2010-LangCFF
- Creating digital divas: scaffolding perception change through secondary school and university alliances (CL, AC, JF, HF), pp. 38–42.
- ITiCSE-2010-Marsh #case study #comparative #programming #student #towards
- A sub-saharan comparative study of university students’ attitudes towards computer programming (CJM), pp. 33–37.
- ESOP-2010-SouleHGGAKW #calculus
- A Universal Calculus for Stream Processing Languages (RS, MH, RG, BG, HA, VK, KLW), pp. 507–528.
- TACAS-2010-FogartyV #automaton #performance
- Efficient Büchi Universality Checking (SF, MYV), pp. 205–220.
- MSR-2010-VetroTM #java #mining #precise
- Assessing the precision of FindBugs by mining Java projects developed at a university (AV, MT, MM), pp. 110–113.
- PASTE-2010-FengG #fault #learning #locality #modelling #probability
- Learning universal probabilistic models for fault localization (MF, RG), pp. 81–88.
- STOC-2010-FraigniaudK
- An optimal ancestry scheme and small universal posets (PF, AK), pp. 611–620.
- DLT-2010-PorrecaLZ #on the
- On a Powerful Class of Non-universal P Systems with Active Membranes (AEP, AL, CZ), pp. 364–375.
- LATA-2010-ArrighiG #automaton #quantum
- A Simple n-Dimensional Intrinsically Universal Quantum Cellular Automaton (PA, JG), pp. 70–81.
- LATA-2010-Neary #bound
- A Boundary between Universality and Non-universality in Extended Spiking Neural P Systems (TN), pp. 475–487.
- SFM-2010-BroadbentFK #quantum
- Measurement-Based and Universal Blind Quantum Computation (AB, JF, EK), pp. 43–86.
- ICEIS-J-2010-DiosERR10a #collaboration #student
- A Virtual Collaborative Environment Helps University Students to Learn Maths (AQD, AHE, IVR, ÁMdR), pp. 600–606.
- CIKM-2010-CebronB #learning #parallel
- Active learning in parallel universes (NC, MRB), pp. 1621–1624.
- ICPR-2010-Lei #distance #using #verification
- Combining the Likelihood and the Kullback-Leibler Distance in Estimating the Universal Background Model for Speaker Verification Using SVM (ZL), pp. 4553–4556.
- ICPR-2010-TahirYBAMK #concept #detection #visual notation
- The University of Surrey Visual Concept Detection System at ImageCLEF@ICPR: Working Notes (MAT, FY, MB, MA, KM, JK), pp. 850–853.
- KDD-2010-AgarwalPV #multi #scalability
- Universal multi-dimensional scaling (AA, JMP, SV), pp. 1149–1158.
- KMIS-2010-HoH #effectiveness #library #network #social
- Effectiveness of Social Networking in a University Library Environment (HIH, JH), pp. 307–310.
- KMIS-2010-Jezek #bibliography #implementation #repository
- Universal Extra-functional Properties Repository — Model Overview and Implementation (KJ), pp. 382–385.
- SEKE-2010-Cheng #collaboration #integration #people
- Building A Smarter Planet With University Collaboration: Empowering People Through Information Integration (JMC), p. 2.
- CAV-2010-AbdullaCCHHMV #automaton #simulation #testing
- Simulation Subsumption in Ramsey-Based Büchi Automata Universality and Inclusion Testing (PAA, YFC, LC, LH, CDH, RM, TV), pp. 132–147.
- CAV-2010-KahlonW #concurrent #debugging #detection #graph #precise #source code
- Universal Causality Graphs: A Precise Happens-Before Model for Detecting Bugs in Concurrent Programs (VK, CW), pp. 434–449.
- LICS-2010-BodirskyHM #algebra #approach #constraints #on the
- On the Scope of the Universal-Algebraic Approach to Constraint Satisfaction (MB, MH, BM), pp. 90–99.
- DRR-2009-Ding #analysis #documentation #image #recognition #research #topic
- Advanced topics in character recognition and document analysis: Research works in Intelligent Image & Document Research Lab, Tsinghua University (XD), pp. 1–10.
- CSEET-2009-KrishnanRS #case study #collaboration #experience #industrial
- Industry Academia Collaboration: An Experience Report at a Small University (PK, KJR, PAPS), pp. 117–121.
- FoSSaCS-2009-KupfermanP #automaton #bound
- Lower Bounds on Witnesses for Nonemptiness of Universal Co-Büchi Automata (OK, NP), pp. 182–196.
- STOC-2009-GhoshRS #privacy
- Universally utility-maximizing privacy mechanisms (AG, TR, MS), pp. 351–360.
- STOC-2009-LinPV #concurrent #framework #security
- A unified framework for concurrent security: universal composability from stand-alone non-malleability (HL, RP, MV), pp. 179–188.
- ICALP-v1-2009-FarzanRR #question
- Universal Succinct Representations of Trees? (AF, RR, SSR), pp. 451–462.
- ICFP-2009-LicataH
- A universe of binding and computation (DRL, RH), pp. 123–134.
- CHI-2009-Frandsen-ThorlaciusHHC #bibliography #how #usability
- Non-universal usability?: a survey of how usability is understood by Chinese and Danish users (OFT, KH, MH, TC), pp. 41–50.
- HCD-2009-Cinar #case study #eye tracking #usability #web
- Eye Tracking Method to Compare the Usability of University Web Sites: A Case Study (MOÇ), pp. 671–678.
- HCI-VAD-2009-BreinerGMMZ #adaptation #runtime #user interface
- Run-Time Adaptation of a Universal User Interface for Ambient Intelligent Production Environments (KB, DG, OM, GM, DZ), pp. 663–672.
- HCI-VAD-2009-ChenZV #collaboration #design
- Reflections on the Interdisciplinary Collaborative Design of Mapping the Universe (CC, JZ, MSEV), pp. 693–702.
- IDGD-2009-YangYTC #design #industrial #information management #student
- Constructing a Model of Internet-Based Career Information System for Industrial Design Students in Universities (MYY, MY, YLT, YPC), pp. 187–196.
- OCSC-2009-GhafourianKR #navigation #network #social
- Universal Navigation through Social Networking (MG, HAK, LvR), pp. 13–22.
