6 papers:
MLDM-2014-DzubaB #mining #music #recommendation- Mining Users Playbacks History for Music Recommendations (AD, DB), pp. 422–430.
DATE-2013-ShenQ #energy #performance #smarttech #streaming #video- User-aware energy efficient streaming strategy for smartphone based video playback applications (HS, QQ), pp. 258–261.
DocEng-2008-ConcolatoF #documentation #multi- Playback of mixed multimedia document (CC, JLF), pp. 219–220.
DocEng-2007-ConcolatoFM #documentation #memory management- Timed-fragmentation of SVG documents to control the playback memory usage (CC, JLF, JCM), pp. 121–124.
HCI-IPT-2007-DuarteCM #mobile- Playback of Rich Digital Books on Mobile Devices (CD, LC, FM), pp. 270–279.
CHI-2004-VemuriDBS #recognition #speech #using- Improving speech playback using time-compression and speech recognition (SV, PD, WB, CS), pp. 295–302.