514 papers:
DAC-2015-LiuLCLWH #named- Vortex: variation-aware training for memristor X-bar (BL, HL, YC, XL, QW, TH), p. 6.
CSEET-2015-BollinHS #education #project management #simulation- Teaching Software Project Management by Simulation: Training Team Leaders for Real World Projects (AB, EH, CS), pp. 7–9.
CSEET-2015-Robinson #distributed #industrial #scalability- Insights from Creating and Deploying a Large, Globally Distributed Industrial Training Program (BPR), p. 2.
CHI-2015-JensenRMG #challenge #design #game studies- Keepin’ it Real: Challenges when Designing Sports-Training Games (MMJ, MKR, F'M, KG), pp. 2003–2012.
CHI-2015-SlovakGF #challenge #design #social- Designing Social and Emotional Skills Training: The Challenges and Opportunities for Technology Support (PS, RGB, GF), pp. 2797–2800.
CSCW-2015-SlovakTTOF #challenge #on the- On Becoming a Counsellor: Challenges and Opportunities to Support Interpersonal Skills Training (PS, AT, PT, PO, GF), pp. 1336–1347.
DHM-EH-2015-KimRCMLAIS #mobile #usability- Usability of Mobile Applications Supporting Training in Diagnostic Decision-Making by Radiologists (MSK, AABR, MAC, MKM, KJL, MRA, KLI, VS), pp. 448–454.
DUXU-IXD-2015-CaiLLH #case study #experience #research #speech #user interface- User Experience Research on the Rehabilitation System of Speech-Impaired Children — A Case Study on Speech Training Product (WC, JL, QL, TH), pp. 562–574.
HCI-DE-2015-AlenljungS #design #perspective- Designing Simulation-Based Training for Prehospital Emergency Care: Participation from a Participant Perspective (BA, HMS), pp. 297–306.
HCI-IT-2015-MullerLBSKSW #bibliography #data-driven #network #predict #using- Using Neural Networks for Data-Driven Backchannel Prediction: A Survey on Input Features and Training Techniques (MM, DL, LB, MS, KK, SS, AW), pp. 329–340.
HCI-IT-2015-MutoM #analysis #development #interactive- Analysis of Eye Hand Interaction in Drawing Figure and Letter — For the Development of Handwrite-Training Device (YM, TM), pp. 107–117.
HCI-IT-2015-TadayonMGRZLGP #case study #interactive #learning- Interactive Motor Learning with the Autonomous Training Assistant: A Case Study (RT, TLM, MG, PMRF, JZ, ML, MG, SP), pp. 495–506.
HCI-UC-2015-BorsciLBJ #assessment #prototype- Early Prototype Assessment of a New Virtual System for Training Procedural Skills of Automotive Service Operators: LARTE Tool (SB, GL, MB, BJ), pp. 135–143.
LCT-2015-Bose #research- Just-in-Case or Just-in-Time Training? — Excerpts from a Doctoral Research Study (DB), pp. 657–667.
LCT-2015-ChangHGL #education #gesture #named- G-NETS — Gesture-Based Nursing Educational Training Support System (JWC, CFH, RLG, CCL), pp. 33–42.
LCT-2015-KimCD #artificial reality #learning #simulation- The Learning Effect of Augmented Reality Training in a Computer-Based Simulation Environment (JHK, TC, WD), pp. 406–414.
LCT-2015-RiveiroDKJB- Supporting Golf Coaching and Swing Instruction with Computer-Based Training Systems (MR, AD, RK, UJ, PB), pp. 279–290.
AdaEurope-2015-FernandezPGH #framework- AFDX Emulator for an ARINC-Based Training Platform (JF, HP, JJG, MGH), pp. 212–227.
ICEIS-v1-2015-BorgesDRAS #approach #generative #using- An Economic Approach for Generation of Train Driving Plans using Continuous Case-based Planning (APB, OBD, RR, BCÁ, EES), pp. 440–451.
ICEIS-v1-2015-ConstantinonNS #heuristic- Combining Heuristic and Utility Function for Fair Train Crew Rostering (AAC, CFXdMN, AGN, AFdS), pp. 593–602.
ECIR-2015-LiHLZ #twitter- Selecting Training Data for Learning-Based Twitter Search (DL, BH, TL, XZ), pp. 501–506.
ECIR-2015-VieiraSCM #self #web- A Self-training CRF Method for Recognizing Product Model Mentions in Web Forums (HSV, ASdS, MC, ESdM), pp. 257–264.
ICML-2015-BachHBG #learning #performance- Paired-Dual Learning for Fast Training of Latent Variable Hinge-Loss MRFs (SHB, BH, JLBG, LG), pp. 381–390.
ICML-2015-ClarkS #game studies #network- Training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Play Go (CC, AJS), pp. 1766–1774.
ICML-2015-IoffeS #network #normalisation- Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift (SI, CS), pp. 448–456.
ICML-2015-TristanTS #estimation #gpu #performance- Efficient Training of LDA on a GPU by Mean-for-Mode Estimation (JBT, JT, GLSJ), pp. 59–68.
ICML-2015-XiaoBBFER #feature model #question- Is Feature Selection Secure against Training Data Poisoning? (HX, BB, GB, GF, CE, FR), pp. 1689–1698.
SIGIR-2015-ChakrabortyGP #corpus #retrieval- Retrieval from Noisy E-Discovery Corpus in the Absence of Training Data (AC, KG, SKP), pp. 755–758.
SIGIR-2015-HarveyHE #learning #query- Learning by Example: Training Users with High-quality Query Suggestions (MH, CH, DE), pp. 133–142.
SAC-2015-BogoniPS #artificial reality #evaluation- Evaluation of a haptic virtual reality simulator for endodontics training (TNB, MSP, RS), pp. 267–269.
SAC-2015-BorgesDSEAS #approach #performance #reasoning #reuse #using- Efficient approach for reusing and sharing train driving plans using case-based reasoning (APB, OBD, DMVS, FE, BCÁ, EES), pp. 505–508.
DAC-2014-AlbalawiLL #algorithm #classification #design #fixpoint #implementation #machine learning #power management- Computer-Aided Design of Machine Learning Algorithm: Training Fixed-Point Classifier for On-Chip Low-Power Implementation (HA, YL, XL), p. 6.
CSEET-2014-FairleyBK #education #re-engineering- The impact of SWEBOK Version 3 on software engineering education and training (REF, PB, JK), pp. 192–200.
CSEET-2014-PotterSDW #game studies #learning #named- InspectorX: A game for software inspection training and learning (HP, MS, LD, VW), pp. 55–64.
ITiCSE-2014-MonasorVPNB #assessment #development #process- Assessment process for a simulation-based training environment in global software development (MJM, AV, MP, JN, SB), pp. 231–236.
CHI-2014-HuangYWZLMLZS #named #using- FOCUS: enhancing children’s engagement in reading by using contextual BCI training sessions (JH, CY, YW, YZ, SL, CM, JL, LZ, YS), pp. 1905–1908.
CHI-2014-LuFL #gesture #using- Gesture script: recognizing gestures and their structure using rendering scripts and interactively trained parts (HL, JF, YL), pp. 1685–1694.
CHI-2014-MaziluBHTGH #named- GaitAssist: a daily-life support and training system for parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait (SM, UB, MH, GT, EG, JMH), pp. 2531–2540.
DHM-2014-GotoYTWS- Application of E-learning System Reality in Kyoto-style Earthen Wall Training (AG, HY, YT, ZW, HS), pp. 247–253.
DHM-2014-HuangNKMKNAKOO #self- Robot Patient for Nursing Self-training in Transferring Patient from Bed to Wheel Chair (ZH, AN, MKP, JM, YK, MN, KA, NK, TO, JO), pp. 361–368.
DHM-2014-KimCBH #challenge #usability- Usability Challenges and Barriers in EHR Training of Primary Care Resident Physicians (MSK, MAC, JLB, EH), pp. 385–391.
DUXU-DP-2014-Al-RubaianAAAAAAAAAAAAA #design #development #game studies- The Design and Development of Empathetic Serious Games for Dyslexia: BCI Arabic Phonological Processing Training Systems (AAR, LA, RA, WA, HA, NA, HAN, AA, SA, RA, AAS, DAO, GA, AAW), pp. 105–112.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-AldazHSSL #experience #personalisation #user interface- User Experience in Training a Personalized Hearing System (GA, TH, DS, MS, LJL), pp. 3–14.
HCI-TMT-2014-MotylF #comparison #design #generative #idea- Comparison of Creativity Enhancement and Idea Generation Methods in Engineering Design Training (BM, SF), pp. 242–250.
HIMI-AS-2014-KojimaHMH #physics- Training Archived Physical Skill through Immersive Virtual Environment (TK, AH, TM, MH), pp. 51–58.
HIMI-DE-2014-EideOK #assessment- A Post-simulation Assessment Tool for Training of Air Traffic Controllers (AWE, SSØ, AK), pp. 34–43.
LCT-NLE-2014-AguadoFDGS #design #education- Course Sprints: Combining Teacher Training, Design Thinking and Hackathons (GA, CFB, MGD, RG, AVS), pp. 3–12.
LCT-NLE-2014-Kim #feedback #learning #self #simulation- Simulation Training in Self-Regulated Learning: Investigating the Effects of Dual Feedback on Dynamic Decision-Making Tasks (JHK), pp. 419–428.
LCT-TRE-2014-BosseP #towards- Towards Aggression De-escalation Training with Virtual Agents: A Computational Model (TB, SP), pp. 375–387.
LCT-TRE-2014-ShahoumianSZPH #education #learning #simulation- Blended Simulation Based Medical Education: A Complex Learning/Training Opportunity (AS, MS, MZ, GP, JH), pp. 478–485.
LCT-TRE-2014-TzanavariMCP #experience #performance #user interface #using- User Experience Observations on Factors That Affect Performance in a Road-Crossing Training Application for Children Using the CAVE (AT, SM, CGC, CP), pp. 91–101.
SCSM-2014-RayaRRP #adaptation #game studies #using- Using Serious Games to Train Adaptive Emotional Regulation Strategies (MAR, ARO, BR, EP), pp. 541–549.
AdaEurope-2014-HanisS #development #maintenance- OBUs’ Development and Maintenance of a Train Control System for Low Density Traffic Lines (GH, BS), pp. 166–176.
ICEIS-v2-2014-FerreiraMS #education #social- Social Business — A New Dimension for Education and Training in Organizations — The EToW Model (MJF, FM, MIS), pp. 420–427.
CIKM-2014-Wen0R #precise- Enabling Precision/Recall Preferences for Semi-supervised SVM Training (ZW, RZ, KR), pp. 421–430.
ICML-c2-2014-NovikovROV- Putting MRFs on a Tensor Train (AN, AR, AO, DV), pp. 811–819.
ICPR-2014-AfkhamEC #framework #modelling- A Topological Framework for Training Latent Variable Models (HMA, CHE, SC), pp. 2471–2476.
ICPR-2014-BlondelFU #multi #scalability- Large-Scale Multiclass Support Vector Machine Training via Euclidean Projection onto the Simplex (MB, AF, NU), pp. 1289–1294.
