7 papers:
DATE-2015-WangLZ #big data #named- SODA: software defined FPGA based accelerators for big data (CW, XL, XZ), pp. 884–887.
CAiSE-2013-KramerE #outsourcing #requirements- Outsourcing Location Selection with SODA: A Requirements Based Decision Support Methodology and Tool (TK, ME), pp. 530–545.
VLDB-2012-BlunschiJKMS #generative #named #sql- SODA: Generating SQL for Business Users (LB, CJ, DK, MM, KS), pp. 932–943.
CIKM-2011-BlunschiJKMS- Data-thirsty business analysts need SODA: search over data warehouse (LB, CJ, DK, MM, KS), pp. 2525–2528.
SAC-2008-NardiniMOD #case study- SPEM on test: the SODA case study (EN, AM, AO, ED), pp. 700–706.
DAC-2007-ZhangGS #architecture #named #optimisation- SODA: Sensitivity Based Optimization of Disk Architecture (YZ, SG, MRS), pp. 865–870.
HPDC-2003-JiangX #architecture #named #on-demand- SODA: A Service-On-Demand Architecture for Application Service Hosting Utility Platforms (XJ, DX), pp. 174–183.