8 papers:
SAT-2011-IgnatievS #encryption- DPLL+ROBDD Derivation Applied to Inversion of Some Cryptographic Functions (AI, AS), pp. 76–89.
TACAS-2006-KettleKS- Widening ROBDDs with Prime Implicants (NK, AK, TS), pp. 105–119.
VMCAI-2006-SchachteS- Closure Operators for ROBDDs (PS, HS), pp. 1–16.
DATE-2002-Dubrova #composition #order- Composition Trees in Finding Best Variable Orderings for ROBDDs (ED), p. 1084.
EDTC-1997-SchollMHM #symmetry- Minimizing ROBDD sizes of incompletely specified Boolean functionsby exploiting strong symmetries (CS, SM, GH, PM), pp. 229–234.
TACAS-1997-AndersenSM #model checking- Partial Model Checking with ROBDDs (HRA, JS, NM), pp. 35–49.
PLILP-1996-Bagnara #implementation #using- A Reactive Implementation of Pos Using ROBDDs (RB), pp. 107–121.
EDAC-1994-ChangCM #multi- Minimizing ROBDD Size of Incompletely Specified Multiple Output Functions (SCC, DIC, MMS), pp. 620–624.