ICPR-2014-ChenL #effectiveness #locality- Effective Part Localization in Latent-SVM Training (YC, RL), pp. 4269–4274.
ICPR-2014-NilssonAGF #detection #using- Pedestrian Detection Using Augmented Training Data (JN, PA, IYHG, JF), pp. 4548–4553.
ICPR-2014-RosaCJPFT #clustering #network #on the #using- On the Training of Artificial Neural Networks with Radial Basis Function Using Optimum-Path Forest Clustering (GHR, KAPC, LAPJ, JPP, AXF, JMRST), pp. 1472–1477.
KDD-2014-LiZCS #optimisation #performance #probability- Efficient mini-batch training for stochastic optimization (ML, TZ, YC, AJS), pp. 661–670.
KDD-2014-TsaiLL #classification #incremental #linear- Incremental and decremental training for linear classification (CHT, CYL, CJL), pp. 343–352.
KMIS-2014-ToureAD #approach #enterprise #named #performance- AM2O — An Efficient Approach for Managing Training in Enterprise (FT, EA, KD), pp. 405–412.
SEKE-2014-NguyenC #case study #coordination #requirements #verification- Formal Verification of Coordination Systems’ Requirements — A Case Study on the European Train Control System (HNN, ARC), pp. 393–396.
SIGIR-2014-QianL0H- Co-training on authorship attribution with very fewlabeled examples: methods vs. views (TQ, BL, MZ, GH), pp. 903–906.
SIGIR-2014-ZhangTZX #algorithm #recommendation- Addressing cold start in recommender systems: a semi-supervised co-training algorithm (MZ, JT, XZ, XX), pp. 73–82.
REFSQ-2014-HerrmannHLW #case study #education #experience #requirements- Experience-Oriented Approaches for Teaching and Training Requirements Engineering: An Experience Report (AH, AH, DL, RW), pp. 254–267.
OSDI-2014-ChilimbiSAK #learning #performance #scalability- Project Adam: Building an Efficient and Scalable Deep Learning Training System (TMC, YS, JA, KK), pp. 571–582.
CASE-2013-ChenZL #approach #design #novel- A novel design approach for lower limb rehabilitation training robot (JC, XZ, RL), pp. 554–557.
DAC-2013-LiuHLMCHZ- Digital-assisted noise-eliminating training for memristor crossbar-based analog neuromorphic computing engine (BL, MH, HL, ZHM, YC, TH, WZ), p. 6.
DocEng-2013-TorabiDT #using- Early modern OCR project (eMOP) at Texas A&M University: using Aletheia to train Tesseract (KT, JD, BT), pp. 23–26.
DRR-2013-LipskyLN #policy- Optimal policy for labeling training samples (LL, DPL, GN).
DRR-2013-SchusterHME #documentation #how #rule-based- Rule-based versus training-based extraction of index terms from business documents: how to combine the results (DS, MH, KM, DE).
ICDAR-2013-DuH #approach #normalisation #online #recognition #variability- An Irrelevant Variability Normalization Based Discriminative Training Approach for Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (JD, QH), pp. 69–73.
ICDAR-2013-SchusterMESBWAH #documentation #information management #named- Intellix — End-User Trained Information Extraction for Document Archiving (DS, KM, DE, AS, MB, CW, KA, AH), pp. 101–105.
ICDAR-2013-SuMWLD #recognition- Exploring MPE/MWE Training for Chinese Handwriting Recognition (TS, PM, TW, SL, SD), pp. 1275–1279.
ICDAR-2013-ZhouTLW #markov #random #recognition #using- Minimum Risk Training for Handwritten Chinese/Japanese Text Recognition Using Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields (XDZ, FT, CLL, HW), pp. 940–944.
ICDAR-2013-ZhouYL #learning #performance #polynomial #recognition- GPU-Based Fast Training of Discriminative Learning Quadratic Discriminant Function for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (MKZ, FY, CLL), pp. 842–846.
ITiCSE-2013-Beltran #artificial reality #gender- The importance of the avatar gender in training simulators based on virtual reality (MB), p. 334.
FASE-2013-BapodraH #abstraction #graph transformation #probability- Abstraction and Training of Stochastic Graph Transformation Systems (MB, RH), pp. 312–326.
DHM-HB-2013-BazleyB #information management #process- A Knowledge Transfer Process: Establishing Training in New Technology for an Ageing Workforce (CMB, DB), pp. 3–9.
DHM-HB-2013-ZhangZLDW #optimisation- Optimization for Lunar Mission Training Scheme Based on AnyBody Software (JZ, RZ, JL, LD, LW), pp. 169–178.
DHM-SET-2013-HuangNKMKNAKOO #self- Feedback-Based Self-training System of Patient Transfer (ZH, AN, MKP, JM, YK, MN, KA, NK, TO, JO), pp. 197–203.
DHM-SET-2013-NagataHKMKNAKOO #development #evaluation #metric #process #self- Development of a Measurement and Evaluation System for Bed-Making Activity for Self-training (AN, ZH, MKP, JM, YK, MN, KA, NK, TO, JO), pp. 268–275.
DHM-SET-2013-WangZWLCZL #complexity #fault- Effects of Spaceflight Operation Complexity and Training on Operation Error (MW, YZ, BW, PL, SC, JZ, ML), pp. 118–125.
HCI-AS-2013-TsumoriN #design #evaluation #using- Design and Evaluation of Training System for Numerical Calculation Using Questions in SPI2 (ST, KN), pp. 511–520.
HCI-III-2013-HilbornCEL #game studies- A Biofeedback Game for Training Arousal Regulation during a Stressful Task: The Space Investor (OH, HC, JE, CL), pp. 403–410.
HCI-III-2013-StorzRMLE #analysis #detection #machine learning #visualisation #workflow- Annotate. Train. Evaluate. A Unified Tool for the Analysis and Visualization of Workflows in Machine Learning Applied to Object Detection (MS, MR, RM, HL, ME), pp. 196–205.
HCI-III-2013-ZhangZXHLLY- Alterations in Resting-State after Motor Imagery Training: A Pilot Investigation with Eigenvector Centrality Mapping (RZ, HZ, LX, MH, ZyL, YL, LY), pp. 498–504.
HIMI-D-2013-SilvaZGBSV #question- Are the Intrusive Effects of SPAM Probes Present When Operators Differ by Skill Level and Training? (HIS, JZ, TG, VB, TZS, KPLV), pp. 269–275.
HIMI-HSM-2013-BattisteCMSVCS #automation #student #tool support- The Effects of Early Training with Automation Tools on the Air Traffic Management Strategies of Student ATCos (HB, WC, TM, KS, KPLV, DC, TZS), pp. 13–21.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HeinCCMLG #coordination #simulation- Developing a High-Fidelity Simulation and Training to Improve Coordination between Aerospace Specializations (MH, PC, PC, RM, GL, AG), pp. 66–75.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HighamVMSB #automation #trust- Training Air Traffic Controller Trust in Automation within a NextGen Environment (TMH, KPLV, JM, TZS, VB), pp. 76–84.
HIMI-HSM-2013-IsonTV #design #simulation- Designing Simulation to Meet UAS Training Needs (DCI, BAT, DAV), pp. 585–595.
HIMI-HSM-2013-SasakiHAI #simulation #using- Train Ride Simulation Using Assist Strap Device (TS, KH, TA, YI), pp. 189–197.
ICEIS-v2-2013-ToureSA #enterprise #modelling #source code #validation- A2MO and ETREOSys — Analyzing, Modeling and Validation of Enterprise Training Programs (FT, MS, EA), pp. 310–316.
CIKM-2013-RothK #modelling #quality- Feature-based models for improving the quality of noisy training data for relation extraction (BR, DK), pp. 1181–1184.
ECIR-2013-AsadiL #documentation #modelling #performance #ranking- Training Efficient Tree-Based Models for Document Ranking (NA, JL), pp. 146–157.
ICML-c2-2013-GopalY #distributed #modelling #scalability- Distributed training of Large-scale Logistic models (SG, YY), pp. 289–297.
ICML-c2-2013-WangM #performance- Fast dropout training (SIW, CDM), pp. 118–126.
ICML-c3-2013-Izbicki #algebra #approach #classification #online #parallel #performance- Algebraic classifiers: a generic approach to fast cross-validation, online training, and parallel training (MI), pp. 648–656.
ICML-c3-2013-OgawaITS- Infinitesimal Annealing for Training Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machines (KO, MI, IT, MS), pp. 897–905.
ICML-c3-2013-PascanuMB #network #on the- On the difficulty of training recurrent neural networks (RP, TM, YB), pp. 1310–1318.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Lindner #constraints #parsing #random #using- Using Conditional Random Fields with Constraints to Train Support Vector Machines — Locating and Parsing Bibliographic References (SL), pp. 28–36.
MLDM-2013-ChungJKL #identification #personalisation #recommendation- Personalized Expert-Based Recommender System: Training C-SVM for Personalized Expert Identification (YC, HWJ, JK, JHL), pp. 434–441.
MLDM-2013-KoharaS #learning #self- Typhoon Damage Scale Forecasting with Self-Organizing Maps Trained by Selective Presentation Learning (KK, IS), pp. 16–26.
SIGIR-2013-BerendsenTWR #microblog #pseudo- Pseudo test collections for training and tuning microblog rankers (RB, MT, WW, MdR), pp. 53–62.
SAC-2013-MartinsLSN #fault tolerance #framework #middleware #realtime- Stheno, a real-time fault-tolerant P2P middleware platform for light-train systems (RM, LMBL, FMAS, PN), pp. 431–438.
SPLC-2013-LanmanDRCK #challenge #product line- The challenges of applying service orientation to the U.S. Army’s live training software product line (JTL, RD, JR, PCC, CWK), pp. 244–253.
DRR-2012-PorwalRG #framework #identification- An Oracle-based co-training framework for writer identification in offline handwriting (UP, SR, VG).
CSEET-2012-Barker #education #re-engineering #research- Research Directions for Software Engineering Education and Training (MB), p. 147.
CSEET-2012-ZhangDHX #education- Teaching and Training for Software Analytics (DZ, YD, SH, TX), p. 92.
FM-2012-Degani #formal method- Formal Methods in the Wild: Trains, Planes, & Automobile (AD), p. 6.
CHI-2012-FothergillMKN #gesture #interactive #people- Instructing people for training gestural interactive systems (SF, HMM, PK, SN), pp. 1737–1746.
CHI-2012-HartswoodPTBARS #problem #reuse- Problems of data mobility and reuse in the provision of computer-based training for screening mammography (MH, RP, PT, LB, SA, MR, RS), pp. 909–918.
ICEIS-v2-2012-CasalinoCMG #automation #industrial- ICT Adoption and Organizational Change — An Innovative Training System on Industrial Automation Systems for Enhancing Competitiveness of SMEs (NC, MC, MdM, MG), pp. 283–288.
CIKM-2012-ChenPZ #semantics- A co-training based method for chinese patent semantic annotation (XC, ZP, CZ), pp. 2379–2382.
