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Tag #order

555 papers:

ASPLOSASPLOS-2020-HariaHS #memory management #named #persistent
MOD: Minimally Ordered Durable Datastructures for Persistent Memory (SH, MDH, MMS), pp. 775–788.
CGOCGO-2020-ZhangBCDKAS #algorithm #graph #optimisation
Optimizing ordered graph algorithms with GraphIt (YZ, AB, XC, LD, SK, SPA, JS), pp. 158–170.
MSRMSR-2019-AkbarK #named #retrieval #semantics #source code
SCOR: source code retrieval with semantics and order (SAA, ACK), pp. 1–12.
FDGFDG-2019-KeehlM #music
Radical tunes: exploring the impact of music on memorization of stroke order in logographic writing systems (OK, EFM), p. 6.
CIKMCIKM-2019-JinZ0LGQJTWWWY #multi #named #platform
CoRide: Joint Order Dispatching and Fleet Management for Multi-Scale Ride-Hailing Platforms (JJ, MZ, WZ0, ML, ZG, ZQ, YJ, XT, CW, JW0, GW, JY), pp. 1983–1992.
CIKMCIKM-2019-LiuQLZX #comprehension
Machine Reading Comprehension: Matching and Orders (AL, LQ, JL, CZ, ZX), pp. 2057–2060.
CIKMCIKM-2019-QiuLHY #graph #network #recommendation
Rethinking the Item Order in Session-based Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks (RQ, JL, ZH, HY), pp. 579–588.
ECIRECIR-p2-2019-ImaniVMS #ad hoc #axiom #query #retrieval
An Axiomatic Study of Query Terms Order in Ad-Hoc Retrieval (AI, AV, AM, AS), pp. 196–202.
ICMLICML-2019-BravermanJKW #clustering
Coresets for Ordered Weighted Clustering (VB, SHCJ, RK, XW), pp. 744–753.
ICMLICML-2019-MaoFRAFW #estimation #graph #probability
A Baseline for Any Order Gradient Estimation in Stochastic Computation Graphs (JM, JNF, TR, MAS, GF, SW), pp. 4343–4351.
KDDKDD-2019-AnastasiuRT #named #problem #tutorial
Tutorial: Are You My Neighbor?: Bringing Order to Neighbor Computing Problems (DCA, HR, AT), pp. 3241–3242.
KDDKDD-2019-Chen0 #data mining #machine learning #mining #optimisation #robust
Recent Progress in Zeroth Order Optimization and Its Applications to Adversarial Robustness in Data Mining and Machine Learning (PYC, SL0), pp. 3233–3234.
KDDKDD-2019-TangQZWXMZY #approach #multi
A Deep Value-network Based Approach for Multi-Driver Order Dispatching (XT, Z(Q, FZ, ZW, ZX, YM, HZ, JY), pp. 1780–1790.
CASECASE-2019-LeeKH #modelling #sorting
Modelling a batch assorting operation for an autonomous cart in a parallel-aisle order assorting system (JL, YK, SH), pp. 60–65.
ESOPESOP-2019-McDermottM #call-by #evaluation #reasoning #source code
Extended Call-by-Push-Value: Reasoning About Effectful Programs and Evaluation Order (DM, AM), pp. 235–262.
CADECADE-2019-SternagelW #equation #reasoning
Certified Equational Reasoning via Ordered Completion (CS, SW), pp. 508–525.
ICSTICST-2019-WuLSCX #analysis #android #detection #precise
Precise Static Happens-Before Analysis for Detecting UAF Order Violations in Android (DW, JL0, YS, SC0, JX), pp. 276–287.
DLTDLT-2018-Otto #automaton #on the
On Deterministic Ordered Restart-Delete Automata (FO), pp. 529–540.
IFM-2018-DohertyDWD #composition
Making Linearizability Compositional for Partially Ordered Executions (SD, BD, HW, JD), pp. 110–129.
CIKMCIKM-2018-KutluEHL #correlation #metric #rank #statistics
When Rank Order Isn't Enough: New Statistical-Significance-Aware Correlation Measures (MK, TE, MH, ML), pp. 397–406.
ICPRICPR-2018-GuptaMSM #image #learning #ranking #similarity
Learning an Order Preserving Image Similarity through Deep Ranking (NG, SM, SS, SM), pp. 1115–1120.
ICPRICPR-2018-ZhaoYT #network #predict #using
Pen Tip Motion Prediction for Handwriting Drawing Order Recovery using Deep Neural Network (BZ, MY, JT), pp. 704–709.
KDDKDD-2018-XuLGZLNLBY #approach #learning #on-demand #platform #scalability
Large-Scale Order Dispatch in On-Demand Ride-Hailing Platforms: A Learning and Planning Approach (ZX, ZL, QG, DZ, QL, JN, CL, WB, JY), pp. 905–913.
PPDPPPDP-2018-ContrastinOR #automation #data flow #datalog #safety
Automatic Reordering for Dataflow Safety of Datalog (MC, DAO, ACR), p. 17.
CASECASE-2018-CaoLH #automation #problem #scheduling
An Improved MOEA/D for Order Scheduling Problem in Automated Warehouse (ZC, KL, BH), pp. 797–802.
ICSTICST-2018-WalterSPR #clustering #execution #independence #performance
Improving Test Execution Efficiency Through Clustering and Reordering of Independent Test Steps (BW, MS, MP, SR), pp. 363–373.
IJCARIJCAR-2018-SchlichtkrullBT #formal method #proving
Formalizing Bachmair and Ganzinger's Ordered Resolution Prover (AS, JCB, DT, UW), pp. 89–107.
IJCARIJCAR-2018-WinklerM #named
MædMax: A Maximal Ordered Completion Tool (SW, GM), pp. 472–480.
ICSMEICSME-2017-BaumSB #on the #overview #perspective #source code
On the Optimal Order of Reading Source Code Changes for Review (TB, KS, AB), pp. 329–340.
CIAACIAA-2017-BjorklundBE #graph #on the
On the Regularity and Learnability of Ordered DAG Languages (HB, JB, PE), pp. 27–39.
FSCDFSCD-2017-KanovichKMS #algorithm #bound #calculus #polynomial
A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for the Lambek Calculus with Brackets of Bounded Order (MIK, SK, GM, AS), p. 17.
CHI-PLAYCHI-PLAY-2017-AlavesaPKPO #game studies #mobile #overview
Anarchy or Order on the Streets: Review Based Characterization of Location Based Mobile Games (PA, MP, HK, MP, TO), pp. 101–113.
Stream Aggregation Through Order Sampling (NGD, YX, LX, NKA, MY), pp. 909–918.
CIKMCIKM-2017-Gollapudi0PP #clustering #online
Partitioning Orders in Online Shopping Services (SG, RK0, DP, RP), pp. 1319–1328.
ECIRECIR-2017-MishraB #how #proximity #question #readability #summary
How Do Order and Proximity Impact the Readability of Event Summaries? (AM, KB), pp. 212–225.
KDDKDD-2017-ZhangHMWZFGY #combinator #modelling #optimisation
A Taxi Order Dispatch Model based On Combinatorial Optimization (LZ, TH, YM, GW, JZ, PF, PG, JY), pp. 2151–2159.
ASEASE-2017-Abdelrasoul #random #scheduling #using
Promoting secondary orders of event pairs in randomized scheduling using a randomized stride (MA), pp. 741–752.
CASECASE-2017-RochollM #algorithm #multi #problem #scheduling #search-based
Genetic algorithms for a single-machine multiple orders per job scheduling problem with a common due date (JR, LM), pp. 1038–1039.
DLTDLT-2016-KweeO #on the
On Ordered RRWW-Automata (KK, FO), pp. 268–279.
SEFMSEFM-2016-BendikBBC #analysis #bound #requirements #safety #set
Finding Boundary Elements in Ordered Sets with Application to Safety and Requirements Analysis (JB, NB, JB, IC), pp. 121–136.
CHI-PLAYCHI-PLAY-2016-ChengPG #design #game studies #health #quote
“Always a Tall Order”: Values and Practices of Professional Game Designers of Serious Games for Health (JC, CP, JG0), pp. 217–228.
CIKMCIKM-2016-TsukudaHG #modelling #why
Why Did You Cover That Song?: Modeling N-th Order Derivative Creation with Content Popularity (KT, MH, MG), pp. 2239–2244.
ICMLICML-2016-LeiF #power of #testing
Power of Ordered Hypothesis Testing (LL, WF), pp. 2924–2932.
ICPRICPR-2016-Brandtberg #analysis #classification #fourier #fuzzy #multi #rank #using
Virtual hexagonal and multi-scale operator for fuzzy rank order texture classification using one-dimensional generalised Fourier analysis (TB), pp. 2018–2024.
ICPRICPR-2016-JinN #image #matter
Annotation order matters: Recurrent Image Annotator for arbitrary length image tagging (JJ, HN), pp. 2452–2457.
Feature descriptor based on local intensity order relations of pixel group (WHL, CCW, MCL), pp. 1977–1981.
ICPRICPR-2016-YildizU #classification #incremental #using
Incremental construction of rule ensembles using classifiers produced by different class orderings (OTY, AU), pp. 492–497.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2016-AlpuenteCEM #axiom #equation #partial evaluation #source code
Partial Evaluation of Order-Sorted Equational Programs Modulo Axioms (MA, ACO, SE, JM), pp. 3–20.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2016-Tarau #generative #normalisation #performance #λ-calculus
A Hiking Trip Through the Orders of Magnitude: Deriving Efficient Generators for Closed Simply-Typed Lambda Terms and Normal Forms (PT), pp. 240–255.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2016-BrownNE #how #static analysis #using
How to Build Static Checking Systems Using Orders of Magnitude Less Code (FB, AN, DRE), pp. 143–157.
CASECASE-2016-ZhaoXL #constraints #effectiveness #probability #throughput
Effective throughput maximization of stochastic customer orders with inventory constraints (YZ, XX, HL), pp. 1387–1393.
IJCARIJCAR-2016-CernaL #principle
Schematic Cut Elimination and the Ordered Pigeonhole Principle (DMC, AL), pp. 241–256.
EDMEDM-2015-TangGMP #effectiveness #predict
Desirable Difficulty and Other Predictors of Effective Item Orderings (ST, HG, EM, ZAP), pp. 416–419.
ICPCICPC-2015-BusjahnBBCPSST #eye tracking #linear
Eye movements in code reading: relaxing the linear order (TB, RB, AB, MEC, JHP, CS, BS, ST), pp. 255–265.
ICPCICPC-2015-SabiMHK #code search #keyword
Reordering results of keyword-based code search for supporting simultaneous code changes (YS, HM, YH, SK), pp. 289–290.
DLTDLT-2015-OttoK #automaton
Deterministic Ordered Restarting Automata that Compute Functions (FO, KK), pp. 401–412.
ICALPICALP-v1-2015-Avigdor-Elgrabli #on the #random
On the Randomized Competitive Ratio of Reordering Buffer Management with Non-Uniform Costs (NAE, SI, BM, YR), pp. 78–90.
Weighted Reordering Buffer Improved via Variants of Knapsack Covering Inequalities (SI, BM), pp. 737–748.
ICALPICALP-v2-2015-ColcombetS #linear #quantifier #set
Limited Set quantifiers over Countable Linear Orderings (TC, AVS), pp. 146–158.
