6 papers:
DATE-2013-YuWAEB #modelling #statistics- Statistical modeling with the virtual source MOSFET model (LY, LW, DAA, IME, DSB), pp. 1454–1457.
DATE-2007-AminzadehDL #design #pipes and filters- Design of high-resolution MOSFET-only pipelined ADCs with digital calibration (HA, MD, RL), pp. 427–432.
DAC-2006-SwahnH- Gate sizing: finFETs vs 32nm bulk MOSFETs (BS, SH), pp. 528–531.
DAC-2000-FotyB #design #modelling #tutorial- MOSFET modeling and circuit design: re-establishing a lost connection (tutorial) (DF, DB), p. 560.
DAC-1994-ChenF #analysis #using- Transient Sensitivity Computation of MOSFET Circuits Using Iterated Timing Analysis and Selective-Tracing Waveform Eelaxation (CJC, WSF), pp. 581–585.
DAC-1978-KoppelSP #logic #performance- A high performance delay calculation software system for MOSFET digital logic chips (AK, SS, PP), pp. 405–417.