17 papers:
ICEIS-v1-2015-SilvaBZ- Indirect Normative Conflict — Conflict that Depends on the Application Domain (VTdS, CB, JdOZ), pp. 452–461.
SEKE-2015-VianaAGCCL #framework #named- JSAN: A Framework to Implement Normative Agents (MLV, PSCA, ETG, FJPC, DDC, CJPdL), pp. 660–665.
KR-2014-ParentT #reasoning- Aggregative Deontic Detachment for Normative Reasoning (XP, LvdT).
ICEIS-v1-2013-FreireJC #modelling #multi- A Modeling Environment for Normative Multi-Agent Systems (ESSF, RMRJ, MIC), pp. 451–458.
ICEIS-v2-2012-FreireCGL #modelling #multi #named- NorMAS-ML — A Modeling Language to Model Normative Multi-agent Systems (ESSF, MIC, EJTG, YSL), pp. 113–119.
KR-2012-TosattoBTV #proving #semantics- Abstract Normative Systems: Semantics and Proof Theory (SCT, GB, LWNvdT, SV).
ITiCSE-2011-SchaferBJSFKS #development #embedded- A normative competence structure model for embedded micro- and nanosystems development (AS, RB, SJ, SES, DF, BK, HS), p. 375.
CHI-2011-SukumaranVMN #online- Normative influences on thoughtful online participation (AS, SV, MM, CN), pp. 3401–3410.
ICLP-J-2011-CorapiRVPS #design #induction #learning #using- Normative design using inductive learning (DC, AR, MDV, JAP, KS), pp. 783–799.
CAiSE-2008-SienaMLKPS #case study #effectiveness #modelling #traceability- Exploring the Effectiveness of Normative i* Modelling: Results from a Case Study on Food Chain Traceability (AS, NAMM, JL, IKK, AP, AS), pp. 182–196.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-Martin-ToralSD #corpus #detection #documentation- Detection of Incoherences in a Technical and Normative Document Corpus (SMT, GISP, YAD), pp. 282–287.
SAC-2008-FelicissimoCBFL #multi- Contextualizing normative open multi-agent systems (CHF, CC, JPB, AEFS, CJPdL), pp. 52–59.
KR-2004-BoellaT #multi- Regulative and Constitutive Norms in Normative Multiagent Systems (GB, LWNvdT), pp. 255–266.
ICEIS-2002-LawsAT #adaptation #enterprise #information management #self- Normative Services for Self-Adaptive Software to Support Dependable Enterprise Information Systems (AL, MA, ATB), pp. 954–961.
ICML-2000-PennockMGH #algorithm #learning- A Normative Examination of Ensemble Learning Algorithms (DMP, PMRI, CLG, EH), pp. 735–742.
KR-1992-Boutilier- Normative, Subjunctive, and Autoepistemic Defaults: Adopting the Ramsey Test (CB), pp. 685–696.
ECHT-1990-SchwabeFK #hypermedia- Intelligent Hypertext for Normative Knowledge in Engineering (DS, BF, WGK), pp. 123–136.