Tag #trade-off
284 papers:
ICML-2019-AminKMV #bound #difference #privacy- Bounding User Contributions: A Bias-Variance Trade-off in Differential Privacy (KA, AK, AMM, SV), pp. 263–271.
ICML-2019-BlauM - Rethinking Lossy Compression: The Rate-Distortion-Perception Tradeoff (YB, TM), pp. 675–685.
ICML-2019-ZhangYJXGJ #robust- Theoretically Principled Trade-off between Robustness and Accuracy (HZ, YY, JJ, EPX, LEG, MIJ), pp. 7472–7482.
ECSA-2018-SchneiderBK #information management #quality #using- Using Informal Knowledge for Improving Software Quality Trade-Off Decisions (YS, AB, AK), pp. 265–283.
CIKM-2018-MehrotraMBL0 #evaluation #recommendation #towards- Towards a Fair Marketplace: Counterfactual Evaluation of the trade-off between Relevance, Fairness & Satisfaction in Recommendation Systems (RM, JM, HB, ML, FD0), pp. 2243–2251.
ICML-2018-LuCLLW #combinator #statistics- The Edge Density Barrier: Computational-Statistical Tradeoffs in Combinatorial Inference (HL, YC, JL, HL0, ZW), pp. 3253–3262.
ICML-2018-SalaSGR #representation- Representation Tradeoffs for Hyperbolic Embeddings (FS, CDS, AG, CR), pp. 4457–4466.
ICML-2018-WuGL #adaptation- Adaptive Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoff for Opportunistic Bandits (HW, XG, XL0), pp. 5302–5310.
- ICSE-2018-HeadSMK #api #c++ #documentation
- When not to comment: questions and tradeoffs with API documentation for C++ projects (AH, CS, ERMH, AK), pp. 643–653.
CASE-2018-LiZ - Balancing Trade-offs between Utilization and Work-in-Process Inventory Levels in Flow Shop Production (WL, ZHZ), pp. 1257–1262.
ESOP-2018-WeiMRF0 #design #java #static analysis- Evaluating Design Tradeoffs in Numeric Static Analysis for Java (SW, PM, AR, JSF, MH0), pp. 653–682.
ECSA-2017-CamaraGS #product line #synthesis #verification- Synthesis and Quantitative Verification of Tradeoff Spaces for Families of Software Systems (JC, DG, BRS), pp. 3–21.
ICML-2017-SafranS #approximate #network- Depth-Width Tradeoffs in Approximating Natural Functions with Neural Networks (IS, OS), pp. 2979–2987.
ESEC-FSE-2017-Hilton0TMD #assurance #flexibility #integration #security- Trade-offs in continuous integration: assurance, security, and flexibility (MH, NN0, TT, DM, DD), pp. 197–207.
QoSA-2015-FeitosaAAN #embedded #open source #quality- Investigating Quality Trade-offs in Open Source Critical Embedded Systems (DF, AA, PA, EYN), pp. 113–122.
PODS-2015-Kapralov #complexity #nearest neighbour #query- Smooth Tradeoffs between Insert and Query Complexity in Nearest Neighbor Search (MK), pp. 329–342.
VLDB-2015-BhattacherjeeCH #dataset #version control- Principles of Dataset Versioning: Exploring the Recreation/Storage Tradeoff (SB, AC, SH, AD, AGP), pp. 1346–1357.
EDM-2015-Niznan #adaptation #estimation #modelling- Modeling Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff in Adaptive System for Practicing Estimation (JN), pp. 648–650.
CHI-2015-LaseckiGLLBD #behaviour #crowdsourcing #privacy #video- Exploring Privacy and Accuracy Trade-Offs in Crowdsourced Behavioral Video Coding (WSL, MG, WL, EL, JPB, SPD), pp. 1945–1954.
CHI-2015-OLearyEKVRP #approach #comprehension #design #health- Understanding Design Tradeoffs for Health Technologies: A Mixed-Methods Approach (KO, JE, LK, LMV, JDR, WP), pp. 4151–4160.
CSCW-2015-LiZLDG #collaboration #editing #wiki- Is It Good to Be Like Wikipedia?: Exploring the Trade-offs of Introducing Collaborative Editing Model to Q&A Sites (GL, HZ, TL, XD, NG), pp. 1080–1091.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Feth #optimisation #security #usability- User-centric security: optimization of the security-usability trade-off (DF), pp. 1034–1037.
CGO-2015-PallisterEH #embedded #energy #optimisation- Optimizing the flash-RAM energy trade-off in deeply embedded systems (JP, KE, SJH), pp. 115–124.
DAC-2015-PanthSDL #3d #clustering #delivery #mobile #power management- Tier-partitioning for power delivery vs cooling tradeoff in 3D VLSI for mobile applications (SP, KS, YD, SKL), p. 6.
DATE-2015-TemanKGMB #embedded #energy #logic- Energy versus data integrity trade-offs in embedded high-density logic compatible dynamic memories (AT, GK, RG, PAM, APB), pp. 489–494.
HPCA-2015-KimE #performance #reliability- Balancing reliability, cost, and performance tradeoffs with FreeFault (DWK, ME), pp. 439–450.
LCTES-2015-BarijoughHKG #analysis #streaming- Implementation-Aware Model Analysis: The Case of Buffer-Throughput Tradeoff in Streaming Applications (KMB, MH, VK, SG), p. 10.
SIGMOD-2014-HeMD #policy #privacy #using- Blowfish privacy: tuning privacy-utility trade-offs using policies (XH, AM, BD), pp. 1447–1458.
ICPR-2014-HazelhoffCW #classification #word- Optimal Performance-Efficiency Trade-off for Bag of Words Classification of Road Signs (LBH, IMC, PHNdW), pp. 2996–3001.
ICPR-2014-NeubertP #algorithm #segmentation- Compact Watershed and Preemptive SLIC: On Improving Trade-offs of Superpixel Segmentation Algorithms (PN, PP), pp. 996–1001.
SEKE-2014-SilvaBCR #architecture #development- A Tool for Trade-off Resolution on Architecture-Centered Software Development (ICLS, PHSB, EC, HR), pp. 35–38.
Onward-2014-WalkingshawKEAB #data type #variability- Variational Data Structures: Exploring Tradeoffs in Computing with Variability (EW, CK, ME, SA, EB), pp. 213–226.