ICML-2012-DahlAL #strict #word- Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines on Word Observations (GED, RPA, HL), p. 152.
ICML-2012-DefazioC #collaboration #performance #visual notation- A Graphical Model Formulation of Collaborative Filtering Neighbourhood Methods with Fast Maximum Entropy Training (AD, TSC), p. 75.
ICML-2012-MnihT #algorithm #modelling #performance #probability- A fast and simple algorithm for training neural probabilistic language models (AM, YWT), p. 58.
ICML-2012-VladymyrovC #algorithm #performance- Fast Training of Nonlinear Embedding Algorithms (MV, MÁCP), p. 129.
ICPR-2012-ChenS #multi- Bone suppression in chest radiographs by means of anatomically specific multiple massive-training ANNs (SC, KS), pp. 17–20.
ICPR-2012-ChernoffLN #fault #learning #metric- Metric learning by directly minimizing the k-NN training error (KC, ML, MN), pp. 1265–1268.
ICPR-2012-DinhLLRD #detection #image #multi- Training data selection for cancer detection in multispectral endoscopy images (VCD, ML, RL, OR, RPWD), pp. 161–164.
ICPR-2012-IwashitaPFLOAT #cost analysis- Speeding up optimum-path forest training by path-cost propagation (ASI, JPP, AXF, RdAL, VMdAO, VHCdA, JMRST), pp. 1233–1236.
ICPR-2012-KockelkornSGRJVRSG #classification #interactive #simulation- Interactive classification of lung tissue in CT scans by combining prior and interactively obtained training data: A simulation study (TTJPK, CIS, JCG, RR, PAdJ, MAV, JR, CSP, BvG), pp. 105–108.
ICPR-2012-LiuML #learning #multi- Training data recycling for multi-level learning (JL, SM, YL), pp. 2314–2318.
ICPR-2012-MiyamotoMSS #3d #classification #estimation #precise #realtime- Real-time and precise 3-D hand posture estimation based on classification tree trained with variations of appearances (SM, TM, NS, YS), pp. 453–456.
ICPR-2012-TakedaTRKKYTOMT #image #recognition #self- Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recognition (TT, TT, BR, KK, TK, SY, YT, KO, RM, ST), pp. 25–28.
MLDM-2012-CeciAVMPG #classification #paradigm #relational- Transductive Relational Classification in the Co-training Paradigm (MC, AA, HLV, DM, EP, HG), pp. 11–25.
SIGIR-2012-LiDZ #markov #query- A generalized hidden Markov model with discriminative training for query spelling correction (YL, HD, CZ), pp. 611–620.
SIGIR-2012-ShuklaLT #using- Parallelizing ListNet training using spark (SS, ML, AT), pp. 1127–1128.
HPDC-2012-Budiu #artificial reality #big data #framework- Putting a “big-data” platform to good use: training kinect (MB), pp. 1–2.
CAV-2012-CimattiCLNRRST #industrial #validation #verification- Formal Verification and Validation of ERTMS Industrial Railway Train Spacing System (AC, RC, AL, IN, TR, MR, AS, AT), pp. 378–393.
CASE-2011-AmbrosinoBPSS #modelling #problem- Modeling and solving the train load planning problem in seaport container terminals (DA, AB, MP, SS, SS), pp. 208–213.
ICDAR-2011-FrinkenFBF #recognition #word- Co-training for Handwritten Word Recognition (VF, AF, HB, AF), pp. 314–318.
ICDAR-2011-LundR #fault #multi- Error Correction with In-domain Training across Multiple OCR System Outputs (WBL, EKR), pp. 658–662.
CSEET-2011-IyerMJ #incremental #problem- Incremental sequential problem based training model — Institute corporate readiness (SI, SM, AMJ), pp. 507–511.
CSEET-2011-TsukamotoTNM #analysis #motivation #programming- Analysis of the motivation of learners in the in-house training of programming in Japanese ICT industries (HT, YT, HN, KiM), pp. 121–128.
ITiCSE-2011-MothVB #learning #named #syntax- SyntaxTrain: relieving the pain of learning syntax (ALAM, JV, MBA), p. 387.
CHI-2011-TuiteSHTP #game studies #image #named #scalability- PhotoCity: training experts at large-scale image acquisition through a competitive game (KT, NS, DYH, NT, ZP), pp. 1383–1392.
DHM-2011-ChiouCC #3d #predict #reliability- The Effects of Landmarks and Training on 3D Surface Anthropometric Reliability and Hip Joint Center Prediction (WKC, BHC, WYC), pp. 3–11.
DHM-2011-ZhangWZQL #complexity #fault- Task Complexity Related Training Effects on Operation Error of Spaceflight Emergency Task (YZ, BW, XZ, WQ, ML), pp. 436–445.
DUXU-v1-2011-Hsu11a #approach #design #education #industrial- Training Designers of Real-World Products: Scenario Approach in Industrial Design Curriculum (YCH), pp. 432–441.
HCI-ITE-2011-MorieCB #case study #using- Report on a Preliminary Study Using Breath Control and a Virtual Jogging Scenario as Biofeedback for Resilience Training (JFM, EC, JGB), pp. 474–480.
HCI-MIIE-2011-MajimaNMHNHA #evaluation #learning #mobile- Evaluation of Continuous Practice by Mobile Learning in Nursing Practical Training (YM, YN, YM, MH, YN, SH, HA), pp. 84–91.
HCI-UA-2011-HwangC #adaptation #design #fault #feedback #image #music- The Design of Adaptive Error Feedback Music Ear-Training System with Image Cues (YTH, CNC), pp. 35–38.
HCI-UA-2011-LuhC #framework #geometry #sketching- CAI Platform for Fundamental Geometric Training on Perspective Sketching (DBL, SNC), pp. 86–92.
HIMI-v2-2011-KikenRBBKSVB #online #performance #tool support- Effect of ATC Training with NextGen Tools and Online Situation Awareness and Workload Probes on Operator Performance (AK, RCR, LPB, SB, JMK, TZS, KPLV, VB), pp. 483–492.
HIMI-v2-2011-RorieKMBMMVSB #order #tool support- A Preliminary Investigation of Training Order for Introducing NextGen Tools (RCR, AK, CAM, SB, GM, KM, KPLV, TZS, VB), pp. 526–533.
ICEIS-v3-2011-ZhuL11a #automation #modelling #simulation- Modeling and Simulation of the Automatic Train Protection in WLAN based CBTC Systems (XZ, JL), pp. 449–458.
CIKM-2011-ChenSNC #adaptation #classification #query #self- Improving context-aware query classification via adaptive self-training (MC, JTS, XN, YC), pp. 115–124.
CIKM-2011-DruckM #evaluation #interactive #towards- Toward interactive training and evaluation (GD, AM), pp. 947–956.
CIKM-2011-MomtaziK #retrieval- Trained trigger language model for sentence retrieval in QA: bridging the vocabulary gap (SM, DK), pp. 2005–2008.
CIKM-2011-RotaBG #algorithm #database #keyword- The list Viterbi training algorithm and its application to keyword search over databases (SR, SB, FG), pp. 1601–1606.
CIKM-2011-WangL #framework #learning #named #rank- CoRankBayes: bayesian learning to rank under the co-training framework and its application in keyphrase extraction (CW, SL), pp. 2241–2244.
CIKM-2011-ZhouH #framework #markov #novel- A novel framework of training hidden markov support vector machines from lightly-annotated data (DZ, YH), pp. 2025–2028.
ICML-2011-ChenWC #automation #composition- Automatic Feature Decomposition for Single View Co-training (MC, KQW, YC), pp. 953–960.
ICML-2011-ChoRI #adaptation #learning #strict- Enhanced Gradient and Adaptive Learning Rate for Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines (KC, TR, AI), pp. 105–112.
ICML-2011-CoatesN #encoding- The Importance of Encoding Versus Training with Sparse Coding and Vector Quantization (AC, AYN), pp. 921–928.
ICML-2011-KumarD #approach #clustering #multi- A Co-training Approach for Multi-view Spectral Clustering (AK, HDI), pp. 393–400.
ICML-2011-WickRBCM #graph #named- SampleRank: Training Factor Graphs with Atomic Gradients (MLW, KR, KB, AC, AM), pp. 777–784.
KDD-2011-CotterSK #approach #kernel- A GPU-tailored approach for training kernelized SVMs (AC, NS, JK), pp. 805–813.
KDIR-2011-ClariziaCSGN11a #classification #novel #set- A Novel Supervised Text Classifier from a Small Training Set (FC, FC, MDS, LG, PN), pp. 545–553.
KMIS-2011-FalcaoNGPA #agile #education #integration #quality #social- Lean Six Sigma Applied to Quality and Productivity Improvement in the Management Cycle — Planning and Control — of an Education, Training and Social Integration Institution (SF, FN, SCG, SP, SNA), pp. 326–330.
KMIS-2011-PapakonstantinouMV #online- Embedding On-line Training in an E-prescribing Service (DP, FM, GV), pp. 180–186.
RecSys-2011-GeXTL #collaboration- Collaborative filtering with collective training (YG, HX, AT, QL), pp. 281–284.
SIGIR-2011-JinY #classification #feature model #image #multi- Integrating hierarchical feature selection and classifier training for multi-label image annotation (CJ, CY), pp. 515–524.
SIGIR-2011-KanoulasSMPA #algorithm #ranking #scalability #set- A large-scale study of the effect of training set characteristics over learning-to-rank algorithms (EK, SS, PM, VP, JAA), pp. 1243–1244.
SIGIR-2011-SilvaGVMF #analysis #effectiveness #self #sentiment- Effective sentiment stream analysis with self-augmenting training and demand-driven projection (ISS, JG, AV, WMJ, RF), pp. 475–484.
SAC-2011-FrinkenFB #keyword #self- Improving handwritten keyword spotting with self-training (VF, AF, HB), pp. 840–845.
SAC-2011-QueirozGRGQ #diagrams #education #interactive #interface- Effects of scaffoldings on interactive diagram constructions in educational interface for elementary school teachers training (AEdMQ, ASG, CR, AG, SSdQ), pp. 1212–1213.
ASE-2010-LiangWWWXM #automation #effectiveness #set #static analysis- Automatic construction of an effective training set for prioritizing static analysis warnings (GL, LW, QW, QW, TX, HM), pp. 93–102.
CSEET-2010-KulkarniSG #bibliography #industrial #student- From Student to Software Engineer in the Indian IT Industry: A Survey of Training (VK, CS, OG), pp. 57–64.
CIAA-2010-AllauzenCM #automaton #kernel #scalability- Large-Scale Training of SVMs with Automata Kernels (CA, CC, MM), pp. 17–27.
CHI-2010-BohmeK #empirical- Trained to accept?: a field experiment on consent dialogs (RB, SK), pp. 2403–2406.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-PerezRRS #fuzzy- Training a Fuzzy System in Wind Climatologies Downscaling (AAP, JJGdlR, JGR, JCPS), pp. 238–243.
CIKM-2010-AlgarniLX #documentation- Selected new training documents to update user profile (AA, YL, YX), pp. 799–808.