- CIKM-2009-MeloW #learning #towards
- Towards a universal wordnet by learning from combined evidence (GdM, GW), pp. 513–522.
- ECIR-2009-LiebregtsB #design #evaluation
- Design and Evaluation of a University-Wide Expert Search Engine (RL, TB), pp. 587–594.
- KDD-2009-OzonatY #classification #multi #statistics #towards #web
- Towards a universal marketplace over the web: statistical multi-label classification of service provider forms with simulated annealing (KMO, DY), pp. 1295–1304.
- SEKE-2009-AbranC #estimation #modelling #multi #question
- Software Estimation: Universal Models or Multiple Models? (AA, JJCG), pp. 625–630.
- SAC-2009-LopesVCTL #assessment #semantics #towards
- Towards the universal semantic assessment of accessibility (RL, KV, LC, DT, SDL), pp. 147–151.
- CSL-2009-Dezani-CiancagliniGR #quantifier
- Intersection, Universally Quantified, and Reference Types (MDC, PG, SRDR), pp. 209–224.
- ICLP-2009-HildebrandtL #concurrent #constraints #pattern matching #programming
- Types for Secure Pattern Matching with Local Knowledge in Universal Concurrent Constraint Programming (TTH, HAL), pp. 417–431.
- DAC-2008-DongWSXLC #3d #architecture #evaluation #memory management #ram
- Circuit and microarchitecture evaluation of 3D stacking magnetic RAM (MRAM) as a universal memory replacement (XD, XW, GS, YX, HHL, YC), pp. 554–559.
- STOC-2008-JubaS #communication #semantics
- Universal semantic communication I (BJ, MS), pp. 123–132.
- CIAA-2008-BouajjaniHHTV #automaton #finite #nondeterminism #testing
- Antichain-Based Universality and Inclusion Testing over Nondeterministic Finite Tree Automata (AB, PH, LH, TT, TV), pp. 57–67.
- DLT-2008-CaludeNSS #recursion #set #string
- Universal Recursively Enumerable Sets of Strings (CSC, AN, LS, FS), pp. 170–182.
- ICALP-C-2008-KurosawaF #composition
- Universally Composable Undeniable Signature (KK, JF), pp. 524–535.
- LATA-2008-AlhazovCMR #hybrid #network
- About Universal Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors of Small Size (AA, ECV, CMV, YR), pp. 28–39.
- ICEIS-DISI-2008-KaranikolasSNY #concept #database #enterprise #information management
- Conceptual Universal Database Language (CUDL) and Enterprise Medical Information Systems (NK, CS, MN, EJY), pp. 362–367.
- ICEIS-J-2008-ReisSC08a #design #mobile #multimodal
- Designing Universally Accessible Mobile Multimodal Artefacts (TR, MdS, LC), pp. 334–347.
- ECOOP-2008-BruckerW #modelling #object-oriented
- Extensible Universes for Object-Oriented Data Models (ADB, BW), pp. 438–462.
- PPDP-2008-OlarteV #monad #security
- The expressivity of universal timed CCP: undecidability of Monadic FLTL and closure operators for security (CO, FDV), pp. 8–19.
- SAC-2008-GoldsztejnMR #algorithm #approximate #performance #quantifier
- An efficient algorithm for a sharp approximation of universally quantified inequalities (AG, CM, MR), pp. 134–139.
- SAC-2008-OlarteV #concurrent #constraints #security #semantics
- Universal concurrent constraint programing: symbolic semantics and applications to security (CO, FDV), pp. 145–150.
- ISSTA-2008-KannanS #data type #execution #generative #invariant #symbolic computation
- Universal symbolic execution and its application to likely data structure invariant generation (YK, KS), pp. 283–294.
- DRR-2007-LangleyB
- Google Books: making the public domain universally accessible (AL, DSB).
- ICDAR-2007-UchidaSIOK #embedded
- Extraction of Embedded Class Information from Universal Character Pattern (SU, MS, MI, SO, KK), pp. 437–441.
- ITiCSE-2007-CukiermanT #learning
- Learning strategies sessions within the classroom in computing science university courses (DC, DMT), p. 341.
- ITiCSE-2007-GalpinSC #learning #student
- Learning styles and personality types of computer science students at a South African university (VCG, IDS, PyC), pp. 201–205.
- ITiCSE-2007-RowanHC
- Yahoo University hackday (MR, TH, AC), p. 306.
- FoSSaCS-2007-AbdullaKY #automaton
- Sampled Universality of Timed Automata (PAA, PK, WY), pp. 2–16.
- ICALP-2007-KiayiasZ #adaptation #composition #security
- Trading Static for Adaptive Security in Universally Composable Zero-Knowledge (AK, HSZ), pp. 316–327.
- ICALP-2007-LaroseT #algebra #constraints #problem
- Universal Algebra and Hardness Results for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (BL, PT), pp. 267–278.
- LATA-2007-ChoudharySB #nondeterminism
- Universality for Nondeterministic Logspace (VC, AKS, SB), pp. 103–114.
- ILC-2007-WellonsW #automation #named
- DAUTI: automated universal traffic introspector (JW, JW), p. 25.
- HCI-IPT-2007-KimJPNC #design #evaluation #mobile
- Application of a Universal Design Evaluation Index to Mobile Phones (MK, ESJ, SP, JN, JC), pp. 364–373.
- HCI-IPT-2007-ZimmermannV #framework #user interface
- The Universal Control Hub: An Open Platform for Remote User Interfaces in the Digital Home (GZ, GCV), pp. 1040–1049.
- HCI-MIE-2007-Marcus #communication #mobile #user interface
- m-LoCoS UI: A Universal Visible Language for Global Mobile Communication (AM), pp. 144–153.
- ECOOP-2007-DietlDM
- Generic Universe Types (WD, SD, PM), pp. 28–53.
- OOPSLA-2007-MullerR
- Ownership transfer in universe types (PM, AR), pp. 461–478.
- ESEC-FSE-2007-NikolovI #ecosystem #education #re-engineering #research
- Building a research university ecosystem: the case of software engineering education at Sofia University (RN, SI), pp. 491–500.
- ICLP-2007-OlartePV #concurrent #constraints #programming
- Universal Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming (CO, CP, FV), pp. 464–465.
- SAT-2007-BubeckB #bound #preprocessor
- Bounded Universal Expansion for Preprocessing QBF (UB, HKB), pp. 244–257.