LATALATA-2015-JanickiKKM #subclass
Order Structures for Subclasses of Generalised Traces (RJ, JK, MK, LM), pp. 689–700.
SEFMSEFM-2015-KnapikNP #generative
Generating None-Plans in Order to Find Plans (MK, AN, WP), pp. 310–324.
ICMLICML-2015-DasBB #modelling #parametricity
Ordered Stick-Breaking Prior for Sequential MCMC Inference of Bayesian Nonparametric Models (MKD, TB, CB), pp. 550–559.
ICMLICML-2015-TraskGR #modelling #scalability #word
Modeling Order in Neural Word Embeddings at Scale (AT, DG, MR), pp. 2266–2275.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-MalherbeCB #categorisation #performance
Bringing Order to the Job Market: Efficient Job Offer Categorization in E-Recruitment (EM, MC, AB), pp. 1101–1104.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2015-OuD #automation #memory management #named #parametricity
AutoMO: automatic inference of memory order parameters for C/C++11 (PO, BD), pp. 221–240.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2015-MeseguerS #algebra #equation
Equational Formulas and Pattern Operations in Initial Order-Sorted Algebras (JM, SS), pp. 36–53.
PEPMPEPM-2015-BinsbergenBD #attribute grammar #automation #dependence
Linearly Ordered Attribute Grammars: with Automatic Augmenting Dependency Selection (LTvB, JB, AD), pp. 49–60.
CASECASE-2015-HandokoL #delivery #performance #privacy
Efficient order sharing with privacy preservation via double auction with split delivery (SDH, HCL), pp. 69–74.
CASECASE-2015-LinSPV #modelling
A SysML profile supporting change orders in model driven engineering (HYL, SS, NP, VV), pp. 1054–1059.
CASECASE-2015-XuZLW #probability #scheduling #throughput
Stochastic customer order scheduling to maximize throughput (XX, YZ, HL, MW), pp. 665–670.
PDPPDP-2015-Danilecki #delivery #fault tolerance
Marching Band: Fault-Tolerance with Replicable Message Delivery Order (AD), pp. 43–47.
STOCSTOC-2015-KesselheimKN #problem
Secretary Problems with Non-Uniform Arrival Order (TK, RDK, RN), pp. 879–888.
STOCSTOC-2015-KorulaMZ #online #random
Online Submodular Welfare Maximization: Greedy Beats 1/2 in Random Order (NK, VSM, MZ), pp. 889–898.
TACASTACAS-2015-BransenBCD #attribute grammar #scheduling #using
Linearly Ordered Attribute Grammar Scheduling Using SAT-Solving (JB, LTvB, KC, AD), pp. 289–303.
CSLCSL-2015-Charatonik0 #linear #logic
Two-variable Logic with Counting and a Linear Order (WC, PW), pp. 631–647.
DocEngDocEng-2014-FerilliGRE #detection
Abstract argumentation for reading order detection (SF, DG, DR, FE), pp. 45–48.
Exploiting ordered dictionaries to efficiently construct histograms with q-error guarantees in SAP HANA (GM, DD, NM, AN, AB), pp. 361–372.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-ZhuLWX #approach #graph #query #reachability #scalability
Reachability queries on large dynamic graphs: a total order approach (ADZ, WL, SW, XX), pp. 1323–1334.
DLTDLT-J-2013-AtigKS14 #multi
Adjacent Ordered Multi-Pushdown Systems (MFA, KNK, PS), pp. 1083–1096.
ICALPICALP-v1-2014-EsfandiariHKLMR #online #probability #scheduling
Online Stochastic Reordering Buffer Scheduling (HE, MH, MRK, VL, HM, HR), pp. 465–476.
LATALATA-2014-GantyR #verification
Ordered Counter-Abstraction — Refinable Subword Relations for Parameterized Verification (PG, AR), pp. 396–408.
LATALATA-2014-OttoM #automaton
Extended Two-Way Ordered Restarting Automata for Picture Languages (FO, FM), pp. 541–552.
ICFPICFP-2014-McBride #how
How to keep your neighbours in order (CTM), pp. 297–309.
AIIDEAIIDE-2014-BlackfordL #game studies #multi #problem #realtime
The Real-Time Strategy Game Multi-Objective Build Order Problem (JB, GBL).
The Contemporary Rural Landscape in the South-Western Region of Poland (Sudeten Region) — A Search for Spatial Order (ETL), pp. 470–481.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-RippelGA #learning
Learning Ordered Representations with Nested Dropout (OR, MAG, RPA), pp. 1746–1754.
ICPRICPR-2014-BuiNLYK #detection #statistics #using
Boosted Stable Path for Staff-Line Detection Using Order Statistic Downscaling and Coarse-to-Fine Technique (HNB, ISN, GL, HJY, SHK), pp. 522–526.
ICPRICPR-2014-LeiYL #recognition #representation
Local Gradient Order Pattern for Face Representation and Recognition (ZL, DY, SZL), pp. 387–392.
KEODKEOD-2014-Kraines #ontology #question #semantics #similarity
Can SKOS Ontologies Improve the Accuracy of Measuring Semantic Similarity of Purchase Orders? (SBK), pp. 248–255.
PLDIPLDI-2014-StockKGPRRS #framework #reuse
A framework for enhancing data reuse via associative reordering (KS, MK, TG, LNP, FR, JR, PS), p. 10.
DATEDATE-2014-BanagaayaAST #network #reduction
Implicit index-aware model order reduction for RLC/RC networks (NB, GA, WHAS, CT), pp. 1–6.
DATEDATE-2014-SongDY #analysis #bound #multi #parametricity #performance #reduction
Zonotope-based nonlinear model order reduction for fast performance bound analysis of analog circuits with multiple-interval-valued parameter variations (YS, SMPD, HY), pp. 1–6.
STOCSTOC-2014-ForbesSS #algebra #branch #multi #set #source code
Hitting sets for multilinear read-once algebraic branching programs, in any order (MAF, RS, AS), pp. 867–875.
WRLAWRLA-2014-LucasM #termination
Strong and Weak Operational Termination of Order-Sorted Rewrite Theories (SL, JM), pp. 178–194.
LICSLICS-CSL-2014-BovaGS #logic #model checking #set
Model checking existential logic on partially ordered sets (SB, RG, SS), p. 10.
LICSLICS-CSL-2014-Mahboubi #proving #theorem
Computer-checked mathematics: a formal proof of the odd order theorem (AM), p. 1.
ICDARICDAR-2013-ClausnerPA #documentation #evaluation #recognition
The Significance of Reading Order in Document Recognition and Its Evaluation (CC, SP, AA), pp. 688–692.
ICDARICDAR-2013-LiPXW #analysis #consistency #online #verification
A Stroke Order Verification Method for On-Line Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Tempo-spatial Consistency Analysis (RL, LP, EX, NW), pp. 999–1003.
VLDBVLDB-2013-SzlichtaGGZ #complexity #dependence
Expressiveness and Complexity of Order Dependencies (JS, PG, JG, CZ), pp. 1858–1869.
CSMRCSMR-2013-SasakiHK #readability
Reordering Program Statements for Improving Readability (YS, YH, SK), pp. 361–364.
DLTDLT-2013-AtigKS #multi
Adjacent Ordered Multi-Pushdown Systems (MFA, KNK, PS), pp. 58–69.
DLTDLT-2013-Shur #anti #finite
Languages with a Finite Antidictionary: Growth-Preserving Transformations and Available Orders of Growth (AMS), pp. 445–457.
RTARTA-2013-FelgenhauerO #diagrams #proving
Proof Orders for Decreasing Diagrams (BF, VvO), pp. 174–189.
RTARTA-2013-SternagelT #formal method
Formalizing Knuth-Bendix Orders and Knuth-Bendix Completion (CS, RT), pp. 287–302.
ICFPICFP-2013-HidakaAHKN #graph #query #recursion
Structural recursion for querying ordered graphs (SH, KA, ZH, HK, KN), pp. 305–318.
CoGCIG-2013-ChoKC #adaptation #predict
Replay-based strategy prediction and build order adaptation for StarCraft AI bots (HCC, KJK, SBC), pp. 1–7.
CoGCIG-2013-KuchemPR #assessment #multi
Multi-objective assessment of pre-optimized build orders exemplified for StarCraft 2 (MK, MP, GR), pp. 1–8.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-IshtevaPS #using
Unfolding Latent Tree Structures using 4th Order Tensors (MI, HP, LS), pp. 316–324.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-SunZ #evaluation #representation
Saving Evaluation Time for the Decision Function in Boosting: Representation and Reordering Base Learner (PS, JZ), pp. 933–941.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-LitvakM #named
SmartNews: Bringing Order into Comments Chaos (ML, LM), pp. 191–196.
SEKESEKE-2013-ChaoY #analysis #reachability #scalability
A Best Method to Synthesize Very Large K-th Order Systems without Reachability Analysis (DYC, THY), pp. 417–420.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-JameelL #segmentation #topic #word
An unsupervised topic segmentation model incorporating word order (SJ, WL), pp. 203–212.
POPLPOPL-2013-Gonthier #proving #theorem
Engineering mathematics: the odd order theorem proof (GG), pp. 1–2.
PPDPPPDP-2013-Garcia-PerezNM #semantics
Deriving the full-reducing Krivine machine from the small-step operational semantics of normal order (ÁGP, PN, JJMN), pp. 85–96.
PPDPPPDP-2013-YamadaKS #polynomial #recursion
Unifying the Knuth-Bendix, recursive path and polynomial orders (AY, KK, TS), pp. 181–192.
CASECASE-2013-WangSS #novel #polynomial #problem #scheduling
A novel quadratic formulation for customer order scheduling problem (LW, ZS, LS), pp. 576–580.
DATEDATE-2013-ChiangTWHCDN #array #configuration management #on the #synthesis #using
On reconfigurable single-electron transistor arrays synthesis using reordering techniques (CEC, LFT, CYW, CYH, YCC, SD, VN), pp. 1807–1812.
DATEDATE-2013-MohanramWI #certification #compilation #memory management #named #reduction
Mempack: an order of magnitude reduction in the cost, risk, and time for memory compiler certification (KM, MW, SI), pp. 1490–1493.
HPDCHPDC-2013-YinLBGN #dataset #performance #pipes and filters #using
Efficient analytics on ordered datasets using MapReduce (JY, YL, MB, LG, AN), pp. 125–126.
VLDBVLDB-2012-SzlichtaGG #dependence
Fundamentals of Order Dependencies (JS, PG, JG), pp. 1220–1231.
ICSMEICSM-2012-BiegelBHD #developer #how
The Order of Things: How developers sort fields and methods (BB, FB, WH, SD), pp. 88–97.
ICALPICALP-v1-2012-GeorgiadisT #independence
Dominators, Directed Bipolar Orders, and Independent Spanning Trees (LG, RET), pp. 375–386.
FMFM-2012-HieronsMN #distributed #testing #using
Using Time to Add Order to Distributed Testing (RMH, MGM, MN), pp. 232–246.
RTARTA-2012-ThiemannAN #formal method #multi #on the #termination
On the Formalization of Termination Techniques based on Multiset Orderings (RT, GA, JN), pp. 339–354.
ICPRICPR-2012-KananA #pseudo #recognition #using
Recognition of facial expressions using locally weighted and adjusted order Pseudo Zernike Moments (HRK, MA), pp. 3419–3422.