ICML-2010-GrubbB #composition #learning #network- Boosted Backpropagation Learning for Training Deep Modular Networks (AG, JAB), pp. 407–414.
ICML-2010-WangZ #analysis- A New Analysis of Co-Training (WW, ZHZ), pp. 1135–1142.
ICPR-2010-DuGC #classification #web- Enhancing Web Page Classification via Local Co-training (YD, XG, ZC), pp. 2905–2908.
ICPR-2010-GargiuloS #classification #network #performance- Improving Performance of Network Traffic Classification Systems by Cleaning Training Data (FG, CS), pp. 2768–2771.
ICPR-2010-Liu10a #classification #prototype #retrieval- One-Vs-All Training of Prototype Classifier for Pattern Classification and Retrieval (CLL), pp. 3328–3331.
ICPR-2010-LopesGKO #classification #music- Selection of Training Instances for Music Genre Classification (ML, FG, ALK, LESdO), pp. 4569–4572.
ICPR-2010-NikitidisNP #incremental #multi- Incremental Training of Multiclass Support Vector Machines (SN, NN, IP), pp. 4267–4270.
ICPR-2010-SuLT10a #documentation #framework #learning #self- A Self-Training Learning Document Binarization Framework (BS, SL, CLT), pp. 3187–3190.
ICPR-2010-TanakaIKM #fault #kernel- A Relationship Between Generalization Error and Training Samples in Kernel Regressors (AT, HI, MK, MM), pp. 1421–1424.
ICPR-2010-VajdaF #network #performance- Exploring Pattern Selection Strategies for Fast Neural Network Training (SV, GAF), pp. 2913–2916.
ICPR-2010-WijnhovenW #detection #performance #probability #using- Fast Training of Object Detection Using Stochastic Gradient Descent (RGJW, PHNdW), pp. 424–427.
ICPR-2010-ZhouPD #3d #automation- 3D Active Shape Model for Automatic Facial Landmark Location Trained with Automatically Generated Landmark Points (DZ, DPD, BD), pp. 3801–3805.
KDD-2010-Steck #random #recommendation #testing- Training and testing of recommender systems on data missing not at random (HS), pp. 713–722.
KDIR-2010-EjbaliZA #approach #network #recognition #word- Intelligent Approach to Train Wavelet Networks for Recognition System of Arabic Words (RE, MZ, CBA), pp. 518–522.
KDIR-2010-ViswanathBK #classification #nearest neighbour #performance #set- A Method to Generate a Reduced Training Set for Faster and Better Nearest Neighbor Classification (PV, VSB, TNK), pp. 232–236.
SIGIR-2010-AminiGU #categorisation #multi #self- Combining coregularization and consensus-based self-training for multilingual text categorization (MRA, CG, NU), pp. 475–482.
SIGIR-2010-GaoCWZ #learning #rank #using- Learning to rank only using training data from related domain (WG, PC, KFW, AZ), pp. 162–169.
SIGIR-2010-YanZJLYC #framework #learning- A co-learning framework for learning user search intents from rule-generated training data (JY, ZZ, LJ, YL, SY, ZC), pp. 895–896.
RE-2010-Beatty #question #what- My Company Can’t Afford RE Training Right Now, What Do We Do? (JB), p. 387.
SAC-2010-AppiceCM #learning- Transductive learning for spatial regression with co-training (AA, MC, DM), pp. 1065–1070.
ICSE-2010-ChiappiniCMRRSTV #formal method #set #validation- Formalization and validation of a subset of the European Train Control System (AC, AC, LM, OR, MR, AS, ST, BV), pp. 109–118.
ICSE-2010-NordioMM #distributed #outsourcing #re-engineering- Advanced hands-on training for distributed and outsourced software engineering (MN, RM, BM), pp. 555–558.
SPLC-2010-SvendsenZLFHMO #case study #product line- Developing a Software Product Line for Train Control: A Case Study of CVL (AS, XZ, RLT, FF, ØH, BMP, GKO), pp. 106–120.
CASE-2009-NaveenRR #algorithm #difference #evolution #network #search-based #using- Rule extraction from differential evolution trained radial basis function network using genetic algorithms (NN, VR, CRR), pp. 152–157.
DATE-2009-StratigopoulosMM #set- Enrichment of limited training sets in machine-learning-based analog/RF test (HGDS, SM, YM), pp. 1668–1673.
ICDAR-2009-DoA #recognition- Maximum Margin Training of Gaussian HMMs for Handwriting Recognition (TMTD, TA), pp. 976–980.
ICDAR-2009-DreuwHN #adaptation #recognition- Confidence-Based Discriminative Training for Model Adaptation in Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition (PD, GH, HN), pp. 596–600.
ICDAR-2009-DreuwRGN #adaptation #recognition #refinement- Writer Adaptive Training and Writing Variant Model Refinement for Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition (PD, DR, CG, HN), pp. 21–25.
ICDAR-2009-WangH #classification #design #fault #modelling #parametricity #precise #using- Design Compact Recognizers of Handwritten Chinese Characters Using Precision Constrained Gaussian Models, Minimum Classification Error Training and Parameter Compression (YW, QH), pp. 36–40.
CSEET-2009-FernandesMS #development #requirements- A Requirements Engineering and Management Training Course for Software Development Professionals (JMF, RJM, SBS), pp. 20–25.
CSEET-2009-MansharamaniBGGKNR #certification #enterprise #performance #scalability- DCPE Rollout: Scaling Performance Engineering Training and Certification across a Very Large Enterprise (RKM, AB, KG, KG, AK, MKN, MR), pp. 263–270.
CSEET-2009-TaranRMB #collaboration #design #feedback #implementation #process #source code- A Training Process for Faculty Members in Collaborative Degree Programs: Design, Implementation and Feedback (GT, MZR, PM, PB), pp. 122–129.
CSEET-2009-TaranVG #authoring #case study #education #framework #multi #re-engineering- Multimedia Case Studies in Software Engineering: A Look at MDM CAP: A Case Authoring Platform for Education and Training (GT, VV, KG), pp. 296–297.
CHI-2009-CramerESW #adaptation #interactive #trust- Awareness, training and trust in interaction with adaptive spam filters (HSMC, VE, MvS, BJW), pp. 909–912.
CHI-2009-EverittBFK #multi #visual notation- A comprehensive study of frequency, interference, and training of multiple graphical passwords (KE, TB, JF, TK), pp. 889–898.
DHM-2009-BoschHHD- Intelligent Agents for Training On-Board Fire Fighting (KvdB, MH, AH, WAvD), pp. 463–472.
HCD-2009-BowersCH #evaluation #usability- Considering User Knowledge in the Evaluation of Training System Usability (CAB, JACB, TSH), pp. 27–30.
HCD-2009-KondoY #case study #security- HCD Case Study for the Information Security Training System (AK, MY), pp. 979–985.
HCD-2009-NotteMCBDM- Human Factor’s in Telemedicine: Training Surgeons by Telementoring (DN, RM, GBC, JB, MD, PM), pp. 1033–1041.
HCI-NIMT-2009-TanJKG #performance- Effect of Mental Training on BCI Performance (LFT, AJ, SLK, SYG), pp. 632–635.
HCI-VAD-2009-LiangLHWPL #maintenance #performance- Web-Based Training System for Improving Aviation Maintenance Performance (GFL, JTL, SLH, EMYW, PP, JFL), pp. 731–740.
HIMI-DIE-2009-AbeNK- A Proposal of EMG-Based Training Support System for Basketball Dribbling (SA, TN, TK), pp. 459–465.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Doyo #aspect-oriented- Internal Aspects of the Relationship between Pressing Force and Training Difficulty (DD), pp. 475–484.
HIMI-II-2009-ItoTHNYUST #human-computer #interface- Clinical Usefulness of Human-Computer Interface for Training Targeted Facial Expression: Application to Patients with Cleft Lip and/or Palate (KI, AT, SH, SN, MY, SU, NS, KT), pp. 513–521.
HIMI-II-2009-KukulaP #interactive #performance- Human-Biometric Sensor Interaction: Impact of Training on Biometric System and User Performance (EPK, RWP), pp. 168–177.
IDGD-2009-Rodriguez #community- Affordable Wireless Connectivity Linking Poor Latin American Communities Binding Their Schools by Sharing ICT Training for “Maestros” of Primary Schools (COR), pp. 404–412.
OCSC-2009-TaylorS #interactive- Developing Believable Interactive Cultural Characters for Cross-Cultural Training (GT, ES), pp. 282–291.
CIKM-2009-XuFZH #feature model #orthogonal #using- To obtain orthogonal feature extraction using training data selection (YX, SF, JZ, OH), pp. 1819–1822.
ICML-2009-ChengSS #markov #matrix #modelling- Matrix updates for perceptron training of continuous density hidden Markov models (CCC, FS, LKS), pp. 153–160.
ICML-2009-DoA #markov #modelling #scalability- Large margin training for hidden Markov models with partially observed states (TMTD, TA), pp. 265–272.
ICML-2009-FarhangfarGS #image #learning- Learning to segment from a few well-selected training images (AF, RG, CS), pp. 305–312.
KDD-2009-DundarHBRR #case study #dataset #detection #learning #using- Learning with a non-exhaustive training dataset: a case study: detection of bacteria cultures using optical-scattering technology (MD, EDH, AKB, JPR, BR), pp. 279–288.
KDD-2009-FuxmanKGATS #automation #classification #using- Improving classification accuracy using automatically extracted training data (AF, AK, ABG, RA, PT, JCS), pp. 1145–1154.
KDD-2009-WangCWPBGZ #independence #question- Can we learn a template-independent wrapper for news article extraction from a single training site? (JW, CC, CW, JP, JB, ZG, WVZ), pp. 1345–1354.
KMIS-2009-MichelP #concept #education #information management #project management- Knowledge Management Concepts for Training by Project — An Observation of the Case of Project Management Education (CM, PP), pp. 129–134.
SIGIR-2009-CormackC #email #on the- On the relative age of spam and ham training samples for email filtering (GVC, JMMdC), pp. 744–745.
RE-2009-Zowghi #challenge #education #requirements- Requirements Engineering Education and Training: Key Challenges and Practical Solutions (DZ), p. 358.
SAC-2009-CorreaNBC #evaluation #health- Evaluation of VR medical training applications under the focus of professionals of the health area (CGC, FLSN, AB, PMCJ), pp. 821–825.
SAC-2009-HuangSMZH #approach #using- A new cross-training approach by using labeled data (DH, ES, GM, HZ, CCH), pp. 941–942.
SAC-2009-MaoLPCH #approach #detection #learning #multi- Semi-supervised co-training and active learning based approach for multi-view intrusion detection (CHM, HML, DP, TC, SYH), pp. 2042–2048.
SAC-2009-PrettoMLSP #artificial reality- Augmented reality environment for life support training (FP, IHM, MHIL, ERdS, MSP), pp. 836–841.
ECSA-2008-MendezA #architecture #comparison #how- How Do Agents Affect Modifiability? A Comparison between Two Architectures for Intelligent Virtual Environments for Training (GM, AdA), pp. 82–97.
