5 papers:
SLE-2015-BousseCCGB #debugging #performance- Supporting efficient and advanced omniscient debugging for xDSMLs (EB, JC, BC, JGG, BB), pp. 137–148.
FoSSaCS-2010-MurawskiT- Block Structure vs. Scope Extrusion: Between Innocence and Omniscience (ASM, NT), pp. 33–47.
SAC-2008-PothierT #aspect-oriented #debugging #programming- Extending omniscient debugging to support aspect-oriented programming (GP, ÉT), pp. 266–270.
OOPSLA-2007-PothierTP #debugging #scalability- Scalable omniscient debugging (GP, ÉT, JMP), pp. 535–552.
CSL-2006-ArtemovK #complexity #logic #proving- Logical Omniscience Via Proof Complexity (SNA, RK), pp. 135–149.