KEODKEOD-2012-LuC #clustering #documentation #recommendation
Bringing Order to Legal Documents — An Issue-based Recommendation System Via Cluster Association (QL, JGC), pp. 76–88.
KRKR-2012-VlaeminckVBD #complexity #logic #semantics
Ordered Epistemic Logic: Semantics, Complexity and Applications (HV, JV, MB, MD).
KRKR-2012-WilsonM #axiom #diagrams #framework
An Axiomatic Framework for Influence Diagram Computation with Partially Ordered Utilities (NW, RM).
CASECASE-2012-WeiM #design #framework #process #scheduling
Design of an order acceptance and scheduling module in a unified framework with product and process features (JW, YSM), pp. 968–973.
DACDAC-2012-SuYZ #named #performance #reduction
AMOR: an efficient aggregating based model order reduction method for many-terminal interconnect circuits (YS, FY, XZ), pp. 295–300.
DATEDATE-2012-AridhiZT #reduction #simulation #towards #using
Towards improving simulation of analog circuits using model order reduction (HA, MHZ, ST), pp. 1337–1342.
WRLAWRLA-J-2010-DuranM12 #on the
On the Church-Rosser and coherence properties of conditional order-sorted rewrite theories (FD, JM), pp. 816–850.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2012-BouyerBMU #concurrent #game studies
Concurrent Games with Ordered Objectives (PB, RB, NM, MU), pp. 301–315.
Prior-free auctions with ordered bidders (SL, TR), pp. 427–434.
WRLAWRLA-2012-GutierrezMR #axiom #similarity
Order-Sorted Equality Enrichments Modulo Axioms (RG, JM, CR), pp. 162–181.
CSLCSL-2012-Kuske #automation #linear #morphism
Isomorphisms of scattered automatic linear orders (DK), pp. 455–469.
ICSTICST-2012-DelamareK #algorithm #aspect-oriented #integration #search-based
A Genetic Algorithm for Computing Class Integration Test Orders for Aspect-Oriented Systems (RD, NAK), pp. 804–813.
LICSLICS-2012-ChenF #on the
On the Ordered Conjecture (YC, JF), pp. 225–234.
LICSLICS-2012-Tan #automaton
An Automata Model for Trees with Ordered Data Values (TT), pp. 586–595.
ICSTSAT-2012-TanjoTB #csp #encoding #named #satisfiability #using
Azucar: A SAT-Based CSP Solver Using Compact Order Encoding — (TT, NT, MB), pp. 456–462.
JCDLJCDL-2011-SpagnolaL #matter #topic #word
Word order matters: measuring topic coherence with lexical argument structure (SS, CL), pp. 21–24.
DLTDLT-J-2009-BloomE11 #algebra #linear
Algebraic Linear Orderings (SLB, ), pp. 491–515.
CIAACIAA-J-2010-KufleitnerL11 #automaton
Partially Ordered Two-Way BüChi Automata (MK, AL), pp. 1861–1876.
CIAACIAA-2011-FlouriJMIP #automaton
Tree Template Matching in Ranked Ordered Trees by Pushdown Automata (TF, JJ, BM, CSI, SPP), pp. 273–281.
DLTDLT-2011-BattagliaGS #multi
Counting the Orderings for Multisets in Consecutive Ones Property and PQ-Trees (GB, RG, NS), pp. 58–69.
DLTDLT-2011-Esik #linear
Scattered Context-Free Linear Orderings (), pp. 216–227.
ICALPICALP-v2-2011-CartonCP #linear #regular expression #word
Regular Languages of Words over Countable Linear Orderings (OC, TC, GP), pp. 125–136.
RTARTA-2011-AvanziniEM #exponential #term rewriting
A Path Order for Rewrite Systems that Compute Exponential Time Functions (MA, NE, GM), pp. 123–138.
AIIDEAIIDE-2011-ChurchillB #optimisation
Build Order Optimization in StarCraft (DC, MB).
HCIHIMI-v2-2011-RorieKMBMMVSB #tool support
A Preliminary Investigation of Training Order for Introducing NextGen Tools (RCR, AK, CAM, SB, GM, KM, KPLV, TZS, VB), pp. 526–533.
HCIHIMI-v2-2011-TakadamaOSMOIHS #question #what
What Kinds of Human Negotiation Skill Can Be Acquired by Changing Negotiation Order of Bargaining Agents? (KT, AO, KS, HM, MO, YI, KH, HS), pp. 335–344.
Optimal Order Lot Sizing and Pricing with Carbon Trade (GH, HQ, JL), pp. 533–536.
KDDKDD-2011-MiettinenV #matrix
Model order selection for boolean matrix factorization (PM, JV), pp. 51–59.
RecSysRecSys-2011-Karatzoglou #collaboration #modelling
Collaborative temporal order modeling (AK), pp. 313–316.
SEKESEKE-2011-NunezOGG #framework
Computational Reflection in order to support Context-Awareness in a Robotics Framework (SMN, FO, MG, VGD), pp. 533–538.
SEKESEKE-2011-SantosSN #functional #performance #reuse #testing
Reusing Functional Testing in order to Decrease Performance and Stress Testing Costs (IdSS, ARS, PdAdSN), pp. 470–474.
SEKESEKE-2011-WangLWL #automation #generative #integration #overview
A Brief Survey on Automatic Integration Test Order Generation (ZW, BL, LW, QL), pp. 254–257.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-TonellottoMO #retrieval
Effect of different docid orderings on dynamic pruning retrieval strategies (NT, CM, IO), pp. 1179–1180.
POPLPOPL-2011-AttiyaGHKMV #algorithm #concurrent
Laws of order: expensive synchronization in concurrent algorithms cannot be eliminated (HA, RG, DH, PK, MMM, MTV), pp. 487–498.
SACSAC-2011-DinhT #concept #word
Biomedical concept extraction based on combining the content-based and word order similarities (DD, LT), pp. 1159–1163.
SACSAC-2011-TianXLC #optimisation
Loop fusion and reordering for register file optimization on stream processors (WT, CJX, ML, EC), pp. 560–565.
DACDAC-2011-Stergiou #diagrams #network #permutation
Implicit permutation enumeration networks and binary decision diagrams reordering (SS), pp. 615–620.
HPCAHPCA-2011-LeeSNY #analysis
Offline symbolic analysis to infer Total Store Order (DL, MS, SN, ZY), pp. 357–358.
PPoPPPPoPP-2011-HassaanBP #algorithm #comparison #parallel
Ordered vs. unordered: a comparison of parallelism and work-efficiency in irregular algorithms (MAH, MB, KP), pp. 3–12.
STOCSTOC-2011-AdamaszekCER #bound
Almost tight bounds for reordering buffer management (AA, AC, ME, HR), pp. 607–616.
CADECADE-2011-KovacsMV #on the
On Transfinite Knuth-Bendix Orders (LK, GM, AV), pp. 384–399.
CSLCSL-2011-BesC #algebra #linear
Algebraic Characterization of FO for Scattered Linear Orderings (AB, OC), pp. 67–81.
CSLCSL-2011-CantoneLA #decidability #logic #quantifier #set
A Decidable Quantified Fragment of Set Theory Involving Ordered Pairs with Applications to Description Logics (DC, CL, MNA), pp. 129–143.
CSLCSL-2011-Kieronski #decidability #linear #logic
Decidability Issues for Two-Variable Logics with Several Linear Orders (EK), pp. 337–351.
ICLPICLP-2011-Simko #logic programming
Accepting the natural order of rules in a logic program with preferences (AS), pp. 284–289.
ISSTAISSTA-2011-PradelG #detection
Detecting anomalies in the order of equally-typed method arguments (MP, TRG), pp. 232–242.
ICSTSAT-2011-PetkeJ #csp #encoding #satisfiability
The Order Encoding: From Tractable CSP to Tractable SAT (JP, PJ), pp. 371–372.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2010-ZhaoDTT #approach #elicitation
Call to order: a hierarchical browsing approach to eliciting users’ preference (FZ, GD, KLT, AKHT), pp. 27–38.
VLDBVLDB-2010-LevinKSS #constraints #interactive
Interactive Route Search in the Presence of Order Constraints (RL, YK, ES, YS), pp. 117–128.
VLDBVLDB-2010-ZhangMKC #evaluation #performance
Efficient Skyline Evaluation over Partially Ordered Domains (SZ, NM, BK, DWLC), pp. 1255–1266.
EDMEDM-2010-SoundranayagamY #learning #predict #question
Can Order of Access to Learning Resources Predict Success? (HS, KY), pp. 323–324.
CIAACIAA-2010-KufleitnerL #automaton
Partially Ordered Two-Way Büchi Automata (MK, AL), pp. 181–190.
ICALPICALP-v1-2010-EpsteinLS #online
Max-min Online Allocations with a Reordering Buffer (LE, AL, RvS), pp. 336–347.
ICALPICALP-v2-2010-BraudC #automaton #linear
Linear Orders in the Pushdown Hierarchy (LB, AC), pp. 88–99.
LATALATA-2010-VelardoD #comparison #petri net
Language-Based Comparison of Petri Nets with Black Tokens, Pure Names and Ordered Data (FRV, GD), pp. 524–535.
RTARTA-2010-KutsiaM #regular expression #unification
Order-Sorted Unification with Regular Expression Sorts (TK, MM), pp. 193–208.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2010-MolR #graph #on the
On A Graph Formalism for Ordered Edges (MdM, AR).
CHICHI-2010-WeaverBSIL #analysis #artificial reality #empirical #using
An empirical task analysis of warehouse order picking using head-mounted displays (KW, HB, TS, HI, ML), pp. 1695–1704.
CSCWCSCW-2010-GeigerR #wiki
The work of sustaining order in wikipedia: the banning of a vandal (RSG, DR), pp. 117–126.
CIKMCIKM-2010-FiranGNP #classification #image #social
Bringing order to your photos: event-driven classification of flickr images based on social knowledge (CSF, MG, WN, RP), pp. 189–198.
ECIRECIR-2010-KimZH #multi
Aggregation of Multiple Judgments for Evaluating Ordered Lists (HDK, CZ, JH), pp. 166–178.
ICPRICPR-2010-CordellaSMS #graph #traversal
Writing Order Recovery from Off-Line Handwriting by Graph Traversal (LPC, CDS, AM, AS), pp. 1896–1899.
ICPRICPR-2010-MezghaniPMLG #network
A Computer-Aided Method for Scoliosis Fusion Level Selection by a Topologicaly Ordered Self Organizing Kohonen Network (NM, PP, AM, HL, JAdG), pp. 4012–4015.
ICPRICPR-2010-PlazaP #image
Impact of Vector Ordering Strategies on Morphological Unmixing of Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Images (AP, JP), pp. 4412–4415.
ICPRICPR-2010-WangM #learning #process #using
Gaussian Process Learning from Order Relationships Using Expectation Propagation (RW, SJM), pp. 605–608.
KMISKMIS-2010-KadhemAK #database #encryption #performance #relational
A Secure and Efficient Order Preserving Encryption Scheme for Relational Databases (HK, TA, HK), pp. 25–35.
PADLPADL-2010-AreiasR #implementation #linear #performance
An Efficient Implementation of Linear Tabling Based on Dynamic Reordering of Alternatives (MA, RR), pp. 279–293.
CASECASE-2010-DoraiswamiCK #physics
Model order selection criterion with application to physical systems (RD, LC, HMK), pp. 393–398.
