4 papers:
ICALP-v2-2014-KosowskiP #case study #difference- Does Adding More Agents Make a Difference? A Case Study of Cover Time for the Rotor-Router (AK, DP), pp. 544–555.
CASE-2013-WangBR #modelling #monitoring #using- Model based unbalance monitoring using augmented observer in rotor systems under the consideration of gyroscopic effect (ZW, MB, SR), pp. 59–64.
CASE-2012-LeeHJKL #matlab #simulation #using- Dynamic simulation of radial active magnetic bearing system for high speed rotor using ADAMS and MATLAB co-simulation (KCL, DKH, YHJ, CYK, MCL), pp. 880–885.
HPDC-1993-MankeNW #design #parallel- Parallel Computing for Helicopter Rotor Design (JWM, KN, TMW), pp. 21–29.