7 papers:
CHI-2014-AhmedJAFRRAM #framework #named- Protibadi: a platform for fighting sexual harassment in urban bangladesh (SIA, SJJ, NA, HSF, MRR, ASMR, SA, RSM), pp. 2695–2704.
CHI-2014-HaimsonBH #online- DDFSeeks same: sexual health-related language in online personal ads for men who have sex with men (OLH, JRB, GRH), pp. 1615–1624.
HCI-III-2013-RukavinaGTHWTJ #automation #classification #gender- The Impact of Gender and Sexual Hormones on Automated Psychobiological Emotion Classification (SR, SG, JWT, DH, SW, HCT, LJB), pp. 474–482.
ECIR-2013-PanchenkoBNF #categorisation #detection #towards- Towards Detection of Child Sexual Abuse Media: Categorization of the Associated Filenames (AP, RB, HN, CF), pp. 776–779.
CHI-2011-KannabiranBB #how #human-computer #research- How HCI talks about sexuality: discursive strategies, blind spots, and opportunities for future research (GK, JB, SB), pp. 695–704.
ITiCSE-2006-Godejord #education #social #using- Exploring teacher methodology: using the example of sexual abuse of children as a way of teaching social informatics (PAG), p. 340.
KDD-2001-AdderleyM #behaviour #case study #commit #data mining #mining #modelling- Data mining case study: modeling the behavior of offenders who commit serious sexual assaults (RA, PBM), pp. 215–220.