- CASE-2006-Wen #collaboration #design #problem #research
- A Model for Industry-University Collaborative Research: Transforming Specific Problem Solution into Broad Design Methodologies (JTW), p. 1.
- ITiCSE-2006-Bergin #editing
- Karel universe drag & drop editor (JB), p. 307.
- ITiCSE-2006-KlimesH #flexibility
- Flexible computer science university studies (CK, HH), p. 338.
- MSR-2006-ChangM #version control
- Constructing universal version history (HFC, AM), pp. 76–79.
- CIAA-2006-YangXSP #hybrid #quantum #synthesis
- Universality of Hybrid Quantum Gates and Synthesis Without Ancilla Qudits (GY, FX, XS, MAP), pp. 279–280.
- ICALP-v2-2006-Vergnaud #verification
- New Extensions of Pairing-Based Signatures into Universal Designated Verifier Signatures (DV), pp. 58–69.
- ICEIS-DISI-2006-Kudrass #information management
- Integrated University Information Systems (TK), pp. 208–214.
- ICSE-2006-ThompsonE #education #industrial #re-engineering
- Third international summit on software engineering education (SSEE III): bridging the university/industry gap (JBT, HME), pp. 1011–1012.
- CAV-2006-WulfDHR #algorithm #anti #automaton #finite #named
- Antichains: A New Algorithm for Checking Universality of Finite Automata (MDW, LD, TAH, JFR), pp. 17–30.
- CSL-2006-LowS #modelling
- Universality Results for Models in Locally Boolean Domains (TL, TS), pp. 456–470.
- CSL-2006-Madelaine #logic
- Universal Structures and the Logic of Forbidden Patterns (FRM), pp. 471–485.
- LICS-2006-Otto #bound #first-order #logic #monad #problem
- The Boundedness Problem for Monadic Universal First-Order Logic (MO), pp. 37–48.
- DocEng-2005-WhitingCCGHST #documentation #parsing #semantics #web
- Enabling massive scale document transformation for the semantic web: the universal parsing agent™ (MAW, WC, NC, AG, RH, RS, ST), pp. 23–25.
- ICDAR-2005-TuganbaevPD
- Universal Data Capture Technology from Semi-structured Form (DT, AP, DD), pp. 458–462.
- VLDB-2005-NicolaL #database #xml
- Native XML Support in DB2 Universal Database (MN, BVdL), pp. 1164–1174.
- CSEET-2005-BleekLS #education #experience #industrial #re-engineering
- Transferring Experience from Software Engineering Training in Industry to Mass University Education — The Big Picture (WGB, CL, AS), pp. 195–203.
- ITiCSE-2005-GoldwasserL #student #visual notation
- Providing students universal access to a centralized, graphical computing environment (MHG, DL), pp. 79–83.
- STOC-2005-JiaLNRS #approximate #set
- Universal approximations for TSP, Steiner tree, and set cover (LJ, GL, GN, RR, RS), pp. 386–395.
- MLDM-2005-NikulinS #clustering #probability
- Universal Clustering with Regularization in Probabilistic Space (VN, AJS), pp. 142–152.
- ICSE-2005-PankratiusS #case study #development #experience #information management
- Information systems development at the virtual global university: an experience report (VP, WS), pp. 639–640.
- HPDC-2005-Wallom0W #grid
- The University of Bristol grid, a production campus grid (DW, IS, JW), pp. 320–321.
- RTA-2005-Hamana #algebra #higher-order #termination
- Universal Algebra for Termination of Higher-Order Rewriting (MH), pp. 135–149.
- DAC-2004-YangKM #architecture #named #optimisation
- Divide-and-concatenate: an architecture level optimization technique for universal hash functions (BY, RK, DAM), pp. 614–617.
- SIGMOD-2004-GryzGLZ #database #query
- Query Sampling in DB2 Universal Database (JG, JG, LL, CZ), pp. 839–843.
- CSEET-2004-MezianeV #comparison #re-engineering
- A Comparison of Computer Science and Software Engineering Programmes in English Universities (FM, SV), pp. 65–70.
- ITiCSE-2004-PaxtonH
- Providing curricular assistance to a third world university computer science department (JP, KH), pp. 199–202.
- IWPC-2004-Tadonki #reverse engineering
- Universal Report: A Generic Reverse Engineering Tool (CT), pp. 266–267.
- STOC-2004-PrabhakaranS #security
- New notions of security: achieving universal composability without trusted setup (MP, AS), pp. 242–251.
- CIAA-2004-Polak #automaton #nondeterminism #using
- Minimalizations of NFA Using the Universal Automaton (LP), pp. 325–326.
- ICALP-2004-Jeandel #quantum
- Universality in Quantum Computation (EJ), pp. 793–804.
- CSCW-2004-PaekABDKLTW #interactive #mobile #towards
- Toward universal mobile interaction for shared displays (TP, MA, SB, SMD, TTK, RL, KT, AW), pp. 266–269.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-PerkinsC #authentication #case study #collaboration #design #industrial #process #social
- E-Systems Design Through the Study of Authentic Work Practice — Social Activity Theory and the Case of University — Industry Collaboration (JP, SC), pp. 317–324.
- ICPR-v1-2004-ChenD #recognition
- A Universal Method for Single Character Type Recognition (LC, XD), pp. 413–416.
- KDD-2004-Poole #approach
- Estimating the size of the telephone universe: a Bayesian Mark-recapture approach (DP), pp. 659–664.
- KR-2004-Barrett #compilation #hybrid
- From Hybrid Systems to Universal Plans Via Domain Compilation (AB), pp. 654–661.
- DocEng-2003-JanssenP #library #named
- UpLib: a universal personal digital library system (WCJ, KP), pp. 234–242.
- CSEET-2003-EllisMMS #industrial #re-engineering
- Industry/University Software Engineering Collaborations for the Successful Reeducation of Non-Software Professionals (HJCE, AMM, NRM, SBS), pp. 44–51.
- CSEET-2003-Perez-MartinezS #coordination #education #re-engineering
- A Coordinated Plan for Teaching Software Engineering in the Rey Juan Carlos University (JEPM, ASA), p. 107–?.
