7 papers:
ASE-2012-JacobsonSJK #re-engineering- Re-founding software engineering — SEMAT at the age of three (keynote abstract) (IJ, IS, PJ, MKM), pp. 15–19.
ICSE-2012-Kajko-MattssonSGJSHMMEBS #re-engineering- Refounding software engineering: The Semat initiative (Invited presentation) (MKM, MS, MG, IJ, IS, SH, PM, BM, BE, AJB, ES), pp. 1649–1650.
SEKE-2008-ZhongYAF #using- Ontology-learning Supported Sematic Search Using Cooperative Agents (CZ, Z(Y, MA, BHF), pp. 123–128.
SIGIR-2004-ShahS #database- Searching databases for sematically-related schemas (GS, TFSM), pp. 504–505.
TAGT-1994-KreowskiK #on the- On the Interleaving Sematics of Transformation Units — A Step into GRACE (HJK, SK), pp. 89–106.
ILPS-1993-ChenSW #evaluation- Goal-Directed Evaluation of Well-Founded Sematics for XSB (WC, TS, DSW), p. 679.
JICSLP-1992-Ben-EliyahuD #logic programming #source code- Propositional Sematics for Disjunctive Logic Programs (RBE, RD), pp. 813–827.