WICSA-2008-MendezA #architecture- A Modifiable Agent-Based Software Architecture for Intelligent Virtual Environments for Training (GM, AdA), pp. 319–322.
DATE-2008-FarahaniFS #architecture #network #scalability #using- Scalable Architecture for on-Chip Neural Network Training using Swarm Intelligence (AFF, SMF, SS), pp. 1340–1345.
CSEET-2008-BagertPS #education #legacy #re-engineering #research- Software Engineering Education, Training, and Research: The Legacy of Nancy Mead (DJB, DNP, HS), pp. 238–243.
CSMR-2008-SneedO #maintenance- Training and Certifying Software Maintainers (HMS, SO), pp. 113–122.
MSR-2008-HataMK #precise #using- An extension of fault-prone filtering using precise training and a dynamic threshold (HH, OM, TK), pp. 89–98.
CHI-2008-PlimmerCBB #collaboration #multimodal #people- Multimodal collaborative handwriting training for visually-impaired people (BP, AC, SAB, RB), pp. 393–402.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-MileyRM #learning- Traditional Learning Vs. e-LEARNING — Some Results from Training Call Centre Personnel (MM, JAR, CM), pp. 299–307.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-SamraGJK #framework #named #web- WEBTIE: A Framework for Delivering Web Based Training for SMEs (PKS, RAG, AEJ, VK), pp. 204–209.
CIKM-2008-Lee #categorisation #documentation #set #topic- Incorporating topical support documents into a small training set in text categorization (KSL), pp. 1511–1512.
ICML-2008-CatanzaroSK #classification #performance- Fast support vector machine training and classification on graphics processors (BCC, NS, KK), pp. 104–111.
ICML-2008-ChenY #kernel- Training SVM with indefinite kernels (JC, JY), pp. 136–143.
ICML-2008-FinleyJ- Training structural SVMs when exact inference is intractable (TF, TJ), pp. 304–311.
ICML-2008-SarawagiG- Accurate max-margin training for structured output spaces (SS, RG), pp. 888–895.
ICML-2008-Shalev-ShwartzS #dependence #optimisation #set- SVM optimization: inverse dependence on training set size (SSS, NS), pp. 928–935.
ICML-2008-Tieleman #approximate #strict #using- Training restricted Boltzmann machines using approximations to the likelihood gradient (TT), pp. 1064–1071.
ICPR-2008-AdankonC #classification- Help-training for semi-supervised discriminative classifiers. Application to SVM (MMA, MC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChenWWM #detection #generative- GA based feature generation for training cascade object detector (QC, HW, TW, KM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-FangCWWLL #recognition- Hand posture recognition with co-training (YF, JC, JW, KW, JL, HL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KoSB #testing- A new HMM training and testing scheme (AHRK, RS, AdSBJ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SeiffertKHN #classification #named #performance- RUSBoost: Improving classification performance when training data is skewed (CS, TMK, JVH, AN), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SuzukiSZ #network- Supervised enhancement of lung nodules by use of a massive-training artificial neural network (MTANN) in computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) (KS, ZS, JZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TarghiGZ #classification #image- Texture classification with minimal training images (ATT, JMG, AZ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-YangZS #algorithm #comparison #optimisation #search-based- Comparison of Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for HMM training (FY, CZ, TS), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-YuJ #kernel #using- Training structural svms with kernels using sampled cuts (CNJY, TJ), pp. 794–802.
SEKE-2008-MatalongaG #analysis #fault- Linking Return on Training Investment with Defects Causal Analysis (SM, TSFG), pp. 42–47.
SIGIR-2008-HeMO #metric #retrieval #using- Retrieval sensitivity under training using different measures (BH, CM, IO), pp. 67–74.
SIGIR-2008-WuO #classification #topic- Bilingual topic aspect classification with a few training examples (YW, DWO), pp. 203–210.
MoDELS-2008-SvendsenOEMCAH #future of- The Future of Train Signaling (AS, GKO, JE, TM, EC, KJA, ØH), pp. 128–142.
MoDELS-2008-SvendsenOEMCAH #future of- The Future of Train Signaling (AS, GKO, JE, TM, EC, KJA, ØH), pp. 128–142.
RE-2008-BeattyA #case study #experience #requirements- Games-Based Requirements Engineering Training: An Initial Experience Report (JB, MA), pp. 211–216.
RE-2008-BerenbachR #evaluation #requirements- The Evaluation of a Requirements Engineering Training Program at Siemens (BB, TR), pp. 205–210.
SAC-2008-FariaM #recognition #scalability #speech- When a mismatch can be good: large vocabulary speech recognition trained with idealized tandem features (AF, NM), pp. 1574–1577.
SAC-2008-SlaymakerPRWS #data flow #legacy #research- Accessing and aggregating legacy data sources for healthcare research, delivery and training (MS, DJP, DR, GW, AS), pp. 1317–1324.
WICSA-2007-FragaL #approach #architecture #enterprise #ontology- Training Initiative for New Software/Enterprise Architects: An Ontological Approach (AF, JL), p. 19.
DRR-2007-KennardB #documentation #interactive #recognition- Interactive training for handwriting recognition in historical document collections (DJK, WAB).
ICDAR-2007-Hirata #documentation- Document Processing via Trained Morphological Operators (NSTH), pp. 794–798.
ICDAR-2007-ZhangLS #fault #online #recognition- Minimum Error Discriminative Training for Radical-Based Online Chinese Handwriting Recognition (YZ, PL, FKS), pp. 53–57.
CSEET-2007-Jenkins #certification #experience #quality- Experience in Training Software Quality Engineers to Achieve a Professional Certification (MJ), pp. 83–88.
CSEET-2007-Moloney #industrial #perspective- Graduate Training from an Industry Perspective (MM).
CSEET-2007-NaumanU #collaboration #scalability #student- SE and CS Collaboration: Training Students for Engineering Large, Complex Systems (MN, MU), pp. 167–174.
CHI-2007-KumaraguruRACHN #design #email #embedded #evaluation #people- Protecting people from phishing: the design and evaluation of an embedded training email system (PK, YR, AA, LFC, JIH, EN), pp. 905–914.
DHM-2007-GuoL #simulation- Hand Grasping Motion Simulation for Astronauts Training (QG, YL), pp. 101–109.
DHM-2007-Ma #development #simulation- Latest Development of an Interventional Radiology Training Simulation System: NeuroCath (XM), pp. 684–693.
DHM-2007-SadasivanG #question- Can We Use Technology to Train Inspectors to Be More Systematic? (SS, AKG), pp. 959–968.
DHM-2007-UpadrastaKL- Advanced Technology Training for Operating the Microlithography Panel Printer (BU, MTK, SSL), pp. 998–1007.
DHM-2007-WashburnSG #maintenance #multimodal #using- Using Multimodal Technologies to Enhance Aviation Maintenance Inspection Training (CW, PS, AKG), pp. 1018–1026.
HCI-AS-2007-KaholFMPS #artificial reality- Augmented Virtual Reality for Laparoscopic Surgical Tool Training (KK, JF, TLM, SP, MS), pp. 459–467.
HCI-AS-2007-MaurtuaUP #smarttech- Experimenting Wearable Solutions for Workers’ Training in Manufacturing (IM, MU, MAP), pp. 663–671.
HIMI-MTT-2007-ItoKTN #development- Development of Facial Expression Training System (KI, HK, AT, SN), pp. 850–857.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-CuellarDP #algorithm #hybrid #network #problem- Problems and Features of Evolutionary Algorithms to Build Hybrid Training Methods for Recurrent Neural Networks (MPC, MD, MdCPJ), pp. 204–211.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-CasalinoDM #quality #standard- A Quality Management Training System on ISO Standards for Enhancing Competitiveness of SMEs (NC, AD, LM), pp. 229–235.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-DeryckeC #flexibility #framework- A Flexible Infrastructure for P-Learning: A First Application in the Field of Professional Training (AD, VC), pp. 215–222.
ICML-2007-AndrewG #modelling #scalability- Scalable training of L1-regularized log-linear models (GA, JG), pp. 33–40.
ICML-2007-BickelBS #learning- Discriminative learning for differing training and test distributions (SB, MB, TS), pp. 81–88.
ICML-2007-SuttonM #performance #pseudo #random- Piecewise pseudolikelihood for efficient training of conditional random fields (CAS, AM), pp. 863–870.
ICML-2007-YamazakiKWSM #fault- Asymptotic Bayesian generalization error when training and test distributions are different (KY, MK, SW, MS, KRM), pp. 1079–1086.
ESEC-FSE-2007-MizunoK #detection #empirical #fault- Training on errors experiment to detect fault-prone software modules by spam filter (OM, TK), pp. 405–414.
DATE-2006-KlingaufGG #architecture #named #transaction- TRAIN: a virtual transaction layer architecture for TLM-based HW/SW codesign of synthesizable MPSoC (WK, HG, RG), pp. 1318–1323.
DRR-2006-SmithA #clustering- Partitioning of the degradation space for OCR training (EHBS, TLA).
CSEET-2006-Fairley #education #re-engineering- The Influence of COCOMO on Software Engineering Education and Training (REF), pp. 193–200.
CSEET-2006-Redwine #education #re-engineering- Workshop on Secure Software Engineering Education & Training (WSSEET 2006) (STRJ), p. 245.
CSEET-2006-ThomasWT #case study #education #experience #re-engineering- Eight Years of Delivering Professional Education and Training for Software Engineering at Fraunhofer IESE: An Experience Report (LT, PEW, ST), pp. 131–140.
CSEET-2006-ThompsonE #education #industrial #re-engineering- Workshop on Best Practice in Software Engineering: The Role of Industry in Software Engineering Education and Training (JBT, HME), p. 247.
ITiCSE-2006-TjadenT #network #student- Training students to administer and defend computer networks and systems (BT, BCT), pp. 245–249.
ICML-2006-HertzBW #classification #kernel #learning- Learning a kernel function for classification with small training samples (TH, ABH, DW), pp. 401–408.
ICML-2006-VishwanathanSSM #probability #random- Accelerated training of conditional random fields with stochastic gradient methods (SVNV, NNS, MWS, KPM), pp. 969–976.
ICPR-v2-2006-ArnaudOV #3d #recognition- Trains of keypoints for 3D object recognition (EA, FO, AV), pp. 1014–1017.
ICPR-v2-2006-KrizekKH #feature model #set- Feature selection based on the training set manipulation (PK, JK, VH), pp. 658–661.
ICPR-v3-2006-WangCSG #detection #set- Enhancing Training Set for Face Detection (RW, JC, SS, WG), pp. 477–480.
ICPR-v3-2006-WangLL #automation- Automatic Lipreading with Limited Training Data (SLW, WHL, SHL), pp. 881–884.
ICPR-v3-2006-Xu #approach #artificial reality #gesture #network #recognition- A Neural Network Approach for Hand Gesture Recognition in Virtual Reality Driving Training System of SPG (DX), pp. 519–522.
KDD-2006-Joachims #linear- Training linear SVMs in linear time (TJ), pp. 217–226.