- ITiCSE-2003-GeorgiopoulosCWDGGKM #case study #experience #machine learning
- CRCD in machine learning at the University of Central Florida preliminary experiences (MG, JC, ASW, RFD, EG, AJG, MKK, MM), p. 249.
- TACAS-2003-HenzingerKM #calculus #on the #μ-calculus
- On the Universal and Existential Fragments of the μ-Calculus (TAH, OK, RM), pp. 49–64.
- DLT-2003-Polak #automaton
- Syntactic Semiring and Universal Automaton (LP), pp. 411–422.
- ICFP-2003-Simonet #bound #data type
- An extension of HM(X) with bounded existential and universal data-types (VS), pp. 39–50.
- ICEIS-v1-2003-MorleyH #enterprise #quality #resource management
- Technical Use Quality in a University Enterprise Resource Planning System: Perceptions of Response Time and Its Strategic Importance (MM, LvH), pp. 341–346.
- ICEIS-v3-2003-Gittoes #approach #implementation #quality
- A Three Perspective Approach to Groupware Implementation Quality Management: Within an Australian University (DG), pp. 307–312.
- ICSE-2003-SchneiderJ #education #perspective #programming
- eXtreme Programming at Universities — An Educational Perspective (JGS, LJ), pp. 594–601.
- ICSE-2003-YokomoriIYMKI #component #java #program analysis #slicing
- Java Program Analysis Projects in Osaka University: Aspect-Based Slicing System ADAS and Ranked-Component Search System SPARS-J (RY, TI, TY, MM, SK, KI), pp. 828–829.
- TLCA-2003-Power #higher-order
- A Universal Embedding for the Higher Order Structure of Computational Effects (JP), pp. 301–315.
- DAC-2002-NohlBSLMH #architecture #flexibility #performance #simulation
- A universal technique for fast and flexible instruction-set architecture simulation (AN, GB, OS, RL, HM, AH), pp. 22–27.
- VLDB-2002-GilbertKMS #how #maintenance
- How to Summarize the Universe: Dynamic Maintenance of Quantiles (ACG, YK, SM, MS), pp. 454–465.
- CSEET-2002-Modesitt #collaboration #future of #industrial #re-engineering
- International Software Engineering University Consortium (ISEUC): A Glimpse into the Future of University and Industry Collaboration (KLM), p. 32–?.
- ITiCSE-2002-ZupancicH
- Lecture recording and its use in a traditional university course (BZ, HH), pp. 24–28.
- STOC-2002-CanettiLOS #composition #multi
- Universally composable two-party and multi-party secure computation (RC, YL, RO, AS), pp. 494–503.
- ICALP-2002-AkcogluDK #performance
- Fast Universalization of Investment Strategies with Provably Good Relative Returns (KA, PD, MYK), pp. 888–900.
- ICALP-2002-Ollinger #automaton
- The Quest for Small Universal Cellular Automata (NO), pp. 318–329.
- ICALP-2002-Wich #ambiguity
- Universal Inherence of Cycle-Free Context-Free Ambiguity Functions (KW), pp. 669–680.
- ICEIS-2002-PivkG #e-commerce
- A Semi-Universal E-Commerce Agent (AP, MG), pp. 981–988.
- ICPR-v1-2002-RahmanNI #behaviour #using
- Recognizing Human Behavior Using Universal Eigenspace (MMR, KN, SI), pp. 295–298.
- ICPR-v2-2002-GiugnoS #graph #named #performance #query
- GraphGrep: A Fast and Universal Method for Querying Graphs (RG, DS), pp. 112–115.
- ICPR-v3-2002-TanakaKFI #modelling #speech
- Constructing Speech Processing Systems on Universal Phonetic Codes Accompanied with Reference Acoustic Models (KT, HK, NF, YI), pp. 728–731.
- DAC-2001-BrglezL #design #distributed
- A Universal Client for Distributed Networked Design and Computing (FB, HL), pp. 401–406.
- DATE-2001-DemmelerG #communication #framework #integration
- A universal communication model for an automotive system integration platform (TD, PG), pp. 47–54.
- CSEET-2001-Carrington #education
- Teaching PSPSM and TSPi in Universities (DAC), p. 139–?.
- CSEET-2001-DuleyMV #industrial #trust
- Teamwork and Trust: Universities, industry and the professional software engineer (RD, SPM, DV), pp. 153–161.
- STOC-2001-BolligW #bound #branch #integer #multi #using
- A read-once branching program lower bound of Ω(2n/4) for integer multiplication using universal (BB, PW), pp. 419–424.
- DLT-2001-KudlekR #turing machine
- A Universal Turing Machine with 3 States and 9 Symbols (MK, YR), pp. 311–318.
- ICEIS-v1-2001-RossiterNH #modelling #semistructured data
- A Universal Technique for Relating Heterogeneous Data Models (BNR, DAN, MAH), pp. 96–103.
- CIKM-2001-ZilioLLL #database #self
- Self-Managing Technology in IBM DB2 Universal Database (DCZ, SL, KAL, GML), pp. 541–543.
- ICML-2001-Hutter #bound #predict #sequence
- General Loss Bounds for Universal Sequence Prediction (MH), pp. 210–217.
- LSO-2001-WangenheimLWC #information management
- Supporting Knowledge Management in University Software R&D Groups (CGvW, DL, AvW, EC), pp. 52–67.
- SAC-2001-Jeng #framework #towards
- Towards a universal service-computing platform via virtual service machine (JJJ), pp. 663–667.
- ICSE-2001-MullerT #case study #programming
- Case Study: Extreme Programming in a University Environment (MMM, WFT), pp. 537–544.
- LICS-2001-EscardoS
- A Universal Characterization of the Closed Euclidean Interval (MHE, AKS), pp. 115–125.
- RTA-2001-Bechet #interactive
- Universal Interaction Systems with Only Two Agents (DB), pp. 3–14.
- DAC-2000-DwarakanathB #fault #simulation #tuple #using
- Universal fault simulation using fault tuples (KND, RDB), pp. 786–789.
- CSEET-2000-Boldyreff #re-engineering
- The University of Durham BSc in Software Engineering and Proposed MEng in Software Engineering: A Position Paper (CB), p. 189.
- CSEET-2000-BreretonLBBDLMY #case study #collaboration #re-engineering #student
- Student Collaboration across Universities: A Case Study in Software Engineering (PB, SL, RB, CB, SD, PJL, LAM, RY), pp. 76–86.
