5 papers:
ICSM-2013-LiguCCY #identification #smell- Identification of Refused Bequest Code Smells (EL, AC, TC, NY), pp. 392–395.
MBT-2006-BourdonovKK #consistency #testing- Formal Conformance Testing of Systems with Refused Inputs and Forbidden Actions (IBB, AK, VVK), pp. 83–96.
IWMM-1995-Wadler #static analysis- Static Analysis Refuses to Stay Still: Prospects of Static Analysis for Dynamic Allocation (Abstract) (PW), p. 117.
IWPTS-1993-Drira #graph #trade-off #verification- The Refusal Graph: a Tradeoff between Verification and Test (KD), pp. 297–312.
ICALP-1986-Phillips #testing- Refusal Testing (IP), pp. 304–313.