DATEDATE-2010-El-MoselhyD #reduction #statistics #using
Variation-aware interconnect extraction using statistical moment preserving model order reduction (TAEM, LD), pp. 453–458.
DATEDATE-2010-IqbalSH #estimation #execution #named #pipes and filters #recursion
RMOT: Recursion in model order for task execution time estimation in a software pipeline (NI, MAS, JH), pp. 953–956.
DATEDATE-2010-MahmoodBMMD #modelling #multi #programming
Passive reduced order modeling of multiport interconnects via semidefinite programming (ZM, BNB, TM, AM, LD), pp. 622–625.
DATEDATE-2010-PanYZS #approach #megamodelling #performance #reduction
An efficient transistor-level piecewise-linear macromodeling approach for model order reduction of nonlinear circuits (XP, FY, XZ, YS), pp. 1673–1676.
DATEDATE-2010-VillenaS #named #reduction
HORUS — high-dimensional Model Order Reduction via low moment-matching upgraded sampling (JFV, LMS), pp. 465–470.
Experimenting Iterative Computations with Ordered Read-Write Locks (PNC, JG), pp. 155–162.
WRLAWRLA-2010-DuranM #equation #maude #specification
A Church-Rosser Checker Tool for Conditional Order-Sorted Equational Maude Specifications (FD, JM), pp. 69–85.
WRLAWRLA-2010-DuranM10a #maude
A Maude Coherence Checker Tool for Conditional Order-Sorted Rewrite Theories (FD, JM), pp. 86–103.
CSLCSL-2010-KuncakPS #calculus #data type #set
Ordered Sets in the Calculus of Data Structures (VK, RP, PS), pp. 34–48.
CSLCSL-2010-SchwentickZ #logic
Two-Variable Logic with Two Order Relations — (TS, TZ), pp. 499–513.
ICTSSICTSS-2010-CabralPV #algorithm #integration #problem
A Pareto Ant Colony Algorithm Applied to the Class Integration and Test Order Problem (RdVC, AP, SRV), pp. 16–29.
IJCARIJCAR-2010-WinklerM #termination #tool support
Termination Tools in Ordered Completion (SW, AM), pp. 518–532.
Annotations with EARMARK for arbitrary, overlapping and out-of order markup (SP, FV), pp. 171–180.
TPDLECDL-2009-ZhangK #question #retrieval
Searching Archival Finding Aids: Retrieval in Original Order? (JZ, JK), pp. 447–450.
Temporal Order Recovery of the Scanned Handwriting (AE, MK, AE, AMA), pp. 1116–1120.
ICDARICDAR-2009-KatayamaUS #probability
Stochastic Model of Stroke Order Variation (YK, SU, HS), pp. 803–807.
ICDARICDAR-2009-MarinaiMS #clustering #using
Mathematical Symbol Indexing Using Topologically Ordered Clusters of Shape Contexts (SM, BM, GS), pp. 1041–1045.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2009-ChenCMPSS #database #optimisation
Partial join order optimization in the paraccel analytic database (YC, RLC, WJM, SP, AS, ESJ), pp. 905–908.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2009-HanL #manycore #optimisation #query
Dependency-aware reordering for parallelizing query optimization in multi-core CPUs (WSH, JL), pp. 45–58.
EDMEDM-2009-PardosH #problem #random #set
Determining the Significance of Item Order In Randomized Problem Sets (ZAP, NTH), pp. 111–120.
DLTDLT-2009-KudinovS #word
Definability in the Infix Order on Words (OVK, VLS), pp. 454–465.
Dynamic Succinct Ordered Trees (AF, JIM), pp. 439–450.
ICALPICALP-v1-2009-GuhaH #bound #random #theorem
Revisiting the Direct Sum Theorem and Space Lower Bounds in Random Order Streams (SG, ZH), pp. 513–524.
RTARTA-2009-AvanziniM #dependence #polynomial
Dependency Pairs and Polynomial Path Orders (MA, GM), pp. 48–62.
AIIDEAIIDE-2009-WeberM #game studies #realtime #reasoning
Case-Based Reasoning for Build Order in Real-Time Strategy Games (BGW, MM).
DiGRADiGRA-2009-Hung #education #game studies #learning #video
The Order of Play: Seeing, Teaching, and Learning Meaning in Video Games (ACYH).
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2009-KuoWHH #clustering #network #optimisation #using
An Order Clustering System using ART2 Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization Methodn (RJK, MJW, TWH, TLH), pp. 54–59.
Post-rank reordering: resolving preference misalignments between search engines and end users (CL, ML, YMW), pp. 641–650.
ICMLICML-2009-UsunierBG #classification #ranking
Ranking with ordered weighted pairwise classification (NU, DB, PG), pp. 1057–1064.
MLDMMLDM-2009-SeredinKM #machine learning #set
Selection of Subsets of Ordered Features in Machine Learning (OS, AK, VM), pp. 16–28.
ASEASE-2009-HewettK #automation #component #generative #integration #testing
Automated Test Order Generation for Software Component Integration Testing (RH, PK), pp. 211–220.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2009-LiuYNMS #refactoring #smell
Facilitating software refactoring with appropriate resolution order of bad smells (HL, LY, ZN, ZM, WS), pp. 265–268.
DACDAC-2009-ChenCH #design #information retrieval
New spare cell design for IR drop minimization in Engineering Change Order (HTC, CCC, TH), pp. 402–407.
DATEDATE-2009-WuM #logic #performance
Joint logic restructuring and pin reordering against NBTI-induced performance degradation (KCW, DM), pp. 75–80.
HPCAHPCA-2009-StephensonZR #lightweight
Lightweight predication support for out of order processors (MS, LZ, RR), pp. 201–212.
WRLAWRLA-2008-LucasM09 #equation #source code #termination
Operational Termination of Membership Equational Programs: the Order-Sorted Way (SL, JM), pp. 207–225.
Beyond Shapes: Lists with Ordered Data (KB, RB, ÉL), pp. 425–439.
LICSLICS-2009-PfenningS #logic programming #semantics
Substructural Operational Semantics as Ordered Logic Programming (FP, RJS), pp. 101–110.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2008-FengFN #ranking
Discovering bucket orders from full rankings (JF, QF, WN), pp. 55–66.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2008-SilbersteinCSVYR #distributed #performance
Efficient bulk insertion into a distributed ordered table (AS, BFC, US, EV, RY, RR), pp. 765–778.
ICALPICALP-A-2008-ChildsL #bound #quantum
Optimal Quantum Adversary Lower Bounds for Ordered Search (AMC, TL), pp. 869–880.
LATALATA-2008-KitaevMS #morphism #word
Counting Ordered Patterns in Words Generated by Morphisms (SK, TM, PS), pp. 287–298.
RTARTA-2008-KuhlmannN #automaton #logic
Logics and Automata for Totally Ordered Trees (MK, JN), pp. 217–231.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS2-2008-SchmitzAFA #implementation #nondeterminism
Defining the Implementation Order of Software Projects in Uncertain Environments (EAS, AJA, MCF, CMdA), pp. 23–29.
CIKMCIKM-2008-HsuC08a #matrix #performance #web
Efficient web matrix processing based on dual reordering (CMH, MSC), pp. 1389–1390.
CIKMCIKM-2008-LuoNEW #transaction
Transaction reordering with application to synchronized scans (GL, JFN, CJE, MW), pp. 1335–1336.
CIKMCIKM-2008-NguyenS08a #correlation #query #rank
Polyhedral transformation for indexed rank order correlation queries (PN, NS), pp. 1477–1478.
ECIRECIR-2008-ShokouhiST #documentation #effectiveness
Investigating the Effectiveness of Clickthrough Data for Document Reordering (MS, FS, AT), pp. 591–595.
ICPRICPR-2008-ZhangW #clustering #ranking
Partial closure-based constrained clustering with order ranking (SZ, HSW), pp. 1–4.
KDDKDD-2008-EshghiR #locality #rank #statistics
Locality sensitive hash functions based on concomitant rank order statistics (KE, SR), pp. 221–229.
KRKR-2008-FaberTW #equivalence #logic programming #source code
Notions of Strong Equivalence for Logic Programs with Ordered Disjunction (WF, HT, SW), pp. 433–443.
SEKESEKE-2008-HewettKS #generative #integration #object-oriented #performance #testing
Test Order Generation for Efficient Object-oriented Class Integration Testing (RH, PK, DS), pp. 703–708.
PPDPPPDP-2008-LucasM #dependence
Order-sorted dependency pairs (SL, JM), pp. 108–119.
SACSAC-2008-SansL #algebra #interface #named #visualisation #xquery
IFOX: interface for ordered XQuery an algebraic oriented tool for ordered XQuery visualization (VS, DL), pp. 1252–1257.
SACSAC-2008-SchmitzAA #implementation #nondeterminism
A method for defining the implementation order of software projects under uncertainty (EAS, AJA, CMdA), pp. 844–845.
SACSAC-2008-SteffenelKB #pervasive
Total order broadcast on pervasive systems (LAS, MKP, YB), pp. 2202–2206.
DACDAC-2008-YanZTCM #distributed #linear #named #network #reduction
DeMOR: decentralized model order reduction of linear networks with massive ports (BY, LZ, SXDT, JC, BM), pp. 409–414.
DATEDATE-2008-VillenaS #algorithm #named #reduction #scalability
SPARE — a Scalable algorithm for passive, structure preserving, Parameter-Aware model order REduction (JFV, LMS), pp. 586–591.
PDPPDP-2008-Gomez-IglesiasVCSM #3d #equilibrium #grid
Grid Computing in Order to Implement a Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium Solver for Plasma Confinement (AGI, MAVR, FCM, MRdS, MCM), pp. 435–439.
CAVCAV-2008-VakkalankaGK #reduction #source code #verification
Dynamic Verification of MPI Programs with Reductions in Presence of Split Operations and Relaxed Orderings (SSV, GG, RMK), pp. 66–79.
The Computability Path Ordering: The End of a Quest (FB, JPJ, AR), pp. 1–14.
ICDARICDAR-2007-CeciBPM #approach #data mining #detection #mining
A Data Mining Approach to Reading Order Detection (MC, MB, GP, DM), pp. 924–928.
Approaching the Skyline in Z Order (KCKL, BZ, HL, WCL), pp. 279–290.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2007-PecinovskyP #interface
Order of explanation should be interface: abstract classes — overriding (RP, JP), p. 338.
RTARTA-2007-HendrixM #on the #specification
On the Completeness of Context-Sensitive Order-Sorted Specifications (JH, JM), pp. 229–245.
HCIHCI-AS-2007-Tsuchiya #fault #metric
Medication Errors Caused by Order Entry System and Prevention Measures (FT), pp. 535–543.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-NingT #functional #how #usability
How to Use Emotional Usability to Make the Product Serves a Need Beyond the Traditional Functional Objective to Satisfy the Emotion Needs of the User in Order to Improve the Product Differentiator — Focus on Home Appliance Product (LN, ST), pp. 587–593.
HCIOCSC-2007-ViegasWM #wiki
The Hidden Order of Wikipedia (FBV, MW, MMM), pp. 445–454.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2007-GroppeGL #using
Using an index of precomputed joins in order to speed up SPARQL processing (SG, JG, VL), pp. 13–20.
ECIRECIR-2007-MelucciP07a #named #rank
PageRank: When Order Changes (MM, LP), pp. 581–588.
