9 papers:
DAC-2015-FernandezJAQVC #bound #realtime- Increasing confidence on measurement-based contention bounds for real-time round-robin buses (GF, JJ, JA, EQ, TV, FJC), p. 6.
POPL-2011-GordonHHJS #concurrent #verification- Robin Milner 1934--2010: verification, languages, and concurrency (ADG, RH, JH, AJ, PS), pp. 473–474.
DAC-2010-HaquePJP #approach #embedded #named #performance #policy #simulation- SCUD: a fast single-pass L1 cache simulation approach for embedded processors with round-robin replacement policy (MSH, JP, AJ, SP), pp. 356–361.
LICS-2010-Plotkin #tool support- Robin Milner, a Craftsman of Tools for the Mind (GDP), pp. 58–59.
PPoPP-2009-LiBH #distributed #multi #performance #scalability #scheduling #using- Efficient and scalable multiprocessor fair scheduling using distributed weighted round-robin (TL, DPB, SH), pp. 65–74.
DATE-2008-BatcherW #embedded #scheduling- Dynamic Round-Robin Task Scheduling to Reduce Cache Misses for Embedded Systems (KWB, RAW), pp. 260–263.
AdaEurope-2003-BurnsHW #ada #policy #scheduling- A Round Robin Scheduling Policy for Ada (AB, MGH, AJW), pp. 334–343.
ICML-2001-Furnkranz #learning- Round Robin Rule Learning (JF), pp. 146–153.
ICLP-1999-Henz #constraints- Constraint-based Round Robin Tournament Planning (MH), pp. 545–557.