- CSEET-2000-Collofello #collaboration #industrial #project management #simulation
- University/Industry Collaboration in Developing a Simulation Based Software Project Management Training Course (JSC), pp. 161–168.
- ESOP-2000-HeatonHK #abstract domain
- Abstract Domains for Universal and Existential Properties (AH, PMH, AK), pp. 150–164.
- STOC-2000-DamMMS #fault tolerance #quantum #self #set
- Self-testing of universal and fault-tolerant sets of quantum gates (WvD, FM, MM, MS), pp. 688–696.
- STOC-2000-Istrail #3d #statistics
- Statistical mechanics, three-dimensionality and NP-completeness: I. Universality of intracatability for the partition function of the Ising model across non-planar surfaces (extended abstract) (SI), pp. 87–96.
- ICEIS-2000-PazdzioraB #information management
- University Information System Fully Based on WWW (JP, MB), pp. 467–471.
- ICML-2000-KatayamaKK #learning #using
- A Universal Generalization for Temporal-Difference Learning Using Haar Basis Functions (SK, HK, SK), pp. 447–454.
- KR-2000-Massacci #first-order #reduction
- Reduction rules and universal variables for first order tableaux and DPLL (FM), pp. 186–197.
- KR-2000-Mota #set
- Cyclical and Granular Time Theories as Subsets of the Herbrand Universe (EM), pp. 366–377.
- SIGIR-2000-TuerkJJJW #documentation #multi #retrieval
- The Cambridge University multimedia document retrieval demo system (AT, SEJ, PJ, KSJ, PCW), p. 394.
- FSE-2000-BehrendsS #approach #composition #concurrent #reliability #source code
- The universe model: an approach for improving the modularity and reliability of concurrent programs (RB, KS), pp. 20–29.
- LICS-2000-Miquel #type system
- A Model for Impredicative Type Systems, Universes, Intersection Types and Subtyping (AM), pp. 18–29.
- VLDB-1999-ChengGKLLQS #database #implementation #optimisation #query #semantics
- Implementation of Two Semantic Query Optimization Techniques in DB2 Universal Database (QC, JG, FK, TYCL, LL, XQ, KBS), pp. 687–698.
- VLDB-1999-DeutschPT #constraints #independence #optimisation #physics
- Physical Data Independence, Constraints, and Optimization with Universal Plans (AD, LP, VT), pp. 459–470.
- CSEET-1999-OMaryLP #education #industrial #re-engineering
- Tracking and Evaluating Industry/University Collaborations for Software Engineering Education and Training (panel) (GO, JL, CLP), p. 102–?.
- ITiCSE-1999-BoyleR
- The University in the inner city (RB, AR), pp. 119–122.
- ITiCSE-1999-Levin99a #implementation
- The implementation of a data communications laboratory in small to medium sized universities (MHL), p. 187.
- STOC-1999-CapalboK #graph
- Small Universal Graphs (MRC, SRK), pp. 741–749.
- FM-v2-1999-Krieg-BrucknerPOB #development #formal method
- The UniForM Workbench, a Universal Development Environment for Formal Methods (BKB, JP, ERO, AB), pp. 1186–1205.
- CHI-1999-JackoDRSP #component #visual notation
- Visual Profiles: A Critical Component of Universal Access (JAJ, MAD, RHRJ, IUS, CJP), pp. 330–337.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-AkoumianakisSPS #design #guidelines
- Universal accessibility: process-oriented design guidelines (DA, MS, AP, CS), pp. 807–811.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-Charytonowicz #aspect-oriented #social
- Social aspects of universal computerization (JC), pp. 573–577.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-Puerta #formal method
- Formalization as a path to universal accessibility (ARP), pp. 908–912.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-RizzoBNCRLKKTH #bibliography #process
- Virtual environments for targeting cognitive processes: an overview of projects at the University of Southern California (AAR, JGB, UN, CC, AvR, PL, KK, CK, MT, LH), pp. 1095–1099.
- HCI-CCAD-1999-Stephanidis
- Universal access in the information society (CS), pp. 913–917.
- ICEIS-1999-KapadiaFL #enterprise
- Statewide Enterprise Computing with the Purdue University Network-Computing Hubs (NHK, JABF, MSL), pp. 657–664.
- MLDM-1999-AizenbergAK #algorithm #image #learning #multi #recognition
- Multi-valued and Universal Binary Neurons: Learning Algorithms, Application to Image Processing and Recognition (INA, NNA, GAK), pp. 21–35.
- UML-1999-DemeyerDT #uml #why
- Why Unified is not Universal? UML Shortcomings for Coping with Round-trip Engineering (SD, SD, ST), pp. 630–644.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1999-AnLWJCWC #corba #framework #ide #java
- A Java/CORBA Based Universal Framework for Super Server User-End Integrated Environments (HA, HL, MW, YJ, ZC, FW, GC), pp. 336–341.
- PADL-1999-GoltzM #constraints #logic programming #using
- University Timetabling Using Constraint Logic Programming (HJG, DM), pp. 320–334.
- CADE-1999-Sofronie-Stokkermans #complexity #decidability #on the
- On the Universal Theory of Varieties of Distributive Lattices with Operators: Some Decidability and Complexity Results (VSS), pp. 157–171.
- CSL-1999-KerNO #game studies
- A Universal Innocent Game Model for the Böhm Tree λ Theory (ADK, HN, CHLO), pp. 405–419.
- LICS-1999-MarzRS #abstraction
- Full Abstraction and Universality via Realisability (MM, AR, TS), pp. 174–182.
- RTA-1999-HofbauerH #testing
- Test Sets for the Universal and Existential Closure of Regular Tree Languages (DH, MH), pp. 205–219.
- DATE-1998-RunjeK #encryption #implementation
- Universal Strong Encryption FPGA Core Implementation (DR, MK), pp. 923–924.
- SIGMOD-1998-BlakeleyP #data access #framework
- Microsoft Universal Data Access Platform (JAB, MP), pp. 502–503.
- SIGMOD-1998-LahiriJJC #database
- 50,000 Users on an Oracle8 Universal Server Database (TL, AJ, AJ, SC), pp. 528–530.
- VLDB-1998-SchieferKBLF #database
- IBM’s DB2 Universal Database demonstrations at VLDB’98 (KBS, JK, KB, GML, GF), p. 703.