ICMLICML-2007-WachmanK #kernel #learning
Learning from interpretations: a rooted kernel for ordered hypergraphs (GW, RK), pp. 943–950.
SEKESEKE-2007-HewettKM #predict
Predicting Order of Likelihood of Defective Software Modules (RH, PK, AvdM), pp. 93–98.
Enforcing isolation and ordering in STM (TS, VM, ARAT, SB, DG, RLH, KFM, BS), pp. 78–88.
CGOCGO-2007-KulkarniWT #algorithm #heuristic #optimisation
Evaluating Heuristic Optimization Phase Order Search Algorithms (PAK, DBW, GST), pp. 157–169.
DATEDATE-2007-FanMTCH #correlation #reduction #statistics
Statistical model order reduction for interconnect circuits considering spatial correlations (JF, NM, SXDT, YC, XH), pp. 1508–1513.
HPCAHPCA-2007-ShaoD #scheduling
A Burst Scheduling Access Reordering Mechanism (JS, BTD), pp. 285–294.
PPoPPPPoPP-2007-Boehm #constraints #thread
Reordering constraints for pthread-style locks (HJB), pp. 173–182.
PPoPPPPoPP-2007-PraunCC #parallel #transaction
Implicit parallelism with ordered transactions (CvP, LC, CC), pp. 79–89.
STOCSTOC-2007-EnglertRW #metric
Reordering buffers for general metric spaces (ME, HR, MW), pp. 556–564.
STOCSTOC-2007-LauNSS #constraints #design #network
Survivable network design with degree or order constraints (LCL, JN, MRS, MS), pp. 651–660.
CSLCSL-2007-CarayolL #infinity
MSO on the Infinite Binary Tree: Choice and Order (AC, CL), pp. 161–176.
PODSPODS-2006-GuhaM #approximate
Approximate quantiles and the order of the stream (SG, AM), pp. 273–279.
DLTDLT-J-2005-BesC06 #linear #theorem #word
A Kleene Theorem for Languages of Words Indexed by Linear Orderings (AB, OC), pp. 519–542.
DLTDLT-2006-DAlessandroRV #finite #set
Well Quasi Orders and the Shuffle Closure of Finite Sets (FD, GR, SV), pp. 260–269.
FMFM-2006-JohnstonWBSR #model checking #modelling #performance
Model-Based Variable and Transition Orderings for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking (WJ, KW, LvdB, PAS, PJR), pp. 524–540.
ICGTICGT-2006-RiedlSF #generative #graph grammar #strict #string #word
String Generating Hypergraph Grammars with Word Order Restrictions (MR, SS, IF), pp. 138–152.
Pruning in ordered bagging ensembles (GMM, AS), pp. 609–616.
KDDKDD-2006-GionisMPU #algorithm
Algorithms for discovering bucket orders from data (AG, HM, KP, AU), pp. 561–566.
KDDKDD-2006-HashimotoAUKM #mining #performance #probability
A new efficient probabilistic model for mining labeled ordered trees (KH, KFAK, NU, MK, HM), pp. 177–186.
KDDKDD-2006-LiuZWMP #clustering #difference #set
Clustering pair-wise dissimilarity data into partially ordered sets (JL, QZ, WW, LM, JP), pp. 637–642.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-FengLWBMZM #named #web
AggregateRank: bringing order to web sites (GF, TYL, YW, YB, ZM, XDZ, WYM), pp. 75–82.
SACSAC-2006-RodriguesMC #delivery
From spontaneous total order to uniform total order: different degrees of optimistic delivery (LR, JM, NC), pp. 723–727.
CGOCGO-2006-KulkarniWTD #optimisation
Exhaustive Optimization Phase Order Space Exploration (PAK, DBW, GST, JWD), pp. 306–318.
DACDAC-2006-LiS #linear #network #reduction
Model order reduction of linear networks with massive ports via frequency-dependent port packing (PL, WS), pp. 267–272.
DACDAC-2006-NevoF #distributed
Distributed dynamic BDD reordering (ZN, MF), pp. 223–228.
DACDAC-2006-YuSH #analysis #grid #performance #power management #reduction
Fast analysis of structured power grid by triangularization based structure preserving model order reduction (HY, YS, LH), pp. 205–210.
DATEDATE-2006-MartinezLC #reduction #using
Nonlinear model order reduction using remainder functions (JAM, SPL, DMC), pp. 281–282.
DATEDATE-2006-ZengFSCZC #domain model #reduction
Time domain model order reduction by wavelet collocation method (XZ, LF, YS, WC, DZ, CC), pp. 21–26.
ISMMISMM-2006-HuangBGM #performance
Fast and efficient partial code reordering: taking advantage of dynamic recompilatior (XH, SMB, DG, KSM), pp. 184–192.
LCTESLCTES-2006-KulkarniWTD #optimisation
In search of near-optimal optimization phase orderings (PAK, DBW, GST, JWD), pp. 83–92.
IJCARIJCAR-2006-HendrixMO #axiom #linear #specification
A Sufficient Completeness Checker for Linear Order-Sorted Specifications Modulo Axioms (JH, JM, HO), pp. 151–155.
IJCARIJCAR-2006-KoprowskiZ #automation #infinity #recursion #term rewriting
Automation of Recursive Path Ordering for Infinite Labelled Rewrite Systems (AK, HZ), pp. 332–346.
Optimized XY-Cut for Determining a Page Reading Order (JLM), pp. 347–351.
ICDARICDAR-2005-QiaoY #approach #image #novel
A Novel Approach to Recover Writing Order From Single Stroke Offline Handwritten Images (YQ, MY), pp. 227–231.
ICDARICDAR-2005-RousseauAC #online #recognition
Recovery of a Drawing Order from Off-Line Isolated Letters Dedicated to On-Line Recognition (LR, ÉA, JC), pp. 1121–1125.
Cost-Sensitive Reordering of Navigational Primitives (CCK, MB, GM), pp. 742–753.
VLDBVLDB-2005-GuravannavarRS #optimisation #parametricity #query
Optimizing Nested Queries with Parameter Sort Orders (RG, HSR, SS), pp. 481–492.
DLTDLT-J-2004-RispalC05 #linear #set
Complementation of rational sets on countable scattered linear orderings (CR, OC), pp. 767–786.
DLTDLT-2005-BedonR #linear #theorem #word
Schützenberger and Eilenberg Theorems for Words on Linear Orderings (NB, CR), pp. 134–145.
DLTDLT-2005-BesC #linear #theorem #word
A Kleene Theorem for Languages of Words Indexed by Linear Orderings (AB, OC), pp. 158–167.
ICALPICALP-2005-EnglertW #cost analysis #modelling
Reordering Buffer Management for Non-uniform Cost Models (ME, MW), pp. 627–638.
Leanest Quasi-orderings (ND, ECE), pp. 32–45.
RTARTA-2005-FernandezGR #termination
Orderings for Innermost Termination (MLF, GG, AR), pp. 17–31.
DiGRADiGRA-2005-PargmanE #game studies #multi #online
Law, order and conflicts of interest in massively multiplayer online games (DP, AE).
Intelligent Aggregation of Purchase Orders in e-Procurement (GW, SM), pp. 27–38.
CIKMCIKM-2005-HaradaH #using
Order checking in a CPOE using event analyzer (LH, YH), pp. 549–555.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-LiangDT #query #summary #using
Using query term order for result summarisation (SFL, SD, JT), pp. 629–630.
PADLPADL-2005-NieuwenborghHV #logic programming
An Ordered Logic Program Solver (DVN, SH, DV), pp. 128–142.
Order relations and rigor in computing (REM), p. 2.
Order relations and rigor in computing (REM), pp. 1431–1433.
DACDAC-2005-JiangCC #3d #algorithm #linear #named
ICCAP: a linear time sparse transformation and reordering algorithm for 3D BEM capacitance extraction (RJ, YHC, CCPC), pp. 163–166.
DACDAC-2005-KlemasDW #algorithm #reduction
Segregation by primary phase factors: a full-wave algorithm for model order reduction (TJK, LD, JKW), pp. 943–946.
DACDAC-2005-SouMD #approach #optimisation #reduction
A quasi-convex optimization approach to parameterized model order reduction (KCS, AM, LD), pp. 933–938.
DATEDATE-2005-LiLLPN #modelling #parametricity #performance #reduction #using #variability
Modeling Interconnect Variability Using Efficient Parametric Model Order Reduction (PL, FL, XL, LTP, SRN), pp. 958–963.
CSLCSL-2005-SeveriV #modelling
Order Structures on Böhm-Like Models (PS, FJdV), pp. 103–118.
ICTSSTestCom-2005-CampbellVHP #multi
Multiplexing of Partially Ordered Events (CC, MV, JH, AP), pp. 97–110.
VLDBVLDB-2004-JohnsonKCKV #matrix #scalability #using
Compressing Large Boolean Matrices using Reordering Techniques (DSJ, SK, JC, SK, SV), pp. 13–23.
VLDBVLDB-2004-NeumannM #framework #optimisation
A Combined Framework for Grouping and Order Optimization (TN, GM), pp. 960–971.
WCREWCRE-2004-LakhotiaM #anti
Imposing Order on Program Statements to Assist Anti-Virus Scanners (AL, MM), pp. 161–170.
DLTDLT-2004-RispalC #linear #set
Complementation of Rational Sets on Countable Scattered Linear Orderings (CR, OC), pp. 381–392.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2004-Azevedo #bibliography #requirements
Order Planning Decision Support System for Customer Driven Manufacturing: Overview of Main System Requirements (HP, ALA), pp. 417–422.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-BoyerJ #detection #robust
Perceptual Organization in Range Data: Robust Detection of Low Order Surfaces in Heavy Clutter (KLB, KJ), pp. 102–105.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-Clocksin #recognition #using
Handwritten Syriac Character Recognition using Order Structure Invariance (WFC), pp. 562–565.
ASEASE-2004-DwyerRTV #interactive #model checking
Analyzing Interaction Orderings with Model Checking (MBD, R, OT, WV), pp. 154–163.
ICSEICSE-2004-ZhangGZ #diagrams #dynamic analysis #performance #slicing #using
Efficient Forward Computation of Dynamic Slices Using Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (XZ, RG, YZ), pp. 502–511.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-Feldmann #linear #reduction #scalability
Model Order Reduction Techniques for Linear Systems with Large Numbers of Terminals (PF), pp. 944–947.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-FengZCZF #analysis #reduction
Direct Nonlinear Order Reduction with Variational Analysis (LF, XZ, CC, DZ, QF), pp. 1316–1321.
CAVCAV-2004-GoelB #abstraction #functional #model checking #simulation
Symbolic Simulation, Model Checking and Abstraction with Partially Ordered Boolean Functional Vectors (AG, REB), pp. 255–267.
CAVCAV-2004-GopalakrishnanYS #execution #memory management #performance #verification
QB or Not QB: An Efficient Execution Verification Tool for Memory Orderings (GG, YY, HS), pp. 401–413.
ICLPICLP-2004-NieuwenborghHV #multi #on the #source code
On Programs with Linearly Ordered Multiple Preferences (DVN, SH, DV), pp. 180–194.
Redundancy Notions for Paramodulation with Non-monotonic Orderings (MB, AR), pp. 107–121.
