18 papers:
DocEng-2015-CutterM #documentation #how #mobile #towards- Towards Mobile OCR: How to Take a Good Picture of a Document Without Sight (MPC, RM), pp. 75–84.
CHI-2015-BranhamK #collaboration #how- Collaborative Accessibility: How Blind and Sighted Companions Co-Create Accessible Home Spaces (SMB, SKK), pp. 2373–2382.
CSCW-2015-GiesbrechtCS #mobile- Back in Sight, Back in Mind: Picture-Centric Support for Mobile Counseling Sessions (TG, TC, GS), pp. 486–495.
PLEASE-2015-SeguraTRSAC #multitenancy #named- WISE-SPL: Bringing Multi-tenancy to the Weather InSights Environment System (VCVBS, LPT, JPdFR, MNdS, LGA, RFGC), pp. 7–10.
CHI-2014-SeahPBKOKCS #named #smell- SensaBubble: a chrono-sensory mid-air display of sight and smell (SAS, DMP, PDB, AK, VSO, JK, AC, SS), pp. 2863–2872.
SIGIR-2014-LivneGTDA #difference #named #recommendation #using- CiteSight: supporting contextual citation recommendation using differential search (AL, VG, JT, STD, EA), pp. 807–816.
RE-2014-RiazKSW #automation #identification #natural language #requirements #security- Hidden in plain sight: Automatically identifying security requirements from natural language artifacts (MR, JTK, JS, LAW), pp. 183–192.
ICSE-2014-BeschastnikhBEK #behaviour #concurrent #modelling- Inferring models of concurrent systems from logs of their behavior with CSight (IB, YB, MDE, AK), pp. 468–479.
ICDAR-2013-CutterM #documentation #image #realtime- Real Time Camera Phone Guidance for Compliant Document Image Acquisition without Sight (MPC, RM), pp. 408–412.
MSR-2013-DullemondGSD #distributed #microblog #problem- Fixing the “out of sight out of mind” problem: one year of mood-based microblogging in a distributed software team (KD, BvG, MADS, AvD), pp. 267–276.
HCI-AS-2013-HuangC13a #education #interface #learning #music #self #visualisation- Sound to Sight: The Effects of Self-generated Visualization on Music Sight-Singing as an Alternate Learning Interface for Music Education within a Web-Based Environment (YTH, CNC), pp. 386–390.
SIGIR-2013-SappelliVK #personalisation #recommendation #using- Recommending personalized touristic sights using google places (MS, SV, WK), pp. 781–784.
TLCA-2013-Breuvart #relational #λ-calculus- The Resource λ Calculus Is Short-Sighted in Its Relational Model (FB), pp. 93–108.
HIMI-v2-2011-HashiguchiO- Proposal of the Kawaii Search System Based on the First Sight of Impression (KH, KO), pp. 21–30.
SIGIR-2011-Yom-TovD #physics #social- Out of sight, not out of mind: on the effect of social and physical detachment on information need (EYT, FD), pp. 385–394.
HCI-CCAD-1999-JackoRSPD #performance #visual notation- Linking visual capabilities of partially sighted computer users to psychomotor task performance (JAJ, RHRJ, IUS, CJP, MAD), pp. 975–979.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Sik-LanyiKV #development #multi- Multimedia program for the development of the vision of partially sighted children (CSL, PK, ZV), pp. 1014–1017.
CHI-1995-SavidisS #interface- Developing Dual Interfaces for Integrating Blind and Sighted Users: The HOMER UIMS (AS, CS), pp. 106–113.