14 papers:
KR-2014-Razgon #bound #on the- On OBDDs for CNFs of Bounded Treewidth (IR).
LATA-2012-BolligP #algorithm #performance- An Efficient Implicit OBDD-Based Algorithm for Maximal Matchings (BB, TP), pp. 143–154.
LATA-2009-Bollig #bound #complexity #integer #multi- Larger Lower Bounds on the OBDD Complexity of Integer Multiplication (BB), pp. 212–223.
SAT-J-2004-HuangD05 #performance #using- Using DPLL for Efficient OBDD Construction (JH, AD), pp. 157–172.
SAT-2004-HuangD #performance #using- Using DPLL for Efficient OBDD Construction (JH, AD), pp. 127–136.
ICALP-2000-BolligW #bound #problem- Asymptotically Optimal Bounds for OBDDs and the Solution of Some Basic OBDD Problems (BB, IW), pp. 187–198.
ICALP-1999-KrauseSW #approximate #problem- Approximations by OBDDs and the Variable Ordering Problem (MK, PS, IW), pp. 493–502.
CADE-1999-GribomontS #using #validation #verification- System Description: Using OBDD’s for the validation of Skolem verification conditions (EPG, NS), pp. 222–226.
DAC-1995-BernMS #performance- Efficient OBDD-Based Boolean Manipulation in CAD beyond Current Limits (JB, CM, AS), pp. 408–413.
DAC-1995-ReddyKP #framework #novel #synthesis #verification- Novel Verification Framework Combining Structural and OBDD Methods in a Synthesis Environment (SMR, WK, DKP), pp. 414–419.
ICALP-1995-BeckerDT- OKFDDs versus OBDDs and OFDDs (BB, RD, MT), pp. 475–486.
CAV-1995-BernMS #memory management- Global rebuilding of OBDDs Avoiding Memory Requirement Maxima (JB, CM, AS), pp. 4–15.
EDAC-1994-HelbigK- An OBDD-Representation of Statecharts (JH, PK), pp. 142–149.
EDAC-1994-LangevinC #representation- An Extended OBDD Representation for Extended FSMs (ML, EC), pp. 208–213.