SEKE-2006-SongZDASNVSV #case study #named- SOPHIANN: A Tool for Extraction Knowledge Rules from ANN Previously Trained A Case Study (MAJS, LEZ, SMD, AA, BS, BMN, RV, TRAS, NV), pp. 631–638.
SIGIR-2006-Olsson #analysis #classification #set- An analysis of the coupling between training set and neighborhood sizes for the kNN classifier (JSO), pp. 685–686.
WICSA-2005-SmithS #analysis #architecture #automation- Extending SPQR to Architectural Analysis by Semi-Automated Training (JMS, PDS), pp. 239–242.
ICDAR-2005-CaillaultVA- MS-TDNN with Global Discriminant Trainings (ÉC, CVG, ARA), pp. 856–861.
ICDAR-2005-LiwickiB #database #recognition- Enhancing Training Data for Handwriting Recognition of Whiteboard Notes with Samples from a Different Database (ML, HB), pp. 550–554.
ICDAR-2005-RussellHBHM #using #verification- Dynamic Signature Verification Using Discriminative Training (GFR, JH, AB, AH, DM), pp. 1260–1264.
ICDAR-2005-SmithA- Text Degradations and OCR Training (EHBS, TLA), pp. 834–838.
CSEET-2005-BleekLS #education #experience #industrial #re-engineering- Transferring Experience from Software Engineering Training in Industry to Mass University Education — The Big Picture (WGB, CL, AS), pp. 195–203.
CHI-2005-SadasivanGGD #eye tracking- Use of eye movements as feedforward training for a synthetic aircraft inspection task (SS, JSG, AKG, ATD), pp. 141–149.
ICEIS-v2-2005-CuellarDJ #network #predict #problem #programming- An Application of Non-Linear Programming to Train Recurrent Neural Networks in Time Series Prediction Problems (MPC, MD, MdCPJ), pp. 35–42.
KDD-2005-YangL #learning #predict- Learning to predict train wheel failures (CY, SL), pp. 516–525.
SIGIR-2005-BeitzelJFGLCK #automation #classification #query #using #web- Automatic web query classification using labeled and unlabeled training data (SMB, ECJ, OF, DAG, DDL, AC, AK), pp. 581–582.
SIGIR-2005-ZhouG #categorisation #corpus #geometry #on the- On redundancy of training corpus for text categorization: a perspective of geometry (SZ, JG), pp. 671–672.
ICSE-2005-InverardiJ #education- Introduction to education and training track (PI, MJ), p. 606.
CSEET-2004-Becker-PechauBLS #flexibility- Educating Non-Programmers to Flexible, Communicative Software Engineers in a 10 Month Training Program (PBP, WGB, CL, AS), pp. 98–103.
CSEET-2004-Nikula #case study #experience #requirements- Experiences of Embedding Training in a Basic Requirements Engineering Method (UN), pp. 104–109.
ITiCSE-2004-KolikantP #education- Community-oriented pedagogy for in-service CS teacher training (YBDK, SP), pp. 191–195.
ITiCSE-2004-PahlBK #database #interactive #learning #multi- Supporting active database learning and training through interactive multimedia (CP, RB, CK), pp. 27–31.
TACAS-2004-BallLX #automation #modelling- Automatic Creation of Environment Models via Training (TB, VL, FX), pp. 93–107.
CHI-2004-IntilleBTR #ubiquitous- Acquiring in situ training data for context-aware ubiquitous computing applications (SSI, LB, EMT, JR), pp. 1–8.
ICEIS-v1-2004-YagueAGLS- Web-Based Training System For Forest Fire Office Staff (AY, PPA, JG, AL, GS), pp. 184–191.
ICEIS-v2-2004-CuellarNJP #algorithm #case study #comparative #network #predict- A Comparative Study of Evolutionary Algorithms for Training Elman Recurrent Neural Networks to Predict Autonomous Indebtedness (MPC, AN, MdCPJ, RPP), pp. 461–464.
ICEIS-v2-2004-MendezHA- Intelligent Virtual Environments for Training in Nuclear Power Plants (GM, PH, AdA), pp. 204–209.
ICEIS-v2-2004-ZaratePSSVD #clustering #network #optimisation #representation #set- Optimization of Neural Network’s Training Sets via Clustering: Application in Solar Collector Representation (LEZ, EMDP, DAS, JPDS, RV, ASCD), pp. 147–152.
ICML-2004-DietterichAB #random- Training conditional random fields via gradient tree boosting (TGD, AA, YB).
ICML-2004-WuD #data flow- Improving SVM accuracy by training on auxiliary data sources (PW, TGD).
ICPR-v1-2004-LebrunCC #reduction #using- SVM Training Time Reduction using Vector Quantization (GL, CC, HC), pp. 160–163.
ICPR-v1-2004-LeL #image #markov #modelling #using- Recognizing Frontal Face Images Using Hidden Markov Models with One Training Image per Person (HSL, HL), pp. 318–321.
ICPR-v1-2004-LiuM #classification #recognition #string- Handwritten Numeral String Recognition: Character-Level vs. String-Level Classifier Training (CLL, KM), pp. 405–408.
ICPR-v2-2004-SarkarB #automation- Decoder Banks: Versatility, Automation, and High Accuracy without Supervised Training (PS, HSB), pp. 646–649.
ICPR-v2-2004-VargaB04a #recognition #using- Off-line Handwritten Textline Recognition Using a Mixture of Natural and Synthetic Training Data (TV, HB), pp. 545–549.
ICPR-v3-2004-KuhlKWK #classification #using- Training of Classifiers Using Virtual Samples Only (AK, LK, CW, UK), pp. 418–421.
ICPR-v3-2004-NaderiMC #algorithm #image #optimisation #using #verification- 1D-HMM for Face Verification: Model Optimization Using Improved Algorithm and Intelligent Selection of Training Images (SN, MSM, NMC), pp. 330–333.
ICPR-v4-2004-HeidemannBBS #clustering #gesture #recognition #scalability #self #set #user interface #visual notation- Hand Gesture Recognition: Self-Organising Maps as a Graphical User Interface for the Partitioning of Large Training Data Sets (GH, HB, IB, AS), pp. 487–490.
ICPR-v4-2004-LicsarS #gesture #recognition- Dynamic Training of Hand Gesture Recognition System (AL, TS), pp. 971–974.
KDD-2004-AksoyKTM #classification #image #interactive #mining- Interactive training of advanced classifiers for mining remote sensing image archives (SA, KK, CT, GBM), pp. 773–782.
SIGIR-2004-FanL #classification #semantics #video- Semantic video classification by integrating unlabeled samples for classifier training (JF, HL), pp. 592–593.
SAC-2004-OBrienH #analysis #authoring- Training Needs Analysis: the first step in authoring e-learning content (EO, TH), pp. 935–939.
DATE-2003-DoboliGD #clustering #modelling #network #using- Extraction of Piecewise-Linear Analog Circuit Models from Trained Neural Networks Using Hidden Neuron Clustering (SD, GG, AD), pp. 11098–11099.
ICDAR-2003-BaldiMS #classification #set #using- Using tree-grammars for training set expansion in page classification (SB, SM, GS), pp. 829–833.
ICDAR-2003-GunterB #optimisation #word- Optimizing the Number of States, Training Iterations and Gaussians in an HMM-based Handwritten Word Recognizer (SG, HB), pp. 472–476.
ICDAR-2003-HuoF #modelling #performance #using- Improving Chinese/English OCR Performance by Using MCE-based Character-Pair Modeling and Negative Training (QH, ZDF), pp. 364–368.
ICDAR-2003-NopsuwanchaiP #recognition- Discriminative Training for HMM-Based Offline Handwritten Character Recognition (RN, DP), pp. 114–118.
ICDAR-2003-SarkarBZ #image- Training on Severely Degraded Text-Line Images (PS, HSB, XZ), pp. 38–43.
ICDAR-2003-VargaB #generative #recognition- Generation of Synthetic Training Data for an HMM-based Handwriting Recognition System (TV, HB), pp. 618–622.
CSEET-2003-CrnkovicLS #question #re-engineering- Is Software Engineering Training Enough for Software Engineers? (IC, RL, AS), p. 140–?.
CSEET-2003-KlappholzBPD04 #assessment #development #education #process #tool support- Tools for Outcomes Assessment of Education and Training in the Software Development Process (DK, LB, DP, PD), p. 331–?.
CSEET-2003-LatzinaR #collaboration #usability- Soft(ware) Skills in Context: Corporate Usability Training Aiming at Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration (ML, BR), p. 52–?.
CSEET-2003-OvalleE04 #experience #process- Training Experts in the Fundamentals: An Experience in Providing Software Engineers with the Basis of Software Process Improvement (NKO, HWE), p. 339–?.
ITiCSE-2003-Baciu #interactive #named- SysRel: an interactive application for training (RB), p. 268.
ICSM-2003-ForbesB #deployment #hardware #process- Improving Hardware, Software, and Training Deployment Processes (JAF, ERB), pp. 377–380.
ICEIS-v2-2003-SalemSA #algorithm #self #using- Improving Self-Organizing Feature Map (SOFM) Training Algorithm Using K-Means Initialization (ABMS, MMS, AFA), pp. 399–405.
ICML-2003-KotnikK #learning #self- The Significance of Temporal-Difference Learning in Self-Play Training TD-Rummy versus EVO-rummy (CK, JKK), pp. 369–375.
KDD-2003-SarawagiCG #learning #named #probability #topic- Cross-training: learning probabilistic mappings between topics (SS, SC, SG), pp. 177–186.
MLDM-2003-DehmeshkiKC #rule-based #set- A Rule-Based Scheme for Filtering Examples from Majority Class in an Imbalanced Training Set (JD, MK, MVC), pp. 215–223.
MLDM-2003-DongKS #optimisation #parallel #performance- A Fast Parallel Optimization for Training Support Vector Machine (JxD, AK, CYS), pp. 96–105.
MLDM-2003-MiteranBB #approximate #bound #classification #image #realtime #segmentation #using- Classification Boundary Approximation by Using Combination of Training Steps for Real-Time Image Segmentation (JM, SB, EBB), pp. 141–155.
DATE-2002-SauerEKJ #design #network- The Fraunhofer Knowledge Network (FKN) for Training in Critical Design Disciplines (AS, GE, LK, WJ), p. 1129.
ICEIS-2002-Oliver #automation- A Training Environment for Automated Sales Agents to Learn Negotiation Strategies (JRO), pp. 410–417.
ICML-2002-BockhorstC #concept- Exploiting Relations Among Concepts to Acquire Weakly Labeled Training Data (JB, MC), pp. 43–50.
ICML-2002-ElomaaR #fault #performance- Fast Minimum Training Error Discretization (TE, JR), pp. 131–138.
ICML-2002-MeyerB #scalability #speech #towards- Towards “Large Margin” Speech Recognizers by Boosting and Discriminative Training (CM, PB), pp. 419–426.
ICPR-v1-2002-ZhangD #classification #fault #recognition- Minimum Classification Error Training for Handwritten Character Recognition (RZ, XD), pp. 580–583.