POPL-2014-SharmaNA #program analysis- Bias-variance tradeoffs in program analysis (RS, AVN, AA), pp. 127–138.
RE-2014-KnaussDKB #ecosystem #requirements- Openness and requirements: Opportunities and tradeoffs in software ecosystems (EK, DED, AK, AB), pp. 213–222.
FSE-2014-ShiGGZM #reduction #testing- Balancing trade-offs in test-suite reduction (AS, AG, MG, AZ, DM), pp. 246–256.
SAC-2014-ShoshitaishviliIDV #analysis #scalability #security- Do you feel lucky?: a large-scale analysis of risk-rewards trade-offs in cyber security (YS, LI, AD, GV), pp. 1649–1656.
DAC-2014-ShiBSBC #online #synthesis- Datapath Synthesis for Overclocking: Online Arithmetic for Latency-Accuracy Trade-offs (KS, DB, EAS, SB, GAC), p. 6.
DATE-2014-CaplanMMM #execution #reliability- Trade-offs in execution signature compression for reliable processor systems (JC, MIM, PM, BHM), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-DasKV #energy #multi- Temperature aware energy-reliability trade-offs for mapping of throughput-constrained applications on multimedia MPSoCs (AD, AK, BV), pp. 1–6.
HPCA-2014-FletcherRYDKD #information management #performance #ram- Suppressing the Oblivious RAM timing channel while making information leakage and program efficiency trade-offs (CWF, LR, XY, MvD, OK, SD), pp. 213–224.
ISSTA-2014-NejatiB #constraints #cpu #identification #using- Identifying optimal trade-offs between CPU time usage and temporal constraints using search (SN, LCB), pp. 351–361.
LICS-CSL-2014-BaierDK #analysis #model checking #probability- Trade-off analysis meets probabilistic model checking (CB, CD, SK), p. 10.
WCRE-2013-SmithsonEAKB #correctness- Static binary rewriting without supplemental information: Overcoming the tradeoff between coverage and correctness (MS, KE, KA, AK, RB), pp. 52–61.
ICALP-v1-2013-AustrinKKM #algorithm #set- Space-Time Tradeoffs for Subset Sum: An Improved Worst Case Algorithm (PA, PK, MK, JM), pp. 45–56.
CHI-2013-Egelman #exclamation #facebook #privacy #verification- My profile is my password, verify me!: the privacy/convenience tradeoff of facebook connect (SE), pp. 2369–2378.
ICML-c3-2013-ShenderL - Computation-Risk Tradeoffs for Covariance-Thresholded Regression (DS, JDL), pp. 756–764.
SIGIR-2013-AsadiL #architecture #effectiveness #generative #multi #performance #retrieval- Effectiveness/efficiency tradeoffs for candidate generation in multi-stage retrieval architectures (NA, JL), pp. 997–1000.
OOPSLA-2013-UrecheTO #morphism #named #parametricity #polymorphism- Miniboxing: improving the speed to code size tradeoff in parametric polymorphism translations (VU, CT, MO), pp. 73–92.
SAC-2013-Perez-PalacinCM #named #predict- log2cloud: log-based prediction of cost-performance trade-offs for cloud deployments (DPP, RC, JM), pp. 397–404.
DAC-2013-RoyCPP #parallel #synthesis #towards- Towards optimal performance-area trade-off in adders by synthesis of parallel prefix structures (SR, MRC, RP, DZP), p. 8.
DAC-2013-XuNMJX #comprehension #design #memory management #multi- Understanding the trade-offs in multi-level cell ReRAM memory design (CX, DN, NM, NPJ, YX), p. 6.
DATE-2013-NovoAI #estimation #fault #fixpoint #invariant #linear- Accuracy vs speed tradeoffs in the estimation of fixed-point errors on linear time-invariant systems (DN, SEA, PI), pp. 15–20.
STOC-2013-BeckNT #calculus #polynomial- Some trade-off results for polynomial calculus: extended abstract (CB, JN, BT), pp. 813–822.
ICALP-v2-2012-DiakonikolasPPS - Efficiency-Revenue Trade-Offs in Auctions (ID, CHP, GP, YS), pp. 488–499.
CSCW-2012-WangCRR #online #volunteer- Searching for the goldilocks zone: trade-offs in managing online volunteer groups (LSW, JC, YR, JR), pp. 989–998.
CIKM-2012-BabbarPGA #classification #empirical #on the #scalability- On empirical tradeoffs in large scale hierarchical classification (RB, IP, ÉG, CA), pp. 2299–2302.
CIKM-2012-SudituF #adaptation #feedback- Iterative relevance feedback with adaptive exploration/exploitation trade-off (NS, FF), pp. 1323–1331.
ICML-2012-DesautelsKB #optimisation #process- Parallelizing Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoffs with Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization (TD, AK, JWB), p. 109.
SEKE-2012-BagheriSS #named #synthesis- Spacemaker: Practical Formal Synthesis of Tradeoff Spaces for Object-Relational Mapping (HB, KJS, SHS), pp. 688–693.
SIGIR-2012-ArroyueloGMOS #ranking- To index or not to index: time-space trade-offs in search engines with positional ranking functions (DA, SG, MM, MO, TS), pp. 255–264.
SIGIR-2012-LimSG #on the- On the mathematical relationship between expected n-call@k and the relevance vs. diversity trade-off (KWL, SS, SG), pp. 1117–1118.
SAC-2012-El-ShambakeyR #bound #concurrent #embedded #manycore #realtime- STM concurrency control for multicore embedded real-time software: time bounds and tradeoffs (MES, BR), pp. 1602–1609.
DAC-2012-BerettaRKGRA #design #energy #network- Design exploration of energy-performance trade-offs for wireless sensor networks (IB, FJR, NK, PRG, VR, DA), pp. 1043–1048.
DAC-2012-HuangLR #energy #hardware #using- A methodology for energy-quality tradeoff using imprecise hardware (JH, JL, GR), pp. 504–509.
DATE-2012-KondratyevLMW #synthesis- Exploiting area/delay tradeoffs in high-level synthesis (AK, LL, MM, YW), pp. 1024–1029.
DATE-2012-OzTKT #analysis #parallel #thread- Performance-reliability tradeoff analysis for multithreaded applications (IO, HRT, MTK, OT), pp. 893–898.
DATE-2012-ZambelliIFCPOB #approach- A cross-layer approach for new reliability-performance trade-offs in MLC NAND flash memories (CZ, MI, MF, SDC, PP, PO, DB), pp. 881–886.
