47 papers:
ICALP-v1-2015-NayyeriS #distance- Computing the Fréchet Distance Between Polygons with Holes (AN, AS), pp. 997–1009.
CASE-2014-HuangNXCSD #3d #approach #geometry #modelling #predict- Predictive modeling of geometric deviations of 3D printed products — A unified modeling approach for cylindrical and polygon shapes (QH, HN, KX, YC, SS, TD), pp. 25–30.
DHM-2014-DuWZHM #evolution #image #using- Human Skeleton Extraction of Depth Images Using the Polygon Evolution (HD, JW, XxZ, YH, LM), pp. 15–23.
DRR-2013-LiWTL #comprehension #detection #image- Comic image understanding based on polygon detection (LL, YW, ZT, DL).
DHM-HB-2013-TianYZG #adaptation #representation #self- Extraction of Light Stripe Centerline Based on Self-adaptive Thresholding and Contour Polygonal Representation (QT, YY, XZ, BG), pp. 292–301.
ICALP-v1-2012-ChenW- Computing the Visibility Polygon of an Island in a Polygonal Domain (DZC, HW), pp. 218–229.
ICPR-2012-LiuZR #algorithm #approximate- A direction Change-based algorithm for polygonal approximation (HL, XZ, AR), pp. 3586–3589.
ICPR-2010-ZhouL #approximate #monte carlo #optimisation #performance- Efficient Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves via Monte Carlo Optimization (XZ, YL), pp. 3513–3516.
HIMI-DIE-2009-ShinPC #bound #detection- Virtual Convex Polygon Based Hole Boundary Detection and Time Delay Based Hole Detour Scheme in WSNs (IS, NDP, HC), pp. 619–627.
KDIR-2009-LamB #categorisation #invariant #multi #using- Invariant Categorisation of Polygonal Objects using Multi-resolution Signatures (RL, JMHdB), pp. 168–173.
SAC-2008-Schneider #analysis #hybrid #reachability- Reachability analysis of generalized polygonal hybrid systems (GS), pp. 327–332.
CASE-2007-VahediS #geometry- Geometric Properties and Computation of Three-Finger Caging Grasps of Convex Polygons (MV, AFvdS), pp. 404–411.
CHI-2006-ZhaoAH #multi #using- Zone and polygon menus: using relative position to increase the breadth of multi-stroke marking menus (SZ, MA, KH), pp. 1077–1086.
ICPR-v1-2006-LiangA #using- Fingerprint Matching Using Minutia Polygons (XL, TA), pp. 1046–1049.
ICALP-2005-Nilsson #approximate- Approximate Guarding of Monotone and Rectilinear Polygons (BJN), pp. 1362–1373.
ICPR-v1-2004-Debled-RennessonTW #approximate #performance- Fast Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves (IDR, ST, LW), pp. 465–468.
ICPR-v2-2004-KolesnikovFW #approximate #multi- Multiresolution Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves (AK, PF, XW), pp. 855–858.
VMCAI-2004-PaceS #difference #kernel #model checking #using- Model Checking Polygonal Differential Inclusions Using Invariance Kernels (GJP, GS), pp. 110–121.
STOC-2003-DrorELM #sequence- Touring a sequence of polygons (MD, AE, AL, JSBM), pp. 473–482.
ICPR-v4-2002-KolesnikovF #algorithm #approximate #performance- A Fast Near-Optimal Algorithm for Approximation of Polygonal Curves (AK, PF), pp. 335–338.
SAC-2002-TrembilskiB- Transparency for polygon based cloud rendering (AT, AB), pp. 785–790.
SAC-2002-ZhangS #algorithm #implementation #parametricity #performance- An efficient implementation of parametric line and polygon clipping algorithm (MZ, CLS), pp. 796–800.
CAV-2002-AsarinPSY #hybrid #named #verification- SPeeDI — A Verification Tool for Polygonal Hybrid Systems (EA, GJP, GS, SY), pp. 354–358.
