12 papers:
CHI-2011-BlythePC #how- F for fake: four studies on how we fall for phish (MB, HP, JAC), pp. 3469–3478.
CHI-2011-LinGTMA #identification #people #question- Does domain highlighting help people identify phishing sites? (EL, SG, ET, DM, JA), pp. 2075–2084.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ChengL #anti #network- An Anti-phishing Model for Ecommerce under a Network Environment (YC, GL), pp. 400–404.
CHI-2010-ShengHKCD #analysis #effectiveness- Who falls for phish?: a demographic analysis of phishing susceptibility and effectiveness of interventions (SS, MBH, PK, LFC, JSD), pp. 373–382.
ICPR-2010-LiuQW #automation #detection- Automatic Detection of Phishing Target from Phishing Webpage (GL, BQ, LW), pp. 4153–4156.
ECIR-2009-GanstererP #classification #email- E-Mail Classification for Phishing Defense (WNG, DP), pp. 449–460.
CHI-2008-EgelmanCH #effectiveness #empirical #web- You’ve been warned: an empirical study of the effectiveness of web browser phishing warnings (SE, LFC, JIH), pp. 1065–1074.
CHI-2007-KumaraguruRACHN #design #email #embedded #evaluation #people- Protecting people from phishing: the design and evaluation of an embedded training email system (PK, YR, AA, LFC, JIH, EN), pp. 905–914.
ITiCSE-2006-RobilaR #education- Don’t be a phish: steps in user education (SAR, JWR), pp. 237–241.
CHI-2006-DhamijaTH #why- Why phishing works (RD, JDT, MAH), pp. 581–590.
CHI-2006-WuMG #question #security- Do security toolbars actually prevent phishing attacks? (MW, RCM, SLG), pp. 601–610.
ICDAR-2005-WenyinHXDM #detection- Phishing Webpage Detection (LW, GH, LX, XD, ZM), pp. 560–564.