DATE-2012-ZuluagaBT #case study #design #predict- Predicting best design trade-offs: A case study in processor customization (MZ, EVB, NPT), pp. 1030–1035.
STOC-2012-BansalBJK - Tight time-space tradeoff for mutual exclusion (NB, VB, PJ, RK), pp. 971–982.
STOC-2012-BeameBI #bound- Time-space tradeoffs in resolution: superpolynomial lower bounds for superlinear space (PB, CB, RI), pp. 213–232.
STOC-2012-HuynhN #communication #complexity #on the #proving- On the virtue of succinct proofs: amplifying communication complexity hardness to time-space trade-offs in proof complexity (TH, JN), pp. 233–248.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-PeakeS #contract #modelling- Systematic simplicity-accuracy tradeoffs in parameterised contract models (IDP, HWS), pp. 95–104.
ICALP-v1-2011-NordstromR #on the #satisfiability- On Minimal Unsatisfiability and Time-Space Trade-offs for k-DNF Resolution (JN, AAR), pp. 642–653.
CIG-2011-UribeLSA #execution #game studies #markov #process- Discount and speed/execution tradeoffs in Markov Decision Process games (RU, FL, KS, CA), pp. 79–86.
CHI-2011-GuiardOP #fault- Fitt’s law as an explicit time/error trade-off (YG, HBO, STP), pp. 1619–1628.
CIKM-2011-PCK #problem #repository- More or better: on trade-offs in compacting textual problem solution repositories (DP, SC, DK), pp. 2321–2324.
SEKE-2011-JuniorGM #analysis #architecture #product line- A Meta-Process to Support Trade-Off Analysis in Software Product Line Architecture (EAdOJ, IMdSG, JCM), pp. 687–692.
Onward-2011-ShethK - The tradeoffs of societal computing (SS, GEK), pp. 149–156.
ESEC-FSE-2011-Sidiroglou-DouskosMHR #performance- Managing performance vs. accuracy trade-offs with loop perforation (SSD, SM, HH, MCR), pp. 124–134.
SAC-2011-ElahiY #analysis #heuristic #metric #requirements- Requirements trade-offs analysis in the absence of quantitative measures: a heuristic method (GE, ESKY), pp. 651–658.
DAC-2011-ChippaRRC #scalability- Dynamic effort scaling: managing the quality-efficiency tradeoff (VKC, AR, KR, STC), pp. 603–608.
DATE-2011-JhaLMR #simulation #statistics #verification- When to stop verification?: Statistical trade-off between expected loss and simulation cost (SKJ, CJL, SM, SR), pp. 1309–1314.
HPDC-2011-ChenWZSLZ #in the cloud- Tradeoffs Between Profit and Customer Satisfaction for Service Provisioning in the Cloud (JC, CW, BBZ, LS, YCL, AYZ), pp. 229–238.
CSMR-2010-CortellessaMP #behaviour #maintenance #reliability- Selecting Optimal Maintenance Plans Based on Cost/Reliability Tradeoffs for Software Subject to Structural and Behavioral Changes (VC, RM, PP), pp. 21–30.
ICALP-v1-2010-GrossiOR #string- Optimal Trade-Offs for Succinct String Indexes (RG, AO, RR), pp. 678–689.
SFM-2010-WolterR #performance #security- Performance and Security Tradeoff (KW, PR), pp. 135–167.
CIKM-2010-GMLPG - Relevance-index size tradeoff in contextual advertising (PKG, KPL, MP, SG), pp. 1721–1724.
CIKM-2010-KarimzadehganZ #feedback #interactive- Exploration-exploitation tradeoff in interactive relevance feedback (MK, CZ), pp. 1397–1400.
ICML-2010-ThieryS #policy #problem- Least-Squares Policy Iteration: Bias-Variance Trade-off in Control Problems (CT, BS), pp. 1071–1078.
KDD-2010-RaykarKY #classification #design #performance- Designing efficient cascaded classifiers: tradeoff between accuracy and cost (VCR, BK, SY), pp. 853–860.
KDIR-2010-GokceA #algorithm- A Tradeoff Balancing Algorithm for Hiding Sensitive Frequent Itemsets (HG, OA), pp. 200–205.
FSE-2010-XuKKRC #testing- Directed test suite augmentation: techniques and tradeoffs (ZX, YK, MK, GR, MBC), pp. 257–266.
SAC-2010-NallurB #design #in the cloud #quality- Design of a market-based mechanism for quality attribute tradeoff of services in the cloud (VN, RB), pp. 367–371.
DAC-2010-ZengYFL #analysis #delivery #network #optimisation #power management- Tradeoff analysis and optimization of power delivery networks with on-chip voltage regulation (ZZ, XY, ZF, PL), pp. 831–836.
DATE-2010-AnastasiaA #energy #image #refinement #scheduling- Scheduling and energy-distortion tradeoffs with operational refinement of image processing (DA, YA), pp. 1719–1724.
DATE-2010-BoydSS #detection #process- Power-accuracy tradeoffs in human activity transition detection (JB, HS, AS), pp. 1524–1529.
HPCA-2010-KahngKKS #design #reliability- Designing a processor from the ground up to allow voltage/reliability tradeoffs (ABK, SK, RK, JS), pp. 1–11.
KDD-2009-LiL #on the #privacy- On the tradeoff between privacy and utility in data publishing (TL, NL), pp. 517–526.
RecSys-2009-Chen #adaptation #recommendation- Adaptive tradeoff explanations in conversational recommenders (LC), pp. 225–228.
SIGIR-2009-Baeza-YatesMH #performance #web- Efficiency trade-offs in two-tier web search systems (RABY, VM, CH), pp. 163–170.
RE-2009-ElahiY #analysis #requirements #security #trust- Trust Trade-off Analysis for Security Requirements Engineering (GE, ESKY), pp. 243–248.
SAC-2009-RamanathanRG #delivery #framework #people #process #using- The people, the process or the technology?: Using the ACE framework to make tradeoffs in service delivery improvement (JR, RR, RG), pp. 259–264.
DAC-2009-BordoloiHCM #design- Evaluating design trade-offs in customizable processors (UDB, HPH, SC, TM), pp. 244–249.
DATE-2009-CasteresR #architecture #integration #modelling #realtime- Aircraft integration real-time simulator modeling with AADL for architecture tradeoffs (JC, TR), pp. 346–351.