ICDAR-2001-MikheevVF #approximate- High-Quality Polygonal Contour Approximation Based on Relaxation (AM, LV, VF), pp. 361–367.
ICALP-2001-ParkLC- Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion in a Polygonal Region by a Searcher (SMP, JHL, KYC), pp. 456–468.
IFL-2000-ZornerKEP #functional- Polygonizing Implicit Surfaces in a Purely Functional Way (THGZ, PWMK, MCJDvE, MJP), pp. 158–175.
ICPR-v2-2000-Takeda #estimation- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Sensor Configuration in a Polygonal Environment (HT), pp. 2446–2450.
ICPR-v3-2000-GatosM #algorithm #novel #recursion #using- A Novel Recursive Algorithm for Area Location Using Isothetic Polygons (BG, SLM), pp. 3496–3499.
ICPR-v3-2000-Rocha #composition #diagrams #performance- Efficient Polygonal Decomposition into Singular and Regular Regions via Voronoi Diagrams (JR), pp. 3770–3773.
ICPR-v3-2000-TraverRI #algorithm #approximate #performance #search-based- Exploring the Performance of Genetic Algorithms as Polygonal Approximators (VJT, GR, JMIQ), pp. 3774–3777.
STOC-1999-KumarR- Covering Rectilinear Polygons with Axis-Parallel Rectangles (VSAK, HR), pp. 445–454.
SAC-1999-Jenq #parallel- Parallel Polygon Scan Conversion on Hypercube Multiprocessors (JJFJ), pp. 110–114.
ICALP-1998-GrafV #proving- Reducing Simple Polygons to Triangles — A Proof for an Improved Conjecture (TG, KV), pp. 130–139.
KR-1998-Dornheim- Undecidability of Plane Polygonal Mereotopology (CD), pp. 342–355.
STOC-1996-Milenkovic #linear #programming #strict #using- Translational Polygon Containment and Minimal Enclosure using Linear Programming Based Restriction (VM), pp. 109–118.
ICPR-1996-Koch #3d #image #modelling #segmentation- Surface segmentation and modeling of 3D polygonal objects from stereoscopic image pairs (RK), pp. 233–237.
ICPR-1996-TuzikovMH #performance #symmetry- Efficient computation of a reflection symmetry measure for convex polygons based on Minkowski addition (AVT, GLM, HJAMH), pp. 236–240.
STOC-1992-Goodrich #parallel- Planar Separators and Parallel Polygon Triangulation (Preliminary Version) (MTG), pp. 507–516.
ICALP-1992-Rote #how #metric- A New Metric Between Polygons and How to Compute it (GR), pp. 404–415.
ICALP-1991-ChazelleEGGHSS #using- Ray Shooting in Polygons Using Geodesic Triangulations (BC, HE, MG, LJG, JH, MS, JS), pp. 661–646.
ICALP-1990-AltBW #approximate- Approximation of Convex Polygons (HA, JB, HW), pp. 703–716.
ICALP-1988-Rohnert- Moving Discs Between Polygons (HR), pp. 502–515.
STOC-1987-AggarwalGSS #algorithm #diagrams #linear- A Linear Time Algorithm for Computing the Voronoi Diagram of a Convex Polygon (AA, LJG, JBS, PWS), pp. 39–45.
STOC-1986-TarjanW #algorithm #linear- A Linear-Time Algorithm for Triangulating Simple Polygons (RET, CJVW), pp. 380–388.
ICALP-1985-Fortune #algorithm #performance- A Fast Algorithm for Polygon Containment by Translation (Extended Abstract) (SF), pp. 189–198.
STOC-1982-BoyceDDG- Finding Extremal Polygons (JEB, DPD, RL(DI, LJG), pp. 282–289.
STOC-1979-ChazelleD- Decomposing a Polygon into its Convex Parts (BC, DPD), pp. 38–48.