IJCARIJCAR-2004-GilHSZ #algorithm #constraints #finite #performance #problem
Efficient Algorithms for Constraint Description Problems over Finite Totally Ordered Domains: Extended Abstract (ÀJG, MH, GS, BZ), pp. 244–258.
A Redundancy Criterion Based on Ground Reducibility by Ordered Rewriting (BL), pp. 45–59.
LICSLICS-2004-Luosto #linear
Equicardinality on Linear Orders (KL), pp. 458–465.
VLDBVLDB-2003-LernerS #named #optimisation #query
AQuery: Query Language for Ordered Data, Optimization Techniques, and Experiments (AL, DS), pp. 345–356.
RTARTA-2003-BorrallerasR #semantics
Monotonic AC-Compatible Semantic Path Orderings (CB, AR), pp. 279–295.
ICMLICML-2003-PorterEHT #classification #scalability #statistics
Weighted Order Statistic Classifiers with Large Rank-Order Margin (RBP, DE, DRH, JT), pp. 600–607.
Fragments of order (AG, TK, HM), pp. 129–136.
KDDKDD-2003-Kamishima #collaboration #recommendation
Nantonac collaborative filtering: recommendation based on order responses (TK), pp. 583–588.
CGOCGO-2003-HaberKEMG #optimisation
Optimization Opportunities Created by Global Data Reordering (GH, MK, VE, BM, MG), pp. 228–240.
DACDAC-2003-GadN #congruence #reduction #using
Model order reduction of nonuniform transmission lines using integrated congruence transform (EG, MSN), pp. 238–243.
DACDAC-2003-GoelHB #representation
Symbolic representation with ordered function templates (AG, GH, REB), pp. 431–435.
DACDAC-2003-LiP #named #reduction
NORM: compact model order reduction of weakly nonlinear systems (PL, LTP), pp. 472–477.
DACDAC-2003-MeiAI #performance #reduction
Efficient model order reduction including skin effect (SM, CSA, YII), pp. 232–237.
An AC-Compatible Knuth-Bendix Order (KK, AV), pp. 47–59.
Order and Negation as Failure (DVN, DV), pp. 194–208.
Orienting Equalities with the Knuth-Bendix Order (KK, AV), p. 75–?.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2002-TatarinovVBSSZ #database #query #relational #using #xml
Storing and querying ordered XML using a relational database system (IT, SV, KSB, JS, EJS, CZ), pp. 204–215.
DLTDLT-2002-BruyereC #automaton #linear
Automata on Linear Orderings (VB, OC), pp. 103–115.
ICGTICGT-2002-MontanariR #algebra #graph grammar #linear
Linear Ordered Graph Grammars and Their Algebraic Foundations (UM, LR), pp. 317–333.
Hierarchical Vertex Ordering (SHW, SBY), pp. 393–401.
SEKESEKE-2002-BriandFL #algorithm #integration #metric #search-based #using
Using genetic algorithms and coupling measures to devise optimal integration test orders (LCB, JF, YL), pp. 43–50.
Analysing primary and lower order project success drivers (CW, AAA), pp. 393–400.
PADLPADL-2002-VandeginsteSD #garbage collection #prolog
Segment Order Preserving and Generational Garbage Collection for Prolog (RV, KFS, BD), pp. 299–317.
SACSAC-2002-FujimotoNHN #latency
Response order rearrangement on a caching proxy for reducing WWW latency (HF, TN, KH, SN), pp. 845–851.
Reordering B-tree files (SW, TM), pp. 681–686.
DACDAC-2002-DanielP #distributed #reduction #strict
Model order reduction for strictly passive and causal distributed systems (LD, JRP), pp. 46–51.
DACDAC-2002-PhillipsDS #reduction
Guaranteed passive balancing transformations for model order reduction (JRP, LD, LMS), pp. 52–57.
DATEDATE-2002-Dubrova #composition
Composition Trees in Finding Best Variable Orderings for ROBDDs (ED), p. 1084.
Well-Foundedness Is Sufficient for Completeness of Ordered Paramodulation (MB, AR), pp. 456–470.
CADECADE-2002-BorrallerasLR #recursion
Recursive Path Orderings Can Be Context-Sensitive (CB, SL, AR), pp. 314–331.
PODSPODS-2001-Schuldt #execution #process #protocol #transaction
Process Locking: A Protocol based on Ordered Shared Locks for the Execution of Transactional Processes (HS).
CIAACIAA-2001-HolzerK #encoding #image #using
Improving Raster Image Run-Length Encoding Using Data Order (MH, MK), pp. 161–176.
ICALPICALP-2001-HoyerNS #quantum #sorting
Quantum Complexities of Ordered Searching, Sorting, and Element Distinctness (PH, JN, YS), pp. 346–357.
RTARTA-2001-KorovinV #using #verification
Verifying Orientability of Rewrite Rules Using the Knuth-Bendix Order (KK, AV), pp. 137–153.
TLCATLCA-2001-Schubert #complexity
The Complexity of β-Reduction in Low Orders (AS), pp. 400–414.
FLOPSFLOPS-2001-PolakovY #exception #framework #logic #proving
Proving Syntactic Properties of Exceptions in an Ordered Logical Framework (JP, KY), pp. 61–77.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2001-AzevedoTB #enterprise
An Intelligent Agent-Based Order Planning for Dynamic Networked Enterprises (ALA, CT, JB), pp. 322–329.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2001-SierraRLG #analysis #image #machine learning #mobile #recognition
Machine Learning Approaches for Image Analysis: Recognition of Hand Orders by a Mobile Robot (BS, IR, EL, UG), pp. 330–335.
SACSAC-2001-LeeYKP #algorithm #performance #towards
Processor reordering algorithms toward efficient GEN_BLOCK redistribution (SL, HGY, MSK, MSP), pp. 539–543.
DATEDATE-2001-PomeranzR #sequence
Sequence reordering to improve the levels of compaction achievable by static compaction procedures (IP, SMR), pp. 214–218.
Order determination for frequency compensation of negative-feedback systems (AvS, CJMV), p. 815.
CSLCSL-2001-Schweikardt #database
The Natural Order-Generic Collapse for ω-Representable Databases over the Rational and the Real Ordered Group (NS), pp. 130–144.
ICLPICLP-2001-GuoG #implementation #logic programming
A Simple Scheme for Implementing Tabled Logic Programming Systems Based on Dynamic Reordering of Alternatives (HFG, GG), pp. 181–196.
An Order-Sorted Resolution with Implicitly Negative Sorts (KK, ST), pp. 300–314.
IJCARIJCAR-2001-HahnleMR #graph
Ordered Resolution vs. Connection Graph Resolution (RH, NVM, ER), pp. 182–194.
Superposition and Chaining for Totally Ordered Divisible Abelian Groups (UW), pp. 226–241.
LICSLICS-2001-HuuskonenH #logic #on the
On Definability of Order in Logic with Choice (TH, TH), pp. 167–172.
TPDLECDL-2000-Pasquier #automation #classification #database #functional #library #topic
Functional and Intentional Limitations of Interactivity on Content Indexing Topics: Possible Uses of Automatic Classification and Contents Extraction Systems, in Order to Create Digital Libraries Databases (FP), pp. 219–228.
CHICHI-2000-ChenD #automation #categorisation #web
Bringing order to the Web: automatically categorizing search results (HC, STD), pp. 145–152.
ICEISICEIS-2000-AzevedoS #distributed #enterprise
Distributed Order Planning for Networked Enterprises (ALA, JPdS), pp. 97–101.
ICMLICML-2000-DyB #identification #learning #set
Feature Subset Selection and Order Identification for Unsupervised Learning (JGD, CEB), pp. 247–254.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-KletteZ #bound #fault #multi
Multigrid Error Bounds for Moments of Arbitrary Order (RK, JDZ), pp. 3790–3793.
PPDPPPDP-2000-Polakow #linear #logic programming
Linear logic programming with an ordered context (JP), pp. 68–79.
SACSAC-2000-BusiZ #coordination #data-driven
Event Notification in Data-driven Coordination Languages: Comparing the Ordered and Unordered Interpretations (NB, GZ), pp. 233–239.
SACSAC-2000-NakanoHSN #effectiveness #web
Controlling Transmission Order of Inline Objects for Effective Web Page Publishing (TN, KH, SS, SN), pp. 942–947.
DACDAC-2000-GadDNA #distributed #multi #reduction
Passive model order reduction of multiport distributed interconnects (EG, AD, MSN, RA), pp. 526–531.
DACDAC-2000-WangN #analysis #linear #multi
Extended Krylov subspace method for reduced order analysis of linear circuits with multiple sources (JMW, TVN), pp. 247–252.
DACDAC-2000-YuWK #algorithm #network #reduction
Passive model order reduction algorithm based on Chebyshev expansion of impulse response of interconnect networks (QY, JMW, ESK), pp. 520–525.
HPCAHPCA-2000-StetsDKRS #memory management #network
The Effect of Network Total Order, Broadcast, and Remote-Write Capability on Network-Based Shared Memory Computing (RS, SD, LIK, UR, MLS), pp. 265–276.
LCTESLCTES-2000-ChildersN #memory management #power management #transaction
Reordering Memory Bus Transactions for Reduced Power Consumption (BRC, TN), pp. 146–161.
CADECADE-2000-BorrallerasFR #semantics
Complete Monotonic Semantic Path Orderings (CB, MF, AR), pp. 346–364.
Support Ordered Resolution (BS, JDH), pp. 385–400.
CAVCAV-2000-BehrmannHV #how #matter #model checking
Distributing Timed Model Checking — How the Search Order Matters (GB, TH, FWV), pp. 216–231.
ICDARICDAR-1999-KatoY #image #multi
Recovery of Drawing Order from Scanned Images of Multi-Stroke Handwriting (YK, MY), pp. 261–264.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1999-MankuRL #dataset #online #performance #random #scalability #statistics
Random Sampling Techniques for Space Efficient Online Computation of Order Statistics of Large Datasets (GSM, SR, BGL), pp. 251–262.
VLDBVLDB-1999-RamanRH #interactive #online
Online Dynamic Reordering for Interactive Data Processing (VR, BR, JMH), pp. 709–720.
DLTDLT-1999-KarhumakiP #complexity #on the #string
On the complexity of computing the order of repetition of a string (JK, WP), pp. 178–184.
ICALPICALP-1999-FlescaG #graph #query #regular expression
Partially Ordered Regular Languages for Graph Queries (SF, SG), pp. 321–330.
RTARTA-1999-NieuwenhuisR #constraints
Solved Forms for Path Ordering Constraints (RN, JMR), pp. 1–15.
Theory Path Orderings (JS), pp. 148–162.
DACDAC-1999-SantosJ #performance
A Reordering Technique for Efficient Code Motion (LCVdS, JAGJ), pp. 296–299.
DACDAC-1999-Sheehan #equation #named #performance #reduction #using
ENOR: Model Order Reduction of RLC Circuits Using Nodal Equations for Efficient Factorization (BNS), pp. 17–21.
DATEDATE-1999-MeinelS #model checking #performance
Increasing Efficiency of Symbolic Model Checking by Accelerating Dynamic Variable Reordering (CM, CS), pp. 760–761.
DATEDATE-1999-ThorntonWDD #diagrams #using
Variable Reordering for Shared Binary Decision Diagrams Using Output Probabilities (MAT, JPW, RD, ND), pp. 758–759.