DATE-2009-FerrariNGRG #component #implementation #memory management- Time and memory tradeoffs in the implementation of AUTOSAR components (AF, MDN, GG, GR, PG), pp. 864–869.
HPDC-2009-GharaibehR #reliability- Exploring data reliability tradeoffs in replicated storage systems (AG, MR), pp. 217–226.
ECSA-2008-MakkiBG #architecture #automation #multi #process- Automating Architecture Trade-Off Decision Making through a Complex Multi-attribute Decision Process (MM, EB, AAG), pp. 264–272.
CHI-2008-MacKenzieI #throughput- Fitts’ throughput and the speed-accuracy tradeoff (ISM, PI), pp. 1633–1636.
SAC-2008-RaveendranBG #algorithm #evaluation #realtime #scheduling- Evaluation of priority based real time scheduling algorithms: choices and tradeoffs (BKR, SB, SG), pp. 302–307.
HPCA-2008-KumarA #validation- Speculative instruction validation for performance-reliability trade-off (SK, AA), pp. 405–414.
STOC-2008-DvirSY #bound- Hardness-randomness tradeoffs for bounded depth arithmetic circuits (ZD, AS, AY), pp. 741–748.
CHI-2007-BrumbyHS #constraints- A cognitive constraint model of dual-task trade-offs in a highly dynamic driving task (DPB, AH, DDS), pp. 233–242.
SEKE-2007-HewettP #development #framework- Software Tradeoff Assistant: An Integrated Framework for Analytical Decision Making and Tradeoffs in Software Development (RH, VP), pp. 450–455.
SIGIR-2007-CetintasS #effectiveness #performance- Exploration of the tradeoff between effectiveness and efficiency for results merging in federated search (SC, LS), pp. 707–708.
ESEC-FSE-2007-Potena #composition #non-functional #research- Composition and tradeoff of non-functional attributes in software systems: research directions (PP), pp. 583–586.
ICSE-2007-GrahamKW #architecture- Agility and Experimentation: Practical Techniques for Resolving Architectural Tradeoffs (TCNG, RK, CW), pp. 519–528.
ICSE-2007-RajapakseJ #analysis #using #web- Using Server Pages to Unify Clones in Web Applications: A Trade-Off Analysis (DCR, SJ), pp. 116–126.
CGO-2007-DiceS #comprehension #memory management #transaction- Understanding Tradeoffs in Software Transactional Memory (DD, NS), pp. 21–33.
DATE-2007-MuellerGS #design #polynomial #programming #using- Trade-off design of analog circuits using goal attainment and “Wave Front” sequential quadratic programming (DM, HEG, US), pp. 75–80.
PPoPP-2007-MamidalaNVSP #on the #performance #scalability #using- On using connection-oriented vs. connection-less transport for performance and scalability of collective and one-sided operations: trade-offs and impact (ARM, SN, AV, GS, DKP), pp. 46–54.
STOC-2007-ShaltielU - Low-end uniform hardness vs. randomness tradeoffs for AM (RS, CU), pp. 430–439.
CBSE-2006-BondarevCW #architecture #component #performance #process- A Process for Resolving Performance Trade-Offs in Component-Based Architectures (EB, MRVC, PHNdW), pp. 254–269.
VLDB-2006-HarizopoulosLAM #database #performance- Performance Tradeoffs in Read-Optimized Databases (SH, VL, DJA, SM), pp. 487–498.
CSCW-2006-HauberRBC #performance #social- Spatiality in videoconferencing: trade-offs between efficiency and social presence (JH, HR, MB, AC), pp. 413–422.
CIKM-2006-BaileyHM #documentation #enterprise #implementation #performance #security- Secure search in enterprise webs: tradeoffs in efficient implementation for document level security (PB, DH, BM), pp. 493–502.
ICPR-v3-2006-WangB06a #challenge #image #string- CAPTCHA Challenge Tradeoffs: Familiarity of Strings versus Degradation of Images (SYW, JLB), pp. 164–167.
SEKE-2006-ZiemerSS #approach #development #modelling #requirements #web- A Decision Modelling Approach for Analysing Requirements Configuration Trade-offs in Timeconstrained Web Application Development (SZ, PRFS, TS), pp. 144–149.
PEPM-2006-Veldhuizen #metaprogramming- Tradeoffs in metaprogramming (TLV), pp. 150–159.
ASPLOS-2006-ChungMMSCCKO #memory management #transaction- Tradeoffs in transactional memory virtualization (JC, CCM, AM, TS, HC, BDC, CK, KO), pp. 371–381.
DAC-2006-BurginCHMMSKFF #adaptation #algorithm #architecture #implementation #power management- Low-power architectural trade-offs in a VLSI implementation of an adaptive hearing aid algorithm (FB, FC, MH, HM, RMP, RS, HK, NF, WF), pp. 558–561.
DAC-2006-ChangSC #design #evaluation- Evaluation and design trade-offs between circuit-switched and packet-switched NOCs for application-specific SOCs (KCC, JSS, TFC), pp. 143–148.
DAC-2006-MokhoffZ - Tradeoffs and choices for emerging SoCs in high-end applications (NM, YZ), p. 273.
DAC-2006-StuijkGB #constraints #data flow #graph #requirements #throughput- Exploring trade-offs in buffer requirements and throughput constraints for synchronous dataflow graphs (SS, MG, TB), pp. 899–904.
DATE-2006-HealyVEBLLL #architecture #performance- Microarchitectural floorplanning under performance and thermal tradeoff (MBH, MV, ME, CSB, SKL, HHSL, GHL), pp. 1288–1293.
DATE-2006-IzosimovPEP #distributed #embedded #fault tolerance #performance #synthesis- Synthesis of fault-tolerant schedules with transparency/performance trade-offs for distributed embedded systems (VI, PP, PE, ZP), pp. 706–711.
DATE-2006-KanajanZPS #architecture #distributed #integration #using- Exploring trade-off’s between centralized versus decentralized automotive architectures using a virtual integration environment (SK, HZ, CP, ALSV), pp. 548–553.
DATE-2006-MaC #embedded #energy #multi #platform #realtime #scalability- Scalable performance-energy trade-off exploration of embedded real-time systems on multiprocessor platforms (ZM, FC), pp. 1073–1078.