- VLDB-1998-VenkataramanZ #database #optimisation #query #semistructured data
- Heterogeneous Database Query Optimization in DB2 Universal DataJoiner (SV, TZ), pp. 685–689.
- CSEET-1998-BeddieBMT #industrial
- Building the Bridge between Industry and Universities: The Graduates into SMEs Project (LB, EB, LM, JT), pp. 128–138.
- CSEET-1998-HislopD #re-engineering
- Organizational Placement of Software Engineering in a University (GWH, JLDH), pp. 40–43.
- ITiCSE-1998-Carswell #internet #paradigm #question #towards
- The “Virtual University”: toward an Internet paradigm? (LC), pp. 46–50.
- EDOC-1998-Iyengar #architecture #repository #uml #using
- A universal repository architecture using the OMG UML and MOF (SSI), pp. 35–44.
- HPDC-1998-KapadiaF #design #on the
- On the Design of a Demand-Based Network-Computing System: The Purdue University Network-Computing Hub (NHK, JABF), pp. 71–80.
- JICSLP-1998-FonsecaCD #execution #logic programming #named #parallel #source code #visualisation
- VisAll: A Universal Tool to Visualise Parallel Execution of Logic Programs (NAF, VSC, IdCD), pp. 100–114.
- VLDB-1997-BridgeJKLLM
- The Oracle Universal Server Buffer (WB, AJ, MK, TL, JL, NM), pp. 590–594.
- VLDB-1997-ClaussenKMP #database #object-oriented #optimisation #quantifier #query
- Optimizing Queries with Universal Quantification in Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases (JC, AK, GM, KP), pp. 286–295.
- STOC-1997-OstrovskyR #algorithm
- Universal O(Congestion + Dilation + log1+epsilonN) Local Control Packet Switching Algorithms (RO, YR), pp. 644–653.
- DLT-1997-CaludeCK #automaton #simulation
- Deterministic Automata: Simulation, Universality and Minimality. Extended Abstract (CSC, EC, BK), pp. 519–537.
- PLILP-1997-BowersHI #logic programming #quantifier
- Resolution for Logic Programming with Universal Quantifiers (AFB, PMH, FI), pp. 63–77.
- ESEC-FSE-1997-Maibaum #education #question #what
- What We Teach Software Engineers in the University: Do We Take Engineering Seriously? (TSEM), pp. 40–50.
- HPDC-1997-SinghalNRNF #architecture #design #interactive #named #scalability
- InVerse: Designing an Interactive Universe Architecture for Scalability and Extensibility (SKS, BQN, RR, JN, MF), pp. 61–70.
- LICS-1997-HofmannS #continuation #modelling #λ-calculus #μ-calculus
- Continuation Models are Universal for λμ-Calculus (MH, TS), pp. 387–395.
- CSEE-1996-HooverSM #re-engineering
- The Carnegie Mellon University Master of Software Engineering Specialization Tracks (CLH, MS, NRM), pp. 100–118.
- CSEE-1996-Sloan #industrial
- Industry and University Partnership Through Consortia (SCS), pp. 221–229.
- STOC-1996-CypherHSV #algorithm
- Universal Algorithms for Store-and-Forward and Wormhole Routing (RC, FMadH, CS, BV), pp. 356–365.
- ICPR-1996-AizenbergAK #image #learning #multi #network #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
- Multi-valued and universal binary neurons: mathematical model, learning, networks, application to image processing and pattern recognition (NNA, INA, GAK), pp. 185–189.
- SAC-1996-BarlasD #interactive #simulation
- An interactive dynamic simulation model of a university management system (YB, VGD), pp. 120–128.
- SAC-1996-CarrollC
- An intelligent universal advisor (JC, GC), pp. 105–109.
- CSEE-1995-LivingstonW #education #maturity
- A Russian Software Center Ascends the SEI Maturity: Education by Motorola University (JL, KW), p. 439.
- CSEE-1995-Zucconi #education #industrial
- Essential Knowledge for the Practising Software Engineer and the Responsibilities of University and Industry for Her Education (LZ), pp. 5–13.
- KDD-1995-SanjeevZ #database
- Discovering Enrollment Knowledge in University Databases (APS, JMZ), pp. 246–251.
- ICLP-1995-GuptaCP #array #logic programming #parallel
- Shared Paged Binding Array: A Universal Datastructure for Parallel Logic Programming (GG, VSC, EP), p. 824.
- PODS-1994-MumickS #satisfiability
- Universal Finiteness and Satisfiability (ISM, OS), pp. 190–200.
- CSEE-1994-AmmannGORS #re-engineering #source code
- A Five Year Perspective on Software Engineering Graduate Programs at George Mason University (PA, HG, AJO, DR, BS), pp. 473–488.
- TRI-Ada-1994-RybinK #ada #programming language
- Ada-Based Programming Language Course in Moscow State University (SR, VSK), pp. 194–202.
- ALP-1994-BossiC #termination
- Preserving Universal Termination through Unfold/Fold (AB, NC), pp. 269–286.
- CADE-1994-Beckert
- A Completion-Based Method for Mixed Universal and Rigid E-Unification (BB), pp. 678–692.
- DAC-1993-Mikhov
- The State of EDA in Russian Universities (VMM), pp. 716–719.
- ICDAR-1993-Popescu #hypermedia
- Co-operative work in a hypertext system for universities (CP), pp. 696–698.
- VLDB-1993-Ioannidis
- Universality of Serial Histograms (YEI), pp. 256–267.
- DLT-1993-CaludeS
- Algorithmically Coding the Universe (CC, AS), pp. 472–492.
- ICALP-1993-KannegantiC #higher-order #programming language #question #what
- What is a Universal Higher-Order Programming Language? (RK, RC), pp. 682–695.
- HCI-SHI-1993-JonesC #student #visitor
- Changing Persona: University Student to Museum Visitor (THJ, MC), pp. 500–506.
- HCI-SHI-1993-KamalaSC #difference #multi #student
- Individual Differences in the Use of Hyper/Multimedia by Undergraduate Students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (TNK, JS, MEC), pp. 507–512.
- INTERCHI-1993-ApperleyP #human-computer #interactive #research
- Human-computer interaction research at Massey University, New Zealand (MDA, CP), pp. 244–245.
