179 papers:
- ESOP-2015-DavidKL15a #reasoning #safety #source code #termination
- Propositional Reasoning about Safety and Termination of Heap-Manipulating Programs (CD, DK, ML), pp. 661–684.
- ESOP-2015-LindleyM #semantics
- A Semantics for Propositions as Sessions (SL, JGM), pp. 560–584.
- CADE-2015-BalbianiB #composition #logic #parallel
- Tableaux Methods for Propositional Dynamic Logics with Separating Parallel Composition (PB, JB), pp. 539–554.
- CSL-2015-SanoV #axiom #dependence #logic
- Axiomatizing Propositional Dependence Logics (KS, JV), pp. 292–307.
- RTA-2015-DasS #linear #logic #term rewriting
- No complete linear term rewriting system for propositional logic (AD, LS), pp. 127–142.
- FM-2014-NistorABM
- Object Propositions (LN, JA, SB, HM), pp. 497–513.
- KR-2014-Dufour-LussierHBL #algebra
- Belief Revision in the Propositional Closure of a Qualitative Algebra (VDL, AH, FLB, JL).
- KR-2014-HarrisonLY #semantics
- The Semantics of Gringo and Infinitary Propositional Formulas (AJH, VL, FY).
- KR-2014-Herzig #logic
- Belief Change Operations: A Short History of Nearly Everything, Told in Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments (AH).
- KR-2014-ShenZ #canonical #logic programming #source code
- Canonical Logic Programs are Succinctly Incomparable with Propositional Formulas (YS, XZ).
- KR-2014-SiderisD #heuristic #optimisation
- Heuristic Guided Optimization for Propositional Planning (AS, YD).
- POPL-2014-HouCGT #logic #proving
- Proof search for propositional abstract separation logics via labelled sequents (ZH, RC, RG, AT), pp. 465–476.
- POPL-2014-ItzhakyBILNS #composition #effectiveness #reasoning
- Modular reasoning about heap paths via effectively propositional formulas (SI, AB, NI, OL, AN, MS), pp. 385–396.
- IJCAR-2014-GoreTW #logic #proving #theorem proving #using
- A History-Based Theorem Prover for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic Using Global Caching: IntHistGC System Description (RG, JT, JW), pp. 262–268.
- IJCAR-2014-PapacchiniS #generative #logic
- Terminating Minimal Model Generation Procedures for Propositional Modal Logics (FP, RAS), pp. 381–395.
- SAT-2014-CapelliDM
- Hypergraph Acyclicity and Propositional Model Counting (FC, AD, SM), pp. 399–414.
- HIMI-D-2013-MorandiniCNC #design #framework #web
- The Proposition of a Framework to Support the Design of Ecological Systems for the Web (MM, PLPC, TN, TAC), pp. 338–346.
- CIKM-2013-JabbourSSU #approach
- Mining-based compression approach of propositional formulae (SJ, LS, YS, TU), pp. 289–298.
- SAC-2013-MottaLNRJO #algorithm #clustering #relational
- Comparing relational and non-relational algorithms for clustering propositional data (RM, AdAL, BMN, SOR, AMJ, MCFdO), pp. 150–155.
- CADE-2013-GoreT #logic
- An Improved BDD Method for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic: BDDIntKt System Description (RG, JT), pp. 275–281.
- CADE-2013-HoderV
- The 481 Ways to Split a Clause and Deal with Propositional Variables (KH, AV), pp. 450–464.
- CADE-2013-WilliamsK #problem #proving #reduction #satisfiability
- Propositional Temporal Proving with Reductions to a SAT Problem (RW, BK), pp. 421–435.
- CAV-2013-ItzhakyBINS #data type #effectiveness #linked data #open data #reachability #reasoning
- Effectively-Propositional Reasoning about Reachability in Linked Data Structures (SI, AB, NI, AN, MS), pp. 756–772.
- LICS-2013-BalbianiHT #logic
- Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments: A Well-Behaved Variant of PDL (PB, AH, NT), pp. 143–152.
- RTA-2013-Das #linear #logic
- Rewriting with Linear Inferences in Propositional Logic (AD), pp. 158–173.
- SAT-2013-JanotaM #on the
- On Propositional QBF Expansions and Q-Resolution (MJ, JMS), pp. 67–82.