DATE-2006-ParkCR #adaptation #energy #image #quality- Dynamic bit-width adaptation in DCT: image quality versus computation energy trade-off (JP, JHC, KR), pp. 520–521.
DATE-2006-RobellySCF #architecture #design #energy #performance #programmable- Energy efficiency vs. programmability trade-off: architectures and design principles (PR, HS, KCC, GF), pp. 587–592.
STOC-2006-AmbainisSW #bound #quantum #theorem- A new quantum lower bound method, : with applications to direct product theorems and time-space tradeoffs (AA, RS, RdW), pp. 618–633.
STOC-2006-FatourouFR #implementation- Time-space tradeoffs for implementations of snapshots (PF, FEF, ER), pp. 169–178.
STOC-2006-PatrascuT - Time-space trade-offs for predecessor search (MP, MT), pp. 232–240.
STOC-2006-RoughgardenS - New trade-offs in cost-sharing mechanisms (TR, MS), pp. 79–88.
CHI-2005-FlanaganHN #design #game studies- Values at play: design tradeoffs in socially-oriented game design (MF, DCH, HN), pp. 751–760.
CIKM-2005-ButtcherC #information management #information retrieval #query- Indexing time vs. query time: trade-offs in dynamic information retrieval systems (SB, CLAC), pp. 317–318.
ASE-2005-EgyedBHG #automation #traceability- Determining the cost-quality trade-off for automated software traceability (AE, SB, MH, PG), pp. 360–363.
DAC-2005-WeiR #configuration management #implementation #power management- Implementing low-power configurable processors: practical options and tradeoffs (JW, CR), pp. 706–711.
DAC-2005-ZykovMJVS #architecture #novel #performance- High performance computing on fault-prone nanotechnologies: novel microarchitecture techniques exploiting reliability-delay trade-offs (AVZ, EM, MFJ, GdV, AS), pp. 270–273.
DATE-2005-BaiKKSM #multi- Power-Performance Trade-Offs in Nanometer-Scale Multi-Level Caches Considering Total Leakage (RB, NSK, TK, DS, TNM), pp. 650–651.
DATE-2005-KandemirLCCO #embedded #in memory- Studying Storage-Recomputation Tradeoffs in Memory-Constrained Embedded Processing (MTK, FL, GC, GC, ÖÖ), pp. 1026–1031.
DATE-2005-LoghiP #energy #memory management #performance- Exploring Energy/Performance Tradeoffs in Shared Memory MPSoCs: Snoop-Based Cache Coherence vs. Software Solutions (ML, MP), pp. 508–513.
DATE-2005-SilvaB #architecture #design #pipes and filters #throughput- Area and Throughput Trade-Offs in the Design of Pipelined Discrete Wavelet Transform Architectures (SVS, SB), pp. 32–37.
HPDC-2005-OppenheimerAPV #design #implementation #resource management- Design and implementation tradeoffs for wide-area resource discovery (DLO, JRA, DAP, AV), pp. 113–124.
PDP-2005-GuiradoRRL #data type #parallel- Exploitation of Parallelism for Applications with an Input Data Stream: Optimal Resource-Throughput Tradeoffs (FG, AR, CR, EL), pp. 170–178.
WICSA-2004-RoshandelSMGZ #architecture #comprehension #modelling- Understanding Tradeoffs among Different Architectural Modeling Approaches (RR, BRS, NM, DG, DZ), pp. 47–56.
VLDB-2004-SingithamMR - Efficiency-Quality Tradeoffs for Vector Score Aggregation (PKCS, MSM, PR), pp. 624–635.
ICALP-2004-VassilvitskiiY - Efficiently Computing Succinct Trade-Off Curves (SV, MY), pp. 1201–1213.
DAC-2004-SultaniaSS - Tradeoffs between date oxide leakage and delay for dual Tox circuits (AKS, DS, SSS), pp. 761–766.
DATE-v1-2004-ChinN #scheduling- SoC Test Scheduling with Power-Time Tradeoff and Hot Spot Avoidance (JC, MN), pp. 710–711.
DATE-v1-2004-ChoiSP #energy #fine-grained #performance #precise #scalability- Fine-Grained Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling for Precise Energy and Performance Trade-Off Based on the Ratio of Off-Chip Access to On-Chip Computation Times (KC, RS, MP), pp. 4–9.
DATE-v2-2004-PestanaRRGG #approach #network- Cost-Performance Trade-Offs in Networks on Chip: A Simulation-Based Approach (SGP, ER, AR, KGWG, OPG), pp. 764–769.
STOC-2004-Elkin #approximate #bound #distributed #problem- Unconditional lower bounds on the time-approximation tradeoffs for the distributed minimum spanning tree problem (ME), pp. 331–340.
RE-2003-KaiyaSMK #analysis #java #mobile #policy #requirements #security- Trade-off Analysis between Security Policies for Java Mobile Codes and Requirements for Java Application (HK, KS, YM, KK), pp. 357–358.
SAC-2003-LomonosovSP #game studies- Stability vs. Optimality Tradeoff in Game Theoretic Mechanisms for QoS Provision (AL, MS, KP), pp. 28–32.
SAC-2003-PaquesLP #adaptation #distributed #query- Distributed Query Adaptation and Its Trade-offs (HP, LL, CP), pp. 528–535.
SAC-2003-SalveminiSSSZZ #architecture #embedded #energy #performance- A Methodology for the Efficient Architectural Exploration of Energy-Delay Trade-offs for Embedded Systems (LS, MS, DS, CS, VZ, RZ), pp. 672–678.
DAC-2003-PileggiSSGKKPRT - Exploring regular fabrics to optimize the performance-cost trade-off (LTP, HS, AJS, PG, VK, AK, CP, VR, KYT), pp. 782–787.
DAC-2003-StehrGA #analysis #bound #performance- Performance trade-off analysis of analog circuits by normal-boundary intersection (GS, HEG, KA), pp. 958–963.
HPCA-2003-GarzaranPLVRT #concurrent #memory management #multi #thread- Tradeoffs in Buffering Memory State for Thread-Level Speculation in Multiprocessors (MJG, MP, JML, VV, LR, JT), pp. 191–202.
STOC-2003-Klauck #quantum #sorting- Quantum time-space tradeoffs for sorting (HK), pp. 69–76.
STOC-2003-SauerhoffW #bound #graph #integer #multi- Time-space tradeoff lower bounds for integer multiplication and graphs of arithmetic functions (MS, PW), pp. 186–195.
