5 papers:
DATE-2015-LeeCSP #3d- A TSV noise-aware 3-D placer (YML, CC, JS, KTP), pp. 1653–1658.
DAC-2014-LinC #effectiveness- POLAR 2.0: An Effective Routability-Driven Placer (TL, CC), p. 6.
DAC-2013-LinBC #effectiveness #performance- An efficient and effective analytical placer for FPGAs (THL, PB, YWC), p. 6.
DAC-2012-WardDP #automation #evaluation #learning #named- PADE: a high-performance placer with automatic datapath extraction and evaluation through high dimensional data learning (SIW, DD, DZP), pp. 756–761.
DAC-1980-SmithSP #component #named #performance- Comet — a fast component placer (VKS, RJSI, PAP), pp. 465–471.