- ICFP-2012-Wadler
- Propositions as sessions (PW), pp. 273–286.
- KR-2012-BoothFKP #logic
- Credibility-Limited Revision Operators in Propositional Logic (RB, EF, SK, RPP).
- KR-2012-CreignouPPW #logic
- Belief Revision within Fragments of Propositional Logic (NC, OP, RP, SW).
- KR-2012-LawryD #framework
- A Bipolar Framework for Combining Beliefs about Vague Propositions (JL, DD).
- CSL-2012-Cook #complexity #proving
- Connecting Complexity Classes, Weak Formal Theories, and Propositional Proof Systems (Invited Talk) (SAC), pp. 9–11.
- IJCAR-2012-GoreT #automation #logic #reasoning
- BDD-Based Automated Reasoning for Propositional Bi-Intuitionistic Tense Logics (RG, JT), pp. 301–315.
- IJCAR-2012-HeamHK #linear #logic
- From Linear Temporal Logic Properties to Rewrite Propositions (PCH, VH, OK), pp. 316–331.
- LICS-2012-MullerT #random
- Short Propositional Refutations for Dense Random 3CNF Formulas (SM, IT), pp. 501–510.
- CIAA-2011-CastanoC #approach #satisfiability
- Variable and Clause Ordering in an FSA Approach to Propositional Satisfiability (JMC, RC), pp. 76–87.
- KEOD-2011-Bab #integration #logic #on the
- On the Integration of Knowledge in a Propositional Logical Layer (SB), pp. 299–303.
- SEKE-2011-Krishna #approach #non-functional #process #requirements #uml
- A Process Oriented Approach to Model Non-Functional Requirements Proposition Extending UML (AK), pp. 736–739.
- CADE-2011-FontaineMP #proving
- Compression of Propositional Resolution Proofs via Partial Regularization (PF, SM, BWP), pp. 237–251.
- LICS-2011-Pitassi #bibliography #complexity #proving #state of the art
- Propositional Proof Complexity: A Survey on the State of the Art, Including Some Recent Results (TP), p. 119.
- ESOP-2010-DSilva #abstract interpretation
- Propositional Interpolation and Abstract Interpretation (VD), pp. 185–204.
- ICALP-v1-2010-AtseriasM #game studies #proving
- Mean-Payoff Games and Propositional Proofs (AA, ENM), pp. 102–113.
- LATA-2010-AravantinosCP #complexity #problem #satisfiability
- Complexity of the Satisfiability Problem for a Class of Propositional Schemata (VA, RC, NP), pp. 58–69.
- KR-2010-CreignouST #abduction #complexity #set #strict
- Complexity of Propositional Abduction for Restricted Sets of Boolean Functions (NC, JS, MT).
- SEKE-2010-Zhang #development
- Capturing Antagonistic Stakeholder Value Propositions in Value-Based Software Development (DZ), pp. 12–18.
- IJCAR-2010-AravantinosCP10a #named #satisfiability
- RegSTAB: A SAT Solver for Propositional Schemata (VA, RC, NP), pp. 309–315.
- IJCAR-2010-GoreW #logic
- Optimal and Cut-Free Tableaux for Propositional Dynamic Logic with Converse (RG, FW), pp. 225–239.
- LICS-2010-BrotherstonK #logic
- Undecidability of Propositional Separation Logic and Its Neighbours (JB, MIK), pp. 130–139.
- SAT-2010-BeyersdorffMMTV #complexity #logic #proving
- Proof Complexity of Propositional Default Logic (OB, AM, SM, MT, HV), pp. 30–43.
- DRR-2009-SrihariRMB #identification
- Identification of forgeries in handwritten petitions for ballot propositions (SNS, VR, MM, GRB), pp. 1–10.
- SEFM-2009-BresolinGMS #constraints #integer #logic
- Right Propositional Neighborhood Logic over Natural Numbers with Integer Constraints for Interval Lengths (DB, VG, AM, GS), pp. 240–249.
- ICLP-2009-Truszczynski #logic programming #satisfiability #semantics #source code
- Reducts of Propositional Theories, Satisfiability Relations, and Generalizations of Semantics of Logic Programs (MT), pp. 175–189.