ICSM-2002-MalishevskyRE #modelling #testing- Modeling the Cost-Benefits Tradeoffs for Regression Testing Techniques (AGM, GR, SGE), pp. 204–213.
ICALP-2002-DemetrescuI #bound- Improved Bounds and New Trade-Offs for Dynamic All Pairs Shortest Paths (CD, GFI), pp. 633–643.
ICALP-2002-FabrikantKP #internet #paradigm- Heuristically Optimized Trade-Offs: A New Paradigm for Power Laws in the Internet (AF, EK, CHP), pp. 110–122.
RTA-2002-LiangN #representation- Tradeoffs in the Intensional Representation of λ Terms (CL, GN), pp. 192–206.
ICML-2002-LangfordZK #analysis- Competitive Analysis of the Explore/Exploit Tradeoff (JL, MZ, SK), pp. 339–346.
ICPR-v2-2002-RoliFV #analysis #classification- Analysis of Error-Reject Trade-off in Linearly Combined Classifiers (FR, GF, GV), pp. 120–125.
SEKE-2002-RaffoHV #framework #hybrid #metric #modelling #process #using- Software process decision support: making process tradeoffs using a hybrid metrics, modeling and utility framework (DR, WH, JV), pp. 803–809.
PLDI-2002-CociorvaBLSRNBH #optimisation- Space-Time Trade-Off Optimization for a Class of Electronic Structure Calculations (DC, GB, CCL, PS, JR, MN, DEB, RJH), pp. 177–186.
RE-2002-Alexander #analysis #case study #experience #industrial- Initial Industrial Experience of Misuse Cases in Trade-Off Analysis (IFA), pp. 61–70.
ASPLOS-2002-JuangOWMPR #case study #design #energy #experience- Energy-efficient computing for wildlife tracking: design tradeoffs and early experiences with ZebraNet (PJ, HO, YW, MM, LSP, DR), pp. 96–107.
DAC-2002-ThieleCGK #architecture #design #framework- A framework for evaluating design tradeoffs in packet processing architectures (LT, SC, MG, SK), pp. 880–885.
DATE-2002-HettiaratchiCC #generative #memory management- Performance-Area Trade-Off of Address Generators for Address Decoder-Decoupled Memory (SH, PYKC, TJWC), pp. 902–908.
DATE-2002-MichelWWM #hardware- Hardware/Software Trade-Offs for Advanced 3G Channel Coding (HM, AW, NW, MM), pp. 396–401.
DATE-2002-PalkovicMC #optimisation- Systematic Power-Performance Trade-Off in MPEG-4 by Means of Selective Function Inlining Steered by Address Optimization Opportunities (MP, MM, FC), pp. 1072–1077.
STOC-2002-Adler #probability- Tradeoffs in probabilistic packet marking for IP traceback (MA), pp. 407–418.
STOC-2002-BeameV #communication #complexity #multi #nearest neighbour #problem- Time-space tradeoffs, multiparty communication complexity, and nearest-neighbor problems (PB, EV), pp. 688–697.
STOC-2002-Ben-Sasson - Size space tradeoffs for resolution (EBS), pp. 457–464.
SAT-2002-Bacchus #reasoning- Exploring the computational tradeoff of more reasoning and less searching (FB), p. 34.
CIKM-2001-BlokHCJBA #database #design #information retrieval #optimisation #predict #query- Predicting the Cost-Quality Trade-Off for Information Retrieval Queries: Facilitating Database Design and Query Optimization (HEB, DH, SC, FdJ, HMB, PMGA), pp. 207–214.
SEKE-2001-Lopez #analysis #architecture #evaluation #framework- Application of an Evaluation Framework for Analyzing the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ML), pp. 397–404.
DATE-2001-NicoliciA #3d #design #testing- Testability trade-offs for BIST RTL data paths: the case for three dimensional design space (NN, BMAH), p. 802.
VLDB-2000-OlstonW #query- Offering a Precision-Performance Tradeoff for Aggregation Queries over Replicated Data (CO, JW), pp. 144–155.
CHI-2000-MaglioC #game studies- Tradeoffs in displaying peripheral information (PPM, CSC), pp. 241–248.
DATE-2000-Zorian #embedded #scalability- Yield Improvement and Repair Trade-Off for Large Embedded Memories (YZ), pp. 69–70.
HPCA-2000-MoshovosS #dependence #memory management- Memory Dependence Speculation Tradeoffs in Centralized, Continuous-Window Superscalar Processors (AM, GSS), pp. 301–312.
PDP-2000-CastellanoRCS #hardware #multi- Pipelining-based tradeoffs for hardware/software codesign of multimedia systems (JPC, DCSR, OC, ÁS), pp. 383–390.
ICALP-1999-DodisK #graph- Space Time Tradeoffs for Graph Properties (YD, SK), pp. 291–300.
HCI-EI-1999-Lewis #design #usability- Tradeoffs in the Design of the IBM Computer Usability Satisfaction Questionnaires (JRL), pp. 1023–1027.
ICSE-1999-KazmanBKCW #analysis #architecture #experience- Experience with Performing Architecture Tradeoff Analysis (RK, MB, MK, SJC, SGW), pp. 54–63.
DAC-1999-Harbison #hardware- System-Level Hardware/Software Trade-offs (SPH), pp. 258–259.
DAC-1999-TabbaraBN #constraints- Retiming for DSM with Area-Delay Trade-Offs and Delay Constraints (AT, RKB, ARN), pp. 725–730.
HPCA-1999-DuatoYCLQ #architecture #design #multi #named- MMR: A High-Performance Multimedia Router — Architecture and Design Trade-Offs (JD, SY, BC, DSL, FJQ), pp. 300–309.
HPCA-1999-DurbhakulaPA #multi #simulation- Improving the Accuracy vs. Speed Tradeoff for Simulating Shared-Memory Multiprocessors with ILP Processors (MD, VSP, SVA), pp. 23–32.
CHI-1998-Pirolli #design #information management #using- Exploring Browser Design Trade-Offs Using a Dynamical Model of Optimal Information Foraging (PP), pp. 33–40.
CSCW-1998-GutwinG #design- Design for Individuals, Design for Groups: Tradeoffs between Power and Workspace Awareness (CG, SG), pp. 207–216.
ICPR-1998-HoffmanL #algorithm #geometry- Some trade-offs and a new algorithm for geometric hashing (MH, ML), pp. 1700–1704.