HPCAHPCA-1999-HongMSKAW #effectiveness #memory management
Access Order and Effective Bandwidth for Streams on a Direct Rambus Memory (SIH, SAM, MHS, RHK, JHA, WAW), pp. 80–89.
ICLPICLP-1999-KaneiwaT #logic
Event, Property, and Hierarchy in Order-Sorted Logic (KK, ST), pp. 94–108.
Paramodulation with Non-Monotonic Orderings (MB, GG, RN, AR), pp. 225–233.
DL-1998-GloverB #documentation #using
Using Decision Theory to Order Documents (EJG, WPB), pp. 285–286.
ICALPICALP-1998-ChuangGHKL #canonical #encoding #graph #multi
Compact Encodings of Planar Graphs via Canonical Orderings and Multiple Parentheses (RCNC, AG, XH, MYK, HIL), pp. 118–129.
ICPRICPR-1998-FlorebySS #bound #fourier #image #using
Boundary finding using Fourier surfaces of increasing order [simulated medical images] (LF, LS, KS), pp. 465–467.
KRKR-1998-BuccafurriLR #logic #semantics
Disjunctive Ordered Logic: Semantics and Expressiveness (FB, NL, PR), pp. 418–431.
SIGIRSIGIR-1998-CarbonellG #documentation #ranking #summary #using
The Use of MMR, Diversity-Based Reranking for Reordering Documents and Producing Summaries (JGC, JG), pp. 335–336.
PLDIPLDI-1998-YangUW #branch #performance
Improving Performance by Branch Reordering (MY, GRU, DBW), pp. 130–141.
DACDAC-1998-LiuPS #modelling #named
ftd: An Exact Frequency to Time Domain Conversion for Reduced Order RLC Interconnect Models (YL, LTP, AJS), pp. 469–472.
DACDAC-1998-QiuWP #estimation #statistics #using
Maximum Power Estimation Using the Limiting Distributions of Extreme Order Statistics (QQ, QW, MP), pp. 684–689.
DATEDATE-1998-MarquesKWS #3d #algorithm #modelling #performance #reduction
An Efficient Algorithm for Fast Parasitic Extraction and Passive Order Reduction of 3D Interconnect Models (NAM, MK, JW, LMS), pp. 538–543.
HPCAHPCA-1998-KalamatianosK #performance
Temporal-Based Procedure Reordering for Improved Instruction Cache Performance (JK, DRK), pp. 244–253.
CAVCAV-1998-Thathachar #on the
On the Limitations of Ordered Representations of Functions (JST), pp. 232–243.
LICSLICS-1998-BaldwinB #embedded #finite #modelling
Embedded Finite Models, Stability Theory and the Impact of Order (JTB, MB), pp. 490–500.
LICSLICS-1998-ComonNNR #problem
Decision Problems in Ordered Rewriting (HC, PN, RN, MR), pp. 276–286.
ICDARICDAR-1997-LallicanV #approach
A Kalman Approach for Stroke Order Recovering from Off-Line Handwriting (PML, CVG), pp. 519–523.
ICDARICDAR-1997-OlivierJA #markov #optimisation #recognition
Markov Model Order Optimization for Text Recognition (CO, FJ, MA), pp. 548–551.
DLTDLT-1997-Ilie #word
Remarks on Well Quasi Orders of Words (LI), pp. 399–409.
ICALPICALP-1997-Ablayev #branch #nondeterminism #source code
Randomization and Nondeterminism Are Comparable for Ordered Read-Once Branching Programs (FMA), pp. 195–202.
ICALPICALP-1997-GrossiI #algorithm #performance #problem
Efficient Splitting and Merging Algorithms for Order Decomposable Problems (RG, GFI), pp. 605–615.
CIAAWIA-1997-Trahtman #automaton #estimation #finite #precise #testing
A Precise Estimation of the Order of Local Testability of a Deterministic Finite Automaton (ANT), pp. 198–212.
RTARTA-1997-KapurS #proving #term rewriting #termination
A Total, Ground path Ordering for Proving Termination of AC-Rewrite Systems (DK, GS), pp. 142–156.
RTARTA-1997-OgataOF #automaton #named #term rewriting
TRAM: An Abstract Machine for Order-Sorted Conditioned Term Rewriting Systems (KO, KO, KF), pp. 335–338.
PPDPALP-1997-Almendros-JimenezG #lazy evaluation #parametricity
Lazy Narrowing with Parametric Order Sorted Types (JMAJ, AGL), pp. 159–173.
SASSAS-1997-Braunburger #analysis #automation #polynomial #termination #using
Automatic Termination Analysis for Partial Functions Using Polynomial Orderings (JB), pp. 330–344.
SACSAC-1997-Mao #constraints #parallel #problem #scheduling
A parallel multi-operation scheduling problem with machine order constraints (WM), pp. 473–477.
DATEEDTC-1997-HettDB #performance #synthesis
Fast and efficient construction of BDDs by reordering based synthesis (AH, RD, BB), pp. 168–175.
TAPSOFTTAPSOFT-1997-ArtsG #automation #proving #termination
Automatically Proving Termination Where Simplification Orderings Fail (TA, JG), pp. 261–272.
Formats of Ordered SOS Rules with Silent Actions (IU, ICCP), pp. 297–308.
CADECADE-1997-GanzingerMW #type system
Soft Typing for Ordered Resolution (HG, CM, CW), pp. 321–335.
CADECADE-1997-Nivelle #classification
A Classification of Non-liftable Orders for Resolution (HdN), pp. 336–350.
LICSLICS-1997-Baader #reduction
Combination of Compatible Reduction Orderings that are Total on Ground Terms (FB), pp. 2–13.
PODSPODS-1996-StolboushkinT #database #linear #query
Linear vs. Order Contstrained Queries Over Rational Databases (APS, MAT), pp. 17–27.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1996-GoelI #optimisation #query #sql
SQL Query Optimization: Reordering for a General Class of Queries (PG, BRI), pp. 47–56.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1996-SimmenSM #optimisation
Fundamental Techniques for Order Optimization (DES, EJS, TM), pp. 57–67.
VLDBVLDB-1996-SarawagiS #database #execution #memory management #query
Reordering Query Execution in Tertiary Memory Databases (SS, MS), pp. 156–167.
ICPRICPR-1996-LiuCC #graph #online #recognition #relational #using
Stroke order and stroke number free on-line Chinese character recognition using attributed relational graph matching (JL, WkC, MMYC), pp. 259–263.
PPDPALP-1996-Almendros-JimenezGG #algebra #functional #logic programming #polymorphism #semantics
Algebraic Semantics for Functional Logic Programming with Polymorphic Order-Sorted Types (JMAJ, AGF, AGL), pp. 299–313.
PPDPALP-1996-OlveszkyL #termination
Order-Sorted Termination: The Unsorted Way (PCÖ, OL), pp. 92–106.
SACSAC-1996-DemoenET #garbage collection #prolog
Segment order preserving copying garbage collection for WAM based Prolog (BD, GE, PT), pp. 380–386.
DACDAC-1996-DasguptaK96a #reliability
Hot-Carrier Reliability Enhancement via Input Reordering and Transistor Sizing (AD, RK), pp. 819–824.
LICSLICS-1996-BasinG #analysis #complexity
Complexity Analysis Based on Ordered Resolution (DAB, HG), pp. 456–465.
LICSLICS-1996-Nurmonen #finite #quantifier
Counting Modulo Quantifiers on Finite Linearly Ordered Trees (JN), pp. 484–493.
Cataloging in the Digital Order (DML).
Extension Orderings (AR), pp. 511–522.
RTARTA-1995-Giesl #generative #polynomial #proving #termination
Generating Polynomial Orderings for Termination Proofs (JG), pp. 426–431.
RTARTA-1995-KuriharaKO #multi #reduction
Completion for Multiple Reduction Orderings (MK, HK, AO), pp. 71–85.
RTARTA-1995-Steinbach #automation #proving #termination
Automatic Termination Proofs With Transformation Orderings (JS), pp. 11–25.
TLCATLCA-1995-Leclerc #coq #development #multi #proving #term rewriting #termination
Termination Proof of Term Rewriting System with the Multiset Path Ordering. A Complete Development in the System Coq (FL), pp. 312–327.
ICMLICML-1995-OliveiraS #graph
Inferring Reduced Ordered Decision Graphs of Minimum Description Length (ALO, ALSV), pp. 421–429.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1995-BossiCE #problem #source code
Transformation of Left Terminating Programs: the Reordering Problem (AB, NC, SE), pp. 33–45.
SASSAS-1995-Giesl #analysis #functional #source code #termination #using
Termination Analysis for Functional Programs using Term Orderings (JG), pp. 154–171.
HPCAHPCA-1995-Lee #memory management
Memory Access Reordering in Vector Processors (DLL), pp. 380–389.
HPDCHPDC-1995-BaldoniMR #multi #performance #realtime
Efficient Causally Ordered Communications for Multimedia Real-Time Applications (RB, AM, MR), pp. 140–147.
ICLPICLP-1995-Beierle #logic programming #polymorphism #source code
Type Inferencing for Polymorphic Order-Sorted Logic Programs (CB), pp. 765–779.
ICLPICLP-1995-CervesatoCM #calculus #framework #logic programming
A Modal Calculus of Partially Ordered Events in a Logic Programming Framework (IC, LC, AM), pp. 299–313.
LICSLICS-1995-ComonNR #constraints #theorem proving
Orderings, AC-Theories and Symbolic Constraint Solving (HC, RN, AR), pp. 375–385.
PODSPODS-1994-HillebrandK #database #functional #query #λ-calculus
Functional Database Query Languages as Typed Lambda Calculi of Fixed Order (GGH, PCK), pp. 222–231.
VLDBVLDB-1994-LitwinNS #data type #distributed #product line #scalability
RP*: A Family of Order Preserving Scalable Distributed Data Structures (WL, MAN, DAS), pp. 342–353.
ICALPICALP-1994-HintermeierKK #dynamic typing #equation
Dynamically-Typed Computations for Order-Sorted Equational Presentations (CH, CK, HK), pp. 450–461.
DACDAC-1994-DrechslerSTBP #diagrams #functional #performance #representation
Efficient Representation and Manipulation of Switching Functions Based on Ordered Kronecker Functional Decision Diagrams (RD, AS, MT, BB, MAP), pp. 415–419.
Ordered Chaining for Total Orderings (LB, HG), pp. 435–450.
CADECADE-1994-BasinW #termination
Termination Orderings for Rippling (DAB, TW), pp. 466–483.
CADECADE-1994-BronsardRH #induction #using
Induction using Term Orderings (FB, USR, RWH), pp. 102–117.
CADECADE-1994-Hutter #induction #proving #synthesis
Synthesis of Induction Orderings for Existence Proofs (DH), pp. 29–41.
CADECADE-1994-JohannK #constant #unification #λ-calculus
Unification in an Extensional Lambda Calculus with Ordered Function Sorts and Constant Overloading (PJ, MK), pp. 620–634.
LICSLICS-1994-HellaKL #finite #how #linear #modelling
How to Define a Linear Order on Finite Models (LH, PGK, KL), pp. 40–49.
A Call to Order (DM, BV), pp. 1–16.
PODSPODS-1993-Raz #transaction
Extended Commitment Ordering or Guaranteeing Global Serializability by Applying Commitment Order Selectivity to Global Transactions (YR), pp. 83–96.
Iterative Reading of Numbers: The Ordered Case (JD, SM, GP), pp. 157–168.
