10 papers:
CSL-2012-ChrzaszczS #complexity #ml- ML with PTIME complexity guarantees (JC, AS), pp. 198–212.
ICALP-v2-2010-ChenF #logic #on the #proving- On p-Optimal Proof Systems and Logics for PTIME (YC, JF), pp. 321–332.
LICS-2009-ChenF #logic #problem- A Logic for PTIME and a Parameterized Halting Problem (YC, JF), pp. 397–406.
SAS-2008-HornM #analysis- Flow Analysis, Linearity, and PTIME (DVH, HGM), pp. 255–269.
LICS-2008-Grohe #logic- The Quest for a Logic Capturing PTIME (MG), pp. 267–271.
ICLP-2007-Nguyen #approximate #complexity #knowledge base #logic- Approximating Horn Knowledge Bases in Regular Description Logics to Have PTIME Data Complexity (LAN), pp. 438–439.
CSL-2006-AtassiBT #logic #system f #verification- Verification of Ptime Reducibility for System F Terms Via Dual Light Affine Logic (VA, PB, KT), pp. 150–166.
CSL-2000-MurawskiO #game studies #logic- Discreet Games, Light Affine Logic and PTIME Computation (ASM, CHLO), pp. 427–441.
LICS-1995-Otto- Ptime Canonization for Two Variables with Counting (MO), pp. 342–352.
LICS-1992-Hella #logic- Logical Hierarchies in PTIME (LH), pp. 360–368.