10 papers:
ICST-2015-HerboldFGHHKMMN #framework #testing- The MIDAS Cloud Platform for Testing SOA Applications (SH, ADF, JG, PH, LMH, FK, APM, LM, CDN, FDR, MAS, NT, MFW, PHW), pp. 1–8.
ICSE-2013-SamarthyamSSG #assessment #design #industrial #named #quality- MIDAS: a design quality assessment method for industrial software (GS, GS, TS, SG), pp. 911–920.
SIGMOD-2010-BalakrishnanCHHKLPPPRSSTVY #named- Midas: integrating public financial data (SB, VC, MAH, HH, RK, SL, JP, JSP, LP, CR, LS, IRS, ELT, SV, HY), pp. 1187–1190.
ICPR-2010-KarpovRKRA #interactive #multimodal- Multimodal Human Computer Interaction with MIDAS Intelligent Infokiosk (AK, AR, ISK, ALR, LA), pp. 3862–3865.
DHM-2009-GoreHWS #implementation- A Computational Implementation of a Human Attention Guiding Mechanism in MIDAS v5 (BFG, BLH, CDW, SSN), pp. 237–246.
ICEIS-J-2009-OrleansZ #information management #middleware #named- MIDAS: A Middleware for Information Systems with QoS Concerns (LFO, GZ), pp. 3–13.
ICEIS-2002-Sierra-AlonsoCMP #development #information management #process #requirements #web- Incorporating Knowledge Engineering Techniques to Requirements Capture in the MIDAS Web Applications Development Process (ASA, PC, EM, JEPM), pp. 782–787.
CHI-1992-FerrinHCPL #modelling- The MidasPlus molecular modeling system (TEF, CCH, GSC, EFP, RL), pp. 521–522.
DAC-1985-BudneyH #design #named- MIDAS: integrated CAD for total system design (WMB, SKH), pp. 529–535.
DAC-1977-Hall #online #realtime- MIDAS an on-line real time material system (RSH), pp. 109–111.