6 papers:
DAC-2015-ChangCKLL #memory management #performance- Achieving SLC performance with MLC flash memory (YMC, YHC, TWK, YCL, HPL), p. 6.
SAC-2015-AlemerienM #metric #named #predict #usability #user interface #visual notation- SLC: a visual cohesion metric to predict the usability of graphical user interfaces (KA, KM), pp. 1526–1533.
DAC-2014-ZhaoJZX #process- SLC-enabled Wear Leveling for MLC PCM Considering Process Variation (MZ, LJ, YZ, CJX), p. 6.
DATE-2013-JimenezNI #named- Phœnix: reviving MLC blocks as SLC to extend NAND flash devices lifetime (XJ, DN, PI), pp. 226–229.
SAC-2009-ImS #architecture #memory management- Storage architecture and software support for SLC/MLC combined flash memory (SI, DS), pp. 1664–1669.
CAV-2001-LeuckerN #concurrent #framework #named #parallel #verification- Truth/SLC — A Parallel Verification Platform for Concurrent Systems (ML, TN), pp. 255–259.