- INTERCHI-1993-Eisenstadt #research
- Human cognition research laboratory: the Open University (U.K.) (ME), pp. 51–52.
- INTERCHI-1993-JohnM #human-computer
- HCI in the school of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University (BEJ, JHM), pp. 49–50.
- TRI-Ada-1993-White #ada #interface #semantics #specification #using
- A Universal Delogger Using the Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) (MW), pp. 347–353.
- TOOLS-USA-1993-ChandlerH #education #object-oriented
- Teaching Object Oriented at University Level: Techniques for Success (JMC, SCH), pp. 619–626.
- SAC-1993-ChenD #biology
- Distributing Molecular Biology Information: Gopher, WAIS and the University of Houston Gene-Server (ESC, DBD), pp. 634–640.
- ICLP-1993-Brzoska #bound #logic programming
- Temporal Logic Programming with Bounded Universal Modality Goals (CB), pp. 239–256.
- DAC-1992-WolfTHMW #behaviour #synthesis
- The Princeton University Behavioral Synthesis System (WW, AT, CYH, RM, EW), pp. 182–187.
- HT-ECHT-1992-Martucci92b #infinity #multi
- From Infinity to Infinity (a Multimedia History of the Universe, Demonstration) (RM), p. 292.
- SEI-1992-Hooper #education #framework #re-engineering
- Planning for Software Engineering Education Within a Computer Science Framework at Marshall University (JWH), pp. 257–269.
- SEI-1992-LeaseL #re-engineering
- Undergraduate Software Engineering Laboratory at Texas A&M University (ML, ML), pp. 315–323.
- CHI-1992-NesBB #research
- The Institute for Perception Research IPO, a Joint Venture of Philips Electronics and Eindhoven University of Technology (FLvN, HB, MDBJ), pp. 575–576.
- TRI-Ada-C-1992-Hermida #ada #anti #development #named
- HEmut-PoliCaza: Introducing Ada in the University Through PC Anti-Virus Software Development (AH), pp. 148–156.
- ML-1992-Hickey #algorithm #approach #evaluation #towards
- Artificial Universes — Towards a Systematic Approach to Evaluation Algorithms which Learn form Examples (RJH), pp. 196–205.
- SIGIR-1992-AgostiM #database #design #library #multi
- Design of an OPAC Database to Permit Different Subject Searching Accesses in a Multi-Disciplines Universities Library Catalogue Database (MA, MM), pp. 245–255.
- CSL-1992-Aanderaa #turing machine
- A Universal Turing Machine (SA), pp. 1–4.
- CSL-1992-Marzetta #formal method
- Universes in the Theory of Types and Names (MM), pp. 340–351.
- DAC-1991-Fuhrman #industrial #synthesis #tool support
- Industrial Extensions to University High Level Synthesis Tools: Making It Work in the Real World (TEF), pp. 520–525.
- CHI-1991-BaeckerMBF
- The University of Toronto dynamic graphics project (RB, MMM, WB, EF), pp. 467–468.
- CHI-1991-Johnson #interactive
- Human computer interaction laboratory Queen Mary and Westfield College University of London (PJ), pp. 475–476.
- CHI-1991-Kyng
- The system work group computer science department Aarhus University (MK), pp. 477–478.
- KR-1991-Myers #integration #logic
- Universal Attachment: An Integration Method for Logic Hybrids (KLM), pp. 405–416.
- LICS-1991-Mendler #recursion
- Predicative Type Universes and Primitive Recursion (NPM), pp. 173–184.
- SEI-1990-SandersS #perspective #re-engineering
- Establishing Motorola-University Relationships: A Software Engineering Training Perspective (GS, GS), pp. 2–12.
- PLDI-1990-HenryWF #compilation
- The University of Washington Illustrating Compiler (RRH, KMW, BF), pp. 223–233.
- STOC-1990-MansourNT #complexity
- The Computational Complexity of Universal Hashing (YM, NN, PT), pp. 235–243.
- ICALP-1990-DietzfelbingerH #realtime
- A New Universal Class of Hash Functions and Dynamic Hashing in Real Time (MD, FMadH), pp. 6–19.
- VDME-1990-TarleckiW
- A Naive Domain Universe for VDM (AT, MW), pp. 552–579.
- CHI-1990-DouglasM #bibliography #interactive
- Interactive systems group — University of Oregon, department of computer and information science (lab review) (SAD, GWM), pp. 385–386.
- CHI-1990-HarrisonM #bibliography #interactive
- Human computer interaction group, University of York, U.K. (lab review) (MDH, AFM), pp. 85–86.
- CHI-1990-KramerW #bibliography #human-computer #interactive #research
- Human-computer interaction research at the University of Illinois (lab review) (AFK, CDW), pp. 79–80.
- CHI-1990-Williges #bibliography #human-computer #interface
- Human-computer interface laboratory — Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (lab review) (RCW), pp. 283–284.
- SEKE-1990-BairdS #aspect-oriented #programming language
- Theoretical Aspects of the Universal Programming Language Genotype (JCB, SKS), pp. 135–140.
- ICSE-1990-Decina #approach #named
- CEFRIEL: an Innovative Approach to University-Industry Cooperation in Information Technologies (MD), pp. 330–331.
- LICS-1990-DrosteG #formal method #programming language #semantics
- Universal Domains in the Theory of Denotational Semantics of Programming Languages (MD, RG), pp. 19–34.
- STOC-1989-BorodinRT #bound #sequence #traversal
- Lower Bounds on the Length of Universal Traversal Sequences (Detailed Abstract) (AB, WLR, MT), pp. 562–573.
- STOC-1989-NaorY #encryption
- Universal One-Way Hash Functions and their Cryptographic Applications (MN, MY), pp. 33–43.
- STOC-1989-SchmidtS #aspect-oriented #on the #performance
- On Aspects of Universality and Performance for Closed Hashing (Extended Abstract) (JPS, AS), pp. 355–366.
- CHI-1989-FischerD
- University of Colorado at Boulder, Institute of cognitive science (GF, SD), pp. 49–50.
- CHI-1989-Olson
- Cognitive science and machine intelligence laboratory, University of Michigan (GMO), pp. 151–152.
- CHI-1989-Shneiderman #human-computer #interactive
- Human-computer interaction lab, University of Maryland (BS), pp. 309–310.
