Tag #anti
81 papers:
ICSME-2019-BarbezKG #learning #metric- Deep Learning Anti-Patterns from Code Metrics History (AB, FK, YGG), pp. 114–124.
KDD-2019-BendimeradLPRB - Contrastive Antichains in Hierarchies (AB, JL, MP, CR, TDB), pp. 294–304.
- ICSE-2019-VassalloPGP #automation #integration
- Automated reporting of anti-patterns and decay in continuous integration (CV, SP, HCG, MDP), pp. 105–115.
FSCD-2018-BaumgartnerKLV - Term-Graph Anti-Unification (AB, TK, JL, MV), p. 17.
FSCD-2018-CernaK #equation #higher-order- Higher-Order Equational Pattern Anti-Unification (DMC, TK), p. 17.
Haskell-2018-BlondalLS #how- Deriving via: or, how to turn hand-written instances into an anti-pattern (BB, AL, RS), pp. 55–67.
ICPR-2018-LuoKWCS #multi- Face Anti-Spoofing with Multi-Scale Information (SL, MK, SW, XC, SS), pp. 3402–3407.
- ICSE-2018-HammadGM #android #empirical #obfuscation #scalability
- A large-scale empirical study on the effects of code obfuscations on Android apps and anti-malware products (MH, JG, SM), pp. 421–431.
ICPC-2017-PaduaS #exception- Studying the prevalence of exception handling anti-patterns (GBdP, WS), pp. 328–331.
MSR-2017-HurierSDBTKC #android #named #unification- Euphony: harmonious unification of cacophonous anti-virus vendor labels for Android malware (MH, GST, SKD, TFB, YLT, JK, LC), pp. 425–435.
- ICSE-2017-ChenJ #detection
- Characterizing and detecting anti-patterns in the logging code (BC, ZM(J), pp. 71–81.
CASE-2017-JiangZ0X #policy- An optimal POMDP-based anti-jamming policy for cognitive radar (XJ, FZ, JY0, HX), pp. 938–943.
SANER-2016-KarasnehCKG #design #modelling #source code- Studying the Relation between Anti-Patterns in Design Models and in Source Code (BK, MRVC, FK, YGG), pp. 36–45.
ICPR-2016-LiKZYP #detection- Generalized face anti-spoofing by detecting pulse from face videos (XL, JK, GZ, PCY, MP), pp. 4244–4249.
ICPR-2016-SiddiquiBDAVSR #multi- Face anti-spoofing with multifeature videolet aggregation (TAS, SB, TID, AA0, MV, RS0, NKR), pp. 1035–1040.
SANER-2015-Morales #automation #framework #towards- Towards a framework for automatic correction of anti-patterns (RM), pp. 603–604.
RTA-2015-BaumgartnerKLV - Nominal Anti-Unification (AB, TK, JL, MV), pp. 57–73.
SIGIR-2015-LipaniLH #bias #precise- Splitting Water: Precision and Anti-Precision to Reduce Pool Bias (AL, ML, AH), pp. 103–112.
SAC-2015-AwadBESAS #approach #detection #process #runtime- Runtime detection of business process compliance violations: an approach based on anti patterns (AA, AB, AE, RES, AA, SS), pp. 1203–1210.
SAC-2015-BouaskerY #constraints #correlation #mining- Key correlation mining by simultaneous monotone and anti-monotone constraints checking (SB, SBY), pp. 851–856.
SAC-2015-MinV #design #evaluation #implementation #novel- Design, implementation and evaluation of a novel anti-virus parasitic malware (BM, VV), pp. 2127–2133.
DAC-2015-GuoTFD #obfuscation #reverse engineering- Investigation of obfuscation-based anti-reverse engineering for printed circuit boards (ZG, MT, DF, JD), p. 6.
DAC-2015-ShafiqueKTH #energy #named #video- EnAAM: energy-efficient anti-aging for on-chip video memories (MS, MUKK, AOT, JH), p. 6.
TACAS-2015-FiedorHLV - Nested Antichains for WS1S (TF, LH, OL, TV), pp. 658–674.
QoSA-2014-WertOHF #automation #component #detection #performance- Automatic detection of performance anti-patterns in inter-component communications (AW, MO, CH, RF), pp. 3–12.
ICPC-2014-VasquezKMSPG #java #matter #metric #mobile- Domain matters: bringing further evidence of the relationships among anti-patterns, application domains, and quality-related metrics in Java mobile apps (MLV, SK, CM, AS, DP, YGG), pp. 232–243.
DLT-J-2013-Shur14 #finite- Languages with a Finite antidictionary: some growth Questions (AMS), pp. 937–954.
