13 papers:
CSEET-2014-BoeschS #automation #learning- Automated mentor assignment in blended learning environments (CB, KS), pp. 94–98.
FSE-2012-CanforaPOP #open source #question- Who is going to mentor newcomers in open source projects? (GC, MDP, RO, SP), p. 44.
ITiCSE-2011-SettlePFD #student- An initial look at prospective student mentoring (AS, SP, LF, MJD), p. 370.
CHI-2011-KuznetsovTKHPS #bound- Breaking boundaries: strategies for mentoring through textile computing workshops (SK, LCT, CK, IH, EP, DPS), pp. 2957–2966.
CSEET-2010-TaranC #challenge #development #distance #how- Improving Distance Mentoring: Challenges and How to Deal with them in Global Development Project Courses (GT, LRC), pp. 97–104.
ICSM-2005-XingS #development #towards- Towards Experience-Based Mentoring of Evolutionary Development (ZX, ES), pp. 621–624.
ITiCSE-2002-MillerK- A mentor program in CS1 (AM, JK), pp. 9–13.
ITiCSE-2002-Shene #education #named #parallel #programming #thread- ThreadMentor: a system for teaching multithreaded programming (CKS), p. 229.
SIGMOD-2000-GillmannWSWW #distributed #workflow- A Goal-driven Auto-Configuration Tool for the Distributed Workflow Management System Mentor-lite (MG, JW, GS, WW, GW), p. 595.
ITiCSE-2000-SheneL00a #design- DesignMentor (poster session): a pedagogical tool for graphics and computer-aided design (CKS, JLL), p. 193.
CSCW-1998-ONeillG #online- Sustaining Mentoring Relationships On-Line (DKO, LMG), pp. 325–334.
SIGMOD-1997-WodtkeWWDM #workflow- The MENTOR Workbench for Enterprise-wide Workflow Management (DW, JW, GW, AKD, PM), pp. 576–579.
CAiSE-1996-Si-SaidRG #named #requirements- MENTOR: A Computer Aided Requirements Engineering Environment (SSS, CR, GG), pp. 22–43.