- SAT-2009-BelovS #probability #process #satisfiability
- Improving Variable Selection Process in Stochastic Local Search for Propositional Satisfiability (AB, ZS), pp. 258–264.
- SAT-2009-BeyersdorffM #question
- Does Advice Help to Prove Propositional Tautologies? (OB, SM), pp. 65–72.
- SAT-2009-Gelder #proving
- Improved Conflict-Clause Minimization Leads to Improved Propositional Proof Traces (AVG), pp. 141–146.
- SAT-2009-Vardi #satisfiability
- Symbolic Techniques in Propositional Satisfiability Solving (MYV), pp. 2–3.
- TLCA-2009-Strassburger #higher-order #linear #logic #multi #proving
- Some Observations on the Proof Theory of Second Order Propositional Multiplicative Linear Logic (LS), pp. 309–324.
- ICML-2008-KerstingD #parametricity #policy #relational
- Non-parametric policy gradients: a unified treatment of propositional and relational domains (KK, KD), pp. 456–463.
- KR-2008-Rintanen #graph
- Planning Graphs and Propositional Clause-Learning (JR), pp. 535–543.
- ICLP-2008-JanssenHVC #compilation #fuzzy #set #source code
- Compiling Fuzzy Answer Set Programs to Fuzzy Propositional Theories (JJ, SH, DV, MDC), pp. 362–376.
- IJCAR-2008-MouraB #effectiveness #logic #set #using
- Deciding Effectively Propositional Logic Using DPLL and Substitution Sets (LMdM, NB), pp. 410–425.
- IJCAR-2008-PerezV #effectiveness #logic #proving
- Proof Systems for Effectively Propositional Logic (JANP, AV), pp. 426–440.
- SAT-2008-MarienWDB #induction #logic #satisfiability
- SAT(ID): Satisfiability of Propositional Logic Extended with Inductive Definitions (MM, JW, MD, MB), pp. 211–224.
- SAT-2008-StachniakB #learning #satisfiability
- Speeding-Up Non-clausal Local Search for Propositional Satisfiability with Clause Learning (ZS, AB), pp. 257–270.
- ICDAR-2007-JournetRME #documentation #image #library #retrieval #tool support
- A Proposition of Retrieval Tools for Historical Document Images Libraries (NJ, JYR, RM, VE), pp. 1053–1057.
- ITiCSE-2007-Arnold #interactive #learning #logic
- Introducing propositional logic and queueing theory with the infotraffic interactive learning environments (RA), p. 356.
- ICALP-2007-DershowitzT #complexity #proving
- Complexity of Propositional Proofs Under a Promise (ND, IT), pp. 291–302.
- CADE-2007-HeilalaP #bidirectional #logic
- Bidirectional Decision Procedures for the Intuitionistic Propositional Modal Logic IS4 (SH, BP), pp. 116–131.
- CADE-2007-PerezV #bound #effectiveness #encoding #logic #ltl #model checking
- Encodings of Bounded LTL Model Checking in Effectively Propositional Logic (JANP, AV), pp. 346–361.
- CSL-2007-AehligB #logic
- Propositional Logic for Circuit Classes (KA, AB), pp. 512–526.
- SAT-2007-Gelder #satisfiability #verification
- Verifying Propositional Unsatisfiability: Pitfalls to Avoid (AVG), pp. 328–333.
- SAT-2007-PerezV #effectiveness #encoding #logic #problem
- Encodings of Problems in Effectively Propositional Logic (JANP, AV), p. 3.
- DATE-2006-JinS #analysis #satisfiability
- Strong conflict analysis for propositional satisfiability (HJ, FS), pp. 818–823.
- FoSSaCS-2006-LodingS #logic #recursion #source code
- Propositional Dynamic Logic with Recursive Programs (CL, OS), pp. 292–306.
- KR-2006-ChevaleyreEL #modelling #power of
- Expressive Power of Weighted Propositional Formulas for Cardinal Preference Modeling (YC, UE, JL), pp. 145–152.
- KR-2006-WachterH #graph #representation
- Propositional DAGs: A New Graph-Based Language for Representing Boolean Functions (MW, RH), pp. 277–285.