RTARTA-1993-DelorP #commutative
Extension of the Associative Path Ordering to a Chain of Associative Commutative Symbols (CD, LP), pp. 389–404.
RTARTA-1993-LevyA #term rewriting
Bi-rewriting, a Term Rewriting Technique for Monotonic Order Relations (JL, JAC), pp. 17–31.
A Precedence-Based Total AC-Compatible Ordering (AR, RN), pp. 374–388.
RTARTA-1993-Werner #approach #semantics
A Semantic Approach to Order-Sorted Rewriting (AW), pp. 47–61.
SEKESEKE-1993-Cooke93a #multi #programming language
A High Level Programming Language Based Upon Ordered Multisets (DEC), pp. 117–124.
POPLPOPL-1993-MarriottS #constraints #logic programming #optimisation #refinement #source code
The 3 R’s of Optimizing Constraint Logic Programs: Refinement, Removal and Reordering (KM, PJS), pp. 334–344.
DACDAC-1993-CarlsonC #performance
Performance Enhancement of CMOS VLSI Circuits by Transistor Reordering (BSC, CYRC), pp. 361–366.
SOSPSOSP-1993-CheritonS #communication #comprehension
Understanding the Limitations of Causally and Totally Ordered Communication (DRC, DS), pp. 44–57.
ICLPILPS-1993-Ait-KaciPG #unification
Order-Sorted Feature Theory Unification (HAK, AP, SCG), pp. 506–524.
ICLPILPS-1993-Spencer #strict
The Ordered Clause Restriction of Model Elimination and SLI Resolution (BS), p. 678.
PODSPODS-1992-Meyden #complexity #query
The Complexity of Querying Indefinite Data about Linearly Ordered Domains (RvdM), pp. 331–345.
KRKR-1992-BollingerP #constraints #logic
An Order-Sorted Logic with Sort Literals and Disjointness Constraints (TB, UP), pp. 413–424.
KRKR-1992-Nayak #reasoning #using
Order of Magnitude Reasoning using Logarithms (PPN), pp. 201–210.
PPDPALP-1992-Gnaedig #termination
Termination of Order-sorted Rewriting (IG), pp. 37–52.
DACDAC-1992-MercerKR #functional #generative #performance
Functional Approaches to Generating Orderings for Efficient Symbolic Representations (MRM, RK, DER), pp. 624–627.
CADECADE-1992-Boudet #algebra #unification
Unification in Order-Sorted Algebras with Overloading (AB), pp. 193–207.
CADECADE-1992-Kesner #orthogonal #term rewriting
Free Sequentially in Orthogonal Order-Sorted Rewriting Systems with Constructors (DK), pp. 603–617.
LICSLICS-1992-Stolboushkin #axiom #finite #linear #modelling
Axiomatizable Classes of Finite Models and Definability of Linear Order (APS), pp. 64–70.
ICALPICALP-1991-CulikD #generative #image
Balancing Order and Chaos in Image Generation (KCI, SD), pp. 600–614.
RTARTA-1991-Domenjoud #unification
AC Unification Through Order-Sorted AC1 Unification (ED), pp. 98–111.
FPCAFPCA-1991-NipkowS #unification
Type Classes and Overloading Resolution via Order-Sorted Unification (TN, GS), pp. 1–14.
KRKR-1991-GabbayLV #logic programming #semantics #source code
Credulous vs. Sceptical Semantics for Ordered Logic Programs (DMG, EL, DV), pp. 208–217.
ICMLML-1991-NichollW #modelling
Computer Modelling of Acquisition Orders in Child Language (SN, DCW), pp. 100–104.
PPDPPLILP-1991-Gloess #logic
U-Log, An Ordered Sorted Logic with Typed Attributes (PYG), pp. 275–286.
PPDPPLILP-1991-ProiettiP #logic programming #named #source code
Unfolding — Definition — Folding, in this Order, for Avaoiding Unnecessary Variables in Logic Programs (MP, AP), pp. 347–358.
DACDAC-1991-ButlerRKM #diagrams #heuristic #performance
Heuristics to Compute Variable Orderings for Efficient Manipulation of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (KMB, DER, RK, MRM), pp. 417–420.
TAPSOFTCCPSD-1991-Hanus #logic programming #parametricity
Parametric Order-Sorted Types in Logic Programming (MH), pp. 181–200.
ICLPISLP-1991-BeierleMS #automaton #polymorphism
Extending the Warren Abstract Machine to Polymorphic Order-Sorted Resolution (CB, GM, HS), pp. 272–286.
ICLPISLP-1991-Caseau #abstract interpretation #constraints
Abstract Interpretation of Constraints on Order-Sorted Domains (YC), pp. 435–452.
ICALPICALP-1990-Comon #algebra #equation
Equational Formulas in Order-Sorted Algebras (HC), pp. 674–688.
ICMLML-1990-Bostrom #approach
Generalizing the Order of Goals as an Approach to Generalizing Number (HB), pp. 260–267.
SIGIRSIGIR-1990-FoxCDH #information retrieval
Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Functions and Information Retrieval (EAF, QFC, AMD, LSH), pp. 279–311.
PPDPALP-1990-DebartEL #equation #logic programming #multi #using
Multi-Modal Logic Programming using Equational and Order-Sorted Logic (FD, PE, ML), pp. 55–69.
PPDPALP-1990-Hofbauer #multi #proving #recursion #termination
Termination Proofs by Multiset Path Orderings Imply Primitive Recursive Derivation Lengths (DH), pp. 347–358.
PLDIPLDI-1990-Sarkar #parallel
Instruction Reordering for Fork-Join Parallelism (VS), pp. 322–336.
ICSEICSE-1990-GanzingerS #composition #horn clause #specification
System Support for Modular Order-Sorted Horn Clause Specifications (HG, RS), pp. 150–159.
DACDAC-1990-SinghC #layout #matrix
A Transistor Reordering Technique for Gate Matrix Layout (US, CYRC), pp. 462–467.
STOCSTOC-1990-Mulmuley #diagrams
Output Sensitive Construction of Levels and Voronoi Diagrams in R^d of Order 1 to k (KM), pp. 322–330.
CADECADE-1990-BachmairG #on the #strict
On Restrictions of Ordered Paramodulation with Simplification (LB, HG), pp. 427–441.
CADECADE-1990-MartinN #confluence
Ordered Rewriting and Confluence (UM, TN), pp. 366–380.
Improving Assoviative Path Orderings (JS), pp. 411–425.
Well Rewrite Orderings (PL), pp. 249–256.
ICLPNACLP-1990-Umrigar #prolog #unification
Finding Advantageous Orders for Argument Unification for the Prolog WAM (ZDU), pp. 80–96.
RTARTA-1989-Puel #recursion
Embedding with Patterns and Associated Recursive Path Ordering (LP), pp. 371–387.
RTARTA-1989-Steinbach #comparison
Extensions and Comparison of Simplification Orderings (JS), pp. 434–448.
KRKR-1989-Zadrozny #set
Cardinalities and Well Orderings in a Common-Sense Set Theory (WZ), pp. 486–497.
Order-Sorted Completion: The Many-Sorted Way (Extended Abstract) (HG), pp. 244–258.
STOCSTOC-1989-GoodmanPS #coordination #exponential #representation
Coordinate Representation of Order Types Requires Exponential Storage (JEG, RP, BS), pp. 405–410.
Local Reorientation, Global Order, and Planar Topology (MYK, GES), pp. 286–296.
Generalizing the Order of Operators in Macro-Operators (RJM), pp. 270–283.
PPDPALP-1988-Smolka #logic programming
Logic Programming with Polymorphically Order-Sorted Types (GS), pp. 53–70.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-GallierI88 #equation #logic
Rewriting in Order-sorted Equational Logic (JHG, TI), pp. 280–294.
STOCSTOC-1987-DietzS #algorithm #maintenance
Two Algorithms for Maintaining Order in a List (PFD, DDS), pp. 365–372.
LICSLICS-1987-GoguenM #algebra #multi
Order-Sorted Algebra solves the Constructor-Selector, Multiple (JAG, JM), pp. 18–29.
ICLPSLP-1987-HuberV87 #prolog
Extended Prolog for Order-Sorted Resolution (MH, IV), pp. 34–43.
PODSPODS-1986-Robinson #linear #statistics #using
Order Preserving Linear Hashing Using Dynamic Key Statistics (JTR), pp. 91–99.
ICGTGG-1986-Brandenburg #graph grammar #on the
On Partially Ordered Graph Grammars (FJB), pp. 99–111.
DACDAC-1986-Maly #sequence #testing
Optimal order of the VLSI IC testing sequence (WM), pp. 560–566.
LICSLICS-1986-BachmairDH #equation #proving
Orderings for Equational Proofs (LB, ND, JH), pp. 346–357.
VLDBVLDB-1985-OzkarahanO #clustering #database
Dynamic and Order Preserving Data Partitioning for Database Machines (EAO, AMO), pp. 358–368.
ICALPICALP-1985-GoguenJM #algebra #semantics
Operational Semantics for Order-Sorted Algebra (JAG, JPJ, JM), pp. 221–231.
Associative Path Orderings (LB, DAP), pp. 241–254.
TAPSOFTCAAP-1985-KapurNS #proving #term rewriting #termination
A Path Ordering for Proving Termination of Term Rewriting Systems (DK, PN, GS), pp. 173–187.
STOCSTOC-1985-Lubiw #matrix
Doubly Lexical Orderings of Matrices (AL), pp. 396–404.
A Hierarchical Basis for Reordering Transformations (JDW), pp. 272–282.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1982-DongH #approximate #dependence
Applying Approximate Order Dependency to Reduce Indexing Space (JD, RH), pp. 119–127.
STOCSTOC-1982-Dietz #maintenance
Maintaining Order in a Linked List (PFD), pp. 122–127.
ICALPICALP-1981-Pettorossi #proving #recursion #term rewriting #termination
Comparing and Putting Together Recursive Path Ordering, Simplification Orderings and Non-Ascending Property for Termination Proofs of Term Rewriting Systems (AP), pp. 432–447.
VLDBVLDB-1979-Svensson #on the #performance #query
On Search Performance for Conjunctive Queries in Compressed, Fully Transposed Ordered Files (PS), pp. 155–163.
ICALPICALP-1979-DershowitzM #multi #proving #termination
Proving termination with Multiset Orderings (ND, ZM), pp. 188–202.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1978-YamamotoTUI #design #multi
Design of a Generalized Balanced Multiple-Valued File Organization Scheme of Order Two (SY, ST, KU, HI), pp. 47–51.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1976-WelchG #multi #retrieval #using
Retrieval Using Ordered Lists in Inverted and Multilist Files (JWW, JWG), pp. 21–29.
SOSPSOSP-1975-ChandyR #execution #probability #scheduling
Scheduling Partially Ordered Tasks with Probabilistic Execution Times (KMC, PFR), pp. 169–177.
SIGMODSIGFIDET-1974-MehlW #case study #database
A Study of Order Transformations of Hierarchical Structures in IMS Data Base (JWM, CPW), pp. 125–139.
SIGMODSIGFIDET-1970-BayerM #maintenance #scalability
Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indexes (RB, EMM), pp. 107–141.
STOCSTOC-1969-Young #set
Speed-Ups by Changing the Order in Which Sets are Enumerated (PRY), pp. 89–92.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.