Stem multiclust$ (all stems)
6 papers:
HPDC-2010-SonmezYAIE #analysis #clustering #multi #performance #scheduling #workflow- Performance analysis of dynamic workflow scheduling in multicluster grids (OOS, NY, SA, AI, DHJE), pp. 49–60.
CGO-2006-ChuM #clustering #multi- Compiler-directed Data Partitioning for Multicluster Processors (MLC, SAM), pp. 208–220.
DATE-2005-BarrettaFSB #clustering #embedded #parallel #thread- Multithreaded Extension to Multicluster VLIW Processors for Embedded Applications (DB, WF, MS, DB), pp. 748–749.
PLDI-2003-ChuFM #clustering #multi- Region-based hierarchical operation partitioning for multicluster processors (MLC, KF, SAM), pp. 300–311.
HPDC-2003-BucurE #clustering #multi #policy #simulation- Trace-Based Simulations of Processor Co-Allocation Policies in Multiclusters (AIDB, DHJE), pp. 70–79.
HPDC-2002-BucurE #clustering #multi #performance- The Performance of Processor Co-Allocation in Multicluster Systems (AIDB, DHJE), p. 414.