- CSL-2006-GollerL #infinity #logic #model checking
- Infinite State Model-Checking of Propositional Dynamic Logics (SG, ML), pp. 349–364.
- RTA-2006-HendrixOV #automaton
- Propositional Tree Automata (JH, HO, MV), pp. 50–65.
- SAT-2006-Gelder #metric #proving
- Preliminary Report on Input Cover Number as a Metric for Propositional Resolution Proofs (AVG), pp. 48–53.
- SAT-2006-SheiniS #modulo theories #satisfiability
- From Propositional Satisfiability to Satisfiability Modulo Theories (HMS, KAS), pp. 1–9.
- SPLC-2005-Batory #feature model #modelling
- Feature Models, Grammars, and Propositional Formulas (DSB), pp. 7–20.
- SAT-J-2004-TangYRM05 #algorithm #analysis #problem #quantifier #satisfiability
- Analysis of Search Based Algorithms for Satisfiability of Propositional and Quantified Boolean Formulas Arising from Circuit State Space Diameter Problems (DT, YY, DR, SM), pp. 292–305.
- CSL-2005-Perron #proving
- A Propositional Proof System for Log Space (SP), pp. 509–524.
- ICLP-2005-PelovT #induction #satisfiability
- Reducing Inductive Definitions to Propositional Satisfiability (NP, ET), pp. 221–234.
- LICS-2005-Mellies #game studies #linear #logic
- Asynchronous Games 4: A Fully Complete Model of Propositional Linear Logic (PAM), pp. 386–395.
- SAT-2005-BelovS #logic #satisfiability
- Substitutional Definition of Satisfiability in Classical Propositional Logic (AB, ZS), pp. 31–45.
- SAT-2005-Gelder #bound #distance #proving
- Input Distance and Lower Bounds for Propositional Resolution Proof Length (AVG), pp. 282–293.
- TLCA-2005-LamarcheS #logic #proving
- Naming Proofs in Classical Propositional Logic (FL, LS), pp. 246–261.
- ICALP-2004-Skelley #quantifier #reasoning #source code
- Propositional PSPACE Reasoning with Boolean Programs Versus Quantified Boolean Formulas (AS), pp. 1163–1175.
- ICEIS-v2-2004-LoucaRGM #3d #multi #research
- Multi-Agent Propositions to Manage Organizational Knowledge: Position Paper Concerning a Three-Dimensional Research Project (JL, CR, FG, VM), pp. 436–441.
- KR-2004-Coste-MarquisLLM #representation
- Expressive Power and Succinctness of Propositional Languages for Preference Representation (SCM, JL, PL, PM), pp. 203–212.
- KR-2004-SerafiniR #satisfiability
- Satisfiability for Propositional Contexts (LS, FR), pp. 369–376.
- KR-2004-ZhouC #semantics
- Partial Implication Semantics for Desirable Propositions (YZ, XC), pp. 606–612.
- SAC-2004-MeneguzziZM
- Propositional planning in BDI agents (FRM, AFZ, MdCM), pp. 58–63.
- CSL-2004-Hyland #abstract interpretation #calculus #proving
- Abstract Interpretation of Proofs: Classical Propositional Calculus (MH), pp. 6–21.
- LICS-2004-NordhJ #algebra #approach #complexity
- An Algebraic Approach to the Complexity of Propositional Circumscription (GN, PJ), pp. 367–376.
- ECIR-2003-LosadaB #documentation #evaluation #logic #query #scalability
- Propositional Logic Representations for Documents and Queries: A Large-Scale Evaluation (DEL, AB), pp. 219–234.
- CSL-2003-EiterM #abduction #generative #query
- Generating All Abductive Explanations for Queries on Propositional Horn Theories (TE, KM), pp. 197–211.
- KR-2002-Lin #equivalence #logic programming #source code
- Reducing Strong Equivalence of Logic Programs to Entailment in Classical Propositional Logic (FL), pp. 170–176.
- CADE-2002-AudemardBCKS #approach #linear #satisfiability
- A SAT Based Approach for Solving Formulas over Boolean and Linear Mathematical Propositions (GA, PB, AC, AK, RS), pp. 195–210.
- CADE-2002-GalmicheM #logic #proving
- Connection-Based Proof Search in Propositional BI Logic (DG, DM), pp. 111–128.
