17 papers:
CHI-2015-ZhongLBB #image #named- RegionSpeak: Quick Comprehensive Spatial Descriptions of Complex Images for Blind Users (YZ, WSL, ELB, JPB), pp. 2353–2362.
HCI-IT-2015-JeongS #case study #how #smarttech #user interface #what- It’s not What It Speaks, but It’s How It Speaks: A Study into Smartphone Voice-User Interfaces (VUI) (JJ, DHS), pp. 284–291.
LCT-2015-OnoOIY #case study #communication- Voice-Based Computer Mediated Communication for Individual Practice to Increase Speaking Proficiency: Construction and Pilot Study (YO, AO, MI, MY), pp. 115–123.
ICST-2015-Werner- Fluently Reading, Writing and Speaking Hexadecimal with Gepetto’s Help (DW), pp. 1–5.
HCI-TMT-2014-MattosPP #identification #interactive- Can Users Speak for Themselves? Investigating Users Ability to Identify Their Own Interactive Breakdowns (BAMM, RLSP, ROP), pp. 521–532.
SAC-2014-RithLM #sql- Speaking in tongues: SQL access to NoSQL systems (JR, PSL, KMW), pp. 855–857.
CHI-2011-ChenNC #online #recommendation #social- Speak little and well: recommending conversations in online social streams (JC, RN, EHhC), pp. 217–226.
HT-2010-LiuFZ #recommendation #social- Speak the same language with your friends: augmenting tag recommenders with social relations (KL, BF, WZ), pp. 45–50.
KR-2010-Thielscher #calculus- Integrating Action Calculi and AgentSpeak: Closing the Gap (MT).
SEKE-2005-SalimCKG #execution #specification #towards- Towards Executable Specification: Combining i* and AgentSpeak(L) (FS, CFC, AK, AG), pp. 739–742.
WCRE-2000-StrouliaTS #towards #web #xml- Constructing XML-Speaking Wrappers for WEB Applications: Towards an Interoperating WEB (ES, JRT, GS), p. 59–?.
CHI-2000-ChristianA #experience- Speak out and annoy someone: experience with intelligent kiosks (ADC, BLA), pp. 313–320.
CHI-1997-LaiV #named #recognition #speech- MedSpeak: Report Creation with Continuous Speech Recognition (JL, JV), pp. 431–438.
FME-1994-Mukherjee #semantics- A Semantics for NewSpeak in VDM-SL (PM), pp. 480–501.
INTERCHI-1993-AlmTEN #people- Computer aided conversation for severely physically impaired non-speaking people (NA, JT, LE, AFN), pp. 236–241.
LICS-1991-HuttelS #process #proving #similarity #word- Actions Speak Louder than Words: Proving Bisimilarity for Context-Free Processes (HH, CS), pp. 376–386.
KR-1989-Barnden- Belief, Metaphorically Speaking (JAB), pp. 21–32.