ICSE-1998-BaldiP #design #mobile #network #paradigm- Evaluating the Tradeoffs of Mobile Code Design Paradigms in Network Management Applications (MB, GPP), pp. 146–155.
ASPLOS-1998-MachanickSP #implementation #memory management- Hardware-Software Trade-Offs in a Direct Rambus Implementation of the RAMpage Memory Hierarchy (PM, PS, LP), pp. 105–114.
DATE-1998-HeinekenM #design #named #performance- Performance — Manufacturability Tradeoffs in IC Design (HTH, WM), pp. 563–567.
DATE-1998-RabeJKNO #performance- Power-Simulation of Cell Based ASICs: Accuracy- and Performance Trade-Offs (DR, GJ, LK, WN), pp. 356–361.
DATE-1998-WehnH #architecture #embedded- Embedded DRAM Architectural Trade-Offs (NW, SH), pp. 704–708.
ICALP-1997-AndreevCR #worst-case- Worst-Case Hardness Suffices for Derandomization: A New Method for Hardness-Randomness Trade-Offs (AEA, AEFC, JDPR), pp. 177–187.
RE-1997-YenT #analysis #requirements- A Systematic Tradeoff Analysis for Conflicting Imprecise Requirements (JY, WAT), p. 87–?.
DAC-1997-PasseroneLCS #analysis #hardware #performance #prototype- Fast Hardware/Software Co-Simulation for Virtual Prototyping and Trade-Off Analysis (CP, LL, MC, ALSV), pp. 389–394.
DAC-1997-Schneider #parallel- A Parallel/Serial Trade-Off Methodology for Look-Up Table Based Decoders (CS), pp. 498–503.
DAC-1997-WalrathV #evaluation #modelling #performance #symbolic computation #visualisation- Symbolic Evaluation of Performance Models for Tradeoff Visualization (JW, RV), pp. 359–364.
DAC-1997-WangVG - An Investigation of Power Delay Trade-Offs on PowerPC Circuits (QW, SBKV, SG), pp. 425–428.
EDTC-1997-Schneider #abstraction #architecture #hardware- A methodology for hardware architecture trade-off at different levels of abstraction (CS), pp. 537–541.
HPCA-1997-SkadronC #design- Design Issues and Tradeoffs for Write Buffers (KS, DWC), pp. 144–155.
PPoPP-1997-AmzaCRZ #distributed #memory management- Trade-offs Between False Sharing and Aggregation in Software Distributed Shared Memory (CA, ALC, KR, WZ), pp. 90–99.
SIGMOD-1996-FranklinJK #performance #query- Performance Tradeoffs for Client-Server Query Processing (MJF, BÞJ, DK), pp. 149–160.
CSCW-1996-HudsonS #privacy- Techniques for Addressing Fundamental Privacy and Disruption Tradeoffs in Awareness Support Systems (SEH, IES), pp. 248–257.
ICPR-1996-GroveJ #memory management- Space/time trade-offs for associative memory (AJG, DWJ), pp. 296–302.
KBSE-1996-SatoMYW #design #synthesis- Software Synthesis for Trade-off Design (AS, MM, TY, MW), p. 20.
DAC-1996-LillisCLH #performance- New Performance Driven Routing Techniques With Explicit Area/Delay Tradeoff and Simultaneous Wire Sizing (JL, CKC, TTYL, CYH), pp. 395–400.
STOC-1996-AggarwalKW #layout- Node-Disjoint Paths on the Mesh and a New Trade-Off in VLSI Layout (AA, JMK, DPW), pp. 585–594.
DAC-1995-TremblayMIK #analysis #architecture #flexibility #performance- A Fast and Flexible Performance Simulator for Micro-Architecture Trade-off Analysis on UltraSPARC-I (MT, GM, AI, LK), pp. 2–6.
ILPS-1995-Millroth #parallel- Tradeoffs Explicit and Omplicit Parallelism (HM), p. 614.
VLDB-1994-HasanM #algorithm #optimisation #parallel #pipes and filters- Optimization Algorithms for Exploiting the Parallelism-Communication Tradeoff in Pipelined Parallelism (WH, RM), pp. 36–47.
STOC-1994-GoldreichW #product line #random- Tiny families of functions with random properties (preliminary version): a quality-size trade-off for hashing (OG, AW), pp. 574–584.
STOC-1994-Grolmusz - A weight-size trade-off for circuits with MOD m gates (VG), pp. 68–74.
STOC-1994-MansourNV #communication #parallel #throughput- Trade-offs between communication throughput and parallel time (YM, NN, UV), pp. 372–381.
DLT-1993-Iwama #low level- Low-Level Tradeoffs between Reversals and Alternations (KI), pp. 326–341.
ICALP-1993-Yamamoto #bound #nondeterminism #turing machine- Reversal-Space Trade-offs For Simultaneous Resource-Bounded Nondeterministic Turing Machines (HY), pp. 203–214.
DAC-1993-CongD #on the- On Area/Depth Trade-off in LUT-Based FPGA Technology Mapping (JC, YD), pp. 213–218.
DAC-1993-LamSBS #fault #performance- Delay Fault Coverage and Performance Tradeoffs (WKCL, AS, RKB, ALSV), pp. 446–452.
HPDC-1993-SharmaA #design #distributed #network- Hierarchical Distributed System Network Design with Cost-Performance Tradeoffs (NS, DPA), pp. 336–343.
PDP-1993-0001D #configuration management #multi #network- Dynamic reconfiguration of multicomputer networks: limitations and tradeoffs (JMG, JD), pp. 317–323.
STOC-1993-Edmonds - Time-space trade-offs for undirected st-connectivity on a JAG (JE), pp. 718–727.
STOC-1993-ImpagliazzoPS - Size-depth trade-offs for threshold circuits (RI, RP, MES), pp. 541–550.
IWPTS-1993-Drira #graph #verification- The Refusal Graph: a Tradeoff between Verification and Test (KD), pp. 297–312.
SEI-1992-Garlan #design #education #formal method- Formal Methods for Software Engineers: Tradeoffs in Curriculum Design (DG), pp. 131–142.
SIGMOD-1991-CareyFLS #architecture- Data Caching Tradeoffs in Client-Server DBMS Architectures (MJC, MJF, ML, EJS), pp. 357–366.
