Stem prerequisit$ (all stems)
6 papers:
CSEET-2014-FranklBK #development #learning- Learning and working together as prerequisites for the development of high-quality software (GF, SB, BK), pp. 154–157.
CIKM-2010-ParameswaranGU #recommendation- Evaluating, combining and generalizing recommendations with prerequisites (AGP, HGM, JDU), pp. 919–928.
KMIS-2009-Grundstein- Distinguishing Knowledge from Information — A Prerequisite for Elaborating KM Initiative Strategy (MG), pp. 135–140.
RecSys-2009-ParameswaranG #recommendation- Recommendations with prerequisites (AGP, HGM), pp. 353–356.
ICPR-v4-2000-RahmanF #comparison #multi #performance- Comparison of Some Multiple Expert Strategies: An Investigation of Resource Prerequisites and Achievable Performance (AFRR, MCF), pp. 4841–4844.
EDOC-1997-EckertS #design #distributed #enterprise #framework #implementation- Engineering Frameworks: A Prerequisite for the Design and Implementation of Distributed Enterprise Objects (KPE, PS), p. 170–?.