ICPR-2014-GalballyM #assessment #image #quality- Face Anti-spoofing Based on General Image Quality Assessment (JG, SM), pp. 1173–1178.
ICPR-2014-HobsonLPVW #benchmark #framework #image #metric #platform- Classifying Anti-nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 Images: A Benchmarking Platform (PH, BCL, GP, MV, AW), pp. 3233–3238.
ICPR-2014-LinnerS #alias #distance #graph #implementation- A Graph-Based Implementation of the Anti-aliased Euclidean Distance Transform (EL, RS), pp. 1025–1030.
ICSE-2014-ChenSJHNF #detection #performance #using- Detecting performance anti-patterns for applications developed using object-relational mapping (THC, WS, ZMJ, AEH, MNN, PF), pp. 1001–1012.
SAC-2014-MotaB #algorithm #internet- A dynamic frame slotted ALOHA anti-collision algorithm for the internet of things (RPBM, DMB), pp. 686–691.
VLDB-2013-ShangK - Skyline Operator on Anti-correlated Distributions (HS, MK), pp. 649–660.
CSMR-2013-ArnaoudovaPAG #product line- A New Family of Software Anti-patterns: Linguistic Anti-patterns (VA, MDP, GA, YGG), pp. 187–196.
WCRE-2013-JaafarGHK #dependence #mining- Mining the relationship between anti-patterns dependencies and fault-proneness (FJ, YGG, SH, FK), pp. 351–360.
DLT-2013-Shur #finite #order- Languages with a Finite Antidictionary: Growth-Preserving Transformations and Available Orders of Growth (AMS), pp. 445–457.
LATA-2013-BruyereDG #automaton- Visibly Pushdown Automata: Universality and Inclusion via Antichains (VB, MD, OG), pp. 190–201.
RTA-2013-BaumgartnerKLV #higher-order- A Variant of Higher-Order Anti-Unification (AB, TK, JL, MV), pp. 113–127.
ICEIS-v2-2013-Baina #information management- Organisation, and Information Systems between Formal and Informal — Continuum, Balance, Patterns, and Anti-patterns (KB), pp. 85–93.
SKY-2013-ExmanK #network #recommendation #social- An Anti-Turing Test: Social Network Friends’ Recommendations (IE, AK), pp. 55–61.
CASE-2013-IsmailH #3d #higher-order #using- Trajectory tracking and anti-sway control of three-dimensional offshore boom cranes using second-order sliding modes (RMTRI, QPH), pp. 996–1001.
DATE-2013-Kae-NuneP #process #testing- Qualification and testing process to implement anti-counterfeiting technologies into IC packages (NKN, SP), pp. 1131–1136.
WCRE-2012-MaigaABSGA #approach #detection #incremental #named- SMURF: A SVM-based Incremental Anti-pattern Detection Approach (AM, NA, NB, AS, YGG, EA), pp. 466–475.
IFM-2012-WoehrleBM #network- Mechanized Extraction of Topology Anti-patterns in Wireless Networks (MW, RB, MRM), pp. 158–173.
KDD-2012-DingKBKC #communication #detection #social- Intrusion as (anti)social communication: characterization and detection (QD, NK, PB, EDK, MC), pp. 886–894.
ASE-2012-MaigaABSGAA #detection- Support vector machines for anti-pattern detection (AM, NA, NB, AS, YGG, GA, EA), pp. 278–281.
SAC-2012-DestefanisTCM #analysis #java #scalability- An analysis of anti-micro-patterns effects on fault-proneness in large Java systems (GD, RT, GC, MM), pp. 1251–1253.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ChengL #network- An Anti-phishing Model for Ecommerce under a Network Environment (YC, GL), pp. 400–404.
SAC-2011-LinXYYZGQCG #hardware #named #using- SPAD: software protection through anti-debugging using hardware virtualization (QL, MX, MY, PY, MZ, SG, ZQ, KC, HG), pp. 623–624.
CASE-2011-Kanamori - Global stabilization of anti-windup PID position control for euler-lagrange systems with actuator saturation (MK), pp. 798–803.
SAC-2010-AlmeidaYA #probability #reduction- Probabilistic anti-spam filtering with dimensionality reduction (TAA, AY, JA), pp. 1802–1806.
TACAS-2010-AbdullaCHMV #simulation- When Simulation Meets Antichains (PAA, YFC, LH, RM, TV), pp. 158–174.
HCI-AUII-2009-UangLC - The Effects of an Anti-glare Sleeve Installed on Fluorescent Tube Lamps on Glare and Reading Comfort (STU, CLL, MC), pp. 544–553.
CAiSE-2009-TrckaAS #data flow #fault #workflow- Data-Flow Anti-patterns: Discovering Data-Flow Errors in Workflows (NT, WMPvdA, NS), pp. 425–439.
