8 papers:
CHI-2015-BorstTR #problem #what- What Makes Interruptions Disruptive?: A Process-Model Account of the Effects of the Problem State Bottleneck on Task Interruption and Resumption (JPB, NAT, HvR), pp. 2971–2980.
CHI-2015-MariakakisGAPW #mobile #named #using- SwitchBack: Using Focus and Saccade Tracking to Guide Users’ Attention for Mobile Task Resumption (AM, MG, MTIA, SNP, JOW), pp. 2953–2962.
CSCW-2014-LiuJPP #feedback #using #visual notation- Supporting task resumption using visual feedback (YL, YJ, WP, MSP), pp. 767–777.
ICPC-J-2009-ParninR11 #programming- Resumption strategies for interrupted programming tasks (CP, SR), pp. 5–34.
ICPC-2009-ParninR #programming- Resumption strategies for interrupted programming tasks (CP, SR), pp. 80–89.
CHI-2009-SalvucciTB #concurrent #formal method #multi #performance #towards- Toward a unified theory of the multitasking continuum: from concurrent performance to task switching, interruption, and resumption (DDS, NT, JPB), pp. 1819–1828.
CHI-2008-MorrisMV #named #web- SearchBar: a search-centric web history for task resumption and information re-finding (DM, MRM, GV), pp. 1207–1216.
SIGMOD-2000-LabioWGG #performance- Efficient Resumption of Interrupted Warehouse Loads (WL, JLW, HGM, VG), pp. 46–57.