- KR-1989-DoyleW
- Impediments to Universal Preference-Based Default Theories (JD, MPW), pp. 94–102.
- CSL-1989-Dahn #on the
- On Test Classes for Universal Theories (BID), pp. 90–97.
- LICS-1989-Gischer
- A Small Universal Model for System Executions (JLG), pp. 146–153.
- RTA-1989-Birkhoff #algebra #term rewriting
- Term Rewriting and Universal Algebra in Historical Perspective (Abstract of Invited Lecture) (GB), p. 1.
- SIGMOD-1988-Ramakrishna #analysis
- Hashing in Practive, Analysis of Hashing and Universal Hashing (MVR), pp. 191–199.
- VLDB-1988-LecluseS #implementation #interface #query
- Implementing Queries and Updates on Universal Scheme Interfaces (CL, NS), pp. 62–75.
- SEI-1988-BrackettKV #re-engineering
- The Software Engineering Graduate Program at the Boston University College of Engineering (JWB, TGK, RFV), pp. 56–63.
- SEI-1988-Fairley #re-engineering #source code
- The Software Engineering Programs at George Mason University (REF), pp. 64–69.
- SEI-1988-SigillitoBL #re-engineering #source code
- Software Engineering in the Johns Hopkins University Continuing Professional Programs (VGS, BIB, PHL), pp. 20–31.
- SEI-1988-Werth #how #tool support #what #why
- Software Tools at the University: Why, What and How (LHW), pp. 169–186.
- STOC-1988-Istrail #polynomial #sequence #traversal
- Polynomial Universal Traversing Sequences for Cycles Are Constructible (Extended Abstract) (SI), pp. 491–503.
- CADE-1988-FranzenH #approach #unification
- A New Approach to Universal Unification and Its Application to AC-Unification (MF, LJH), pp. 643–657.
- LICS-1988-KfouryTU #on the #polymorphism #power of #recursion
- On the Computational Power of Universally Polymorphic Recursion (AJK, JT, PU), pp. 72–81.
- SLP-1987-Reintjes87 #named
- AUNT: A Universal Netlist Translator (PBR), pp. 508–515.
- PODS-1986-BiskupBSK
- One Flavor Assumption and Gamma-Acyclicity for Universal Relation Views (JB, HHB, LS, MK), pp. 148–159.
- CRAI-1986-Habermann #re-engineering
- The Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University (ANH), pp. 233–248.
- CADE-1986-Morgan
- AUTOLOGIC at University of Victoria (CGM), pp. 699–700.
- CADE-1986-Wang86a
- SHD-Prover at University of Texas at Austin (TCW), pp. 707–708.
- PODS-1985-BrosdaV #database #interface #relational
- Updating a Relational Database through a Universal Schema Interface (VB, GV), pp. 66–75.
- PODS-1985-SteinM
- Relaxing the Universal Relation Scheme Assumption (JS, DM), pp. 76–84.
- ICALP-1985-Gunter
- A Universal Domain Technique for Profinite Posets (CAG), pp. 232–243.
- DAC-1984-Snyder #industrial
- A model for university, industry and government cooperation (LS), pp. 602–603.
- PODS-1984-ImielinskiS #database #on the
- On Lossless Transformation of Database Schemes not Necessarily Satisfying Universal Instance Assumption (TI, NS), pp. 258–265.
- CADE-1984-Siekmann #unification
- Universal Unification (JHS), pp. 1–42.
- DAC-1983-SmithNBSW #array #automation #geometry #layout #named
- VGAUA: The Variable Geometry Automated Universal Array layout System (DCS, RN, FB, SSS, JCW), pp. 425–429.
- DAC-1983-WyleczukMB #industrial
- The Transfer of University Software for Industry Use (RW, LM, GB), pp. 756–761.
- PODS-1983-Sciore #dependence
- Inclusion Dependencies and the Universal Instance (ES), pp. 48–57.
- SIGMOD-1983-Lomet #performance
- A High Performance, Universal, Key Associative Access Method (DBL), pp. 120–133.
- VLDB-1983-BiskupB #approach
- Universal Relation Views: A Pragmatic Approach (JB, HHB), pp. 172–185.
- PODS-1982-BeeriK
- Compatible Attributes in a Universal Relation (CB, HFK), pp. 55–62.
- PODS-1982-KuckS #database #network
- A Universal Relation Database System Implemented via the Network Model (SMK, YS), pp. 147–157.
- SIGMOD-1982-MaierW #database #specification
- Specifying Connections for a Universal Relation Scheme Database (DM, DSW), pp. 1–7.
- ICALP-1982-GoguenM #implementation #persistent
- Universal Realization, Persistent Interconnection and Implementation of Abstract Modules (JAG, JM), pp. 265–281.
- CADE-1982-SiekmannS #classification #equation #unification
- Universal Unification and a Classification of Equational Theories (JHS, PS), pp. 369–389.
- DAC-1981-Dutton #automation #design #perspective #tool support
- Position statement — tools for design automation from a university point of view (RWD), p. 333.
- SIGMOD-1981-Sagiv #question #using
- Can We Use the Universal Instance Assumption Without Using Nulls? (YS), pp. 108–120.
- STOC-1981-ValiantB #communication #parallel
- Universal Schemes for Parallel Communication (LGV, GJB), pp. 263–277.
- PS-1981-Klaeren #algebra #recursion
- Recursive Definitions of Operations in Universal Algebras (HK), pp. 268–281.
- VLDB-1979-Osborn #interface #towards
- Towards a Universal Relation Interface (SLO), pp. 52–60.
- STOC-1979-Reif #game studies
- Universal Games of Incomplete Information (JHR), pp. 288–308.
- POPL-1979-AhoU #retrieval
- The Universality of Data Retrieval Languages (AVA, JDU), pp. 110–120.
- DAC-1977-Kennedy77a #architecture #design
- Computer aided design college of architecture University of Kentucky (MK), p. 281.
- DAC-1977-TanakaB #architecture
- Department of architecture university of illinois (KET, DEB), p. 280.
- STOC-1977-CarterW
- Universal Classes of Hash Functions (Extended Abstract) (LC, MNW), pp. 106–112.
- STOC-1976-Valiant
- Universal Circuits (Preliminary Report) (LGV), pp. 196–203.