KDD-1991-Gaines #information management- The Trade-Off between Knowledge and Data in Knowledge Acquisition (BRG), pp. 491–506.
DAC-1991-ParkerGH #design #physics- The Effects of Physical Design Characteristics on the Area-Performance Tradeoff Curve (ACP, PG, AH), pp. 530–534.
STOC-1991-FiatN - Rigorous Time/Space Tradeoffs for Inverting Functions (AF, MN), pp. 534–541.
VLDB-1990-SchneiderD #database #multi #query- Tradeoffs in Processing Complex Join Queries via Hashing in Multiprocessor Database Machines (DAS, DJD), pp. 469–480.
ICALP-1990-GoodrichAO - An Input-Size/Output-Size Trade-Off in the Time-Complexity of Rectilinear Hidden Surface Removal (MTG, MJA, MHO), pp. 689–702.
DAC-1990-KucukcakarP #using- Data Path Tradeoffs Using MABAL (KK, ACP), pp. 511–516.
ML-1989-Gaines #data-driven #database #empirical #induction #statistics- An Ounce of Knowledge is Worth a Ton of Data: Quantitative studies of the Trade-Off between Expertise and Data Based On Statistically Well-Founded Empirical Induction (BRG), pp. 156–159.
ASPLOS-1989-CohnGLT #architecture #compilation #word- Architecture and Compiler Tradeoffs for a Long Instruction Word Microprocessor (RC, TRG, MSL, PST), pp. 2–14.
ASPLOS-1989-SohiV #architecture #design- Tradeoffs in Instruction Format Design for Horizontal Architectures (GSS, SV), pp. 15–25.
STOC-1989-Beame - A General Sequential Time-Space Tradeoff for Finding Unique Elements (PB), pp. 197–203.
STOC-1989-LamTT #communication- Tradeoffs Between Communication and Space (TWL, PT, MT), pp. 217–226.
VLDB-1988-ShekarSD #execution #formal method #optimisation #query #semantics- A Formal Model of Trade-off between Optimization and Execution Costs in Semantic Query Optimization (SS, JS, SD), pp. 457–467.
STOC-1988-KrizancPU - A Time-Randomness Tradeoff for Oblivious Routing (DK, DP, EU), pp. 93–102.
STOC-1988-PelegU #performance- A Tradeoff between Space and Efficiency for Routing Tables (DP, EU), pp. 43–52.
ASPLOS-1987-DitzelM #c #design #programming language- Design Tradeoffs to Support the C Programming Language in the CRISP Microprocessor (DRD, HRM), pp. 158–163.
DAC-1987-JainPP #design #pipes and filters #predict- Predicting Area-Time Tradeoffs for Pipelined Design (RJ, ACP, NP), pp. 35–41.
ICALP-1986-BorodinFHUW #problem #taxonomy- A Tradeoff Between Search and Update Time for the Implicit Dictionary Problem (AB, FEF, FMadH, EU, AW), pp. 50–59.
ICALP-1986-Hromkovic #modelling #parallel #recognition- Tradeoffs for Language Recognition on Parallel Computing Models (JH), pp. 157–166.
STOC-1985-Aggarwal #modelling- Tradeoffs for VLSI Models with Subpolynomial Delay (AA), pp. 59–68.
STOC-1985-Vaidya #orthogonal #query- Space-Time Tradeoffs for Orthogonal Range Queries (PMV), pp. 169–174.
STOC-1984-Blum #layout- An Area-Maximum Edge Length Tradeoff for VLSI Layout (NB), pp. 92–97.
DAC-1983-GranackiP #design #performance- The effect of register-transfer design tradeoffs on chip area and performance (JJG, ACP), pp. 419–424.
ASPLOS-1982-HennessyJBGG #hardware #performance- Hardware/Software Tradeoffs for Increased Performance (JLH, NPJ, FB, TRG, JG), pp. 2–11.
STOC-1982-Yao #query- Space-Time Tradeoff for Answering Range Queries (ACCY), pp. 128–136.
ICALP-1981-HongMR #graph- Cost Tradeoffs in Graph Embeddings, with Applications (JWH, KM, ALR), pp. 41–55.
STOC-1980-BorodinC #sorting- A Time-Space Tradeoff for Sorting on a General Sequential Model of Computation (AB, SAC), pp. 294–301.
STOC-1980-JaJa #algebra #problem- Time-Space Tradeoffs for some Algebraic Problems (JJ), pp. 339–350.
STOC-1980-Yap #first-order #problem #source code- Space-time Tradeoffs and First Order Problems in a Model of Programs (CKY), pp. 318–325.
ICALP-1979-SavageS #integer #multi- Space-Time Tradeoffs for Oblivious Integer Multiplications (JES, SS), pp. 498–504.
POPL-1979-SavageS #linear #recursion- Space-Time Tradeoffs for Linear Recursion (SS, JES), pp. 135–142.
STOC-1979-LengauerT #bound- Upper and Lower Bounds on Time-Space Tradeoffs (TL, RET), pp. 262–277.
STOC-1979-Peterson #modelling #parallel- Time-Space Trade-Offs for Asynchronous Parallel Models: Reducibilities and Equivalences (GLP), pp. 224–230.
ICALP-1978-Commentz-Walter - Size-Depth Tradeoff in Boolean Formulas (BCW), pp. 125–141.
DAC-1978-SnowST #design- A technology-relative computer-aided design system: Abstract representations, transformations, and design tradeoffs (EAS, DPS, DET), pp. 220–226.
STOC-1978-Tompa #using- Time-Space Tradeoffs for Computing Functions, Using Connectivity Properties of their Circuits (MT), pp. 196–204.
ICALP-1977-PaulT #game studies- Time-Space Trade-Offs in a Pebble Game (WJP, RET), pp. 365–369.
SOSP-1975-AkkoyunluEH #constraints #design #network- Some Constraints and Tradeoffs in the Design of Network Communications (EAA, KE, RVH), pp. 67–74.
ICALP-1974-EhrenfeuchtR #morphism #term rewriting #using- Trade-off between the Use of Nonterminals, Codings and Homomorphisms in Defining Languages for Some Classes of Rewriting Systems (AE, GR), pp. 473–480.
DAC-1972-Galey #named- Microprogramming — uses and tradeoffs (JMG), p. 286.
SIGIR-1971-WangL #design #evaluation #file system- Quantitative Evaluation of Design Tradeoffs in File Systems (CPW, VYL), pp. 155–162.