- CSL-2002-AtseriasB #on the #proving
- On the Automatizability of Resolution and Related Propositional Proof Systems (AA, MLB), pp. 569–583.
- CSL-2002-Beckmann #proving #strict
- Resolution Refutations and Propositional Proofs with Height-Restrictions (AB), pp. 599–612.
- CSL-2002-ChernovSSV #logic
- Variants of Realizability for Propositional Formulas and the Logic of the Weak Law of Excluded Middle (AVC, DPS, EZS, NKV), pp. 74–88.
- LICS-2002-Bars #logic #satisfiability
- The 0-1 law fails for frame satisfiability of propositional modal logic (JMLB), pp. 225–234.
- LICS-2002-Cook #complexity #proving
- Complexity Classes, Propositional Proof Systems, and Formal Theories (SAC), p. 311.
- LICS-2002-RepsLS #semantics
- Semantic Minimization of 3-Valued Propositional Formulae (TWR, AL, SS), p. 40–?.
- SAT-2002-Bruni #satisfiability
- Exact selection of minimal unsatisfiable subformulae for special classes of propositional formulae (RB), p. 22.
- SAT-2002-Marques-Silva #reasoning #satisfiability
- Hypothetical reasoning in propositional satisfiability (Keynote Talk) (JMS), p. 14.
- TACAS-2001-Fourman #reasoning
- Propositional Reasoning (MPF), p. 23.
- SEKE-2001-RamirezA #constraints #reasoning
- Checking Integrity Constraints in Reasoning Systems based on Propositions and Relationships (JR, AdA), pp. 188–195.
- CSL-2001-KopylovN #markov #type system
- Markov’s Principle for Propositional Type Theory (AK, AN), pp. 570–584.
- IJCAR-2001-AvronL #canonical #type system
- Canonical Propositional Gentzen-Type Systems (AA, IL), pp. 529–544.
- IJCAR-2001-GiunchigliaMTZ #heuristic #optimisation #satisfiability
- Evaluating Search Heuristics and Optimization Techniques in Propositional Satisfiability (EG, MM, AT, DZ), pp. 347–363.
- LICS-2001-KirousisK #complexity
- A Dichotomy in the Complexity of Propositional Circumscription (LMK, PGK), pp. 71–80.
- STOC-2000-AlekhnovichBRW #calculus #complexity
- Space complexity in propositional calculus (MA, EBS, AAR, AW), pp. 358–367.
- KR-2000-FargierLM #logic
- Propositional Logic and One-Stage Decision Making (HF, JL, PM), pp. 445–456.
- CL-2000-BroersenWM #logic #semantics
- A Semantics for Persistency in Propositional Dynamic Logic (JMB, RW, JJCM), pp. 912–925.
- CL-2000-LehmannL #calculus #decidability
- Decidability Results for the Propositional Fluent Calculus (HL, ML), pp. 762–776.
- CL-2000-MoinardR #finite #set
- Smallest Equivalent Sets for Finite Propositional Formula Circumscription (YM, RR), pp. 897–911.
- IWPC-1999-HarmanFHBD #approximate #decidability
- Program Simplification as a Means of Approximating Undecidable Propositions (MH, CF, RMH, DB, SD), pp. 208–217.
- ICALP-1998-Zakharov #approach #decidability #equivalence #performance #source code
- An Efficient and Unified Approach to the Decidability of Equivalence of Propositional Programs (VAZ), pp. 247–258.
- KR-1998-LangM #complexity #independence #logic
- Complexity Results for Independence and Definability in Propositional Logic (JL, PM), pp. 356–367.
- CADE-1997-KornK #logic
- Deciding Intuitionistic Propositional Logic via Translation into Classical Logic (DSK, CK), pp. 131–145.
- CADE-1997-Zhang #named #performance #proving
- SATO: An Efficient Propositional Prover (HZ), pp. 272–275.
- CAV-1997-PardoH #abstraction #automation #calculus #model checking #μ-calculus
- Automatic Abstraction Techniques for Propositional μ-calculus Model Checking (AP, GDH), pp. 12–23.
