8 papers:
ICML-2015-BachHBG #learning #performance- Paired-Dual Learning for Fast Training of Latent Variable Hinge-Loss MRFs (SHB, BH, JLBG, LG), pp. 381–390.
ICML-c1-2014-InouyeRD #dependence #topic #word- Admixture of Poisson MRFs: A Topic Model with Word Dependencies (DI, PDR, ISD), pp. 683–691.
ICML-c2-2014-NovikovROV- Putting MRFs on a Tensor Train (AN, AR, AO, DV), pp. 811–819.
ICML-c3-2013-WangK #algorithm #energy #performance- A Fast and Exact Energy Minimization Algorithm for Cycle MRFs (HW, DK), pp. 190–198.
ICPR-2010-SemenovichS #higher-order #performance- Tensor Power Method for Efficient MAP Inference in Higher-order MRFs (DS, AS), pp. 734–737.
KDD-2009-BekkermanSV #clustering #combinator- Improving clustering stability with combinatorial MRFs (RB, MS, KV), pp. 99–108.
ICML-2008-KohliSRKT #multi #on the- On partial optimality in multi-label MRFs (PK, AS, CR, VK, PHST), pp. 480–487.
ICPR-v3-2000-LuJ #approach #image- A New Bayesian Approach to Image Denoising with a Combination of MRFs and Pixon Method (QL, TJ), pp. 3734–3737.