ICPR-v2-2002-BarataP #classification #clustering #modelling #set #using- Improving Classification Rates by Modelling the Clusters of Trainings Sets in Features Space Using Mathematical Morphology Operators (TB, PP), pp. 328–331.
ICPR-v2-2002-Duin #classification #question- The Combining Classifier: To Train or Not to Train? (RPWD), pp. 765–770.
ICPR-v2-2002-LiWZ #algorithm #network- Step Acceleration Based Training Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks (YL, KW, DZ), pp. 84–87.
ICPR-v2-2002-PhungDV #analysis #education- Narrative Structure Analysis with Education and Training Videos for E-Learning (DQP, CD, SV), p. 835–?.
ICPR-v3-2002-LicsarS #gesture #recognition- Supervised Training Based Hand Gesture Recognition System (AL, TS), pp. 999–1002.
ICPR-v3-2002-VinciarelliB #markov #modelling #recognition #using #word- Offline Cursive Word Recognition using Continuous Density Hidden Markov Models Trained with PCA or ICA Features (AV, SB), pp. 81–84.
ICPR-v4-2002-BarataP02a #classification #clustering #modelling #set #using- Improving Classification Rates by Modelling the Clusters of Trainings Sets in Features Space Using Mathematical Morphology Operators (TB, PP), pp. 90–93.
KDD-2002-Boz #network- Extracting decision trees from trained neural networks (OB), pp. 456–461.
KDD-2002-RaskuttiFK #classification #clustering #using- Combining clustering and co-training to enhance text classification using unlabelled data (BR, HLF, AK), pp. 620–625.
LSO-2002-AngkasaputraPRT #collaboration #implementation #learning- The Collaborative Learning Methodology CORONET-Train: Implementation and Guidance (NA, DP, ER, ST), pp. 13–24.
ISMM-2002-PrintezisG #garbage collection #visualisation- Visualising the train garbage collector (TP, AG), pp. 157–170.
ICDAR-2001-BarakatB #classification #geometry- Training with Positive and Negative Data Samples: Effects on a Classifier for Hand-Drawn Geometric Shapes (HB, DB), pp. 1017–1021.
ICDAR-2001-TayKLKV #recognition #word- An Analytical Handwritten Word Recognition System with Word-level Discriminant Training (YHT, MK, PML, SK, CVG), pp. 726–730.
ICDAR-2001-ZhangDZ #orthogonal #recognition- Offline Handwritten Character Recognition Based on Discriminative Training of Orthogonal Gaussian Mixture Model (RZ, XD, JZ), pp. 221–225.
CSEET-2001-GotterbarnM #industrial #re-engineering- Software Engineering Ethics Training in Industry and Academe: Professionalism and the Software Engineering Code of Ethics (DG, KWM), p. 243–?.
ICEIS-v1-2001-SoonthornphisajK #algorithm #categorisation #problem #set #using #web- The Effects of Differnet Feature Sets on the Web Page Categorization Problem Using the Iterative Cross-Training Algorithm (NS, BK), pp. 404–410.
CIKM-2001-ToutanovaCPH #classification #set- Text Classification in a Hierarchical Mixture Model for Small Training Sets (KT, FC, KP, TH), pp. 105–112.
LSO-2001-PfahlADR #collaboration #learning #named- CORONET-Train: A Methodology for Web-Based Collaborative Learning in Software Organisations (DP, NA, CD, GR), pp. 37–51.
SAC-2001-SerearunoH #comparison #multi #network- A comparison in training time of the single and multiple-output MLP neural networks (MS, TH), pp. 32–35.
ICSE-2001-Kajko-MattssonFO #education #maintenance #maturity- Corrective Maintenance Maturity Model (CM3): Maintainer’s Education and Training (MKM, SF, UHO), pp. 610–619.
CSEET-2000-Collofello #collaboration #industrial #project management #simulation- University/Industry Collaboration in Developing a Simulation Based Software Project Management Training Course (JSC), pp. 161–168.
CSEET-2000-Smith #development- Achieving Organizational Training Objectives with Short Course Development (CS), pp. 32–38.
ITiCSE-2000-KajavaV- The professional growth of ICT experts through progressive sandwich training (poster session) (JK, RV), p. 189.
CIKM-2000-NigamG #effectiveness- Analyzing the Effectiveness and Applicability of Co-training (KN, RG), pp. 86–93.
ICML-2000-CampbellTB #network #polynomial #reduction- Dimension Reduction Techniques for Training Polynomial Networks (WMC, KT, SVB), pp. 119–126.
ICML-2000-SingerV #learning #modelling #performance #predict- Learning to Predict Performance from Formula Modeling and Training Data (BS, MMV), pp. 887–894.
ICPR-v1-2000-BojovicS #markov #modelling #recognition #word- Training of Hidden Markov Models for Cursive Handwritten Word Recognition (MB, MDS), pp. 1973–1976.
ICPR-v2-2000-Fursov #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #using- Training in Pattern Recognition from a Small Number of Observations Using Projections onto Null-Space (VAF), pp. 2785–2788.
ICPR-v2-2000-LiD00a #automation #detection #video- A Video Text Detection System Based on Automated Training (HL, DSD), pp. 2223–2228.
ICPR-v2-2000-Theera-UmponG #fault #network- Training Neural Networks to Count White Blood Cells via a Minimum Counting Error Objective Function (NTU, PDG), pp. 2299–2302.
ICPR-v3-2000-DemireklerKC #using- Fusing Length and Voicing Information, and HMM Decision Using a Bayesian Causal Tree against Insufficient Training Data (MD, FK, TÇ), pp. 3106–3109.
ICPR-v4-2000-HoN- OCR with No Shape Training (TKH, GN), pp. 4027–4030.
ICPR-v4-2000-MaoK #algorithm #approach #automation #optimisation #segmentation- Automatic Training of Page Segmentation Algorithms: An Optimization Approach (SM, TK), pp. 4531–4534.
ICSE-2000-Dawson- Twenty dirty tricks to train software engineers (RD), pp. 209–218.
ICSE-2000-DrappaL #re-engineering #simulation- Simulation in software engineering training (AD, JL), pp. 199–208.
ICDAR-1999-LiuN #network #recognition #using- Handwritten Numeral Recognition using Neural Networks: Improving the Accuracy by Discriminative Training (CLL, MN), pp. 257–260.
CSEET-1999-Hirai #metric- Micro-Process Based Software Metrics in the Training (KH), pp. 132–134.
CSEET-1999-Mengel #education #metric #research- Software Metrics: Views from Education, Research, and Training (SAM), pp. 126–128.
CSEET-1999-OMaryLP #education #industrial #re-engineering- Tracking and Evaluating Industry/University Collaborations for Software Engineering Education and Training (panel) (GO, JL, CLP), p. 102–?.
CSEET-1999-Ruhe #education #experience- Experience Factory-Based Professional Education and Training (GR), p. 62–?.
ITiCSE-1999-HabermanG #distance #education #learning- Distance learning model with local workshop sessions applied to in-service teacher training (BH, DG), pp. 64–67.
FM-v2-1999-HorsteS #formal method #modelling #petri net #simulation #using- Formal Modelling and Simulation of Train Control Systems Using Petri Nets (MMzH, ES), p. 1867.
HCI-CCAD-1999-FachB #adaptation #design #learning- Training wheels: an “old” method for designing modern and adaptable learning environments (PWF, MB), pp. 725–729.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HorneckerR- Vocational training with combined real/virtual environments (EH, BR), pp. 730–734.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KofoedHB #women- A training model for women — new opportunities with new technologies and new forms of work organisation (LBK, IH, DB), pp. 568–572.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MaidaNM #using- Effects on training using illumination in virtual environments (JM, JN, KM), pp. 1124–1128.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Maurer #web- A critical look at web based training efforts (HAM), pp. 718–724.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Seki #using #visual notation- Systematic auditory training of obstacle sense for the visually impaired by using acoustical VR system (YS), pp. 999–1003.
HCI-CCAD-1999-WoolfordMCPAW #artificial reality #comparison #multi #self- Comparison of multimedia and virtual reality for self-training (BW, JM, CC, AP, JAA, MW), pp. 1116–1119.
HCI-EI-1999-Nyssen #learning #towards- Training Simulators in Anesthesia: Towards a Hierarchy of Learning Situations (ASN), pp. 890–894.
ICEIS-1999-ValeSFMRM #named- SPARSE-IT: An Intelligent Tutor for Power System Control Center Operator Training (ZAV, AS, LF, NM, CR, AM), pp. 327–334.
CIKM-1999-Lin- Training a Selection Function for Extraction (CYL), pp. 55–62.
CSEET-1998-Hall #risk management- Training Risk Management: Bridge over Troubled Waters (EMH), pp. 36–39.
CSEET-1998-OexmannH #industrial #named- Workshop: Professional and Ethical Training in Industry and Academia (DO, TBH), pp. 162–164.
ITiCSE-1998-Zagursky #flexibility #learning- Information technology for flexible and learning and training (poster) (VZ), p. 312.
CIKM-1998-HongL #fuzzy #learning- Learning Fuzzy Knowledge from Training Examples (TPH, CYL), pp. 161–166.
ICML-1998-Ng #feature model #learning #on the- On Feature Selection: Learning with Exponentially Many Irrelevant Features as Training Examples (AYN), pp. 404–412.
ICPR-1998-Aladjem #classification #ml #network #recursion #reduction- Training of a ML neural network for classification via recursive reduction of the class separation (MA), pp. 450–452.
ICPR-1998-El-YacoubiSGS #architecture #recognition #word- Improved model architecture and training phase in an off-line HMM-based word recognition system (AEY, RS, MG, CYS), pp. 1521–1525.
ICPR-1998-HerbstM #set- Building a representative training set based on eigenimages (BMH, NLM), pp. 1846–1848.
ICPR-1998-HuberM #adaptation #named #parallel #set- ERC — evolutionary resample and combine for adaptive parallel training data set selection (RH, HAM), pp. 882–885.
ICPR-1998-TakacsSW #3d #design #recognition #set- Optimal training set design for 3D object recognition (BT, LS, HW), pp. 558–560.
KDD-1998-ChanGR #information retrieval #modelling #probability- Probabilistic Modeling for Information Retrieval with Unsupervised Training Data (EPC, SG, SR), pp. 159–163.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-WernerTR #collaboration #experience #industrial #re-engineering- An O.O. Software Engineering Training Experience within a Collaboration Project between Academia and Industry (CMLW, GHT, ARCdR), p. 290–?.
HCI-CC-1997-Andersen- A Computerised System for Training of Medical Doctors in Pre-hospital Rescuing Operation during Emergency Situations (VA), pp. 773–776.
HCI-CC-1997-Granot #game studies- Ergonomics Knowledge Pyramid: A Computer Based Training Game (RG), pp. 623–626.
HCI-CC-1997-Karlsson #design- Design of Train Control System Centre (SK), pp. 85–88.
HCI-CC-1997-ShumayP #approach #using- Healthy Computing: A Comprehensive Group Training Approach Using Biofeedback (DMS, EP), pp. 555–558.