- ICALP-1996-Razborov #bound #independence #proving
- Lower Bounds for Propositional Proofs and Independence Results in Bounded Arithmetic (AAR), pp. 48–62.
- KR-1996-CadoliDLS #information management #performance #representation
- Comparing Space Efficiency of Propositional Knowledge Representation Formalisms (MC, FMD, PL, MS), pp. 364–373.
- KR-1996-KautzMS #encoding #logic
- Encoding Plans in Propositional Logic (HAK, DAM, BS), pp. 374–384.
- LOPSTR-1996-FribourgO #logic programming #petri net #reduction #source code
- Reductions of Petri Nets and Unfolding of Propositional Logic Programs (LF, HO), pp. 187–203.
- CADE-1996-GiacomoM #algorithm #logic
- Tableaux and Algorithms for Propositional Dynamic Logic with Converse (GDG, FM), pp. 613–627.
- CADE-1996-GiunchigliaS #case study #logic
- Building Decision Procedures for Modal Logics from Propositional Decision Procedure — The Case Study of Modal K (FG, RS), pp. 583–597.
- DLT-1995-Nitsche #linear #logic #semantics
- A Finitary-Language Semantics for Propositional Linear Temporal Logic (UN), pp. 482–489.
- CAV-1995-Kupferman #branch #logic #quantifier
- Augmenting Branching Temporal Logics with Existential Quantification over Atomic Propositions (OK), pp. 325–338.
- LICS-1995-Lamarche #game studies #linear #logic #semantics
- Games Semantics for Full Propositional Linear Logic (FL), pp. 464–473.
- LICS-1995-Walukiewicz #axiom #calculus #μ-calculus
- Completeness of Kozen’s Axiomatisation of the Propositional μ-Calculus (IW), pp. 14–24.
- KDD-1994-Tsukimoto #logic
- The Discovery of Logical Propositions in Numerical Data (HT), pp. 205–216.
- KR-1994-Bennett #logic #reasoning
- Spatial Reasoning with Propositional Logics (BB), pp. 51–62.
- KR-1994-Schild #calculus
- Terminological Cycles and the Propositional µ-Calculus (KS), pp. 509–520.
- KR-1994-Val #compilation #database #how
- Tractable Databases: How to Make Propositional Unit Resolution Complete Through Compilation (AdV), pp. 551–561.
- ICML-1993-FrazierP #learning
- Learning From Entailment: An Application to Propositional Horn Sentences (MF, LP), pp. 120–127.
- CAV-1993-KestenMMP #algorithm #logic
- A Decision Algorithm for Full Propositional Temporal Logic (YK, ZM, HM, AP), pp. 97–109.
- PODS-1992-EiterG #complexity #knowledge base #on the
- On the Complexity of Propositional Knowledge Base Revision, Updates, and Counterfactuals (TE, GG), pp. 261–273.
- KR-1992-Lownie #logic
- A Contraction Operator For Classical Propositional Logic (TML), pp. 720–731.
- CADE-1992-BenhamouS #calculus #symmetry
- Theoretical Study of Symmetries in Propositional Calculus and Applications (BB, LS), pp. 281–294.
- CADE-1992-Schumann #logic #named #proving #theorem proving
- KPROP — An AND-parallel Theorem Prover for Propositional Logic implemented in KL1 (System Abstract) (JS), pp. 740–742.
- JICSLP-1992-Ben-EliyahuD #logic programming #source code
- Propositional Sematics for Disjunctive Logic Programs (RBE, RD), pp. 813–827.
- ML-1991-Cain
- The DUCTOR: A Theory Revision System for Propositional Domains (TC), pp. 485–489.
- LOPSTR-1991-Noel #nondeterminism
- A Method for the Determinisation of Propositional Temporal Formulae (PN), pp. 276–296.
- LICS-1991-CortesiFW #abstract domain #analysis
- Prop revisited: Propositional Formula as Abstract Domain for Groundness Analysis (AC, GF, WHW), pp. 322–327.
- CHI-1990-Olsen
- Propositional production systems for dialog description (DROJ), pp. 57–64.
- ALP-1990-SimonisD #calculus #problem
- Propositional Calculus Problems in CHIP (HS, MD), pp. 189–203.