CIG-2008-BeumeHNPPW #game studies #realtime- Intelligent anti-grouping in real-time strategy games (NB, TH, BN, NP, MP, SW), pp. 63–70.
ICPR-2008-TranTJ #linear #network #probability- An adjustable combination of linear regression and modified probabilistic neural network for anti-spam filtering (TPT, PT, TJ), pp. 1–4.
CASE-2008-XiaoW #evaluation #simulation- Simulation and effects evaluation of anti-galloping devices for overhead transmission lines (XX, JW), pp. 808–813.
DATE-2008-RedaelliSS #configuration management #scheduling- Task Scheduling with Configuration Prefetching and Anti-Fragmentation techniques on Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems (FR, MDS, DS), pp. 519–522.
TACAS-2008-WulfDMR #algorithm #ltl #model checking #named #satisfiability- Antichains: Alternative Algorithms for LTL Satisfiability and Model-Checking (MDW, LD, NM, JFR), pp. 63–77.
LICS-2008-Pottier #higher-order- Hiding Local State in Direct Style: A Higher-Order Anti-Frame Rule (FP), pp. 331–340.
ICSM-2007-CapiluppiF #open source #predict- A model to predict anti-regressive effort in Open Source Software (AC, JFR), pp. 194–203.
SAC-2007-HebertBC #constraints #optimisation- Optimizing hypergraph transversal computation with an anti-monotone constraint (CH, AB, BC), pp. 443–444.
CAV-2006-WulfDHR #algorithm #automaton #finite #named- Antichains: A New Algorithm for Checking Universality of Finite Automata (MDW, LD, TAH, JFR), pp. 17–30.
ICEIS-v2-2005-MashechkinPR #approach #enterprise #machine learning- Enterprise Anti-Spam Solution Based on Machine Learning Approach (IM, MP, AR), pp. 188–193.
MLDM-2005-ShimizuM #sequence- Disjunctive Sequential Patterns on Single Data Sequence and Its Anti-monotonicity (KS, TM), pp. 376–383.
SAC-2005-StaakeTF #network- Extending the EPC network: the potential of RFID in anti-counterfeiting (TS, FT, EF), pp. 1607–1612.
TestCom-2005-LiL #diagrams #thread #uml #using- Using Anti-Ant-like Agents to Generate Test Threads from the UML Diagrams (HL, CPL), pp. 69–80.
ICSM-2004-FengZWW #design #identification- Software Design Improvement through Anti-Patterns Identification (TF, JZ, HW, XW), p. 524.
WCRE-2004-LakhotiaM #order- Imposing Order on Program Statements to Assist Anti-Virus Scanners (AL, MM), pp. 161–170.
ECIR-2004-Wilks #information management #information retrieval #representation- IR and AI: Traditions of Representation and Anti-representation in Information Processing (YW), pp. 12–26.
ICSE-2004-Lamsweerde #requirements #security- Elaborating Security Requirements by Construction of Intentional Anti-Models (AvL), pp. 148–157.
RE-2002-CrookILN #requirements #security- Security Requirements Engineering: When Anti-Requirements Hit the Fan (RC, DCI, LL, BN), pp. 203–205.
SIGIR-2000-AndroutsopoulosKCS #comparison #email #keyword #naive bayes- An experimental comparison of naive bayesian and keyword-based anti-spam filtering with personal e-mail messages (IA, JK, KC, CDS), pp. 160–167.
ICPR-1996-HamamotoMIHT #evaluation #network- Evaluation of an anti-regularization technique in neural networks (YH, YM, HI, TH, ST), pp. 205–208.
CC-1996-ErtlK #dependence- Removing Anti Dependences by Repairing (MAE, AK), pp. 33–43.
ICML-1993-Idestam-Almquist #recursion- Generalization under Implication by Recursive Anti-unification (PIA), pp. 151–158.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Hermida #ada #development #named- HEmut-PoliCaza: Introducing Ada in the University Through PC Anti-Virus Software Development (AH), pp. 148–156.
LICS-1991-Pfenning #calculus #unification- Unification and Anti-Unification in the Calculus of Constructions (FP), pp. 74–85.
CLP-1990-DelcherK90 #parallel #performance- Efficient Parallel Term Matching and Anti-Unification (ALD, SK), pp. 355–369.
LICS-1988-KuperMPP #algorithm #parallel #performance- Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Anti-Unification and Relative Complement (GMK, KM, KVP, KJP), pp. 112–120.
CADE-1986-Comon #term rewriting- Sufficient Completeness, Term Rewriting Systems and “Anti-Unification” (HC), pp. 128–140.