HCI-CC-1997-TrybusV97a- Professional Training and Work: Planning Transformation Dynamics Throughout Human Life (RJT, VFV), pp. 863–868.
HCI-SEC-1997-Cohen #self- Evaluating Effects of Self-Directed Ergonomics Training (BGFC), pp. 123–128.
HCI-SEC-1997-DainoffD- Effects of Ergonomic Training as an Ergonomic Intervention (MHD, MJD), pp. 129–132.
HCI-SEC-1997-FariasA #design #interactive- Design Principles for a Training Software Agent: Issues Concerning Agent-User Interaction (AF, TNA), pp. 181–184.
HCI-SEC-1997-MaidaAN #performance- Effects of Lighting on Human Performance in Training (JM, AA, JN), pp. 877–880.
HCI-SEC-1997-PlocherH- Technology Needs for Web-Based Technical Training (TAP, SLH), pp. 103–106.
HCI-SEC-1997-Robertson #evaluation- A Model for Ergonomics Training Evaluation (MMR), pp. 133–138.
HCI-SEC-1997-ScottS #case study- Ergonomics Training in Industrially Developing Countries: Case Studies from “Roving Seminars” (PAS, HS), pp. 139–144.
HCI-SEC-1997-So #bibliography #image #industrial #predict- Lag Compensation by Image Deflection and Prediction: A Review on the Potential Benefits to Virtual Training Applications for Manufacturing Industry (RHYS), pp. 997–1000.
HCI-SEC-1997-SuLYFD #artificial reality #industrial #using- Industrial Training Using Virtual Reality (CJS, FL, LY, CMF, VGD), pp. 989–992.
HCI-SEC-1997-Umemuro #difference #effectiveness- Age Differences Between Elderly and Young Workers in Effectiveness of Computer Skill Training and Task Cognition (HU), pp. 177–180.
HCI-SEC-1997-XuD #comparative #hypermedia- Comparative Hypertext Approaches to Ergonomic Training (WX, MJD), pp. 145–148.
ICML-1997-KubatM #set- Addressing the Curse of Imbalanced Training Sets: One-Sided Selection (MK, SM), pp. 179–186.
ICML-1997-OatesJ #complexity #set- The Effects of Training Set Size on Decision Tree Complexity (TO, DJ), pp. 254–262.
CSEE-1996-Baron #people- The People Side of Software: A Lesson Plan for Establishing a Successful Training Program (JB), pp. 184–198.
CSEE-1996-Carpenter #process #re-engineering- Process Improvement for Software Engineering Training (MBC), pp. 172–183.
CSEE-1996-McCabeOP #outsourcing- Stretching the McDonnell Douglas Software Training Budget: Striking a Balance Between In-House and Outsourcing (NM, GO, KP), pp. 199–215.
FME-1996-George #formal method- A Theory of Distributing Train Rescheduling (CG), pp. 499–517.
TRI-Ada-1996-HamiltonC #ada #education- Ada Training and Education in the US Army and US Air Force (JAHJ, DAC), pp. 151–155.
ICML-1996-Saerens #fault #learning- Non Mean Square Error Criteria for the Training of Learning Machines (MS), pp. 427–434.
ICPR-1996-DoeringW #classification #composition #cost analysis #network #set- Feedforward neural networks for Bayes-optimal classification: investigations into the influence of the composition of the training set on the cost function (AD, HW), pp. 219–223.
SIGIR-1996-LewisSCP #algorithm #classification #linear- Training Algorithms for Linear Text Classifiers (DDL, RES, JPC, RP), pp. 298–306.
ICDAR-v2-1995-JangKHK #recognition- Two-stage recognition of freight train ID number under outdoor environment (JHJ, JHK, KSH, JHK), pp. 986–991.
CSEE-1995-BaymanBCD #process- A Skills-Driven Process for Training Computer Professionals (SB, MHB, HC, CD), pp. 403–407.
CSEE-1995-BeckmanB #process- CMM-Based Software Process Improvement Training: The First Year (KB, RB), p. 117.
CSEE-1995-FortinJLUV #approach #industrial #process- Is this Training? A Unique Approach to Software Process Training in Industry (PDF, CAJ, JRL, KBU, AV), pp. 409–417.
CSEE-1995-Geier #approach #bibliography #delphi- The Delphi Survey Methodology: An Approach to Determine Training Needs (JDG), pp. 389–402.
CSEE-1995-Mahy #learning #re-engineering- From TRAINING to LEARNING: The Reengineering of Training at DMR Group Inc. (IM), p. 433.
CSEE-1995-MannsP #education #industrial #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Technology Education and Training: Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry (MLM, GIP), p. 115.
CSEE-1995-Smith #reuse- CARDS Training: Transferring Reuse Knowledge (KES), pp. 325–337.
CHI-1995-AalstCM #analysis #design #framework #learning #user interface- Design Space Analysis as “Training Wheels” in a Framework for Learning User Interface Design (JWvA, TTC, DLM), pp. 154–161.
CHI-1995-WiedenbeckZM #empirical #online- End-User Training: An Empirical Study Comparing On-Line Practice Methods (SW, PLZ, DSM), pp. 74–81.
ICML-1995-DaganE #classification #probability- Committee-Based Sampling For Training Probabilistic Classifiers (ID, SPE), pp. 150–157.
ECOOP-1995-SeligmannG #algorithm #garbage collection #incremental #maturity #using- Incremental Mature Garbage Collection Using the Train Algorithm (JS, SG), pp. 235–252.
FME-1994-Simpson #automation #specification- A Formal Specification of an Automatic Train Protection System (AS), pp. 602–617.
ICML-1994-AhaLLM #learning #recursion #set- Learning Recursive Relations with Randomly Selected Small Training Sets (DWA, SL, CXL, SM), pp. 12–18.
ICML-1994-CravenS #network #query #using- Using Sampling and Queries to Extract Rules from Trained Neural Networks (MC, JWS), pp. 37–45.
SIGIR-1994-LewisG #algorithm #classification- A Sequential Algorithm for Training Text Classifiers (DDL, WAG), pp. 3–12.
SAC-1994-HoskinsHH #behaviour #interactive #multi- An interactive multimedia system for fire behavior training (JAH, WDH, KGH), pp. 379–382.
SAC-1994-RosenG #network #using- Training hard to learn networks using advanced simulated annealing methods (BER, JMG), pp. 256–260.
ICDAR-1993-HoriuchiTYY #on the #recognition #using- On method of training dictionaries for handwritten character recognition using relaxation matching (TH, KT, KY, HY), pp. 638–641.
ICDAR-1993-Pflug #n-gram #recognition #set #using- Using n-grams for the definition of a training set for cursive handwriting recognition (VP), pp. 295–298.
CSM-1993-PigoskiL #case study #experience #maintenance- Software Maintenance Training: Transition Experiences (TMP, CSL), pp. 314–318.
HCI-ACS-1993-SonntagS #fault #maintenance #optimisation #process- Strategies and Training for Maintenance Personnel: Optimizing Fault Diagnosis Activities (KS, NS), pp. 90–95.
HCI-SHI-1993-Boase-JelinekM #reasoning- Role of Analogical Reasoning as a Tool for Training (DMBJ, DM), pp. 760–765.
HCI-SHI-1993-BroomeA #independence #information management- Knowledge Acquisition for a Domain-Independent Intelligent Training System (RWB, MFA), pp. 338–343.
HCI-SHI-1993-GlazkovRVV #complexity- Control of Cosmonauts Training to Overcome Operational Complexity (YG, AR, AV, AV), pp. 772–777.
HCI-SHI-1993-MilechWNRK #hybrid #modelling #student- Student Modelling in Hybrid Training Systems (DM, BW, SN, GGR, KK), pp. 754–759.
HCI-SHI-1993-PattersonAM #design #multi- A Design Model for Multimedia Computer-Based Training (GP, TJA, FCM), pp. 549–554.
HCI-SHI-1993-SharitC #reasoning #rule-based- The Use of Expert Systems for Training Humans in Rule-Based Reasoning (JS, SC), pp. 819–824.
INTERCHI-1993-Bailey #design #human-computer #interface- Iterative methodology and designer training in human-computer interface design (GSB), pp. 198–205.
SAC-1993-BrendelB #3d #network #re-engineering- 3-Dimensional Reconstruction by Silhouettes to Construct Training Patterns for Neural Networks (TB, JB), pp. 770–774.
SAC-1993-HashemiCST #monte carlo #network #paradigm #predict- Prediction Capability of Neural Networks Trained by Monte-Carlo Paradigm (RRH, AHC, NLS, JRT), pp. 9–13.
SEI-1992-Brown #education #process- Continuing Education and Training for Software Process Improvement (AWB), pp. 301–307.
SEI-1992-JacobsP #re-engineering- Creating a Software Engineering Training Program in a Level I Organisation (KJ, RP), pp. 351–359.
SEI-1992-Pewle #approach #formal method #process- Software Process Training: A Formal and Informal Approach at McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems Company (KLP), pp. 308–312.
ML-1992-OmlinG #higher-order #network #using- Training Second-Order Recurrent Neural Networks using Hints (CWO, CLG), pp. 361–366.
ML-1992-PerezE #named #problem- DYNAMIC: A New Role for Training Problems in EBL (MAP, OE), pp. 367–372.
SEI-1991-KellyLP #re-engineering- The Establishment of an Appropriate Software Engineering Training Program (RDK, DLL, FSP), pp. 75–98.
SEI-1991-MannMN #industrial- Industrial Training for Software Engineers (PM, AM, MTN), pp. 99–113.
SEI-1990-SandersS #perspective #re-engineering- Establishing Motorola-University Relationships: A Software Engineering Training Perspective (GS, GS), pp. 2–12.
SEI-1990-SmithAARS #education #re-engineering- Industry-Academic Cooperation in Software Engineering Training and Continuing Education (GS, AFA, GNA, WJGR, GS), pp. 157–164.
ML-1990-RamseyGS #contest #difference #learning- Simulation-Assisted Learning by Competition: Effects of Noise Differences Between Training Model and Target Environment (CLR, JJG, ACS), pp. 211–215.
SEI-1989-Page #ada #approach #case study #re-engineering- Holisitc Case Study Approach to Ada Based Software Engineering Training (RDP), pp. 109–123.
SEI-1989-ReedH #process- The Rockwell Software Process Training Program (HLR, SH), pp. 45–69.
SEI-1989-RomanowskyBJK #re-engineering- The Rockwell Avionics Group Software Engineering Training Program (HER, LAB, NWJ, CMK), pp. 131–140.
ML-1989-Utgoff #incremental #learning- Improved Training Via Incremental Learning (PEU), pp. 362–365.
SEI-1988-MooreP- Meeting the Training Needs of Practicing Software Engineers at Texas Instruments (FLM, PRP), pp. 32–44.
DAC-1985-Frome #tutorial #video- Course, video, and manual dexterity (tutorial): tailoring training to CAD users (FSF), pp. 226–231.
SHARE-1965-Bolino #problem #source code- Manpower training problems and programs (ACB).