- CADE-1990-PritchardS #logic #modelling #tutorial
- Tutorial on Computing Models of Propositional Logics (PP, JKS), p. 685.
- CLP-1990-Harel90 #how #question #source code
- How Hard Is It to Reason about Propositional Programs? (DH), pp. 772–773.
- CSL-1989-KrajicekP #modelling
- Propositional Provability and Models of Weak Arithmetic (JK, PP), pp. 193–210.
- ALP-1988-Foret #logic
- Rewrite Rule Systems for Modal Propositional Logic (AF), pp. 147–156.
- CADE-1988-AabyN #logic
- Propositional Temporal Interval Logic is PSPACE Complete (AAA, KTN), pp. 218–237.
- CADE-1988-Pfenning #axiom #calculus
- Single Axioms in the Implicational Propositional Calculus (FP), pp. 710–713.
- CSL-1988-BuningLS #detection #prolog #source code
- Loop Detection in Propositional Prolog Programs (HKB, UL, SS), pp. 148–165.
- CSL-1988-Niemela #complexity #logic #on the #problem
- On the Complexity of the Decision Problem in Propositional Nonmonotonic Logic (IN), pp. 226–239.
- CSL-1988-Paech #logic
- Gentzen-Systems for Propositional Temporal Logics (BP), pp. 240–253.
- CSL-1987-Weber #algorithm
- Algorithms for Propositional Updates (AW0), pp. 335–346.
- POPL-1986-Wolper #logic #source code
- Expressing Interesting Properties of Programs in Propositional Temporal Logic (PW), pp. 184–193.
- LICS-1986-EmersonL #calculus #model checking #performance #μ-calculus
- Efficient Model Checking in Fragments of the Propositional μ-Calculus (Extended Abstract) (EAE, CLL), pp. 267–278.
- LICS-1986-HalpernS #logic
- A Propositional Model Logic of Time Intervals (JYH, YS), pp. 279–292.
- ICALP-1984-StreettE #calculus #μ-calculus
- The Propositional μ-Calculus is Elementary (RSS, EAE), pp. 465–472.
- CADE-1984-Gelder #calculus #satisfiability
- A Satisfiability Tester for Non-Clausal Propositional Calculus (AVG), pp. 101–112.
- STOC-1983-Feldman #decidability #logic #probability
- A Decidable Propositional Probabilistic Dynamic Logic (YAF), pp. 298–309.
- STOC-1982-SistlaC #complexity #linear #logic
- The Complexity of Propositional Linear Temporal Logics (APS, EMC), pp. 159–168.
- ICALP-1982-Kozen #calculus #μ-calculus
- Results on the Propositional μ-Calculus (DK), pp. 348–359.
- STOC-1981-KrishnamurthyM #calculus
- Examples of Hard Tautologies in the Propositional Calculus (BK, RNM), pp. 28–37.
- STOC-1981-Streett #logic
- Propositional Dynamic Logic of Looping and Converse (RSS), pp. 375–383.
- ICALP-1981-Ben-AriHP #finite #logic #modelling
- Finite Models for Deterministic Propositional Dynamic Logic (MBA, JYH, AP), pp. 249–263.
- ICALP-1981-MeyerSM #deduction #logic #problem
- The Deducibility Problem in Propositional Dynamic Logic (ARM, RSS, GM), pp. 238–248.
- POPL-1980-Parikh #complexity #logic #modelling #source code
- Propositional Logics of Programs: Systems, Models, and Complexity (RP), pp. 186–192.
- STOC-1978-Dowd #proving #representation
- Propositional Representation of Arithmetic Proofs (Preliminary Version) (MD), pp. 246–252.
- STOC-1978-Pratt #logic
- A Practical Decision Method for Propositional Dynamic Logic: Preliminary Report (VRP), pp. 326–337.
- STOC-1977-FischerL #logic #source code
- Propositional Modal Logic of Programs (Extended Abstract) (MJF, REL), pp. 286–294.
- STOC-1975-Cook #calculus #proving
- Feasibly Constructive Proofs and the Propositional Calculus (Preliminary Version) (SAC), pp. 83–97.
- STOC-1974-CookR #calculus #on the #proving
- On the Lengths of Proofs in the Propositional Calculus (Preliminary Version) (SAC, RAR), pp. 135–148.