7 papers:
KDIR-KMIS-2013-StefanescuTMS- Public Transportation on River Tagus (PS, DPdST, MM, WS), pp. 502–507.
OOPSLA-2013-HerhutHSS #javascript #parallel- River trail: a path to parallelism in JavaScript (SH, RLH, TS, JS), pp. 729–744.
DAC-2012-LiuH #network #scalability #simulation- Dynamic river network simulation at large scale (FL, BRH), pp. 723–728.
RecSys-2011-GuyRR #personalisation #process- Personalized activity streams: sifting through the “river of news” (IG, IR, AR), pp. 181–188.
DAC-2002-MoB- River PLAs: a regular circuit structure (FM, RKB), pp. 201–206.
ICPR-v2-2000-YaoHGM #image- Finding Green River in SeaWiFS Satellite Images (WY, LOH, DBG, FEMK), pp. 2307–2310.
DAC-1983-Hsu #algorithm- General river routing algorithm (CPH), pp. 578–583.